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Thread: I'm losing hope of ever lifting again

  1. #1

    Need Expert Opinions

    I'm 24 years old and I have rotator cuff pain in both shoulders, pain in both wrist when doing ez bar curls and I have slight tendonitis in both elbows that was really bad before I started tb500. I've been on and off tb500 for 3 or 4 months. But I don't think I'm gonna be able to ever lift again and I'm getting depressed. I could go to the gym and do a full chest workout but I'm in pain after a couple sets. Not crazy pain but i can feel it. Idk what to do. Is there any hope for me?
    Last edited by live2flex7; 01-26-2015 at 09:34 PM.

  2. #2
    I know the feeling went through the same thing.

  3. #3
    The only and best advice I can give you is you have to rest and give yourself time to heal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    WTF ? ? ?

    Hey....come on man....Knock off the Drama !

    You are 24 yrs old....?

    LOL...wait until you reach your 50's.

    Suck it up dude....(I FEEL like i want to reach through the Screen and Smack you). You are in your PRIME and squawking about a rota tor cuff?

    Get an operation....or wait until it heals. Simple.

    I've had MAJOR PAIN INJURY'S...where i couldn't f##kn walk. I missed training for years over back injuries. I couldn't get out of Bed for weeks..and you are "CRYING" about a Rota-tor Cuff've only had for 4 mths?

    I have friends with ankle and foot injuries that have taken YEARS to heal.


    Go out and join the military. Enlist...before its too late and you become a complete p##sy. Get a taste of Real Life. Then you will thank God for your minor Rota tor Cuff Injury.

    Jessus.... ?

  5. #5
    I got discharged from the army from a shoulder injury. Grow up with your crazy remarks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    sound like you're lifting more than your body can handle, and maybe doing it wrong?!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    WTF ? ? ?

    Hey....come on man....Knock off the Drama !

    You are 24 yrs old....?

    LOL...wait until you reach your 50's.

    Suck it up dude....(I FEEL like i want to reach through the Screen and Smack you). You are in your PRIME and squawking about a rota tor cuff?

    Get an operation....or wait until it heals. Simple.

    I've had MAJOR PAIN INJURY'S...where i couldn't f##kn walk. I missed training for years over back injuries. I couldn't get out of Bed for weeks..and you are "CRYING" about a Rota-tor Cuff've only had for 4 mths?

    I have friends with ankle and foot injuries that have taken YEARS to heal.


    Go out and join the military. Enlist...before its too late and you become a complete p##sy. Get a taste of Real Life. Then you will thank God for your minor Rota tor Cuff Injury.

    Jessus.... ?
    Immature response. I highly doubt OP made the thread to hear you brag about how tough you are.

    Rest and lighten up OP, it might take a while but it will heal with time. Back off heavily on the frequency and intensity of pressing and overhead movements, stick with the tb500 and most importantly, consult a doctor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Many times the world seems like it's caving in on you. I know this very well. At 38 I already have a fake hip and have less than 2 years left on my left hip. I've had major tendonitis and I'm not dealing with a shoulder injury. There will be ups and downs in your life and your training. It's a marathon and not a sprint. Get the shoulder looked at and see what's going on. Years ago I sustained a major shoulder injury doing Jiu Jitsu. I went to an orthopedic and he was convinced it was a rotator cuff and needed surgery. After an MRI it was determined it was several fractures and it healed on its own in about 5 months. Hang in there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by live2flex7 View Post
    I got discharged from the army from a shoulder injury. Grow up with your crazy remarks.
    Grow up?
    Did you double POST THIS THREAD?
    Looking for Pity ?
    You were in the Army?

    You've ALREADY been given some tough advice on the other you are still complaining on a 2nd thread. APPARENTLY you need to hear it again.

    Losing Hope sounds "Suicidal."
    My guess is other issues going on that leads someone to start a thread with "losing hope of EVER LIFTING AGAIN" over a shoulder injury.
    At 24, you should know by now that life has its ups and downs.
    A Rotator cuff injury should only be "the worst thing" that happens to you in your training life (if you are extremely lucky).

    Suck it up Soldier. I gave you some Big Brother Advice.
    You want to continue to Whine, (and start duplicate threads) with statements like "Give up Hope of ever Lifting again...?"
    ...then expect to get some big brother advice. You will get little sympathy from the old timers here (like me (4yrs Marine Corp), who's seen guys lose their legs.

    *Get an operation (if its torn) or rehab the injury. Those are your choices.
    You are young enough to recover relatively fast (if its not torn).
    If it is torn, then WTF are you doing with TB-500? It will not heal if its torn.

    *Training with Weights is tough on the Body. Believe you me, you will have plenty of injuries to deal with (if you live long enough).

    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Immature response. I highly doubt OP made the thread to hear you brag about how tough you are.
    Rest and lighten up OP, it might take a while but it will heal with time. Back off heavily on the frequency and intensity of pressing and overhead movements, stick with the tb500 and most importantly, consult a doctor.
    Another Youngster with "years of living life" experience. LOL. What are you 19 or 20yrs old (i read somewhere?)
    You are repeating my original advice.
    STOP enabling. Life is tough...get used to it. See above.

    Last edited by tcw; 01-28-2015 at 06:43 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    WTF ? ? ?

    Hey....come on man....Knock off the Drama !

    You are 24 yrs old....?

    LOL...wait until you reach your 50's.

    Suck it up dude....(I FEEL like i want to reach through the Screen and Smack you). You are in your PRIME and squawking about a rota tor cuff?

    Get an operation....or wait until it heals. Simple.

    I've had MAJOR PAIN INJURY'S...where i couldn't f##kn walk. I missed training for years over back injuries. I couldn't get out of Bed for weeks..and you are "CRYING" about a Rota-tor Cuff've only had for 4 mths?

    I have friends with ankle and foot injuries that have taken YEARS to heal.


    Go out and join the military. Enlist...before its too late and you become a complete p##sy. Get a taste of Real Life. Then you will thank God for your minor Rota tor Cuff Injury.

    Jessus.... ?
    I think your comments are uncalled for and make you look like a real ass.... just saying...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    some good advice. you're really young so sooner or later you have to realizing ur not invincible. sometimes it's as easy as not doing things that consistently hurt you. or finding a better ways to do them. you're going to literally have 100's if not 1000's of hobbies and passions in ur lifetime. think of how many you've had since you were a kid. if you enjoy being fit and working out it will always be a part of ur life...just maybe not to the level of expectation ur setting. sounds like ur choosing an exercise/weight/expectation that doesn't fit. find the place where ur body and mind meet. there's more than one way to skin a cat
    Last edited by HGH4Lymes; 01-28-2015 at 09:00 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina
    Could be a possibility that you are lifting too heavy or something in your diet or supplements that are causing inflamation in the body. Too much sugars in your diet can cause that type of response from the body. People think it's ok to lift heavy everyday for every body part. I believe that you should change up the routine and add higher reps and lighter weight in there for maximum benefit.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post

    Immature response. I highly doubt OP made the thread to hear you brag about how tough you are.

    Rest and lighten up OP, it might take a while but it will heal with time. Back off heavily on the frequency and intensity of pressing and overhead movements, stick with the tb500 and most importantly, consult a doctor.
    Dont worry about tcw. He is just a grumpy old fart like me and hasnt been around for a while. He will come around to the new softer side of ar-r soon enough.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    What did you say to me LB?

    Muther F##kn S@#!$%** !

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Dont worry about tcw. He is just a grumpy old fart like me and hasnt been around for a while. He will come around to the new softer side of ar-r soon enough.
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    Last edited by tcw; 01-28-2015 at 06:10 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post

    What did you say to me LB?

    Muther F##kn S@#!$%** !
    Im not worried, you will forget what I said soon enough because of the Alzheimer's

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    here and there
    I've had nagging pain in my cuffs for some time. Mine was caused by improper benching technique. It wasn't a problem until j got into the upper 200s and low 300s. I took two full weeks off. No nothing. Not even legs and came back and forced myself to relearn to bench properly and work the weight up. Today, there is little to no pain.

    Give it some rest. Take some time off. I know, easier said than done

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    here and there
    Also, strengthening/stretching of the rotators can be achieved with the use of a band once you do come back. I make myself stretch and warm up for at least 10-15 minutes before chest day.

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