-beginning of week 3. 12 weeks remaining
The last injection I performed was Thursday at 300mg (200mg SUS and 100 tren)
I've got another injection scheduled on Monday and i'm thinking of increasing the dose to 400mg. I would like to stay at 400mg, but 500mg isn't out of the question.
I've also got some deca I'm throwing in. I've heard deca is useless at anything under 400mg.
-not experiencing sides, erections are good, and sleep is blissful, but as i go up i feel this may change.
-got clomid, nolva, prami, and aromasin on hand
-seeing a slight strength, aggression, and endurance increase.
I got this gear by luck, so once it's gone i'm likely not going to have another opportunity.
Am i going good places with this somewhat casual plan?