leg day, quad focus - kept it simple
Standing hamstring curls - 5 sets 15 reps (usually start off legs with a hamstring movement just to get them warm first)
Leg extensions - 5 sets 12 reps , 4 sets 8 reps, 1 set 4 reps (heavy)
Belt squats - GVT style - 10 sets 10 reps
Standing calf raises - 7 sets AMRAP
Seated calf raises - 5 sets AMRAP
No train today.
Yo GH..i have been figthing for separate Castlerules, but admin wants to have some controll.
Even inside the hood.
So when u publish porn..which is not allowed at steroid.com, im the one who must answer to admin.
So until admin gives me exclusive Castle free kinky porn rigths, i must ask you to publish those really nice pictures in Obs's brand new porn thread instead.
Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
ok understood . never even considered a female rack as being defined as "porn", as exposed chests (man or woman) are perfectly normal in a large part of the world . but whoever makes the rules also makes the definitions of the words that define those rules. so if a female chest is "porn" by definition here , then so be it and so no chest pics from now on.
Oh oh oh...easy now bro. Ur on test. Remember rule nr one. Know its comin.
Look...i got baned for life just because i used one single sexual word towards a female recogniced member.
U know metoo?. Well...they run metoo x 100 in here.
Come on bro. U know im a grab-them-by-the-pussy-guy.....but...when we mix juice with pink juice, we turn into caves all of us. Admin got a point.
Art or porn?. My mother likes art. I wouldnt give her that art for christmas though.
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I give u his link if u want. But there were problemes. It was too expensive for him to use fedex or such to bring this big item to norway, so he had to use a friend who drove from Moscow to Oslo by truck. I guess his friend brings lots uf other stuff. Sending to the states, i guess would be costly.
Btw..hows your dogs doing..those Kings of kings English Mastiffs. Are they stil around?...new ones?
Shame the great danes and the big mastiffs have short life.
I managed to give Spartacus 9 good years. Even if he was dieing at 6. His stomach turned. But..we fixed it..gave him special food for 3 years and it seemed like he enjoyed the rest of his life.
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no argument here . I hear what your saying. my point was that if "breasts" are porn as defined by the forum rules, then that it what it is and all must obey the rules.
however, I was just saying 'outside of this forum' breasts are not considered porn at all. As breasts are fairly common occurrence . example, breasts are shown on TV on a regular basis in American films, and those films are even rated for teenage kids to be able to watch, and are in no way labeled as "porn" films.
but heck, if the forum rules say that the color yellow is actually blue. then thats the way it is and yellow is blue, period. I've got zero problem with that or rules in general.
so while I'm on this forum , I will follow the rule that ''breasts'' are porn . but when I live my real life in society in America, I follow societies rule where female breasts are not porn.
I've got no problem following different sets of rules based on whoever 'house' I may be in
My request is simple and fair...
A porn sub forum where art can be shared. People don't gotta click it. They just can scroll right on past.
We all know damn good and well though everyone here would click it on this site because people are horny.
We ain't nothing but mammals.
Well, some of us are cannibals who eat other people like cantaloupes.
But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes then theres no reasin that a man and another man can't elope...
But if you feel like I feel I've got tge antidote,
Women wear your panty hose, sing the chourus and it goes...
Hm. I couldnt care less. I was just writing bs. As usuall.
But now this is a bit interessting.
Porn is not allowed. Thats for sure. But yes..what abouth nude female breasts...
Yo BG..or admin!!!....we have a situation here....are nude breasts allowed or not??
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BG said he wouldn't mind some Cooter now and then.
He said dick pics will be auto suspension.
Just got done hitting gf from behind.
God I love that pooosay!
Will post pics in about an hour.
You guys ever think about how much of a pervert God was if he invented all the shit I do?
You cant tell me he didn't put a butthole an inch apart from a giner and not expect me to find my way in there... He was thinking of me.
Opt #2 for OBS.
A bunch of religious denominations think anything but missionary is a sin... Uuuugggghhhh some peeple.....
Ok, it seems like I am. Professional interviewee! I had 5 interviews in 3 days last week. The problem is the process takes so long from interview to job offer. Have a bunch of possibilities hanging.
I need to start making money. Officiating football is good extra money, but I cannot live off of it.
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Yeah I think about that every time I see you post.
I know the knot in the gut feeling I get sometimes when work is slow and from changing jobs in the past. I hooe you find something kick ass. I would hire you in a heartbeat just because of how you grew up. They will have to dig through 150 gen y'ers to find one that will pull their own weight.
Ah..ur making money of the bad weather?
Guess u actually enjoy global warming then.
I do. Not because i dont like nature, but i cant stand the government founded climate scientists and the left and the hard left guys throwing rocks at the police when the worlds leaders qather to find solutions. They dont care about global warming, they just care about making noise because they are loosers.
Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
No, I had to put my big boy down over a year ago.We only buy from breeders that do all kinds of genetic screening and the screenings are filed with the OFA, Optigen and other canine organizations.
The veterinarian thinks it was his heart, and maybe a reaction to his medication that prevents heartworms.
It was very rough on the wife and myself. Just the week before that, I gassed in between sets of squats, briefly passed out and fell into the plates and the end of my squat bar. Ended up with a straight line fracture in my skull. Was a totally fvcked up time.
The wife has been looking at puppies again so we are closer to having a new beast in the house. I do miss my 272 lb. big boy. Here's a link to a picture of him lying in the bed beside me.
Stomach torsion/ bloat can happen with the big breeds, especially with the ones having a deep chest. We have only had it happen once long ago to one of our females, but were able to get a piece of poly tubing into the stomach to release the trapped gas and the stomach turned back into position. Of.couse we still rushed her to the vet to make sure it moved back properly into position.
It is a shame.the giant breeds can have a short life span. They have so much love and loyalty. We have been blessed.to have some.of.our mastiffs 14 years, but that is very unusual. The average seems to be 7-9 years old.
But we WILL.have a new beast soon, maybe around Christmas. I couldn't think of a better present at Christmas!![]()
Last edited by almostgone; 10-11-2018 at 02:30 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
F i get emotional by this. His head remembers me of Spartacus' head.
14 years. Just wow.
Yeah that would be the very best gift.
A friend of my father, hard oilworker, cried the first time in his life when he had to put his german shepard to sleep. He said never more. The last day sorrow is not worth the goodies in those other 12 years. To illustrate how though it migth be, even for real MEN, to loose their dog.
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Cape there is a bunch of proxy usernames coming in. Bulky Runner is on GGtop is another.
Bulky has been pm'ing me trying to get me to guess which banned member he is. Same writing style as GGtop. Guarantee its euros.
I notified admin but there are more out there in the new members section. Its time to check. IP's but it won't do much good because they are just gonna use TOR
Last edited by Obs; 10-11-2018 at 06:18 AM.
Unfortunately the sadness is the price we pay for the joy of their love and devotion. They can never be replaced, but we can always bring in another family member when the time is right.
Most definitely, when the time is right, I'll be proud to post up a few!
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Im considering too. But it must be for real. Shame my wife dont like the canaries.
They are stil legal in Norway.
Put some tren in this one and u will get all the headturns u ever dreamed of:-)
Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-11-2018 at 06:50 AM.
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