Hello HIT squad,
Well I haven't been around because things got crazy. You know I had to finish that house for the 4th, my wife and I separated a week or so before that. That week up to the 4th was one of the most insane weeks of my life. I was trying to take care of the house/pets/food and work 12 hour super high pressure days without cracking. The house went well, I actually used work as a way to clear my head, I just focused on that and that alone. Then I would just train, cook and house chores and there wasnt any time left, I would just pass out and do it again the next day. That Monday after the fourth my boss was kind enough to tell me he had no big houses to do and I was getting laid off. So here I was , about to turn 42, no wife, no job. I can really fuck things up. My wife and I ended up having some really intense talks, totally putting everything out there. Being together for 14 years and no kids is very hard, theres no buffer, nothing between us, just her and I. We drifted apart, grew kinda cold, our marriage was more of an arrangement. But we agreed we need to constantly work on it, date nights, she's going to visit her Mom in Florida for a few weeks at a time a couple times atleast a year. You we be surprised how time away from each other is good for a relationship........well at least mine

We are back together and things are good, Im still unemployed but I know God has something good planned for me, I just have to keep my faith. So all in all things turned out pretty well, training is great, Im in the best shape since competing, now that Im not working my diet slipped a little, Im not pre cooking as much, I have to get back in that groove, but things are good.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate our friendships