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Thread: Sub-Q TRT shots?

  1. #1

    Sub-Q TRT shots?

    My friend and I are both on TRT. The other day he told me his doctor recommended to do Sub Q test shots.. I didn't even know this was a thing; did some research and it seems its great for TRT as it releases slowly and allows for more stable levels, but not so great for steroid cycling.

    I started to shoot my cyp Sub Q on Monday; gonna see how this works out for me.

    Has anyone else done this?

  2. #2
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    it slows down the absorption . do you have a reason for wanting to slow down the absorption ?

  3. #3
    No I dont have specific reason at all. From the research I've done, it does slow down the abortion but also the release is slower over the week; thus creating stable levels, apparently.

    It's also easier to do Sub Q than constant IM; where over time you can get scar tissue.

    Just a personal preference to change things up a guess.

    Do believe its an inferior method of delivery?

  4. #4
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    give it a try and see how you feel.

    personally I like to inject intramuscularly and more often (2x per week at least). and an insulin pin to the front delt or chest is just as easy and painless as a sub q injection.

    test e and test c are slow enough as it is Imo. don't know why would need to slow down even more. heck I even throw some test prop into my protocol on occasions just to get things going faster (if I'm feeling blah or weak in the gym or feel run down, test prop picks me up a bit)

  5. #5
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    Doc Crisler on Sub-Q Test injections.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the input guys.

  7. #7
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    I feel it is advantageous to administer subq for the reasons you mention.

  8. #8
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    I've tried it per Dr. Crisler's recommendation. I've had mixed results. It's easy enough to do but I always get bruising, which I never get IM. This may (or may not) have to do with the small amount of T-prop mixed into my compounded T blend (180/20 T-cyp/T-prop per mL). My theory is that T-prop is not suitable for SC but have never gone through the bother of injecting pure T-cyp or pure T-prop SC to test the theory. I'm sticking to IM since it seems to work very well for me.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Statistically there's zero difference between SQ and IM. Just personal preference. I've tried it but prefer IM hands down.
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  10. #10
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    I have been doing sub-q for a couple years. More frequent injections lead to higher levels on the average all week long. A study I saw recently showed that absorption was at the same rate for either.

  11. #11
    I do subQ.
    pharma grade no lumps.
    Balkan test C or E small lump.
    Balkan test would give me welts.

    Don't do more than 0.5ml.
    Thus I only do TRT doses subQ.

  12. #12
    I'm loving this SubQ. Feel like a more steady levels, do downs during the week.

    I'm doing 150mg split into M,W,F shots. I could probably go back to M and Thur

  13. #13
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    I personally like IM. If you use a higher gauge needle then it isn't really painful. I do 2x weekly.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I do sub Q from My TRT, Kel on here mentioned it and posted some studies. I switched to that using a slin needle and love it. Takes the hassle out injections now.
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  15. #15
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    I tried it and got lumps that didn’t go away, but I have a tendency toward lipomas so maybe that’s it. Didn’t get a lump with every injection and I’m fairly skilled at injecting so wasn’t technique. I didn’t care for it. I did pellets for a couple of years but when I went to cycle again my glutes are like jerky and my doc left the practice so back to pinning. Prefer IM myself, especially when I started doing quads with smaller gauge needle, but if it works for you roll with it, especially if you feel better (even if it’s placebo effect it’s worth it).

  16. #16
    Never tried sub q, I've been having good luck with IM so haven't felt the need to switch it up

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