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Thread: new to cycles

  1. #1

    new to cycles


    I have spent quite some time reading through various post on this site, finally decided to sign up and ask / talk about some of my concerns / experiences.

    I have been training for 4 years, my diet is very clean and I hope, it's on point.

    My body fat is 19% and I weigh 95kg.

    I have, after much research decided to do my first cycle and have chosen oral DBol, my reason for oral is due to a condition I have which reacts very badly to injections of all kinds.

    Despite working in pharma I am finding some of the information I am trying to understand confusing. Below are a few points I am hoping you can help with.

    - My contact has told me with a Advil 30 mg (6 week cycle) I do not "NEED" any PCT, but it's always advisable. What's the truth here ??

    - I had an unsuccessful try with Winstol (oral) 30mg a day, I felt so tired and had flu like symptoms, my contact said this was because of high estrogen levels and suggested I took Nolvadex along side the Winstrol. Is this a legit solution to side affects of Winstrol or indeed Dbol (if I have the same issue)

    - I am concerned about sperm production, myself and my wife would like another child, again my contact told me they with a 6 week cycle and 6 weeks off, I do not need to worry. Is this correct, is there anything I can do to protect myself ??

    I have seen fire at newbies, I hope I have not caused any annoyance, I look forward to your advice.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well bro 1st of all your contact don't know nothing.And if you can't inject cycling isn't for you.And Advil is good for nothing but headaches.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Your contact is a complete idiot! I would hate to see what some of the other advice he gives out.
    I would even question purchasing from someone that gives that type of advice.
    Like songdog said if you are not willing to take an injection AAS is not for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    You need to get your body fat % down before taking AAS. On a side note Winstrol doesn't aromatise so your contact probably didn't give you Winstrol further more Nolvadex doesn't bring Estrogen down it just stops it binding to the receptor.

  5. #5
    What we have here is a clear case of "shut up and buy from me". Is going to tell you every choice you make is cool, without regards to you.

    Like maybe you only had 100$ to spend, he knows it, and if he told you dbol or winny is useless without test, then you wouldn't even buy the orals, plus I'm sure you told him of your "sensitivity" to injections. So again, he tells you your ok with just orals, knowing if he told you you had to inject, you'd not be a customer.

    Remembet, this stuff is still black market illegal drugs being sold by "drug dealers" (for lack of a better word), in spite of how fit or gym savvy they are.

    Pot dealers look the part
    Coke dealers look the part
    Steroid dealers look the part.

    Its all about advertising in those respects

    "Dude looks stoned constantly"
    "Dude looks geeked out constantly"
    "Dude looks monstrous huge and jacked, 250lb easy, no fat constantly"

  6. #6
    Ok, so orals don't work ??
    Last edited by Turkeyjibs; 01-16-2017 at 01:20 PM. Reason: Wrong thread

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkeyjibs View Post
    Ok, so orals don't work ??
    Orals do work but every cycle should be run with testosterone.

  8. #8
    Ok, that's interesting, can you explain why and how it needs to be taken ??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I agree with many of the above statements. I would recommend that you attempt to get your BF down to about 15% prior to starting a cycle. Hormones are not meant for weight loss so please do not include that into a weight loss program. Also curious about your age dude?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer View Post
    I agree with many of the above statements. I would recommend that you attempt to get your BF down to about 15% prior to starting a cycle. Hormones are not meant for weight loss so please do not include that into a weight loss program. Also curious about your age dude?
    I am 28 mate, so to confirm, without test dbol is pointless, no matter what you diet and training is like after the cycle??

    And can someone explain the need to drop to 15% BF ?? No arguing, want to understand.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkeyjibs View Post

    I am 28 mate, so to confirm, without test dbol is pointless, no matter what you diet and training is like after the cycle??

    And can someone explain the need to drop to 15% BF ?? No arguing, want to understand.
    Because you will have to eat a very good surplus of calories to grow muscle, at the same time it will gain fat, and water weight.

    If already not ideal, you look like a bloated fat mess that's strong.

    Plus body fat makes estrogen hard to control, which in turn leads to more fat, which leads to more estrogen, which leads to even more fat and high blood pressure, on top of thicker blood, and water retention,on top of bad cholesterol levels

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkeyjibs View Post
    Ok, that's interesting, can you explain why and how it needs to be taken ??
    Test is basically the building block for muscle growth and all the magic that happens in the male body it should be the base for any cycle. The best way and only way of taking it in a cycle in my opinion would be injections.

    This is the short version if you research it there will be the scientific version that will take a lot longer to read and explain it in detail how it actually works in the body.
    Last edited by diesel101; 01-16-2017 at 03:48 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dbol only cycle with no pct now that is a great way to grow tits and make your dick not work.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Please read. Read again then ask any questions you may have.

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