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Thread: Looking for suggestions on steroids for boxing!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Looking for suggestions on steroids for boxing!

    Hello, I am new here and not sure if this is the correct location to post, but I am looking for suggestions on what to buy as I have just started boxing last week and want to start gaining real muscle. I am looking for anything that will boost my cardio (endurance), strength and speed. I have no knowledge on anything, but if you need my stats here they are:

    Age: 18
    Heigth: 5'11
    Weigth: 175, but all pretty much fat that I am going to hopefully burn off in the upcoming weeks.
    bf%: high, not sure exacts
    Diet: Starting next week I plan to keep a fighters diet

    Thanks for all your help.

    Also, if possible as little side effects as possible. Please no increase in acne or mood swings. I am already bi-polar and have enough acne.
    Last edited by CB32; 07-14-2016 at 06:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    Hey bud, really need to slow down here seems like you got great intentions getting in shape and really need to slow down and get involved in boxing and weight trying for awhile get some years under your belt focus on diet and training..with your age,mental issues,weight it's a really bad idea to put the cart in front of the horse and use Steriods too soon..start reading some threads about diet and training..I don't think anyone else will give you a different answer..

  3. #3
    Hey man I was in a similar situation to you a few years back and I understand where your coming from. My advice would be to nail your training/ diet and get a solid understanding of how to lose body fat and increase strength naturally. At your age you will see huge advances in short time periods, and gear will be mostly wasted on you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Wrong section CB, Post in tbe Q&A.

  5. #5
    I have a few recommendations for you. 1) You should be at least 25 before your start with a cycle, 2) you should be in the gym for about 5 years training seriously, 3) your body fat should be close to 10%, 4) get a diet dialed in to control your growth. It takes time to get these down and you have a lot of work to do before you're ready for a cycle. You will hurt yourself if you start now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CB32 View Post
    I have just started boxing last week
    Cool, really hope you enjoy it.

    and want to start gaining real muscle. I am looking for anything that will boost my cardio (endurance), strength and speed.
    I reckon most people start out with those goals.

    I have no knowledge on anything, but if you need my stats here they are:

    Age: 18
    Heigth: 5'11
    Weigth: 175, but all pretty much fat that I am going to hopefully burn off in the upcoming weeks.
    bf%: high, not sure exacts
    Diet: Starting next week I plan to keep a fighters diet
    I reckon you'll have a severe stroke if you start taking steroids.

    Also, if possible as little side effects as possible. Please no increase in acne or mood swings.
    Stay away from Trenbolone.

    I am already bi-polar and have enough acne.
    If you have experienced mania in the past then you should probably be aware that certain medications are known to induce mania in people who have experienced mania before.

    That's the least of your worries though, you're going to have a stroke.

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