Hey guys. What's a good dose of finesteride on cycle? I'm going to be on a 1g test run soon and was thinking 5mg finesteride per day to help with DHT conversion. I can def tell my hairlines are getting thinner from the test.
Hey guys. What's a good dose of finesteride on cycle? I'm going to be on a 1g test run soon and was thinking 5mg finesteride per day to help with DHT conversion. I can def tell my hairlines are getting thinner from the test.
Normally, for hair loss a dermatologist will prescribe like 1mg/ed tabs. For prostate, 5mg/ed.
That's pretty much what I got from the internet also. I'm going to try 5mg ed alongside 1g test.
If you want precise dosing you need to test DHT in blood work.
1mg is a sufficient daily dosage of finasteride imo.
1mg and 5mg are pretty standard dosage for hairline and prostate. I've gotten the same prescription from my GP, dermatologist, and endo. Even if you know your DHT what's the dosage formula? When do you take 1mg and when do you take 1.5mg and so forth? The doc's go by a rule of thumb, is what I'm guessing. You talk about hairline, it's 1mg. You talk about prostate, it's 5mg.
Also interested in this question for test cycle.
Yes, DHT tests are probably the only way to know for sure but has anyone done this and could share their results?
I know it won't necessarily be the same for everyone but it would help to have another data point.
Interesting that I cam across this thread because I was just asking a doctor about this a few days ago.
His response:
Finasteride blocks the 5AR enzymes that convert Testo into DHT. Just because you are taking more Test that your body normally produces, it does not mean you will also have more 5AR enzymes than normal floating around your body. So lets say 1mg of finasteride blocks off 70% of your available 5AR enzymes normally, it will still block 70% of your available 5AR enzymes when taking extra Testo. That remaining 30% is still active and converting when your levels are normal and when they are high. Because of that.....whether your Testo levels are in the normal range of 750 or if they are at 4000....1mg of finasteride will provide the same amount of protection.
Soo....what he says does kinda make sense. I am not 100% sure though. Anyone can counter his logic based on fact?
Here's some info from past BW. Note that I'm on TRT and normally maintain a test level around 1400-1500:
DHT normal range 30-85
1/12 DHT 75
3/12 DHT 81
5/13 DHT 84
PSA normally .07 to .08 but on following BW it went up to 1.2. Granted not much but it concerned me. Two weeks later it was 2.0. I then got a prostate MRI (non-invasive) and all is well. Prostate was enlarged (40cc) The spike was arguably self-imposed due to a longer test only run.
Implemented Finasteride at 5 mg per day:
7/13 DHT 22
8/15 DHT 15
10/13 DHT 12
Currently off the Fina and will retest soon for DHT and PSA prior to upping my test level in the future. Uro appt today actually.
Hope this helps.
Let me know if I got this right:
All these numbers were when you were only on TRT dosages, not on cycle.
The first 3 numbers were without fina, the second 3 were with fina.
You don't have any numbers for a time were you were both on cycle and on fina simultaneously.
All correct?
I've taken Proscar and even Propecia for many years, I'm now on Avodart which is stronger version, people say it's like castration. According to sources it saves more hair from falling off. I'm 41, I've been taken these meds in the order mentioned for about 12 years, since I was around 29 for the purposes of hair loss and not because I was on steroids as a result of hair loss. I've only started roids this year.
Anyway, if I would of taken the meds a few years earlier than 29, I would of probably saved a lot of hair from falling out, I think. Or perhaps, some grew back. But what I know certain, is that I would have much less hair on my head if I've never taken these meds. Unfortunately, for me receding hair line is inherited from my father. Avodart used to be only brand name and costly, now it comes in generic version and is about $30CAD for 2 months supply in Canada, I don't know how much they are in the US, I'm sure it's more expensive.
I want to add, I get it prescribed from a regular doctor and I told them it's for enlarged prostate (difficulty peeing etc) because if you say it's for hair loss regular doctors will refer you to a dermatologist which is time consuming and can save time just saying you have an enlarged prostate and insurance companies won't cover it for "cosmetic" reasons but it would be covered for prostate issues.
I've been on Test Ent and NPP for 9 weeks, ending at 12 weeks, and haven't noticed hair loss as a result.
Last edited by JDToronto; 12-16-2016 at 08:08 PM.
Correct. Since implementing Fina I've not run elevated test. But will be doing so in the near future and will continue to run frequent BW to see how it goes.
Here's a study you'll find interesting:
Wow, that's an awesome study. Thx for linking that.
I would love to see what the results are once you have elevated Test.
Kel, perhaps you can explain something to me.
People say that taking fina while using Nandrolone will actually have a worse effect, specifically in regards to hair loss.
I've read some explanations but it still doesn't really make sense.
What do you think about this?
This is a great thread; There's the ugly head of science in these posts.
KELKEL: I now understand why people say' "what's the BW?"
_Always though it was like "...yada, yada, and he died. Or, "The other day I died-" ..."So, what's the BW?"
But, this is about learning.
Cupid: weird name; Sharp mind.
Batman: If you can be Batman...be Batman!!
I love it!
What you read was bro science.
Its fine to use nandrolone while on finasteride.
About dosage it is correct that 5alpha reductase drugs, like finasteride and dutasteride, bind with reductase enzyme lowering DHT production. It doesnt destroy the DHT per se. The deduction that the more test you need more finasteride while incorrect, as you only have a certain amount ot reductase enzymes, it ends up working up to a point.
There are studies for male baldness saying that 1 or 2 mg have more or less same effect on dht levels.
Which is quite enough for the hair loss problem.
DHT is the most important hormone for men, crashing it, like I read above with dutasteride for hair sake is completely stupid IMHO.
For hair it is much better to lower dht to about 300-400 pg/ml, and to use topical cetoconozol shampoo. You can also stack minoxidil for added protection.
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