I have spent quite some time reading through various post on this site, finally decided to sign up and ask / talk about some of my concerns / experiences.
I have been training for 4 years, my diet is very clean and I hope, it's on point.
My body fat is 19% and I weigh 95kg.
I have, after much research decided to do my first cycle and have chosen oral DBol, my reason for oral is due to a condition I have which reacts very badly to injections of all kinds.
Despite working in pharma I am finding some of the information I am trying to understand confusing. Below are a few points I am hoping you can help with.
- My contact has told me with a Advil 30 mg (6 week cycle) I do not "NEED" any PCT, but it's always advisable. What's the truth here ??
- I had an unsuccessful try with Winstol (oral) 30mg a day, I felt so tired and had flu like symptoms, my contact said this was because of high estrogen levels and suggested I took Nolvadex along side the Winstrol. Is this a legit solution to side affects of Winstrol or indeed Dbol (if I have the same issue)
- I am concerned about sperm production, myself and my wife would like another child, again my contact told me they with a 6 week cycle and 6 weeks off, I do not need to worry. Is this correct, is there anything I can do to protect myself ??
I have seen fire at newbies, I hope I have not caused any annoyance, I look forward to your advice.