The heat is kicking my ass! By the time I got to deads, I was getting pretty shaky, but still got deads in. I may have to slightly slow down my pace on back and leg days, we'll see. Shop thermometer was reading 89°F and the weather radio was saying 91°F, so either way it's fairly warm.
2 sets of crunches and a decent amount of stretches by arching back kind of like a cat and pushing backwards with my hands and some lat stretching as well.
WG pulldown w/ u'hand grip- 2 w/u, Work- 7 - 3+ - 1+ w/ a slow 10 count hold into a 10 count neg.
Parallel grip pulldown- 1 w/u, Work- 6+ - 3+ - 1+ w/ a slow 10 count hold into a slow 10 count neg. Very painful.
Straightjacket stretches
Tbar rows- 1 w/u, Work1- 4+ reps - 4 reps, drop, 3+ reps. Rest 1 minute. Work2- 5 reps. Pretty much geeked at this point.
Low pulley rows w/ cambered D handle bar- 4+ - 3+ - 1+ w/ 10 count neg on partials
Deads- 1 w/u, Work1-6 reps and was seeing spots. Rest for 1 minute, hit the ammonia, drop a smidge of weight. Work2- 6 more solid reps.
Think it's about time to call the deep tissue massage lady up and let her stomp on my back and call me names.
44 minutes not including stretches and crunches. Will try to slightly slow the pace next time and do a tad more work on deads.