Would you admit it, why and why not?
A lot of people I know of don't admit it. I went to an University where roid were pretty common, but a lot of people still didn't admit it.
Would you admit it, why and why not?
A lot of people I know of don't admit it. I went to an University where roid were pretty common, but a lot of people still didn't admit it.
Personal choice and reasons would be all individual. Anyone with any kind of knowledge and experience know anyway and wouldn't ask because they already know.
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Last edited by Applepie; 05-12-2016 at 07:31 AM. Reason: duplicate
It always boggled me, what difference does it make for one to know if someone is on or not. If all the world would come forward and said the way the reality is which Im just gonna pull something out of the thin air lets say 50% of fitness lovers and gym goers do roids, whats next? What people that wanted to know do next when they now know it all about the truth? What changes? How will the world revolve around these people after? Are these people now are to go pointing fingers and shaming people, build a anti-roid police institution for doing something someone has decided to do as a personal choice? I for one know that it would make no difference to them but I curious to know the reason for the itch that caused them question the world for what it is
It's funny as hell when guys just lie to lie - dude, wtf r u talking about, you're 250 Lbs. & 8% Bf - nah man, I'd never do that stuff.
I don't even bother any more. I'm all natural too, nothing wrong with oiling my muscles with a 25ga spike every day or two. What's unnatural about that
I go to the gym close to the same time almost everyday and I see the same guys all the time. I notice when a guys bench jumps 100 pounds in 3 weeks, his muscles are also fuller/harder, or if the just get puffy and look like they are retaining a lot of water. I recently asked a guy if he was doing deca. I felt he was doing deca because the weights he was pushing was significantly more than just a month ago and he looked bigger, but also looked like he was retaining a lot of water. He said no but he was doing some natural supplement that was supposed to increase his testosterone. Ya I throw the BS flag on that.
I think people don't admit to it because it's more of an accomplishment to get big without doing roids. I have friends that know I do HRT and they always say that I would not be as muscular if I wasn't doing test. I always reply, you are right but if I gave you my test to take for 6 months and you continued your lifestyle of not working out, drinking and eating whatever you want, I would bet you would gain 25 pounds. the only person I have told about other tren/deca use is my son in law, but no one has asked either. Maybe they all just assume.
most probably because people who don't use roids need any reason to start judging you. I never used roid myself (no really :P) but i will probably do soon, and i know it is not magic because u need to work hard and be well educated to get benefit and not harm yourself. It happened to me today that i asked a guy in my gym if he was on roid because his physic changed drastically in 3 weeks and he got really bad acne all over and ofc he answered no and told me that he doesn't even know how to run a cycle and never read about steroids before![]()
I wouldn't be asking random people if they're 'on' - I agree as soon as one says they're on you get the ffs I could do that/be like that if I did it... Yada yada yada - BS - most of us have more dicsipline in our damn arm than one has on there selves' diet training etc!
Fvk what people think -. Like I stated earlier if one doesn't assume or beat around the bush than your not doing it right![]()
As judgmental as this world is and ignorance of some. I would never admit to using steroids. Because like someone else stated, from then on every gain you make would be because of the steroids!
Unless! I was as big as Marcus or Kiel, then if someone ask me if I used steroids I would say "Why hell yes! Now get out my face, before I squash you"!
I think it's idiotic to broadcast if you use. First of all, there is much negativity surrounded by it. We all have to much of that in our lives anyway, who needs more?
Secondly, you will have every skinny gym bro hitting you up for "roids."
And thirdly, fuck them.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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Pretty big stigma around steroids. I know before I ever did them I would judge people pretty heavily for "cheating", thinking all you had to do was stick a needle in your arse to look like Arnold and run like Ben Johnson. 3 cycles later and I know that's not even remotely true.
I wouldn't tell people anything (still don't). I don't get asked much, but people certainly notice that I've gotten bigger the last few years, and the guys in my gym see my lifts going up from "dedication". Steroids? Nah bro. I just weigh my food and eat 400 grams of protein every day.
I hate all that "steroids are a problem" crap. they are incredible!
I love this Fu()ing post
Last edited by Tlolec the toilet; 05-12-2016 at 09:57 AM.
Most people don't admit, because they know everyone will discredit all their hard work and dedication. Everyone will always say steroids are why you look the way you do. No matter what you tell people they will believe steroids just grow muscle with zero work, until they try it for themselves.
It is also illegal where I live, and I don't advertise my illegal activities.
Here's my take, at least for the "older TRT guys" like me @ 57. You see some older guy training for his first marathon - literally destroying his body orthopedically, likely he's in a lot of pain, fighting nagging injuries - but a lot of folks would think - "good for this guy, look at him, how dedicated he is, fighting though the pain and injuries" - almost heroic in a way.
But then you take an older guy, who legitimately puts in his time at the gym, but his gradually increasing age and decreasing test levels are impacting his workouts. He takes test, and what do folks typically say? "What's wrong with him, why doesn't he act his age, doesn't he know what that stuff is doing to him, etc."
"Forget" them all, I tell them the truth.
uhm... it's illegal?
before i engage with anybody on this subject i make sure there's a level of trust. after that, i like talking about it. i'm just trying to learn more to take things (safely) to the next level.
it's stunned me when i've been asked (loudly) if use by people in the gym i kind of know... wtf do they think i'll say?!? uhm... yes, you want some?!? ugh.
I have no problem admitting it.
Except to my wife.
Could be because it's a drug and illegal.
LOL... These responses
Admitting to trt is also frowned upon. Its an admission that you cannot function as a man without a synthetic addition. I blame the Olympic cheating and media for the negativity surrounding steroid/trt use.
Funny ,a 16 year old girl can get a pack of hormones to stop ovulating easily..and they say it's a mans world.....
Because they are soft coks. Unless you are one of those buddhists you only live once. So you have to make the most of it and be the best you can be. I do not see why drugs in sports in frowned upon. Using drugs is a sign that you a committed to be the best you can possibly be.
1. it's illegal and more importantly, 2. it absolutely negates ALL the hard work one's put into building the amazing body. It's impossible to take steroids, sit around and look like a body builder. People to take AAS train harder, diet stricter, and watch their health WAY more than the layman. But as soon as someone admits they've taken steroids, all the blood, sweat and tears are dismissed instantly. The general public's been fed a lie about steroid for so long, they actually believe it.
I personally don't mind, so long as the person being informed understand that steroids don't just make you huge by sitting on the couch. I told an old girl friend, who was disgusted by me, until she understood how they truly work. I think most people don't tell because they understand the knowledge level of the general public, or rather the lack there of :/
Yes exactly, once you admit use, you spend an inordinate amount of time and effort justifying yourself and trying to ensure the person you told, that it isn't as bad as its made out, you're then hoping you made enough of an impact that they don't talk about you behind your back to your other aquaintences who will also think less of you.
When as a underground group of men and women, we fight against discrimination daily, even from drs who should know better but don't.
Its no wonder we keep to ourselves. Hence these forums become important to our mental and physical health.
My take..
Ive been in the gym for 22 plus years..
The most sickening guy in there is the heavy AAS user looking down on every skinny / new guy like he doesn't belong..
Now often those guys can be the exception and not the rule.. but its funny how 1 bad egg can cast a dark shadow..
It doesn't matter if your the hardest working guy in the gym, the minute your branded for Steroids or even TRT. your a cheater..
The world we live in
I don't like the opinion non users or ppl who have never lifted weights before have of people that use ..I think it's irritating when people say all I have to do is juice and I'll be as big or bigger than you..they look right past all the hard work and dedication it's taken me to get to were iam at..the constant feeding and cooking the 1000's of hours educating myself on the subject..the 20 years of weights I've lifted..they think steroid are a majic potion that makes you instantly big,pretty oh and that's why women want you too..it's the juice!i get so irritated by people I just agree with whatever stupid diet or training advice they give me..I always deny and play dumb to steroid allegations..
Maybe cause its breaking the law in most countries nowadays
I never did anything more potent than HMB for many years and I often got accused of using roids. I took it as a compliment but was a little annoyed that people assumed I couldn't grow naturally. Recently my doc put me on TRT but prior to that I hadn't even done pro hormones. I am now 42 and recently did my first cycle and am kicking myself because I never tried it before. I feel better than I ever have and am seeing some real nice gains as well.
My point is, you can't just assume someone is a user because they have success in the gym. I was all natural for years but people never believed me when I claimed that I was despite it being the truth.
First of all I dont know where you go to the gym but I dont know who you know who would be looking at someone skinny and looking at them like they dont belong. Maybe if they dont clean up after themselves but not for being skinny.
Secondly, i have admited in the past to close family and friends im on gear but never to strangers especially at a gym. If they want to label me a cheater should they find out I could care less. Im doing my thing.. you do your thing. Im not big on the whole gym community thing.
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