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Thread: No Gear "cycle"

  1. #1

    No Gear "cycle"

    Ok folks,

    I'm getting tired of just getting fat from this PCT fertility course that I am on. To give a brief summary:

    Been on TRT for 3 years, did some cycles on top of that; had unprotected sex for those 3 years. Started taking HCG 1 year ago figured it would help get my wife preg. First sperm analysis came back zero; I was told get off everything and do 2500iu per week of HGC; I threw in clomid at the advice from Palumbo at 100mg ed. My recent analysis was 25 thousand; two months later, so that shows I'm recovering... This is good, but I'm getting fat and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. I've done IF, 50% deficits, no carbs... it just seems no matter what method, I'm going to get fat. I take .5 dex twice a week to help, but doesn't seem to help.

    So what things can take that are not hormones which can give me muscle growth and fat loss, or at least stop this fat accumulation which is only happening around my waist.

    I have access to LR3, which I have taken before and got amazing results. I have access to HGH. I can get all the peptides of course, but will these things do enough on their own without steroids?

    I'm even considering insulin if it can help this situation. What's happening to me is so disheartening I don't even want to work out anymore lol.

    Any advice would be helpful.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 10-08-2018 at 09:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    If you have access to HGH then I would recommend that.

    Have you considered Ketosis ?
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  3. #3
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    just cycle and 'properly' stack your lipolytic compounds and growth factors together, with proper dosages , stacking and timing you'll get some good synergy.

    stack 1 - DNP+ Insulin - they work very synergistically together and each one counter balances the others side effects.. you'll be able to load up the muscle with fullness from the insulin, yet use primarily body fat for fuel. you'll be anti-catabolic and muscularly full while cutting fat
    stack 2 - Clenbuterol + T4 - you'll raise metabolic rate, but increase feed efficiency and protein turnover (ie., you'll stay anabolic). Any 'unconverted' T4 along with the Clen has anabolic properties
    stack 3 - HGH + insulin - not a lot to say here. this is the bread and butter of non AAS growth factor stack
    Stack 4 - HGH + DNP + insulin + IGF1 - very synergistic. the first two compounds are hyper-glycemic. the second two are hypo-glycemic. the timing is VERY important when combining these compounds together.. you'll get lean and stay anabolic.

    theres some 'mix and matching' that can go on here as well

    so theres some options out there.. obviously AAS would make everything work together better. but none of the above causes any effect on the HPTA
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-08-2018 at 10:10 AM.

  4. #4
    DNP is a no go... It will mess up fertility. I've read it turns sperm yellow. Not a good option.

  5. #5
    Yes, I've done keto and all that.

    Studies have shown that the more fat you eat, the more fat you burn, but also the more fat you can store. It's all about calories. They found no difference between high carb or low carb diets, so long as the intake was equal. So going keto isn't necessary, although some claim they can eat 5k calories and not gain any fat.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Yes, I've done keto and all that.

    Studies have shown that the more fat you eat, the more fat you burn, but also the more fat you can store. It's all about calories. They found no difference between high carb or low carb diets, so long as the intake was equal. So going keto isn't necessary, although some claim they can eat 5k calories and not gain any fat.
    I would recommend checking out Dr Dom D'agastino's work. His studies show the opposite. Some food for thought (no pun intended).

    A lot of the poor publicity from Keto is the majority of people don't run it properly.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I would recommend checking out Dr Dom D'agastino's work. His studies show the opposite. Some food for thought (no pun intended).

    A lot of the poor publicity from Keto is the majority of people don't run it properly.
    just to add to this .. you can get a good wrap up and analysis of Dom's work/views on Ben Pakulskis Podcast when Dom was featured as a guest.
    I'll post a link up if anyone is interested.

    I'm not a huge fan of Keto (I've used it myself a handful of times, yes, even did it almost a year straight) BUT it can be a very useful tool , and as a diet 'coach' its a tool I definitely keep in the tool bag. great health benefits . not optimal for building 260 pound beasts though

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    DNP is a no go...
    well there's always creatine and bcaa's

  9. #9
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    Brother I would look into eca. It will suppress apetite as much as you like and rev up your metabolism.

    Just my experience and from what I have read it takes 6-8 months off to get back to normal with spermatogenesis.

    I wish you luck man. I hope you have a kid and raise it to be a person we are all proud of. Some really good dads come from the AAS culture.

  10. #10
    Thanks guys.

    Yes I'm already taking Creatine.

    I just shot LR3 so I guess I'm starting that lol.

    BTW, Gear, the PW's frag wasn't so good; Got like 30MG of it and nothing spectacular. I think it was bunk or just not potent enough. I litearlly shot 4mg this morning just to see what would happen, and I'm slightly heating up, that's about it.

    I found a better website where I got the LR3 receptor grade from, which is more expensive, and that is what we should expect from legit peptides.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    BTW, Gear, the PW's frag wasn't so good; Got like 30MG of it and nothing spectacular. I think it was bunk or just not potent enough. I litearlly shot 4mg this morning just to see what would happen, and I'm slightly heating up, that's about it.
    well that sucks man. hopefully you were implementing the Frag within the proper protocol for fat burring , ie., 500mcg every morning before fasted cardio along with Caffeine and Yohimbe (daily).
    you should of seen some fat loss with that.

    But, in all honesty , looking at your recent threads and you saying that no matter what you do or what you try that you still keep getting fatter and fatter ,, then its not that big of a surprise if a certain protocol did not work for you. AS it sounds like your body is in a very non-responsive state right now (maybe all the hormonal fluctuations going on). so even the best hgh-Frag, or best pharma HGH itself, may not be of great effect to you until you get things fixed and figure out whats going on with your body .

    before you do anything , I'd be going and getting a doctors exam, physical, and very very thorough blood work done. could be anything from liver issues, to thyroid issues, to hormonal issues, and thats why nothing you do is effecting you and you keep putting on fat.

    everyone I know thats done the HGH-frag protocol has lost weight . but as far as I know they were all healthy and in good hormonal balance when they started.

  12. #12
    Gear has a really good point. If you're not sound internally, it'll be hard to make changes externally. I would be curious to see your blood work.

  13. #13
    Well the main goal is getting my wife pregnant.. My FSH was high, so the spermegoensis is already begun. My T levels were 319 and my free T was 105.

    I think having this fertility protocal makes you fat no matter what.

  14. #14
    Well also I took 2 weeks off the gym, my diet I let go to sh--t but nothing crazy. But how can I gain 10 lbs of fat in 2 weeks? that's what's insane. Going back to the gym now, I worked out only 3 days and I was sore for weeks, like I was a newbie again.

  15. #15
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    My get the wife knocked up cycle would be:


    And an occasional Viagra

    That should do it

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Well also I took 2 weeks off the gym, my diet I let go to sh--t but nothing crazy. But how can I gain 10 lbs of fat in 2 weeks? that's what's insane. Going back to the gym now, I worked out only 3 days and I was sore for weeks, like I was a newbie again.
    That's how dependent some of us are to the "sauce"

    It water weight from the hormone imbalance

  17. #17
    Proviron doesn't intervene with fertility? IF not, what about Masteron?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Proviron doesn't intervene with fertility? IF not, what about Masteron?

    It actually helps

    Mast - does not

  19. #19
    interesting... what dosage are we talking about?

  20. #20
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    I started a thread on Proviron a little while back. . . For fertility - I dunno, but most guys run it from 50-100mg daily

    It's fucking with my damn gyno, so I stopped taking it

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I started a thread on Proviron a little while back. . . For fertility - I dunno, but most guys run it from 50-100mg daily

    It's fucking with my damn gyno, so I stopped taking it
    probably the Proviron gobbling up a lot of SHBG thus causing more test to be available to convert to estrogen . . not necessarily a bad thing unless your gyno prone though

  22. #22
    my recent blood work attachment (1).pdf
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 10-08-2018 at 05:32 PM.

  23. #23
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    HGH will definitely help with fat maintenance. Also whats your diet and calorie level? If anything I would cut back total calories back somewhat or cut back your carbs. When you are on cycle your body partitions nutrients better. Thats why lots of people say "off cycle for a while, got fat, gonna run a cycle to get back in shape" lol.......

  24. #24
    The issue with cutting calories is that i think that interferes with fertility. Rason being, if you're not getting eonugh cals, the body will have to reduce the cost of other functions in other to not starve

  25. #25
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    I'm jealous of you cholesterol numbers. Mine are shit in comparison

  26. #26

    I just called the pharm here in NJ and it is legal to get Isulin, but only a certain brand which is Novolin R I think. They also allow 10 1 cc syringes.

    So I add insulin to my existing non cycle, what should it be?

    I'm taking 50mcg IGF -1 Receptor grade on workout days only.

    My PCT is 2500ius hcg split in two dosages

    1 arimdex split in two, 1 a week.

    Creatine 5mg a day.

    I could get HGH but no point when I'm doing LR3; if anything get a better version of Frag from Peptide Sciences

    What should insulin be.. fk it I'm gonna do it

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    I'm jealous of you cholesterol numbers. Mine are shit in comparison
    And I eat a ton of fat lol

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