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Thread: Please critique my workout routine

  1. #1

    Smile Please critique my workout routine

    Hello everyone,

    I am 22 yrs old I weight 175 currently. I would like to bulk up to about 195
    I am eating 4000 cal per day and trying to get up to 5000. Here is my weekly training routine:
    Monday - Chest and triceps
    Wednesday - Biceps and Legs
    Friday - Back and shoulders

    I do about 9 total sets for triceps and biceps and about 12 total sets for everything else. I do between 6-10 reps per set.

    Here are some of my concerns:
    Should i do 2 muscle groups in one day?
    Are the 2 muscle groups that I do in a day good to do together?
    My excerices are limited i would like to try new ones, is there a web site where i could learn new ones with pictures so i can learn good form?

    Please feel free to comment on how i could make my workouts more intense and efficient

    Thanks guys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Form is important and Im glad you mentioned that. Remember the golden rule. "Its not how much you lift but how you lift it".

    As for your routine. If youre going to do chest and tri's on one day might as well do back and bi's one day also and do shoulders on one day alone. Do traps with back also. This is a common mistake because when you train back you hit your traps really good but some people assume since its up by the shoulders to do it on a shoulder day. Not true. Could if you want to. There's no magic formula really. Spread this work out to 4 days. I like that you do it every other day. Rest is key my man. Train legs in one day also by themselves. If you train them right you wont have any breath or energy to do anything else. Fit abs and calves all in between these workouts.

    Remeber to stick to basic moves that are the meat and potato's of building. in example. Flat bench is over all chest. Standing curl is over all bi. Military press over all shoulders. Standing squat over all leg exercise. Then isolate the muscles per exercise to shape and pump them where necessary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    You routine looks good. Stick with it for a little bit before you swicth anything up. 2 muscles in one day is fine.. ive seen more done. Maybe you can do cardio or abs at home inbetween... on your off days. And keep pushing yourself and youll see those gains come.

    Your cal's look good, just make sureyou educate yourself on healthy diets.

  4. #4

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    You routine looks good. Stick with it for a little bit before you swicth anything up. 2 muscles in one day is fine.. ive seen more done. Maybe you can do cardio or abs at home inbetween... on your off days. And keep pushing yourself and youll see those gains come.

    Your cal's look good, just make sureyou educate yourself on healthy diets.

    Great, thanks for the info and the encouragement...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zango123
    Hello everyone,

    I am 22 yrs old I weight 175 currently. I would like to bulk up to about 195
    I am eating 4000 cal per day and trying to get up to 5000. Here is my weekly training routine:
    Monday - Chest and triceps
    Wednesday - Biceps and Legs
    Friday - Back and shoulders

    I do about 9 total sets for triceps and biceps and about 12 total sets for everything else. I do between 6-10 reps per set.

    Here are some of my concerns:
    Should i do 2 muscle groups in one day?
    Are the 2 muscle groups that I do in a day good to do together?
    My excerices are limited i would like to try new ones, is there a web site where i could learn new ones with pictures so i can learn good form?

    Please feel free to comment on how i could make my workouts more intense and efficient

    Thanks guys

    Legs and Biceps on the same day is too much. I would train legs on a seperate day. As a matter of fact I split my leg routine into 3 days (quads, calves, and hams). I can't do Quads on the same day as another leg muscle. No way, I'm just too exhausted after Quads.
    Here's the split that seems to work for me

    Day 1 : Chest - Quads
    Day 2 : Back - Hams
    Day 3 : Shoulders - Traps - calves
    Day 4 : Bi's - Tri's
    Day 5 : rest
    Day 6 : blast off again

    Mind you, I sometimes train twice a day, once in the afternoon and once at night. I'll do one body part in the afternoon and the other at night.
    I hit Abs and cardio about 2 - 3 times a week.

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