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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #22481
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Can I wear my mask?
    Most definitely, big man!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  2. #22482
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    Rest day today.

    So, i sat in the garage, on my bench. . Amidst all my weights. Just enjoyed the solitude. indulged in a beer.

    Strangely, i was out there doing nothing longer then my sessions take.

  3. #22483
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsmybody View Post
    She's a HERO
    Oohhhh yes we like our girly here.

  4. #22484
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    Morning everyone raining mad here nothing new lol just heading to work in the rain hahaha.
    Chest is tight and sore this morning so good stuff will be tri's the day i finish early of a friday so will get my session in before the gym gets busy. I'll report back later guys/girls.

  5. #22485
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    Well...... I feel fvcking GREAT! My chest is popping, delts are rounded, traps are like two hams on my neck..... It's a "big" day today lol.

    Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 8:30 while weighing 264lbs. Tomorrow is my fitness test and its looking like I'm going to pass it. I'm resting all day today and giving my legs a chance to recover.

    Ill report back tomorrow

  6. #22486
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI

    Agreed on all points. It would be unreal to organise a meet sometime with all the regular contributors on here I'll gladly travel to the US as I love visiting there and planning on going again to new york in october
    You got a free pass at my gym brotha.... Along with everyone else here :-)

    Marcus requires two passes..... Takes up too much space lol

  7. #22487
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    You got a free pass at my gym brotha.... Along with everyone else here :-)

    Marcus requires two passes..... Takes up too much space lol
    Three Passes mate, Marcus doesnt go anywhere without his blow up doll!

  8. #22488
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Ok this is what i have. Decided since i train at stupid o clock to condense Marcus routine into four days. Ill take it easy first week because ive had two weeks rest/recovery trying to get this golfers elbow in check. Would anyone change anything?

    Tue- Chest/Bis/cardio
    Wed- Back/Abs
    Fri- Legs/Abs

  9. #22489
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Well...... I feel fvcking GREAT! My chest is popping, delts are rounded, traps are like two hams on my neck..... It's a "big" day today lol.

    Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 8:30 while weighing 264lbs. Tomorrow is my fitness test and its looking like I'm going to pass it. I'm resting all day today and giving my legs a chance to recover.

    Ill report back tomorrow
    Fitness test for what mate?

  10. #22490
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    Hammer strength press

    Incline press

    Cable crossovers

    Peck deck

    40 minutes cardio and done

  11. #22491
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Well...... I feel fvcking GREAT! My chest is popping, delts are rounded, traps are like two hams on my necik..... It's a "big" day today lol.

    Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 8:30 while weighing 264lbs. Tomorrow is my fitness test and its looking like I'm going to pass it. I'm resting all day today and giving my legs a chance to recover.

    Ill report back tomorrow
    GL Haz... You got this you beast!

    When I go back to Philly to see my Pop - I'll swing on down to Jersey for a session lol!

    Fueling up for delts/traps...
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-10-2015 at 05:50 AM.

  12. #22492
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Tomorrow is my fitness test and its looking like I'm going to pass it.
    Yes you are.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  13. #22493
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    You got a free pass at my gym brotha.... Along with everyone else here :-)

    Marcus requires two passes..... Takes up too much space lol
    Now that's made my day

    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    Three Passes mate, Marcus doesnt go anywhere without his blow up doll!
    Its not a doll its my gimp but my gimp isn't use to day light so may have a problem in getting the thing on the plane but I am sure it will feel at home in my suitcase

    Hope you sit next to me on the plane
    Last edited by marcus300; 07-10-2015 at 09:33 AM.

  14. #22494
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Oh boy do I need one! any Filipinos(Asians) you know that are available??

    I've decided to give my body a rest - it needs it... I've been sitting here watching videos(motivational) and I'm not even thinking right - I'm not going to waste a w/o - b/c I know w/out my mind it's worthless!

    Nice sessions so far guys
    Maybe one of the 5 extra Filipino girls staying at my house? Ill ask. I think it's about time for my manicure and pedicure.

  15. #22495
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny
    Three Passes mate, Marcus doesnt go anywhere without his blow up doll!
    Haz's blow up doll!

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  16. #22496
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Maybe one of the 5 extra Filipino girls staying at my house? Ill ask. I think it's about time for my manicure and pedicure.
    How much is a plane ticket that way and do you have an extra room? My bags are already packed!

  17. #22497
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    shoulders today and destroyed them,

    still feeling good and my strength just keeps increasing which is giving my body a new growth spurt, I wouldn't say I am going bursting out of my clothes anymore than normal its just i'm going extremely thick set on all body parts except calves (Kel you cvnt) but they are always last

    Anyway a little bit of my shoulder workout for you, I wont post it all just the smith machine shoulder press but in more detail

    The shoulder press was after fully warming up and a lot of RC stretches and warm ups, I was also rumble rolling for 30 mins all over my delts 10 mins before hitting the gym.

    Smith machine shoulder press

    1st set - warm up to feel the weight and get things moving, it takes a few reps for me to adjust my seating position so the bar flows in the right groove, this helps directing the weight in the right area and also away from certain pains due to my RC tear. Hit 16 reps some full reps some half reps.

    2nd set - added some more weight the bar and my position is spot on, the groove feels good and I am away getting some blood flow into my delts, the eight feels easy and no pain in my cuff and I knew I was going to be strong today. I hot 12 reps but could of done a lot more but I don't waste reps it was enough to get the blood flow going and my shoulders respond and activate. All the time doing the reps I was bracing and breathing and the power was just flowing.

    3rd set - I thought I would add some weight and do another feel/warm up set to gauge my working set weight, so stuck some serious weight on the bar which I knew was going to task me around 8-10 reps. Braced and unlocked the bar and the reps started to flow, my hands were in line with my elbows and the power was shooting through to the bar. I hit 8 reps and it felt easy, felt light so I racked the weight and I knew what I was going to do with my working set.

    1st working set - Weight was serious and I knew I had to get my head right for this, I decided to do a drop set because it was a new weight and didn't know exactly what I would get out of the first run of reps. My training partner started to call me all sorts of names to fire me up. I sat down and looked down between my legs and started to take in deep breaths and then I started to go into s different world, this time it was something in my past what really hurts and ignites all sorts of emotions. I instantly got goose bumps along my forearms and I wanted to hurt people, I never release anger outside the gym and this is the time to fully use what goes on inside my head.

    Not sure now long I was in this state of mind but all the time I was breathing deeply and thinking of this past event. Bang I am on fire inside my head, I could of gone in the ring with Tyson at this stage and I knew I would hurt him. My hearing went and the voice in my head is shouting at me, I look up and see my partner through the mirror shouting but I couldn't hear him, I saw guys in the gym looking over talking about the weight and if I was going to do it or not. That gave me another burst of adrenalin because I thought you cvnts don't think I can do this do you!!

    I braced and told my partner to help me unlock the weight, I didn't let the weight rest as soon as it was unlocked I started to press. Bang one rep easy, second rep easy and on my third I could hear my partner say " holy fuk your killing it" this sent the 3rd rep flying up, I was still in a state of emotional distress inside and I was using everything to steady and power the reps out, I was exhaling on the effort and my braced was rocking. 4th rep and I started to slow down rapidly and my partner had to slightly touch the bar 3" inches from the top, at the top I thought fuk it and went for a 5th rep my feet were pushing through the floor and my body started to shake and I started to come out of the zone I was in and the pain set into my delts, my spotter had to help me slightly with the 5th rep and I could hear him say "un fuking believable".

    I racked the weight and some weight was taking off while I was bent over breathing heavily, I started to go back into my past and my inner voice started at me again, my partner slapped me on the delt and said come on lets go, I must of been zoned out. I instantly started to rep again and the weight felt the same, bang my shoulders felt it straight away and the 6th rep intense it burnt and took a lot out of me, at the top and focused and braced and away I went another rep and I was slowing badly, wasn't sure if the 8th rep would go up or not but I started it, I dug deep thought of bad things and my spotter helped me complete the rep. I was totally fuked, I couldn't keep my arms on the bar they hurt that bad.

    I bent over and started to breath, I was gulping air in and focusing on the job I had to finish, I felt I had nothing else left the first set of reps took a lot out of me. Dropped the weight and away I went again. Boom another rep and it was hard, its stalled half way up and I could see black dots I breathed out hard and finished the rep and then I lowered the weight and did 2 half reps to fry the delts, I was in serious muscular pain and I felt I had grown 2 -3" wider during this set on my last half rep my spotter pushed me to finish it to the top and it was a struggle but did it and I just bent over and started to breath. I smiled to myself and thought "yes" and my partner said " your an animal" I stood up and looked in the mirror and tensed my delts.

    Pressing done, walked over the cybex side lateral machine.

    I took more warm up sets and feeler sets because this was my first exercise so wanted to make sure things felt right, on my laterals I wont be doing all that pre working set stuff my delts were on fire so one or two feeler and boom into my working set.

    Nothing special this is how I attack every session with this mind set and power, my mind is my secret weapon sometimes I shock myself the power within me.

  18. #22498
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It's like a "Hardy Boys" adventure. Felt like I was there. Awesome stuff big man.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  19. #22499
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Agreed on all points. It would be unreal to organise a meet sometime with all the regular contributors on here I'll gladly travel to the US as I love visiting there and planning on going again to new york in october
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Dang it, DCI, you must be psychic. I just had told the wife that if we ever hit the lottery I would have to buy a sh!tload of plane tickets and have everyone get together for a lifting session and one h*ll of a feast afterwards.
    Quote Originally Posted by itsmybody View Post
    I'm new but please let me join...I will sit quiet in a corner and not interrupt...just watch, absorb, learn...and be in awe!!!! It would be incredible and GGR and Bina cause y'all are the real deal!
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Oh, you're part of the group; there's no escaping now.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    shoulders today and destroyed them,

    still feeling good and my strength just keeps increasing which is giving my body a new growth spurt, I wouldn't say I am going bursting out of my clothes anymore than normal its just i'm going extremely thick set on all body parts except calves (Kel you cvnt) but they are always last

    Anyway a little bit of my shoulder workout for you, I wont post it all just the smith machine shoulder press but in more detail

    The shoulder press was after fully warming up and a lot of RC stretches and warm ups, I was also rumble rolling for 30 mins all over my delts 10 mins before hitting the gym.

    Smith machine shoulder press

    1st set - warm up to feel the weight and get things moving, it takes a few reps for me to adjust my seating position so the bar flows in the right groove, this helps directing the weight in the right area and also away from certain pains due to my RC tear. Hit 16 reps some full reps some half reps.

    2nd set - added some more weight the bar and my position is spot on, the groove feels good and I am away getting some blood flow into my delts, the eight feels easy and no pain in my cuff and I knew I was going to be strong today. I hot 12 reps but could of done a lot more but I don't waste reps it was enough to get the blood flow going and my shoulders respond and activate. All the time doing the reps I was bracing and breathing and the power was just flowing.

    3rd set - I thought I would add some weight and do another feel/warm up set to gauge my working set weight, so stuck some serious weight on the bar which I knew was going to task me around 8-10 reps. Braced and unlocked the bar and the reps started to flow, my hands were in line with my elbows and the power was shooting through to the bar. I hit 8 reps and it felt easy, felt light so I racked the weight and I knew what I was going to do with my working set.

    1st working set - Weight was serious and I knew I had to get my head right for this, I decided to do a drop set because it was a new weight and didn't know exactly what I would get out of the first run of reps. My training partner started to call me all sorts of names to fire me up. I sat down and looked down between my legs and started to take in deep breaths and then I started to go into s different world, this time it was something in my past what really hurts and ignites all sorts of emotions. I instantly got goose bumps along my forearms and I wanted to hurt people, I never release anger outside the gym and this is the time to fully use what goes on inside my head.

    Not sure now long I was in this state of mind but all the time I was breathing deeply and thinking of this past event. Bang I am on fire inside my head, I could of gone in the ring with Tyson at this stage and I knew I would hurt him. My hearing went and the voice in my head is shouting at me, I look up and see my partner through the mirror shouting but I couldn't hear him, I saw guys in the gym looking over talking about the weight and if I was going to do it or not. That gave me another burst of adrenalin because I thought you cvnts don't think I can do this do you!!

    I braced and told my partner to help me unlock the weight, I didn't let the weight rest as soon as it was unlocked I started to press. Bang one rep easy, second rep easy and on my third I could hear my partner say " holy fuk your killing it" this sent the 3rd rep flying up, I was still in a state of emotional distress inside and I was using everything to steady and power the reps out, I was exhaling on the effort and my braced was rocking. 4th rep and I started to slow down rapidly and my partner had to slightly touch the bar 3" inches from the top, at the top I thought fuk it and went for a 5th rep my feet were pushing through the floor and my body started to shake and I started to come out of the zone I was in and the pain set into my delts, my spotter had to help me slightly with the 5th rep and I could hear him say "un fuking believable".

    I racked the weight and some weight was taking off while I was bent over breathing heavily, I started to go back into my past and my inner voice started at me again, my partner slapped me on the delt and said come on lets go, I must of been zoned out. I instantly started to rep again and the weight felt the same, bang my shoulders felt it straight away and the 6th rep intense it burnt and took a lot out of me, at the top and focused and braced and away I went another rep and I was slowing badly, wasn't sure if the 8th rep would go up or not but I started it, I dug deep thought of bad things and my spotter helped me complete the rep. I was totally fuked, I couldn't keep my arms on the bar they hurt that bad.

    I bent over and started to breath, I was gulping air in and focusing on the job I had to finish, I felt I had nothing else left the first set of reps took a lot out of me. Dropped the weight and away I went again. Boom another rep and it was hard, its stalled half way up and I could see black dots I breathed out hard and finished the rep and then I lowered the weight and did 2 half reps to fry the delts, I was in serious muscular pain and I felt I had grown 2 -3" wider during this set on my last half rep my spotter pushed me to finish it to the top and it was a struggle but did it and I just bent over and started to breath. I smiled to myself and thought "yes" and my partner said " your an animal" I stood up and looked in the mirror and tensed my delts.

    Pressing done, walked over the cybex side lateral machine.

    I took more warm up sets and feeler sets because this was my first exercise so wanted to make sure things felt right, on my laterals I wont be doing all that pre working set stuff my delts were on fire so one or two feeler and boom into my working set.

    Nothing special this is how I attack every session with this mind set and power, my mind is my secret weapon sometimes I shock myself the power within me.
    Well am no fvcking posting ma tri session up now ffs. You fvcking beast i'll post it the mora when there are more posts

  20. #22500
    Join Date
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    Very nicely detailed Marcus! Thats exactly the state I get into(can't hear anyone else but either an ocean sound or myself yelling) - good stuff Big Guy!

    Delts/traps - pre-exhaust

    Stretching lots of RC ex SMR abs(body weight/suppersetted one after the other)

    1. Behind back cable lateral raises - 3w 8-15 failing - gets the blood going in there

    2. Reverse grip front raises(EZ BAR) - new weight 2 feelers 2w 8/5-6 drop 3

    3. 45 degree side laterals - 1 feeler 2w 6/4 DD 4/3

    4. Cable upright row into rope face pulls - did my feelers together then suppersetted my 1w then 2w I focused on one of the movements to finish w/drops - then no waiting right into my next working into drops w/face pulls - holding all contractions at top(upright rows 3-5s) same w/face pulls!

    5. Smith MP - was nice snd warned up - stayed at a good heavy weight all throughout - 3 feelers(all my feelers are low rep'd except maybe first feeler) 1w 6 DD 4/2

    6. Shoulder press incline hammer strength machine(I sat facing incline) 1 feeler 2w DD

    7. Shrugs - 3 behind back 3 reg 2DB
    DESTROYED! Weights done in 46min cardio 40min low intensity

  21. #22501
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Getting primed for back and shoulders, that is if the dog will get off my lap.
    Will get that pic for you today AG.

    Wonder how Haz is doing? Hopefully he's not throwing up on the side of the road somewhere.....
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  22. #22502
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Very nicely detailed Marcus! Thats exactly the state I get into(can't hear anyone else but either an ocean sound or myself yelling) - good stuff Big Guy!

    Delts/traps - pre-exhaust

    Stretching lots of RC ex SMR abs(body weight/suppersetted one after the other)

    1. Behind back cable lateral raises - 3w 8-15 failing - gets the blood going in there

    2. Reverse grip front raises(EZ BAR) - new weight 2 feelers 2w 8/5-6 drop 3

    3. 45 degree side laterals - 1 feeler 2w 6/4 DD 4/3

    4. Cable upright row into rope face pulls - did my feelers together then suppersetted my 1w then 2w I focused on one of the movements to finish w/drops - then no waiting right into my next working into drops w/face pulls - holding all contractions at top(upright rows 3-5s) same w/face pulls!

    5. Smith MP - was nice snd warned up - stayed at a good heavy weight all throughout - 3 feelers(all my feelers are low rep'd except maybe first feeler) 1w 6 DD 4/2

    6. Shoulder press incline hammer strength machine(I sat facing incline) 1 feeler 2w DD

    7. Shrugs - 3 behind back 3 reg 2DB
    DESTROYED! Weights done in 46min cardio 40min low intensity
    Nach.... #6 - were u targeting rear delts? I do these also for rears. I think we're talkin about the same machine

  23. #22503
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Getting primed for back and shoulders, that is if the dog will get off my lap.
    Will get that pic for you today AG.

    Wonder how Haz is doing? Hopefully he's not throwing up on the side of the road somewhere.....
    My test is tomorrow :-)

    Resting my legs today

  24. #22504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Nach.... #6 - were u targeting rear delts? I do these also for rears. I think we're talkin about the same machine
    Yes it is! And yes I was targeting the rears...

    I like throwing another machine press in after MP now to really fry em(but at a different angle) I also feel it hits the caps too??? You?!
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-10-2015 at 12:57 PM.

  25. #22505
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    Do the reverse hammers every other week them.

    Bout the leave work....getting ready to kill my legs tonight

  26. #22506
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Haz's blow up doll!

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    haha fukin nookie doll! to be fair id rather have the doll over the real deal!

  27. #22507
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3

    Yes it is! And yes I was targeting the rears...

    I like throwing another machine press in after MP now to really fry em(but at a different angle) I also feel it hits the caps too??? You?!
    Yes it does

    If I face the rear I hafta go much lighter. But I really concentrate hitting the rear delts. Facing forward I'm up to 3 45's and a 25 on each side. Usually do a double drop. Remove the 25 and then the 45. My delts are fried after.

  28. #22508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Yes it does

    If I face the rear I hafta go much lighter. But I really concentrate hitting the rear delts. Facing forward I'm up to 3 45's and a 25 on each side. Usually do a double drop. Remove the 25 and then the 45. My delts are fried after.
    Nice... After pre-exhausting my delts I was able to go to 2 45s/+25(low reps - why I did 2w)aside - then did 2w then DD em same 25s and they're done lol

  29. #22509
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3

    Nice... After pre-exhausting my delts I was able to go to 2 45s/+25(low reps - why I did 2w)aside - then did 2w then DD em same 25s and they're done lol
    That's good with pre exhausting..... Ur delts have to be screamin lol

  30. #22510
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    That's good with pre exhausting..... Ur delts have to be screamin lol
    Can't get em in any kind of nice position lol love it! Oh that 2 and quarter was heavy haha at the end for sure - feels like I burned so many cals that I've just been eating and trying to get comfortable lol

    Note** my gym has another version I use as well - it's got the plates for weights(it's cyber/nautilus etc one of those but nicer then them) where it's the same but your actually leaning in more and feels it hits the rears harder(it's the slightly different plane that gives it that smith behind the back MP w/out the injuries
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-10-2015 at 04:33 PM.

  31. #22511
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    shoulders today and destroyed them, still feeling good and my strength just keeps increasing which is giving my body a new growth spurt, I wouldn't say I am going bursting out of my clothes anymore than normal its just i'm going extremely thick set on all body parts except calves (Kel you cvnt) but they are always last Anyway a little bit of my shoulder workout for you, I wont post it all just the smith machine shoulder press but in more detail The shoulder press was after fully warming up and a lot of RC stretches and warm ups, I was also rumble rolling for 30 mins all over my delts 10 mins before hitting the gym. Smith machine shoulder press 1st set - warm up to feel the weight and get things moving, it takes a few reps for me to adjust my seating position so the bar flows in the right groove, this helps directing the weight in the right area and also away from certain pains due to my RC tear. Hit 16 reps some full reps some half reps. 2nd set - added some more weight the bar and my position is spot on, the groove feels good and I am away getting some blood flow into my delts, the eight feels easy and no pain in my cuff and I knew I was going to be strong today. I hot 12 reps but could of done a lot more but I don't waste reps it was enough to get the blood flow going and my shoulders respond and activate. All the time doing the reps I was bracing and breathing and the power was just flowing. 3rd set - I thought I would add some weight and do another feel/warm up set to gauge my working set weight, so stuck some serious weight on the bar which I knew was going to task me around 8-10 reps. Braced and unlocked the bar and the reps started to flow, my hands were in line with my elbows and the power was shooting through to the bar. I hit 8 reps and it felt easy, felt light so I racked the weight and I knew what I was going to do with my working set. 1st working set - Weight was serious and I knew I had to get my head right for this, I decided to do a drop set because it was a new weight and didn't know exactly what I would get out of the first run of reps. My training partner started to call me all sorts of names to fire me up. I sat down and looked down between my legs and started to take in deep breaths and then I started to go into s different world, this time it was something in my past what really hurts and ignites all sorts of emotions. I instantly got goose bumps along my forearms and I wanted to hurt people, I never release anger outside the gym and this is the time to fully use what goes on inside my head. Not sure now long I was in this state of mind but all the time I was breathing deeply and thinking of this past event. Bang I am on fire inside my head, I could of gone in the ring with Tyson at this stage and I knew I would hurt him. My hearing went and the voice in my head is shouting at me, I look up and see my partner through the mirror shouting but I couldn't hear him, I saw guys in the gym looking over talking about the weight and if I was going to do it or not. That gave me another burst of adrenalin because I thought you cvnts don't think I can do this do you!! I braced and told my partner to help me unlock the weight, I didn't let the weight rest as soon as it was unlocked I started to press. Bang one rep easy, second rep easy and on my third I could hear my partner say " holy fuk your killing it" this sent the 3rd rep flying up, I was still in a state of emotional distress inside and I was using everything to steady and power the reps out, I was exhaling on the effort and my braced was rocking. 4th rep and I started to slow down rapidly and my partner had to slightly touch the bar 3" inches from the top, at the top I thought fuk it and went for a 5th rep my feet were pushing through the floor and my body started to shake and I started to come out of the zone I was in and the pain set into my delts, my spotter had to help me slightly with the 5th rep and I could hear him say "un fuking believable". I racked the weight and some weight was taking off while I was bent over breathing heavily, I started to go back into my past and my inner voice started at me again, my partner slapped me on the delt and said come on lets go, I must of been zoned out. I instantly started to rep again and the weight felt the same, bang my shoulders felt it straight away and the 6th rep intense it burnt and took a lot out of me, at the top and focused and braced and away I went another rep and I was slowing badly, wasn't sure if the 8th rep would go up or not but I started it, I dug deep thought of bad things and my spotter helped me complete the rep. I was totally fuked, I couldn't keep my arms on the bar they hurt that bad. I bent over and started to breath, I was gulping air in and focusing on the job I had to finish, I felt I had nothing else left the first set of reps took a lot out of me. Dropped the weight and away I went again. Boom another rep and it was hard, its stalled half way up and I could see black dots I breathed out hard and finished the rep and then I lowered the weight and did 2 half reps to fry the delts, I was in serious muscular pain and I felt I had grown 2 -3" wider during this set on my last half rep my spotter pushed me to finish it to the top and it was a struggle but did it and I just bent over and started to breath. I smiled to myself and thought "yes" and my partner said " your an animal" I stood up and looked in the mirror and tensed my delts. Pressing done, walked over the cybex side lateral machine. I took more warm up sets and feeler sets because this was my first exercise so wanted to make sure things felt right, on my laterals I wont be doing all that pre working set stuff my delts were on fire so one or two feeler and boom into my working set. Nothing special this is how I attack every session with this mind set and power, my mind is my secret weapon sometimes I shock myself the power within me.
    Absolutely beautiful. As usual, absolutely inspired and motivated.

    228, 6', 34, 13.8% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.

  32. #22512
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Getting primed for back and shoulders, that is if the dog will get off my lap.
    Will get that pic for you today AG.

    Wonder how Haz is doing? Hopefully he's not throwing up on the side of the road somewhere.....
    Thank you sir, very much appreciated! Does your dog ever hit the dungeon with you or just the cat?
    Our female doesn't go with me to the shop offer, but the male does occasionally. Think he likes the music and all the fans, but he always raises hell if I start grunting/growling/cussing during a lift.
    Last edited by almostgone; 07-10-2015 at 10:21 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  33. #22513
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    shoulders today and destroyed them,

    still feeling good and my strength just keeps increasing which is giving my body a new growth spurt, I wouldn't say I am going bursting out of my clothes anymore than normal its just i'm going extremely thick set on all body parts except calves (Kel you cvnt) but they are always last

    Anyway a little bit of my shoulder workout for you, I wont post it all just the smith machine shoulder press but in more detail

    The shoulder press was after fully warming up and a lot of RC stretches and warm ups, I was also rumble rolling for 30 mins all over my delts 10 mins before hitting the gym.

    Smith machine shoulder press

    1st set - warm up to feel the weight and get things moving, it takes a few reps for me to adjust my seating position so the bar flows in the right groove, this helps directing the weight in the right area and also away from certain pains due to my RC tear. Hit 16 reps some full reps some half reps.

    2nd set - added some more weight the bar and my position is spot on, the groove feels good and I am away getting some blood flow into my delts, the eight feels easy and no pain in my cuff and I knew I was going to be strong today. I hot 12 reps but could of done a lot more but I don't waste reps it was enough to get the blood flow going and my shoulders respond and activate. All the time doing the reps I was bracing and breathing and the power was just flowing.

    3rd set - I thought I would add some weight and do another feel/warm up set to gauge my working set weight, so stuck some serious weight on the bar which I knew was going to task me around 8-10 reps. Braced and unlocked the bar and the reps started to flow, my hands were in line with my elbows and the power was shooting through to the bar. I hit 8 reps and it felt easy, felt light so I racked the weight and I knew what I was going to do with my working set.

    1st working set - Weight was serious and I knew I had to get my head right for this, I decided to do a drop set because it was a new weight and didn't know exactly what I would get out of the first run of reps. My training partner started to call me all sorts of names to fire me up. I sat down and looked down between my legs and started to take in deep breaths and then I started to go into s different world, this time it was something in my past what really hurts and ignites all sorts of emotions. I instantly got goose bumps along my forearms and I wanted to hurt people, I never release anger outside the gym and this is the time to fully use what goes on inside my head.

    Not sure now long I was in this state of mind but all the time I was breathing deeply and thinking of this past event. Bang I am on fire inside my head, I could of gone in the ring with Tyson at this stage and I knew I would hurt him. My hearing went and the voice in my head is shouting at me, I look up and see my partner through the mirror shouting but I couldn't hear him, I saw guys in the gym looking over talking about the weight and if I was going to do it or not. That gave me another burst of adrenalin because I thought you cvnts don't think I can do this do you!!

    I braced and told my partner to help me unlock the weight, I didn't let the weight rest as soon as it was unlocked I started to press. Bang one rep easy, second rep easy and on my third I could hear my partner say " holy fuk your killing it" this sent the 3rd rep flying up, I was still in a state of emotional distress inside and I was using everything to steady and power the reps out, I was exhaling on the effort and my braced was rocking. 4th rep and I started to slow down rapidly and my partner had to slightly touch the bar 3" inches from the top, at the top I thought fuk it and went for a 5th rep my feet were pushing through the floor and my body started to shake and I started to come out of the zone I was in and the pain set into my delts, my spotter had to help me slightly with the 5th rep and I could hear him say "un fuking believable".

    I racked the weight and some weight was taking off while I was bent over breathing heavily, I started to go back into my past and my inner voice started at me again, my partner slapped me on the delt and said come on lets go, I must of been zoned out. I instantly started to rep again and the weight felt the same, bang my shoulders felt it straight away and the 6th rep intense it burnt and took a lot out of me, at the top and focused and braced and away I went another rep and I was slowing badly, wasn't sure if the 8th rep would go up or not but I started it, I dug deep thought of bad things and my spotter helped me complete the rep. I was totally fuked, I couldn't keep my arms on the bar they hurt that bad.

    I bent over and started to breath, I was gulping air in and focusing on the job I had to finish, I felt I had nothing else left the first set of reps took a lot out of me. Dropped the weight and away I went again. Boom another rep and it was hard, its stalled half way up and I could see black dots I breathed out hard and finished the rep and then I lowered the weight and did 2 half reps to fry the delts, I was in serious muscular pain and I felt I had grown 2 -3" wider during this set on my last half rep my spotter pushed me to finish it to the top and it was a struggle but did it and I just bent over and started to breath. I smiled to myself and thought "yes" and my partner said " your an animal" I stood up and looked in the mirror and tensed my delts.

    Pressing done, walked over the cybex side lateral machine.

    I took more warm up sets and feeler sets because this was my first exercise so wanted to make sure things felt right, on my laterals I wont be doing all that pre working set stuff my delts were on fire so one or two feeler and boom into my working set.

    Nothing special this is how I attack every session with this mind set and power, my mind is my secret weapon sometimes I shock myself the power within me.
    It's very special and also very motivating. Good stuff, Marcus!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  34. #22514
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    My test is tomorrow :-)

    Resting my legs today
    No shame in tossing your cookies as long as you keep running, Haz!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  35. #22515
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    Think the stomach bug is almost gone. Back at work tonight. Legs tomorrow. I started to hit them tonight, but it would've been risky business. The walk of shame back up to the house is very embarrassing.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  36. #22516
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    Leg extensions

    3 warm up sets
    1 working set with 2 drops

    2 feeler sets
    2 working sets- - plain old heavy solid sets

    stiff legged deads
    2 working sets

    lying leg curls
    2 working sets


    standing and seated - 3 working sets each to the max

  37. #22517
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    ^^^ Dang, Marcus. My pullback lift on legs is going to look puny compared to that. On the stiff leg deads, are you working from the knee up or off the ground?
    Last edited by almostgone; 07-11-2015 at 04:48 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  38. #22518
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Can't get em in any kind of nice position lol love it! Oh that 2 and quarter was heavy haha at the end for sure - feels like I burned so many cals that I've just been eating and trying to get comfortable lol Note** my gym has another version I use as well - it's got the plates for weights(it's cyber/nautilus etc one of those but nicer then them) where it's the same but your actually leaning in more and feels it hits the rears harder(it's the slightly different plane that gives it that smith behind the back MP w/out the injuries
    Anyway you could please post a photo of this machine? Always looking for a way to hit the rear delts differently. Have been doing rear delt machine flys, standing bent over dumbbell rear delt flys (been told I do them 'Yates style') and occasionally use the cables. Have tried to attempt the ones where you are face down on the bench at an various angles however anything like that causes major form and discomfort due to female issues. Aka...chest that doesn't squish and give way. Thanks!

  39. #22519
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsmybody View Post
    Anyway you could please post a photo of this machine? Always looking for a way to hit the rear delts differently. Have been doing rear delt machine flys, standing bent over dumbbell rear delt flys (been told I do them 'Yates style') and occasionally use the cables. Have tried to attempt the ones where you are face down on the bench at an various angles however anything like that causes major form and discomfort due to female issues. Aka...chest that doesn't squish and give way. Thanks!
    Sure, I'm hoping to get a session today... I'll take a pic of em at the gym.... Or I'll start looking online... It's a killer - I'll definitely try and get it up today, if not tomorrow for sure!

  40. #22520
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Think the stomach bug is almost gone. Back at work tonight. Legs tomorrow. I started to hit them tonight, but it would've been risky business. The walk of shame back up to the house is very embarrassing.
    Weirdest thing, AG! B4 I came on the forum - all of a sudden I was making breakfast - and started coughing(no pinning etc) and just started to dry heave(leading to a round w/the porcelain God lol... But fine and able to eat! I'll take it - just hope it's not something coming on!

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