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Thread: Cycle adjustments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Cycle adjustments

    -beginning of week 3. 12 weeks remaining
    The last injection I performed was Thursday at 300mg (200mg SUS and 100 tren)
    I've got another injection scheduled on Monday and i'm thinking of increasing the dose to 400mg. I would like to stay at 400mg, but 500mg isn't out of the question.

    I've also got some deca I'm throwing in. I've heard deca is useless at anything under 400mg.

    -not experiencing sides, erections are good, and sleep is blissful, but as i go up i feel this may change.

    -got clomid, nolva, prami, and aromasin on hand

    -seeing a slight strength, aggression, and endurance increase.

    I got this gear by luck, so once it's gone i'm likely not going to have another opportunity.

    Am i going good places with this somewhat casual plan?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Trap
    If youre happy with the results id just keep doing what youre doing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    i figured as much. what do you do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Trap
    I run the same lengthy low dose cycle over and over

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    how does it work out for you?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    You shouldn't just have aromasin on hand, you should be using it. 12.5-25 mg Ed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    so you are saying my estrogen is climbing and i'm going to start feeling the side effects of high estrogen soon. ok, sounds like a good strategy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    You should always be using an AI on cycle, especially when using tren.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    yes, I expect to have to use my ancillaries if I am going up, or using tren, but i'm not feeling at all unwell. Everything is great at the moment. I was going to treat sides as they appeared. -cardio, sleep; all great. My hunger has gone up. that's it. id rather not treat a side that's not really there. now you have me paranoid, touching my nipples and fearing sleep loss. what are the indicators that estrogen is going up? i'm monitoring my heart rate with a device by the way. i know bp raising is 1. funny feeling nipples is 2. i also know that high estrogen is damaging to the cardio vascular system. if i do start feeling sides i'm performing a blood draw on myself in addition to all the latter and more help here.

    maybe the gear is fake, or weak from age, or poor cooking?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    You should always use an AI weather your feeling good or not. There are a lot reasons to use one and not just itchy nips. If you are trying to run gear as safe as possible the sensible thing to do is start your AI after at least the second week. Not trying to make you paranoid, but if you had researched cycling than the safe way is to use an AI. On tren there is a chance that your prolactin levels will rise, the safe way to combat this is use your AI not just having it on hand for when you think you need it. Why let it even get that far when you have AI on hand.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    And just another note on one of my first cycles, I didn't use one and my estrogen levels were 5 times normal and I felt no sides except some water weight. You not always going to feel it, but that don't mean it isn't there. Make sure you get bw done halfway through cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    what if the gear is garbage, or fake? i'll just stop using it. i know what you are saying; "what if it's not and things are about to get rough. one should plan to succeed, or plan to fail" I see what you are saying. i'm skeptical... i'll just have some, but only 12.5mg and not tomorrow. EOD. i did a cycle once where i did 24 ED and i started getting achy. i want to use this stuff as needed. prami was worse, almost as bad as feeling like shit only with prami i wanted to yak

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Yep, I fixin to start a tren cycle and just gonna use my AI I'm hoping I won't need the prami because I have heard it was rough. Why do you think your gear is fake, not seeing no results? Just because your not feeling no estrogen problems don't mean it's bad. Get bw done and see what your test levels are. Good luck heading to bed.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    And just another note on one of my first cycles, I didn't use one and my estrogen levels were 5 times normal and I felt no sides except some water weight. You not always going to feel it, but that don't mean it isn't there. Make sure you get bw done halfway through cycle.
    i just took some of my Exem, 12.5mg. -didn't taste that bad. well blood work mid cycle is going to be a challenge because i can't do it through my provider, unless i come up with a gem of a lie, so i'm going to have to use one of those online labs. got any good lie material? Are we allowed to discuss good online blood work businesses?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Trap
    Quote Originally Posted by SOULSELL View Post
    i just took some of my Exem, 12.5mg. -didn't taste that bad. well blood work mid cycle is going to be a challenge because i can't do it through my provider, unless i come up with a gem of a lie, so i'm going to have to use one of those online labs. got any good lie material? Are we allowed to discuss good online blood work businesses?
    You dont need a lie, just tell them youre concerned about your health and you want a wellness check up with bloodwork included. If they ask why just say your family has a history of various problems and you wanna make sure your health is up to par

    Also mentioned above, im one of the few who doesnt use AI or PCT, but I get bloodwork dont to make sure its ok to do that and I always keep things on hand in case something goes wrong. If you arnt getting blood work there is no need to skip on something like an AI just to be sure cause as ppc said often things are going on that you dont notice until its too late. Youre gonna feel silly when you prolactin builds up without you knowing and you go to hug someone and milk comes out of your nipples

    And in response to what you said, my cycle works for me and my goals so obviously I think its ok, its more of a maintenance thing and a lot of times that isnt good enough for most people, a lot of people enjoy the allure of using a bunch of compounds and putting on size and that isnt for me

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I would stick with your original cycle dont add stuff

    All cycles you should run your AI from the start and drop it 3 days before PCT.

    An AI is to prevent E2 levels from bouncing around and high estrogen conversion, its no good starting your AI when this happens, its too late and then you need a SERM to combat it.

    Run your AI to prevent the sides in the first place.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    All sound good.

    How about utilizing prami for progesterone and prolactin build up because i know these problems can arise independent of E2. The androgens seem to have this problem.

    -Same here Trap, i'm not looking to put on a ton of mass. i would prefer to keep things low, consistent and easy.

    -PPWC, prami isn't that bad if one starts at a very low dose. -sleeping was easy and what kind of results could be noticeable? I'm not feeling different, or seeing anything different from my baseline. initially, the SUS seemed to make me feel light on my feet. Strength and initial endurance do 'seem' to be increasing. i'm only on day 3 of any tren usage. I've also started taking creatine though. -using the family history story sounds good. I've actually done something like that with a different provider.

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