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Thread: Adding HCG mid cycle

  1. #1

    Adding HCG mid cycle

    Hey guys,

    Starting my 8th week on test-e tomorrow, I'm taking 225mg E3D so that's about 525mg/week, and I've just got my HCG.
    I have a 5000iu's vial that I mixed with 2mL of bac. water.
    I was thinkin of starting it E3D the same days I'm injection the testosterone, at 250iu's every time. I'm a bit confused since I've read over the net some guys doing a ''blast'' of about 1000iu's mid cycle to get back testicular size then continuing with low doses until the end.
    I didnt notice a really big atrophy in my case, and I think the smaller size of my boys is more due to the fact that I'm having a lot more sex.

    As far as the cycle goes, I've gained about 13lbs, standing right now at 201lbs for 5'11, and I'd say my bodyfat is around 13.5/14. I'm wondering if I'm hitting my max weight soon, I started training 8 years ago at 135lbs and went to 190 naturally, and even on cycle right now the gains seems to slow down.

    Thanx for the support !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I would just go with 250 ius twice a week right up until 3 days prior to pct. Forget the blast, its outdated and you should have enough time before pct.

  3. #3
    That's what I thought, thank you Buster !!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Have you experienced much atrophy or not(regardless of sex - yes it will lower sperm count on cycle as your HPTA is completely shut down)?? If you haven't just take 250iu x wkly, if you have experienced atrophy(notably significant) do 250iu 3x a wk...

    Have you tried altering your diet and training program to get outta this platuau?? Diet and training will dictate your gains(it sounds as if your not eating enough! What's your macro split and TDEE?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I would just go with 250 ius twice a week right up until 3 days prior to pct. Forget the blast, its outdated and you should have enough time before pct.
    Haha musta been writing at same time! Lol

  6. #6
    I'm eating 4200 calories every day with 40/40/20 macros, training 4 days a week, TDEE must be around 2900 calories.

  7. #7
    And yeah I can see some atrophy right now !

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrgilmore View Post
    I'm eating 4200 calories every day with 40/40/20 macros, training 4 days a week, TDEE must be around 2900 calories.
    Your eating enough alright and w/that split you shouldn't have problems gaining as long as it's clean...

    I think 250iu 2x wkly is fine... If your still noticing significant atrophy the next step up would be 250iu 3x wkly but only if absolutely necessary...

    GL and you should be g2g!

  9. #9
    I'm still gaining right now, probably it's because the first 4 weeks I was adding dbol and the weight went up much faster that right now I feel its slowing down ! My diet is pretty clean, really boring but I dont mind, I'm used to it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrgilmore View Post
    I'm still gaining right now, probably it's because the first 4 weeks I was adding dbol and the weight went up much faster that right now I feel its slowing down ! My diet is pretty clean, really boring but I dont mind, I'm used to it.
    Yeah Dbol will do that! Mg ears it's great for stretching the muscle(and the pumps) never tried it surprisingly but it's on the agenda!

    Yeah most who eat correctly(it's kinda bland, but you get used to it) lol

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