It's my first time back in the gym seriously and consistently since 2014. I knew my body would respond relatively quickly again to training as I was previously in good condition for years before the voluntary stoppage.
What I'm looking for from folks is advice on how to take my strength, size and natural physique to the next level. I'm 5'8 & currently 180 pounds, and I just had my body fat tested 18%.
I've seen great results thus far training each muscle group with the exception of abs once weekly.
Monday - I hit quads, calves, abs
4-5 sets of leg press (7-12 reps)
4 sets leg extensions (8-12 reps)
3-4 sets hip adduction (8-12 reps)
3-4 sets hip abduction (8-12 reps)
4-5 sets standing calf raises (12-15 reps)
-yeah I realize I need to do squats - will do!
Back: routine varies...
4 sets Lat pull downs (all 12-5 reps)
4-5 sets seated cable rows
4 sets wide grip/close grip pull ups
4 sets of supine dumbbell overhead (sorry can't think of proper name)
Hamstrings, abs
5 sets bent over rows 8-15 reps
4-5 sets of hamstring curls
Abs- 4 different common exercises that varies week to week...
4-5 sets seated barbell press 5-10 reps
4 sets dumbbell presses (6-12 reps)
3-4 Supersets of dumbbell front raises, lateral raises and rear deltoid machine fly
4-5 sets of heavy barbell shrugs and or dumbbell shrugs (4-15 reps)
5 sets of flat bench or sometimes dumbbell press (5-12 reps)
4-5 sets of incline bench 6-8 reps
4 sets of seated cable flys (8-12 reps)
Saturday OFF. If I do go it's abs and cardio
Sunday: Triceps/biceps
4 sets close grip bench 8 to 12 reps
4 sets skull crushers 8-12 reps
4 sets weighted dips 4- 10 reps
3 sets tricep extensions push downs with rope (8 to 12 reps)
All I'm taking is 5 gr micronized creatine and the JYM casein and whey protein combo shake as daily pre-and post workout and meal replacement.
Most of the weight gained is obviously water from creatine. I started at 169 pounds 90 days ago, now 180lb. Been eating roughly a 40p 40c 20f macro nutrient mix, 5 or 6 balanced meals a day. First thing when I wake up and last thing I do before bed is drink a protein shake.
Because I've trained previously for years and my body is conditioned/ muscle memory / I'm sure to be hitting a plateau in the gym soon and will hit that wall. Enjoying the progress while it lasts.
Based on what I've laid out what device do you have on helping me specifically increase strength and lean mass while maintaining/decreasing my body fat ? Open for trying anything. More days off as rest? More cardio? Ideas? I want to keep growing! I would rather post ideas on Training here and I'll start a new thread on what I'm doing for my nutritional plans at later date. Thank you in advance for your constructive feedback. I want to be a sponge & try anything if it helps.