Well got the first injection over and done with last night as you guys who have done it before will know the “feelingâ€. Can, t explain it really felt like excitement but anticipation at the same time. Hell I had butterflies!!
Just for you guys who have never injected before and don’t look forward to it, let me tell you I hate needles no in fact I loathe them.
Any way I cleaned the area and on a clean surface loaded the syringe with 2ml of Deca and 1 ml of Sust (See Injection Questions in the Hot Discussion Topics in the Steroid Forum for Info) Kept the loading needle on and placed the syringe into a beaker of hot water for 15mins(Thanks Big Al ;-) ) This helped to thin the oil out. After swapping the needle for a 23g 1 ¼†I just hesitated over the right glute thinking “Here we go†Before I knew it the needle was in no problem and it was the easiest thing I have done. I stood there smiling like a Cheshire cat with a 5ml syringe sticking out of my ass.
I slowly drew back onto the plunger to see if I had entered a vein and there before my eyes the blood entered the syringe.
I slowly removed the needle with a cotton wool ball I had at hand stuck this near the injection site before the needle was fully removed. It bled a little but not much. I placed the syringe over the beaker of water with the needle tip down and slowly pushed down on the plunger removing the blood from the syringe. (The blood will sink to the tip of the syringe because of the density of it compared to the oil so it does not mix) I also found that dripping it into a beaker of water I could be sure all the blood was removed because a droplet of oil fell from the needle onto the surface of the water where it remained
I removed the needle and placed another clean needle on and cleaned the other glute and slowly injected that side after no blood was drawn. I massaged the area and even ran up and down the stairs why I don’t know just seemed like a good idea at the time-LOL
Today 12hrs later any pain? Only from the side I got the blood from but that is minimal but from the injected side nothing. Absolutely painless.
The hardest part for me about injecting for the first time was the mental preparation sounds silly but I can say honestly say this the needle entering doesn’t hurt it feels like a tiny scratch and as for pushing it in there is no pain.The thought of doing it is far more scary than actually doing it.
Well now a part of the chemically enhanced bodybuilders feels a bit strange but I feel so positive and relaxed at the same time I know it has nothing to do with the juice and is more of a physiological thing but what a feeling I can’t wait to train and tear those weights apart. After 7 months of research I finally felt ready!