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Thread: test enanthate when did it kick in on you're cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    test enanthate when did it kick in on you're cycle?

    Hi guys, i'm curious about you're experience with test e and when you started seeing results? i have heard that it takes two - three weeks to start working, you will see gains around fifth week and etc etc. I am currently on my third week and i have noticed strength and crazy pump in the gym, also i have gained around four - five kg. So the question is, when did you start to see you're best result from test e? and strength etc?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    Hi guys, i'm curious about you're experience with test e and when you started seeing results? i have heard that it takes two - three weeks to start working, you will see gains around fifth week and etc etc. I am currently on my third week and i have noticed strength and crazy pump in the gym, also i have gained around four - five kg. So the question is, when did you start to see you're best result from test e? and strength etc?
    your 18 yrs old why are you cycling???
    Last edited by NACH3; 09-23-2015 at 01:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    i am twenty two

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    i am twenty two
    Yeah I just looked at your date lol - but your friend is setting you up for disaster!

    And 25 is the most recommended age as to Endo's think the body is done developing - just wait man - you've got plenty of test running thru your system - get BW done - stick around and get your diet and training dialed in! I wish at your age I figured out how important nutrition is!

  5. #5
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    Sep 2011
    well i have starting this cycle, and i feel like this is something that i need to complete, i am not a quitter and i think i can achieve a lot from this cycle, my diet is good enought, i use macros and i calculate all my meals through out the day, so i know for sure i'm hitting the right carbs and for training i put together myself a program that i like with mainly compound exercises and other dumbell and cable exercises with them and i use fivexfive on almost all the big compound exercises, i have been in the gym for some years now and i have gained and got myself in a good shape but i was just really curious about testing a cycle because there is a lot of roids in my country and crazy amount of user and i have a lot of friends on them also

  6. #6
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    There are a lot of factors involved in determining the height of a cycle. On a simple tes only cycle week 6 is usually when it starts coming on and you may plateau by week 10. That is in no way etched in stone, just a guideline.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2010
    well like others said the age thing but ill answer the question.

    my experience
    3rd week- libido, gym pumps
    6th week- major strength gains started
    7th week- started blowing up
    10th week- gained 15 lbs

  8. #8
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    May 2015
    i am 22 and wanna try steroid. if i run anavar 20 mg 6 wk. may i get a result ??
    or side effect ?? thx pct only nolva

  9. #9
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    Sep 2012
    I begin to see Test E at week 3/4 and it really peaks at week 8 then kind of starts to plateau by week 10/12

  10. #10
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    20 mg is way to low. i have tried two anavar only cycles before, and from my experience you need to run it at least for 6 weeks and minimum of 40-50mg depending on you're weight, height etc. But it works of course but you will get much more from doing injections with it. I assume that you have read enough about steroids that you now the factors and this is you're decision. If you are going to do anavar only, than i would suggest that you do 6-8 weeks, and i found it much better to start low for example, first week i took 40mg, than i took 50 for two weeks than 60 etc and i went up to 80mg, and split the tablets even through out the day, i did not experience any side effects that i remember of.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    20 mg is way to low. i have tried two anavar only cycles before, and from my experience you need to run it at least for 6 weeks and minimum of 40-50mg depending on you're weight, height etc. But it works of course but you will get much more from doing injections with it. I assume that you have read enough about steroids that you now the factors and this is you're decision. If you are going to do anavar only, than i would suggest that you do 6-8 weeks, and i found it much better to start low for example, first week i took 40mg, than i took 50 for two weeks than 60 etc and i went up to 80mg, and split the tablets even through out the day, i did not experience any side effects that i remember of.
    Read this - oral only cycles are a waste if time & $$$ - anavar only is for women(in no way am I calling you out just stating a fact due to it not having much virilization issues) -

  12. #12
    like that guy said your gonna wanna run it a lot higher and do it for 6-8 weeks. This will cost you a lot of money, girls take 20 mg of var a day..
    Even tho Anavar is a mild steroid you're gonna wanna take some milk thistle to be on the safe side. I wouldn't recommend oral only cycles for guys, but it's your call. Good luck

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Port1984
    like that guy said your gonna wanna run it a lot higher and do it for 6-8 weeks. This will cost you a lot of money, girls take 20 mg of var a day.. Even tho Anavar is a mild steroid you're gonna wanna take some milk thistle to be on the safe side. I wouldn't recommend oral only cycles for guys, but it's your call. Good luck
    Most girls take 5-10mg per day I believe. Some do take 20mg but I believe that is a more advanced dose.

  14. #14
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    Aug 2015
    I started at 19 and I don't regret a day !!! I'm on HRT for life but I'm okay with that... how hard is it to pin a 5/16 needle twice a week, I do SubQ TRT

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydrolex
    I started at 19 and I don't regret a day !!! I'm on HRT for life but I'm okay with that... how hard is it to pin a 5/16 needle twice a week, I do SubQ TRT
    You're 25? If so you are going to have to pin over 100 times a year for the next 70 odd years. Wonder how you'll feel even in 10 years time about it.

  16. #16
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    Jan 2015
    Just got off my first test-e only cycle, and to be honest there wasnt a distinct time when I felt that it "kicked in". The clearest physical indication that my test levels were elevated was an acne breakout in my upper chest and shoulders. Other than that no real superman feeling to be honest. Just a gradual increase in strength and stamina at the gym. Libido didnt change much but mine was always pretty high. Only diff was that my dick can stay hard for ever, literally, and I can get hard immediately after cumming as well. That was pretty awesome. Also a lot of night sweats. Those were the main noticeable difference when on cycle, but no real "kick" so to speak.

    I asked the exact same question a few months ago when I started cause I was 4 weeks in and I didn't feel anything, and I got a bunch of varied responses. It really seems to be person dependent. Some say they suddenly feel like superman and others say don't feel much, just some steady gains at the gym. Im part of the latter. Get some blood work to make sure your test is not bunk, your personal reaction to it may not be as strong as you think, but it doesnt mean its not working for u.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    You're 25? If so you are going to have to pin over 100 times a year for the next 70 odd years. Wonder how you'll feel even in 10 years time about it.
    It doesn't bother me man !

    I preload my insluin syringes. and shoot up with a 5/16 in glutes, thighs abz, takes 30 seconds ! What bothers me is PCT... What bothers me is feeling like shit after Tren cycle because I can't bring my test back up

    If you are serious about juicing, then TRT is the way to go

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Im pretty serious about juicing (not to the extreme) but i dont want to be on hrt.

    Id rather just be normal and cycle once or twice a year, thats serious enough for alot of people.

    No amount of juicing is fun or a game, its all serious imo

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