Hello brothers ,
I'm starting this thread cuz I need my ass kicked , and who ll do it better than you, right?
My confession is that I'm addicted to cigarettes , I'm a smoker.. And a heavy smoker.. I started at the age of 18 , doing 2 packs a day , till my best friend had a stroke at the age of 35 , and lived by a miracle..
That's when I decided to stop, I used champix , and I dunno how but I managed to quit for 18 months... I also dunno how I got stupid that night and lighted a cigarette after 18 months of being clean .. I screwed up, next day I bought a pack... Things got back to where they were..
5 days ago, my uncle called me , he has lung cancer.. So I'm trying again and I need your help..
I am trying to cut to 5 cig per day all after 8 pm , hoping that I ll get rid of that death stick on stages..
Others say , that stoping cold turkey is the best approach ..
What do u think about E cigarettes ?
Anyone else used champix? Anyone else won the battle??
Help needed here..
Respect to everyone of you.