Hey Guys! I took a little hiatus, but I'm back, and I'd like to discuss training routines while cutting.
First off, everything I'm about to say is solely my opinion. Also, I'm bringing this up because I'd like to find out what some of you think/experienced in your own cut or coaching others.
Key Training Principles for Cutting
#1 = Intensity
I think everyone would agree, but what does proper intensity really mean? IMO, most guys I see in the gym aren't performing at optimal intensity. If you have time to answer texts, scroll through facebook or run to the restroom between sets, you are resting entirely too long for a cutting routine.
#2 = Supersets + Multiple Muscle Groups
When cutting, you're in a caloric deficit, carbs are restricted (at least for me) and hitting shoulders for an hour will likely result in a sub-optimal session. Instead, try incorporating multiple muscle groups into your workout through supersets. I.e. if you're training chest, try supersetting with a pull to hit back & biceps as well. This style provides multiple benefits: 1. Volume per muscle group per week will be higher (if done correctly). 2. More calories burned per workout due to multiple muscle groups being activated. I'm sure there are more but this is all I have at the moment.
#3 = Cardio/HITT Training
I know, this one is no fun, but vital (at least I think so). This is also my weak point. I can train and diet hard, but when it comes to cardio, I'd rather free ball sprint through a field of razor blades than get on a fucking treadmill. However, 30 minutes of HITT circuit training does the trick for me. Whatever floats your boat here, but you HAVE to incorporate some type of cardio into your routine for a successful cut.
So, all that being said, I would love to hear everyones opinions/personal experiences on this. What is your preferred training method when cutting? How much cardio do you think is necessary? Anything else you'd like to contribute. I am scheduled to compete this September, and would love to hear more advice here.