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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Gearheaded’s "crazy experiments” log (maybe they won't all be crazy)

    So as most of you guys already know, I’m the type of guy that likes to run experiments on myself. Making my living and career out of being a gym owner, personal trainer, and coach, the more practical experience I have, on top of all the educational knowledge I try to obtain, the better it is for me and my clients.

    So this Log is going to be a log of my “experiments” that I conduct. From all my drug cycling protocols, diet protocols, to training and recovering theories.
    I’ll simply log what I’m doing and the effects that these things are having. Pretty simple. Heck I may even take ‘experiment’ requests from you guys on occasions.

    Lets quickly set the context though, of where I’m at and where I’m trying to go.

    Many of you know that the last few years for me have been pretty rough in regards to any bodybuilding pursuits. I’ve had a host of injuries, 4 major surgeries, spent a year crippled and bed ridden losing 40 pounds of muscle, car accident, some other health issues, recovering from addiction to pain meds.. etc etc..
    But fu_k it. I’m still kicking and can still go after it. I’ve got some physical restrictions, but don’t we all have our issues. So I’m going to grind and do what I can with what I got.

    So the main goal of my experiments here is to get myself some more size, and then get pretty jacked and lean.

    Stats currently
    41 years old
    5’9.5” height
    207 pounds
    fairly small framed, 7” wrists, and wear 29” waisted pants

    couple pics of where I’m at

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    will list what I'm currently running now and my next experiment plans in next post
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-12-2018 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #2
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    I'm excited for this

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hell yeah, sounds like a kick ass thread.

    You are still a big guy after all you lost and went through. Gonna follow this one close

  4. #4
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    Hell yeah, following this one ;0)

  5. #5
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    My current insulin and GH protocol
    10iu Novalin R upon waking - with 30g whey isolate and 30-40 carbs
    10iu Novalin R preworkout - with my intra workout shake
    15iu Novalin R post workout - 50g whey isolate and 50-70g carbs

    Came off of HGH a few weeks ago. Taking MK677 25mg a night at the moment. YES I like to come off HGH on occasions and use either GHRPs or secretagogues to get natty pulses going for a time.

    the Insulin and GH protocol I'm switching to within a couple weeks

    45iu insulin and 10iu HGH on training days
    20iu insulin on days off , no HGH on days off

    Lantus insulin - 10iu before bed
    Metformin - 500mg per day with last meal of day
    MK677 - 25mg before bed

    Novalin R insulin - 10iu in morning with meal 1
    HGH - 5iu with meal 1
    Mk677 - 25mg

    HGH - 5iu with pre workout meal
    Humalog insulin 10iu pre workout
    Humalog insulin 15iu post workout

    T4 - 125mcg per day

    the HGH is 10iu per day but only on large body part training days.. and obviously no humalog on non training days, but will still be using Novalin and Lantus on days off.
    This will be the first time I run HGH only on training days at that high of a dosage. in the past I've always ran lower doses daily
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-12-2018 at 10:55 PM.

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    just did a phase change from 1250mg test, 900mg nandrolone (npp and deca), 50mg Dbol (running that for a few weeks) .. to now
    500mg test
    400mg Npp
    500mg Deca
    60mg Dbol day
    400mg Mast E
    100mg Mast P (eod)

    note on the Dbol - I was running 20mg upon waking with my insulin dose then 30mg pre workout. now I'm running 10mg upon waking and 50mg pre-workout .
    I'll run this as my oral for about another 10 days . then I'll be switching over to Winstrol . and again I'll be taking a dose of Winstrol first thing in the morning.

    whats my reason for insulin and an oral steroid first thing in the morning ? to smash elevated cortisol levels which generally spike over night.

    I'll go over how my current stack will be changing as I ease into the next phase of this cycle in the upcoming weeks in another post

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    as for my crazy DIET experiment ...

    I'm going Vegan !

    Uggghh, hell no, that was a joke. I may try a pound of NY strip steak a day though

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    as for my crazy DIET experiment ...

    I'm going Vegan !

    Uggghh, hell no, that was a joke. I may try a pound of NY strip steak a day though
    You had me worried

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You had me worried
    I'm not that crazy . I'm crazy in a kinda good way, but going vegan umm that may actually technically be crazy

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm not that crazy . I'm crazy in a kinda good way, but going vegan umm that may actually technically be crazy
    I cant imagine it.
    I would fall apart in a week with my job

  11. #11
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    Soooo following!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You had me worried
    Me to. I am glad that I finished reading.

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  13. #13
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    What's the rationale behind taking both Mast P and Mast E? Or are you planning to drop the P after a few weeks?

    As for the veganism, I support whatever you believe is the right thing for you.

    Kidding. No I don't. Meat is delicious.

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post

    Stats currently
    41 years old
    5’9.5” height
    207 pounds
    fairly small framed, 7” wrists, and wear 29” waisted pants

    That half inch is important dammit!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    That half inch is important dammit!
    It is! I feel like I'm lying if I round up, and feel short if I round down. So I would do the same thing!

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  16. #16
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    Do you take

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    What's the rationale behind taking both Mast P and Mast E? Or are you planning to drop the P after a few weeks?.
    well sometimes I do things based on pure practicality rather then 'science' . I've got a bunch of bottles of mast prop, yet just one bottle of mast e sitting there , so I'm just using up that bottle of mast e. once thats gone it will be 100mg of Mast prop every day.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    That half inch is important dammit!

    well it kinda is to a point. I plan on doing a classic physique show next summer. I'm in Division B , with max weight of 197 pounds having to be BETWEEN 5'9 and 5'10" . IF I came in at just above 5'10 or just under 5'9 that would change my weigh in requirements.
    5'9.5" tall puts me exactly where I need to be for that 197 pound cut off

    edit- that kinda sounds like I precisely planned to be 5'9.5" tall eh
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-13-2018 at 10:38 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well it kinda is to a point. I plan on doing a classic physique show next summer. I'm in Division B , with max weight of 197 pounds having to be BETWEEN 5'9 and 5'10" . IF I came in at just above 5'10 or just under 5'9 that would change my weigh in requirements.
    5'9.5" tall puts me exactly where I need to be for that 197 pound cut off

    edit- that kinda sounds like I precisely planned to be 5'9.5" tall eh
    I was going to comment the same thing as your edit. LOL

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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well sometimes I do things based on pure practicality rather then 'science' . I've got a bunch of bottles of mast prop, yet just one bottle of mast e sitting there , so I'm just using up that bottle of mast e. once thats gone it will be 100mg of Mast prop every day.
    You let me down! I was expecting this big explanation on 1/2 life, synergy between oils and nutrient partitioning. LOL

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  21. #21
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    Training --

    ok so I just came off a 12 week training block. it was a 12 week macro cycle, with individual micro cycles that alternated from mechanical tension phases, to more volume and metabolite phases. it was push, pull, legs, with an added arm day.
    so week one (or micro cycle one) would be more heavier weights and mechanical tension focused for all workouts (8-12 rep range), then week two (or micro cycle two) would be more volume and higher reps with a metabolite and blood flow focus (reps were not counted it was all about 'feel', but probably in the 12-30 rep range depending on exercise.)

    anyhow I'm ready for a new 'macro' cycle (training block, workout split, etc). I may change things up completely.

    I'm open to suggestions (HIT, high volume, two a days, super high frequency, etc..)

    until I get it all planned out I'm just doing push pull legs with a more instinctive style training. with some added touch up work days.

    one 'experiment' I'm thinking of trying (and I've already somewhat started) is every day training with no days off. sure you have high intensity days, moderate days, and light touch up work days, but you don't take planned days off. this would only work in a hyper-caloric state and a high drug use state (which I'm doing both).

    just an idea . but again I'm open to ideas for a 'training split experiment"

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Training --

    ok so I just came off a 12 week training block. it was a 12 week macro cycle, with individual micro cycles that alternated from mechanical tension phases, to more volume and metabolite phases. it was push, pull, legs, with an added arm day.
    so week one (or micro cycle one) would be more heavier weights and mechanical tension focused for all workouts (8-12 rep range), then week two (or micro cycle two) would be more volume and higher reps with a metabolite and blood flow focus (reps were not counted it was all about 'feel', but probably in the 12-30 rep range depending on exercise.)

    anyhow I'm ready for a new 'macro' cycle (training block, workout split, etc). I may change things up completely.

    I'm open to suggestions (HIT, high volume, two a days, super high frequency, etc..)

    until I get it all planned out I'm just doing push pull legs with a more instinctive style training. with some added touch up work days.

    one 'experiment' I'm thinking of trying (and I've already somewhat started) is every day training with no days off. sure you have high intensity days, moderate days, and light touch up work days, but you don't take planned days off. this would only work in a hyper-caloric state and a high drug use state (which I'm doing both).

    just an idea . but again I'm open to ideas for a 'training split experiment"
    What about working out 3x day for a max of 30-40 minutes each. A different muscle group each session. Go in and kill the muscle. Limit the rest time. I was in my 20’s and this routine is what started me growing. I would do it if I had time, just to see.

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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    What about working out 3x day for a max of 30-40 minutes each. A different muscle group each session. Go in and kill the muscle. Limit the rest time. I was in my 20’s and this routine is what started me growing. I would do it if I had time, just to see.
    so putting that together with say for example a push pull legs.. it would look something like this?

    Day 1 push
    workout 1 Chest
    workout 2 Delts
    workout 3 triceps

    Day 2 pull
    workout 1 Lats and mid back
    workout 2 traps and rear delts
    workout 3 biceps

    Day 3 legs
    workout 1 hamstrings
    workout 2 quads
    workout 3 glutes and calves

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so putting that together with say for example a push pull legs.. it would look something like this?

    Day 1 push
    workout 1 Chest
    workout 2 Delts
    workout 3 triceps

    Day 2 pull
    workout 1 Lats and mid back
    workout 2 traps and rear delts
    workout 3 biceps

    Day 3 legs
    workout 1 hamstrings
    workout 2 quads
    workout 3 glutes and calves
    Yes. It worked when I was young, I am assuming because of all of the natural test. It should work with high chemicals. If you do try it, let me know how it goes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Yes. It worked when I was young, I am assuming because of all of the natural test. It should work with high chemicals. If you do try it, let me know how it goes.
    ok , yeah whatever I end up doing I will definitely lay it all out in details on this thread and log the results as I go.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    What about working out 3x day for a max of 30-40 minutes each. A different muscle group each session. Go in and kill the muscle. Limit the rest time. I was in my 20’s and this routine is what started me growing. I would do it if I had time, just to see.

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    You must have had a good horse if you were taking a horse and buggy to the gym 3x a day in your 20’s. Did Mr. Sandow train there too?

    Sorry couldn’t resist.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You must have had a good horse if you were taking a horse and buggy to the gym 3x a day in your 20’s.

    Sorry couldn’t resist.
    Actually, it was in a garage. It was f’ing cold in the winter especially when it got down to -30.
    That was dedication!

    BTW- we were poor no horses. I would walk through 3 feet of snow uphill both ways. LOL

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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so putting that together with say for example a push pull legs.. it would look something like this?

    Day 1 push
    workout 1 Chest
    workout 2 Delts
    workout 3 triceps

    Day 2 pull
    workout 1 Lats and mid back
    workout 2 traps and rear delts
    workout 3 biceps

    Day 3 legs
    workout 1 hamstrings
    workout 2 quads
    workout 3 glutes and calves
    I like that split a lot

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I like that split a lot
    I agree, but it is taxing on the CNS if done right.
    It may be difficult for GH because he will need to ignore people during that time.

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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so putting that together with say for example a push pull legs.. it would look something like this?

    Day 1 push
    workout 1 Chest
    workout 2 Delts
    workout 3 triceps

    Day 2 pull
    workout 1 Lats and mid back
    workout 2 traps and rear delts
    workout 3 biceps

    Day 3 legs
    workout 1 hamstrings
    workout 2 quads
    workout 3 glutes and calves
    I like it 2 weeks before a show when you are depleted and beat to shit. But I don’t have the time to hit 3 body parts. I’ve got to be in and out in less than an hour. I’m a one part a day type guy.

  31. #31
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    Sorry if I missed, what brand GH?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I like it 2 weeks before a show when you are depleted and beat to shit. But I don’t have the time to hit 3 body parts. I’ve got to be in and out in less than an hour. I’m a one part a day type guy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Sorry if I missed, what brand GH?
    I had been using Eurotropin for quite awhile. Have some Somtatropin to finish up. but then I'm open to trying something new.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    one 'experiment' I'm thinking of trying (and I've already somewhat started) is every day training with no days off. sure you have high intensity days, moderate days, and light touch up work days, but you don't take planned days off. this would only work in a hyper-caloric state and a high drug use state (which I'm doing both).

    just an idea . but again I'm open to ideas for a 'training split experiment"
    don't think its going to be long for this little experiment to be considered a failure . I'm on my 10th day in a row of working out with no breaks .. I crashed pretty damn hard in the middle of my workout today. totally drained and unable to finish.
    (I know I know, most you guys would of told me that was going to happen)

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    don't think its going to be long for this little experiment to be considered a failure . I'm on my 10th day in a row of working out with no breaks .. I crashed pretty damn hard in the middle of my workout today. totally drained and unable to finish.
    (I know I know, most you guys would of told me that was going to happen)
    I could have told you that would happen.
    But I have a physically demanding job. Not as much as Obs. But I’m constantly moving or carrying heavy shit on a daily bases. I have to have recovery time. That’s why I have to go to the gym early in the morning. I’m too beat after work. But I feel bad if I miss a training day even though I’m sure it’s needed.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I could have told you that would happen.
    But I have a physically demanding job. Not as much as Obs. But I’m constantly moving or carrying heavy shit on a daily bases. I have to have recovery time. That’s why I have to go to the gym early in the morning. I’m too beat after work. But I feel bad if I miss a training day even though I’m sure it’s needed.
    well I feel for you. I owned a contracting company for a lot of years. putting in a hard laborous day for 10+ hours both physically and mentally takes its toll. bout the only physical thing you want to do after work is lift a beer.
    much easier and efficient to put on muscle when your physical efforts are more directed and specified for your goals

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I could have told you that would happen.
    But I have a physically demanding job. Not as much as Obs. But I’m constantly moving or carrying heavy shit on a daily bases. I have to have recovery time. That’s why I have to go to the gym early in the morning. I’m too beat after work. But I feel bad if I miss a training day even though I’m sure it’s needed.
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well I feel for you. I owned a contracting company for a lot of years. putting in a hard laborous day for 10+ hours both physically and mentally takes its toll. bout the only physical thing you want to do after work is lift a beer.
    much easier and efficient to put on muscle when your physical efforts are more directed and specified for your goals
    You guys keep reminding me how much I dont wanna do what I gotta do.

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    think I'll take about a week or so de-load with a traditional 'bro split' for that time. chest day, back day, arm day, shoulder day, leg day (this will help me rest up only hitting each body part once per week)

    then I'll turn that into a high frequency bro split with two a days (that way each body part is hit twice per week rather then just once).

    day 1
    AM workout - chest (press/compound focus)
    PM workout - back (lat focus)
    day. 2
    AM workout - arms
    PM workout - shoulders (compound focus)
    day 3
    one workout only - legs (quad focus)
    day 4 off
    day 5
    AM workout - chest (isolation focus)
    PM workout - back (mid back focus)
    day 6
    AM workout - arms
    PM workout - shoulders (isolation focus)
    day 7
    one workout only - legs (hamstring focus)

    pretty simple split - but maybe thats what I need right now, just some basic meat and potatoes stuff

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    note : I generally don't program traditional 'bro splits' (one body part per week) for myself or most clients. but for a de-load phase or short term maintenance phase I think they are ideal.

    of course I'm not trying to maintain right now. so this would only last about a week or two. then its back to high frequency

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You guys keep reminding me how much I dont wanna do what I gotta do.
    well doing what you gotta do, thats the brass tacks.. thats where shit gets real and really matters . all this gym and training stuff is just bonus fluff we do for fun and to stay sane

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