Ok heres the deal... This is what my routine looks like
day off
The problem that I am having is that I go so **** hard on my back day that when i start leg day after properly stretching and warming up, when i go to squat My back feels like its goin to callapse... On tuesday i did dead lifts to start, my last set of deads I did 545 for 4 reps... I emphasize that im not power lifting, im body building but, for deads I go heavy and hard... OK any way when I was done my back didnt feel that bad... Toward the end of my back workout It got a little worse... Today when i tried to start with front squats i was dieing
and then after i squated i felt like I couldnt even stand up (physically hold my upper body up striaght).
Any way im lookin at changing my split primarily because of this.. SO what do u guys think... ANy suggestions for a new split???