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Thread: After almost 4 years finally found a doctor willing to help.

  1. #1

    After almost 4 years finally found a doctor willing to help.

    I'm 22 and have had numerous blood tests done over the last few years. My total T always comes up around 200-375 never higher than 375. I have been told by numerous doctors low t isn't my problem yet i have felt like complete shit with no sex drive and embarrased myself with numerous girls. My last test came back at 363 on a scale of 300-800 and the doctor agreed to give me treatment. My LH,FSH,Prolactin, etc always comes back normal and i had a testicular ultrasound which came back normal. Does the gels work or should i ask for the shots?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I'm 22 and have had numerous blood tests done over the last few years. My total T always comes up around 200-375 never higher than 375. I have been told by numerous doctors low t isn't my problem yet i have felt like complete shit with no sex drive and embarrased myself with numerous girls. My last test came back at 363 on a scale of 300-800 and the doctor agreed to give me treatment. My LH,FSH,Prolactin, etc always comes back normal and i had a testicular ultrasound which came back normal. Does the gels work or should i ask for the shots?
    be good to see your results , i started off with gels- lasted4 months and it bacame a chore- pinning subQ into stomach fat is easy nd only a twice a week thing for me- done fter a shower it becomes part of your routine.

    gels you have to wait til it dries and in summer you cant swim for a few hrs-sweat also plays a part- imho- go for subq inj- twice a week.

    but post up your bloodwork there must be an underlying reason for your low t.

    are you on any medication for anything? trauma in your past? physical/mental?

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    As Simon said, post up current BW if you can. There's usually an underlying reason T is low and many doc's can misdiagnose it. Rarely is low T idiopathic in a young guy like yourself. I'd like to know what "normal" is on your BW please.

    Also, have you had your thyroid or cortisol tested?
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  4. #4
    I had a huge hormone run up done will post it as soon as I can figure out how to get on my online medical records.

  5. #5
    Blood Work
    Testosterone- 363/ 348-1197
    FSH- 3.1/1.5-12.4
    LH- 5.1/1.7-8.6
    Prolactin- 7.5/4.0-15.2
    Estradiol- 16.1/ 7.6-42.6
    SHBG- 20.8/16.5-55.9
    Vitamin D- 36.1/30.00-100.00
    TSH- 1.900/ 0.450-4.500
    Triiodothyronine- 3.6/ 2.0-4.4
    T4- 1.27/ 0.82-1.77
    Cortisol- 13.8/ 2.3-19.4

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well your pituitary function is fine and I'd think your T level would be higher based on that alone. I don't see anything else suppressing you. It does point to a testicular issue yet you've had an ultrasound which should rule out testicular issues, varicoceles, etc. That said, it makes me wonder whether something was missed with said ultrasound?
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  7. #7
    Yeah I'm very confused by why it's so low with no real reason. I've felt horrible for years I'm just ready to feel better.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    Yeah I'm very confused by why it's so low with no real reason. I've felt horrible for years I'm just ready to feel better.
    Maybe a second opinion from a different doc? Knowledgeable Urologist? I'd be wanting another ultrasound.....
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  9. #9
    I found my ultrasound result on my online records. They did say there were varicoceles but said it was normal.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I found my ultrasound result on my online records. They did say there were varicoceles but said it was normal.
    there ya go! drs always say debilitating physical abnormalities are normal. keeps you sicker longer- helps pay for their new jetski and trips to the swiss alps.

    vitamin D seems low- reccomend you take 5000ius a day. Vitamin D is responsible for over 25% of your bodys processes. id rectify that- cant comment on the rest- you definitley should get your vericoles looked at again- urologist time.

    are you taking any medication for anything else?? depression etc..

  11. #11
    I take Prozac for depression. 5,000 iu of vitamin d not too much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I take Prozac for depression. 5,000 iu of vitamin d not too much?
    Prozac and Testosterone
    google prozac and testosterone- there seems to be an association with introducing one and lowering the other.

    do you need prozac? or was this an easy way out for your dr?

    id be reviewing your medication and mental state, adjusting your prozac until you manage to withdrawal over the next months/year. get off that crap if you can- but be smart about it and go slowly slowly-
    i hte sri's seen it affect too many people negatively and am ded against them, if you can manage without youd be better off- but plese do so under medicl supervision. you have alot of underlying issues to resolve first.

    as far as vitamin D3 is concerned you need to take 50 times that to be toxic. Vitamn D3 is basically a hormone. take it.

  13. #13
    I just started on Prozac about a week ago. I have been on anti depressants in the past. I've gotta do something I live my life in a fog I have absolutely no sex drive whatsoever. I met this girl at a wedding about s month ago and she got us a hotel room and everything for the night and I completely embarrassed myself and couldn't sleep with her. Panicked really bad and left without her knowing. It's an awful feeling

  14. #14
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    my dr tells me depression is overdiagnosed and misdiagnosed when its almost alwys low T in men.

    You definitely have low t - and an sri like Prozac wont help that- get on Test as it promotes wellbeing and alpha male attributes.- and get off the prozac-

    instead try 5HTP for a seratonin boost, DO NOT MIX PROZAC WITH 5HTP- you will end up with seratonin syndrome. You can get it OTC or on EBAY. i use the NOW brand.

    just 5HTP by itself- i found it was subtle when i was on it , but i felt it doing me good. Prozac just dulled me and made me not care if i was alive or not.

    sometimes we need to feel pain in order to learn to avoid it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I'm 22 and have had numerous blood tests done over the last few years. My total T always comes up around 200-375 never higher than 375. I have been told by numerous doctors low t isn't my problem yet i have felt like complete shit with no sex drive and embarrased myself with numerous girls. My last test came back at 363 on a scale of 300-800 and the doctor agreed to give me treatment. My LH,FSH,Prolactin, etc always comes back normal and i had a testicular ultrasound which came back normal. Does the gels work or should i ask for the shots?
    I've been on both gel and shots.
    After a while I got sick of the gel, shots biweekly was a lot easier and takes less time than gels. Trust me,, you won't feel the shots if you go sub Q into stomach fat. I'm a 9 month convert to shots .

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    Yeah I'm very confused by why it's so low with no real reason. I've felt horrible for years I'm just ready to feel better.
    Whats your lifestyle like?

  18. #18
    Readin more,you can prbably get it in the 600s naturally. I also have a varicocele but hadnt been low. Im getting another t test bio and total soon. The medical community is really full of shit,keep that in mind. Godam cancer is also the norm aint it??

  19. #19
    Update. Have had severe depression got my test checked again came back at 342.
    Here are my results of all 7 of my blood tests

  20. #20
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    It's been awhile.
    Are you taking 5000iu of d3?
    Are you taking prozac?
    What's the reason for testing testosterone?why hasn't your Dr already put you on it?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    It's been awhile.
    Are you taking 5000iu of d3?
    Are you taking prozac?
    What's the reason for testing testosterone?why hasn't your Dr already put you on it?
    I'm taking the vitamin d it increases my anxiety though. I was seeing a doctor who was gonna put me on t after i got my gyno removed but terminated me as a patient after i missed too many appointments. I have trouble making appointments due to fatigue/anxiety/depression. I'm seeing a new doctor and he tested my general blood work and he checked my testosterone at my request. He didn't say anything about it being low over the patient portal so i'm guessing he thinks that 342 is a fine result?

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I'm taking the vitamin d it increases my anxiety though.
    Look somewhere else for what's increasing your anxiety. Only a deficiency in Vit D will contribute to anxiety / depression.
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I'm taking the vitamin d it increases my anxiety though. I was seeing a doctor who was gonna put me on t after i got my gyno removed but terminated me as a patient after i missed too many appointments. I have trouble making appointments due to fatigue/anxiety/depression. I'm seeing a new doctor and he tested my general blood work and he checked my testosterone at my request. He didn't say anything about it being low over the patient portal so i'm guessing he thinks that 342 is a fine result?
    Never cancel an appointment with a dr that cares enough to consider trt you messed up big time. That in itself could have gone a long way to treating your perceived depression.

    Recommended you go with all your blood work and find another dr that will treat you.

    I'm assuming that you are on Prozac considering you avoided the question.

    Taper off slowly, and I mean slowly...that stuff will lower your libido and destroy your natural levels. Once you get off Prozac (over months) get onto an OTC supplement called 5HTP.

    Under no circumstance take Prozac and 5HTP together.

    Take vitamin d.

    Eat your fats, cholesterols found in fats are the precursor to a series of nominal pathways leading to testosterone. That's why vegans are pussies!

    And FFS, take your life seriously, yes you might have depression, you nearly had it beat if you only turned up to see your dr.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Look somewhere else for what's increasing your anxiety. Only a deficiency in Vit D will contribute to anxiety / depression.
    I've read that it can make you magnesium deficient. I haven't been able to sleep at all and my anxiety has been way worse

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    Never cancel an appointment with a dr that cares enough to consider trt you messed up big time. That in itself could have gone a long way to treating your perceived depression.

    Recommended you go with all your blood work and find another dr that will treat you.

    I'm assuming that you are on Prozac considering you avoided the question.

    Taper off slowly, and I mean slowly...that stuff will lower your libido and destroy your natural levels. Once you get off Prozac (over months) get onto an OTC supplement called 5HTP.

    Under no circumstance take Prozac and 5HTP together.

    Take vitamin d.

    Eat your fats, cholesterols found in fats are the precursor to a series of nominal pathways leading to testosterone. That's why vegans are pussies!

    And FFS, take your life seriously, yes you might have depression, you nearly had it beat if you only turned up to see your dr.
    I know i messed up. I haven't been on prozac lately. I'm willing to travel i just need a good knowledgeable doctor. Do you think i might be magnesium deficient due to the fact when i take the vitamin d it gives me crazy insomnia and anxiety? Appreciate all your help.

  26. #26
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    4 Serotonin Supplements to Treat Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia Yourself - University Health News

    5htp is listed well as others, my sister went on it and so did i, search it out and the others .

    Also get that varicole fixed.
    Last edited by Simon1972; 12-08-2016 at 02:02 PM.

  27. #27
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I've read that it can make you magnesium deficient. I haven't been able to sleep at all and my anxiety has been way worse
    I am sorry to hear that, but it's still not an effect from Vit D.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by uvafan4life2 View Post
    I know i messed up. I haven't been on prozac lately. I'm willing to travel i just need a good knowledgeable doctor. Do you think i might be magnesium deficient due to the fact when i take the vitamin d it gives me crazy insomnia and anxiety? Appreciate all your help.
    It's kind of hard at your age to be truly Mg deficient, but you are free to supplement if you find it to be of help. Avoid unorganic forms like Mg Oxide and sulphate, as these are only useful as laxatives. Mg Chloride and Citrate are way better. Mg glycinate is best.

    Imo you could benefit from TRT despite only having borderline levels. Choice should be yours to make imo, try finding a doc that will treat you. Of course you ought to look into getting that varicocele fixed first, and see how you do.

    Serotonin precursors like 5-HTP can help you through, just take care not to mix with SSRIs such as prozac.

  29. #29
    Result: Sonography of the scrotum was done utilizing real-time ultrasound
    with Doppler evaluation. Doppler evaluation was done in this patient to
    evaluate testicular vascularity and blood flow.
    Both testicles are normal in size and overall echogenicity. Normal Doppler
    flow is present. Small left epididymal head cyst is present. The
    epididymes are otherwise unremarkable bilaterally. There are small
    Ultrasound result

  30. #30
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    Ok. So what are you going to do now??
    What's your plan?

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