Trained home today and took some pics. 4 weeks since i quited the a-esters and i guess im pretty "natty" now.
No such thing as natty when you've run 25 cycles
Pct is starting to work a little and i feel ok. If i manage to gain a little from this then were up for a hell of a summer when my summer 2017 cuttingcyle starts 1.may.
Specially happy the way my traps and lateral shoulder head are coming. Those always were a weak spot for me.
Chest is missing and my injury is permanent but i stil try to hit movements that doesnt hurt.
Calves and legs are also at focus now and im pleased with them aswell.
Left tris also missing due to injury but i will find a workaround:-)
Stil on mk677 25 mg ed and i love it.