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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #33481
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Heard about this.

    My doc says it's my diet.

    Exactly what he said about my blood work too.

    Maybe a second opinion if it ever gets to that point.
    My doc says it's my diet. <----- Standard doctor response. they all say that at first. That's probably what they tell them to say in med school. . I'm sure dude. All we eat is chicken and leaves. We don't even use salt most of the time. It is not your diet.

  2. #33482
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Kinda funny you mention this - I just checked the prescribed dose(40mgs) whereas the OTC I believe is 20mgs/per tab... May have to ask the doc about this... But after reading Sfla's link I'm not so sure... I may try the apple cider vinegar ugh
    double post.

  3. #33483
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Kinda funny you mention this - I just checked the prescribed dose(40mgs) whereas the OTC I believe is 20mgs/per tab... May have to ask the doc about this... But after reading Sfla's link I'm not so sure... I may try the apple cider vinegar ugh
    Yes the OTC is 20 but they cost $1.20 per pill. LOL. The max allowed by the FDA for prescriptions of Omeprazole is 80mg/day. I have read that problems with absorption of nutrients can occur in doses higher than that and even at that. 60 is probably ok but I'd talk to your doc about this. I know a lot about it but I'm no doctor.

  4. #33484
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Seriously dude, go to a specialist on gastric issues. I didn't know you had been trach'ed before. You probably already have a specialist then. It is so important to make sure you don't get complications if your acid problem is more than just a simple case of heartburn. And the way we are describing it, chronic, no reason for it, regurgitation and or even closure that causes choking on food, etc. Once GERD is in full force, you will eventually get Barrett's. That is a precursor to esophageal cancer. It's like being told you have emphysema when you're a smoker. If you don't quit smoking right then, you WILL develop lung cancer. It's not an if it's a when. Same deal with gastric disease. it is progressive.
    I just read up on everything you just described... I know I have gastric issues(everytime I've been in there for constipation(back when was on pain pills) very harsh/nauseous stomach I got CT SCANNED w/berrium contrast and they said looks good(I don't believe half the shit they say even tho they did save my life).... Shit I've had 6 ventral hernia surgeries on top of all that other stuff with my trach - I know something isn't right in there

    Note* I do only take one a day and seems to work - I'm wondering if it wasn't just something I ate yesterday in the am moreso... Idk
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-17-2016 at 09:20 AM.

  5. #33485
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Oh ya. Took a bottom pain of glass out of my front window, got a piece of plexy glass and cut her door into it.
    Haha! That's cool. I have 4 cats. They would love that kind of deal.

  6. #33486
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    Arms this morning

    Close grip smith 3w 1f 1w (240) dd

    Incline skulls 1f 2w 1d

    Rope pull downs 2w dropping ran the rack.

    One arm pull downs (standing back and walking forward for drops.)

    Bent over dB curls 1f 2w (45) dd

    Incline curls 2w one drop

    Hammer dB curls 2w (50) 4 drops

    Rope curls 1w dd

  7. #33487
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I just read up on everything you just described... I know I have gastric issues(everytime I've been in there for constipation(back when was on pain pills) very harsh/nauseous stomach I got CT SCANNED w/berrium contrast and they said looks good(I don't believe half the shit they say even tho they did save my life).... Shit I've had 6 ventral hernia surgeries on top of all that other stuff with my trach - I know something isn't right in there

    Note* I do only take one a day and seems to work - I'm wondering if it wasn't just something I ate yesterday in the am moreso... Idk
    I don't trust those fvckers either. I always get copies of everything. I know how to read a scan. I know anatomy quite well. I know what I am looking at. If I don't like something about it I tell them to test it more and why I want it. You don't have to be your own doc but they do work for you. you're their employer. Don't forget that. When I had pancreatitis I had the radiologist take me in the back room and he went through all kinds of awesome software shows that most people never get to see. I had gotten af full body scan, and he was showing me the full color top down view, going step by step in 1mm slices. it was awesome. You can't get copies of all that data I don't think but you can get a lot.

  8. #33488
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Arms this morning

    Close grip smith 3w 1f 1w (240) dd

    Incline skulls 1f 2w 1d

    Rope pull downs 2w dropping ran the rack.

    One arm pull downs (standing back and walking forward for drops.)

    Bent over dB curls 1f 2w (45) dd

    Incline curls 2w one drop

    Hammer dB curls 2w (50) 4 drops

    Rope curls 1w dd
    Nice Sfla!

    I'm doing arms today too... Looking forward to trashing them - for some reason I like going w/bis first(Kel had mentioned a cushion like when the bis are pumped and almost get a slight recoil off of them(being so full of blood) how do you like tris first!

    I try and keep preachers for 2nd/or 3rd exercise(and finish w/hammers) heavy first then maybe running the rack after till my arms can't move - your strength is certainly going way up! Good stuff buddy & how you feeling? What wk you in?

  9. #33489
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    This is my busiest semester of teh three... Can't keep up with this thread at all most of teh time or something else in life suffers.

    Maybe tomorrow I will find extra time in the day???

    Hit back last night as a pullback:

    Medium grip pulldowns. 3 sets, and went to failure on the third set.
    DB rows: 3 sets, went to failure on the last set.
    Straight bar, straight arm lat pushdowns: TUT 2 sets of 12-15. Fire in the lats! Finally did them well and am going to start my workouts with these during my full blown HIT sessions, but most likely will not go too heavy or beyond failure because my form gets compromised.
    BB shrugs: 3 sets of 15, no failure, just smooth 2 secs up, 2 sec contraction, 2 secs down.

    Ended with some biceps because time is limited again this weekend

    Preacher over the incline: love these! 3 sets of slow controlled reps, did hit a rest pause on the last set after failure on each arm.
    Reverse grip ez curl: 2 sets of slow curls to emphasize forearm. No failure, but heavy burn ~12-15 reps.
    Behind the back BB forearm curls 3 sets of ~15 to get a pump and work them by themselves.

    Great final pullback work for back/bi. Looking forward to an HIT workout because my grip and my lat strength seemed very high yesterday.

  10. #33490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Haha! That's cool. I have 4 cats. They would love that kind of deal.
    Unlock it in the morning and lock it just before I go to bed. She goes as she pleases.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  11. #33491
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I'm so stressed guys I cant explain it on the open forum and don't want to personally either for reasons some of you know but work is killing me and my own work is over powering me.

    Training is good but just did biceps and forearms today but killed them, 3 guys asked me what I was using. I told them to fuk off I'm training, which isn't like me I don't do nastiness but things are on top of me hard.

    Back is killing me,
    shoulder is fuking murdering me
    and my chest workout was like a woman's

    Going to have to organise everything in order and deal with the horrible sh1t what comes my way.

    In the USA you guys have it soooooo good with your laws fuk me, well done

  12. #33492
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    So walked out of work and one of these were parked right by front door. <img src=""/> Bugatti....Floyd Mayweather just bought one for 3.5 million dollars. Just insane
    he has multiple bugattis

  13. #33493
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    ** esophagus

    My old man suffered from chronic heartburn, but by the time he went to the Dr, it was too late. The acid reflux had pretty much eaten away that flap at the bottom of the esophagus, as well as developed Stomach Ulcers.
    That sucks. I was diagnosed with Barrett's Syndrome about 3 years or so ago. Take generic Prilosec daily. Works great. Doc said when you have it there's about a 10% chance of it becoming cancerous. Lovely. I'm due to make an appt to get scoped again to check on it.
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  14. #33494
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    DB Flat Press 1WU 2F 2W 6 plus 1 force plus 1N, second working set 4 DS 4 plus 1N

    DB Incline Press 2f 2W 7 plus 1F plus 1N second set 5 1F DS 3 and was shot!!

    Cable flys at the top 2W 15 slow and squeeze the shit out of it second set 8 DS 5 DS 6 PUMPED

    Flat DB 2W sets
    superset with
    Incline DB 2W set Not for sure one the reps here I know the weight was for a girl. But the shit felt heavy at this point. LOL..

    At the end got some cardio in and tried to do a few sets of push ups. Didn't workout with the push ups.

    Great workout guys!!!

  15. #33495
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Nice Sfla!

    I'm doing arms today too... Looking forward to trashing them - for some reason I like going w/bis first(Kel had mentioned a cushion like when the bis are pumped and almost get a slight recoil off of them(being so full of blood) how do you like tris first!

    I try and keep preachers for 2nd/or 3rd exercise(and finish w/hammers) heavy first then maybe running the rack after till my arms can't move - your strength is certainly going way up! Good stuff buddy & how you feeling? What wk you in?
    OK tris before bis is just something I always done. For one maybe it's old school mind set larger group first?

    I've actually been meaning to switch it up as I have seen it mention here before.

    Feeling great now. I think today marks week 6

  16. #33496
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I'm so stressed guys I cant explain it on the open forum and don't want to personally either for reasons some of you know but work is killing me and my own work is over powering me.

    Training is good but just did biceps and forearms today but killed them, 3 guys asked me what I was using. I told them to fuk off I'm training, which isn't like me I don't do nastiness but things are on top of me hard.

    Back is killing me,
    shoulder is fuking murdering me
    and my chest workout was like a woman's

    Going to have to organise everything in order and deal with the horrible sh1t what comes my way.

    In the USA you guys have it soooooo good with your laws fuk me, well done
    Hope everything slows down with ya big guy, hopefully soon. Hope everything workouts for ya. If you need anything feel free to let me know.

    Also that woman workout would kill most people.

  17. #33497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    OK tris before bis is just something I always done. For one maybe it's old school mind set larger group first?

    I've actually been meaning to switch it up as I have seen it mention here before.

    Feeling great now. I think today marks week 6
    I always do bi's first because when I tried to do tris first, the pump starts to hurt when i move to bis. The pump from bis doesnt hurt when I do tris. Nothing overtly scientific about that, just what works for me.

    I should add, that I warm up both lightly before hitting any real weight on the biceps, so that my elbows, wrists, and forearms are properly prepped.

  18. #33498
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    I always do bi's first because when I tried to do tris first, the pump starts to hurt when i move to bis. The pump from bis doesnt hurt when I do tris. Nothing overtly scientific about that, just what works for me. I should add, that I warm up both lightly before hitting any real weight on the biceps, so that my elbows, wrists, and forearms are properly prepped.
    I work them both at the same time. I superset them rather then resting

  19. #33499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I work them both at the same time. I superset them rather then resting
    I've done both - & tho I like the S/S method... I feel the pump isn't nearly as strong and your bis/or tris don't get blasted like working them separately... Just my exoerience... I've done it both ways - whatever works right

  20. #33500
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    Arms I crushed em - fvking feel like my skin is super stretched -- huge pump
    Stretching abs rolling more stretching

    DB Alt curlsheavy
    3 warm ups 2 feelers
    1w(65s) 5 drop 3+ drop 3-4

    EZ BAR CG preachers on rev side just letting arms hang
    2 warm ups 2w(85s) 10+/7+ then RP it till 1 rep(avg about 3-4 then 2 then 1 then 1/2) almost puked in my mouth during a set

    CG Cable straight bar
    1w Stacked 8+ Drop 4 +RP 1.5

    Hammer curls
    Heavy 1w 5+ drop 3+ drop 3+ all partials into no movement
    Then ran rack 2x 55--->30s no movement --- absolutely destroyed

    CG smith bench felt real nauseous after this lol
    3 warm ups 2 feelers
    1w(335) 5 drop(275)5 same 3 225 burn out TUT(so not too many reps

    straight bar pushdowns
    2w(stacked) 8+/6+ TD

    REV one arm pushdowns starting far back taking steps up to drop set w/same weight
    1w DD x2 w/15sec in between working sets

    Weights done in 40min I planned on ond more ex for tris but this was a first where I literally had zero left in my tris - must not have been working hard enough weight is holding at 210 atm upping cals again!

  21. #33501
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    Heading in for legs at 6:30. Can't wait..... Feels good to be back

  22. #33502
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Heading in for legs at 6:30. Can't wait..... Feels good to be back
    Im sure it does :-p

  23. #33503
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Heading in for legs at 6:30. Can't wait..... Feels good to be back
    Just got done mine a couple hours ago. Knees have been sore this past week, probably due to the last heavy squat day. Not really sure exactly what to attribute it to. Anyway, skipped extensions today and just did:

    Verticals - 2 quick sets, 15 reps, lighter than normal
    Squats - 1 medium weight set (not light, just medium) 15 reps
    Seated Leg curls - 2 sets, 10-12
    Calf crap

    Keeping it a bit lighter and quicker felt good for a change.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  24. #33504
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    Just got back from getting a truck is repaired. Pretty sure they were laughing when I left. They stuck me, a 6'2" ,fat, 270+ lb. ginger (with a braid halfway down his back and more ink than most people.can tolerate) in a fvcking candy@ss red Hyunda Accent. I about knocked myself out and dislocated a shoulder getting in the d@mn thing. Also, to top it all off, the car smells like a blunt.
    Nothing against Hyundai, but this damn vehicle is awful small.
    I'll be sooo glad to get my truck back next week. I'm way off of my usual sleep schedule, so going to crash out in a little bit and get up to lift early morning. Off work tonight.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  25. #33505
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Just got back from getting a truck is repaired. Pretty sure they were laughing when I left. They stuck me, a 6'2" ,fat, 270+ lb. ginger (with a braid halfway down his back and more ink than most people.can tolerate) in a fvcking candy@ss red Hyunda Accent. I about knocked myself out and dislocated a shoulder getting in the d@mn thing. Also, to top it all off, the car smells like a blunt.
    Nothing against Hyundai, but this damn vehicle is awful small.
    I'll be sooo glad to get my truck back next week. I'm way off of my usual sleep schedule, so going to crash out in a little bit and get up to lift early morning. Off work tonight.

  26. #33506
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Just got back from getting a truck is repaired. Pretty sure they were laughing when I left. They stuck me, a 6'2" ,fat, 270+ lb. ginger (with a braid halfway down his back and more ink than most people.can tolerate) in a fvcking candy@ss red Hyunda Accent. I about knocked myself out and dislocated a shoulder getting in the d@mn thing. Also, to top it all off, the car smells like a blunt. Nothing against Hyundai, but this damn vehicle is awful small. I'll be sooo glad to get my truck back next week. I'm way off of my usual sleep schedule, so going to crash out in a little bit and get up to lift early morning. Off work tonight.

    They got you!

    Reminds me of a time in college when I had to get a rental while my truck was getting fixed. They stuck me in a lipstick bright red Ford Focus. My crazy roommates put a sign on it one day that said Hot Pepper! I keep seeing people giggling in my rear view mirror and didn't notice until I parked on campus. I left it on until I returned the car. We also took that car on the Mississippi River levee and took it mud riding and sliding down the levee with the parking brake!

    Ah, college!

  27. #33507 wishes and may God be with you. We all go though stuff,hope you get through whatever you've got going on as quick and painless as possible.

  28. #33508
    Hit legs hard today.
    Squats 135x20 warm up
    385x4, drop setted into

    Calf stuff

    I'm really liking this pre-exhaust method. I've been doing it a few weeks and really feel it's making a difference, probably keep it up a few more weeks then switch back to heavier with less reps for a bit. Hope everyone has a great night!

  29. #33509
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    I smashed legs..... I can't walk..... It's bad lol

  30. #33510
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    135x16 for 3 sets to warm up

    Hack squats
    4 plates total for 10
    6 for 10
    8 for 10
    10 for 10
    10 for 8, drop to 6, drop to 4, drop to 2

    Static lunges
    3x10 with 135

    Leg extensions
    100 reps

    Standing leg curls

  31. #33511
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    135x16 for 3 sets to warm up

    Hack squats
    4 plates total for 10
    6 for 10
    8 for 10
    10 for 10
    10 for 8, drop to 6, drop to 4, drop to 2

    Static lunges
    3x10 with 135

    Leg extensions
    100 reps

    Standing leg curls
    Those static lunges are nasty aren't they... Wait till your all the way back into your groove, those static lunges are great heavy too!(as Kel always mentions)

    How do you like standing leg curls as opposed to lying?

    Still a strong w/o brotha! You'll be feeling those hacks and ext's for sure :-p

  32. #33512
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post

    They got you!

    Reminds me of a time in college when I had to get a rental while my truck was getting fixed. They stuck me in a lipstick bright red Ford Focus. My crazy roommates put a sign on it one day that said Hot Pepper! I keep seeing people giggling in my rear view mirror and didn't notice until I parked on campus. I left it on until I returned the car. We also took that car on the Mississippi River levee and took it mud riding and sliding down the levee with the parking brake!

    Ah, college!
    Lmao - that's awesome!

  33. #33513
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    Side lateral raises

    Bb reverse grip front lateral raises

    Cable side raises superset db shrugs

    Upright rows

    Reverse peck deck

    35 minutes cool down cardio and done

  34. #33514
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    Still can't walk today..... If I squat to the floor I fall about halfway down. I need to push up with my hands to stand up lol

  35. #33515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Still can't walk today..... If I squat to the floor I fall about halfway down. I need to push up with my hands to stand up lol
    Sounds like you hit the spot then!!!
    Mine are fvcking tight today, but not quite that bad. I can feel that calves are going to be very sore tomorrow!

  36. #33516
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    supperset squats with weighted lunges 3 sets to hell.

    single leg extension - 3 sets

    lying leg curls - 3 sets

    standing calve raises - 3 sets
    seated calve raises - 3 sets

    No HIT today lower back hurt to much

    used a baseball to break down the tissue around the glutes and back,

  37. #33517
    BG's Avatar
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    OK guys I'm having bad issues. My stomach is screwed. Everytime I eat I get indigestion, heart burn and cunvulsive hiccups. It's really bad, I nearly went to the ER on the way to my job site. I got to drop the tren for sure but I have to stop the hiccups my chest hurts so bad. I took a Zantac, all I could get at 7-Eleven. Anybody have suggestions? I'm fuked.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  38. #33518
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    OK guys I'm having bad issues. My stomach is screwed. Everytime I eat I get indigestion, heart burn and cunvulsive hiccups. It's really bad, I nearly went to the ER on the way to my job site. I got to drop the tren for sure but I have to stop the hiccups my chest hurts so bad. I took a Zantac, all I could get at 7-Eleven. Anybody have suggestions? I'm fuked.
    OUch mate. You think the Tren is contributing to this?

  39. #33519
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    OK guys I'm having bad issues. My stomach is screwed. Everytime I eat I get indigestion, heart burn and cunvulsive hiccups. It's really bad, I nearly went to the ER on the way to my job site. I got to drop the tren for sure but I have to stop the hiccups my chest hurts so bad. I took a Zantac, all I could get at 7-Eleven. Anybody have suggestions? I'm fuked.
    try Omeprazole it works great when I get those issues due to the amount I eat.

  40. #33520
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    OK guys I'm having bad issues. My stomach is screwed. Everytime I eat I get indigestion, heart burn and cunvulsive hiccups. It's really bad, I nearly went to the ER on the way to my job site. I got to drop the tren for sure but I have to stop the hiccups my chest hurts so bad. I took a Zantac, all I could get at 7-Eleven. Anybody have suggestions? I'm fuked.
    Dang BG hope this passes fast for you. Keep us updated.

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