GH, have you tried "high intensity interval thinking about training"??
“I bought a self learning record to learn Spanish. I turned it on and went to sleep; the record got stuck. The next day I could only stutter in Spanish.”
— Steven Wright
so most of you guys know I prefer to run 'phase' cycles and practice compound rotation. Phase 1 of my current cycle was my estrogenic/androgenic phase where I was running 1250mg test and some Dbol etc. with no AI. I'm into phase 2 right now which is the Anabolic phase (androgens get lowered and my high dosages are mainly anabolic based compounds like Nandrolone). Phase 3 is going to be my anti-estrogenic 'dry' phase where test drops way off, and dry compounds become the basis of the cycle (masteron, winstrol, primobolan). IF during this phase I want a bit more androgens, then I'll simply throw in some Tren to accomplish this, rather then test (again its a dry phase)
ok , now for the experiment idea.
instead of adding tren to stage 3 in the normal way I'd of done it. which would simply be to add in 50-75mg a day to the cycle with the Ace ester. I'll use a long ester 'blast' for a short duration. something like 1250mg of Tren E per week but for only 3 weeks (thats simply 2 bottles of tren e).
now why would I blast a long ester at such a high dosage and short length of time?
I explain some of that in this post here--
post 8 and post 12
if you read that other post and understand where I'm coming from . what do you think about utilizing that same concept but with Tren at the tail end of this cycle ?
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-14-2018 at 08:31 PM.
for those that didn't have the time to read the other thread where I explain the concept of why you would run a long ester drug at a very high dosage but for a short amount of time-- heres a quick conclusion.
example EQ-
say you were going to run 10,000mg of EQ . well instead of running 10,000mg over 20 weeks, which is 500mg per week. you could run 1500mg of EQ per week but for only 7 weeks.
now why would you want to do this?
Well , so you could utilize that 10,000mg total of EQ in a short time and hurry up and get to your next compound of say Deca at 1000mg for 10 weeks . now you've done both EQ and Deca at high dosages, in a shorter amount of time then you would have by only doing low dose of EQ over a long 20 week cycle.
you get a lot more done basically . cause YES your body will utilize these long esters, every single mg you inject. wither its 10,000mg over 20 weeks or 10,000mg over 7 weeks. I'd rather get it done in the 7 weeks so I can keep growing and move on to the next compound.
this is part of the idea of 'compound rotation' in phase cycling .
note -- of course this can be taken to the extreme and guys say 'well why not just inject all 10,000mg in one day' .. um come on , I'm sill being reasonable here
my dosages of AAS may appear high to you. please don't take this at a surface level and think that you too should run those dosages..
the way that I use AAS is much different then what you'll see a lot of guys doing.
IF I'm running a gram of Deca per week, I'm not running it for 14 weeks like a traditional deca cycle may be. I'm just blasting it at a higher dosage for a shorter amount of time as part of a phase of my cycle in its compound rotation.
so in reality, in the big picture, I may be running less over all Deca then it appears on the surface compared to traditional 12-16 week cycles.
just want you casual observers to keep that in mind
It doesnt do any added good to exceed dosages in huge amounts.
Shooting a gram or two of sust in one sitting will ballon you up and make you nice and full but if you hold the dosage and do that constantly it wont put on anything extra over a gram a week.
Juice is only one part of the equation. Your muscles can only grow so fast.
this is true. this is also why I like 'mega dosing' mainly with long esters . those super high dosages are actually going to be in your system over a longer duration of time and give your body more of a chance to acclimate and grow, over mega dosing a short ester that is in and out fo the system..
but something I'm looking into. and still have a lot of learning to do on . is the idea of "over dosing' AAS to yield and adaptation response from the body.. the idea is basically taking in more AAS then you can utilize, and the body then responds to this 'over dose' by rapidly generating more and more androgen receptors.
not going to go into it too much right now as I still have a lot to look into on this subject.
its like training. you can't do high intensity, high volume and high frequency all at the same time all year . you'll kill yourself. . you have to pick one and run the hell out of it and make your body adapt and change then give it a break.
you can't run a gram of Tren all year.. but a short burst for a few weeks of very high dosage may yield and adaptive response from the body..
you get in , hit it hard, then get the fuk out
so I'm not going log daily on here with everything I eat, train, etc every single day. . I'll do that on occasions. its mainly the 'overall' things that I'm doing that I'll log here.
occasionally I'll log a basic day- so today was an 'off day'
Food (non training day, no post workout meal, no intra workout meal, low carb low insulin day)
Meal 1 - 40g protein 20g carbs
Meal 2 - 90g protein 50g carbs 20g fat
Meal 3 - 50g protein + veggies
intra cardio - 20g amino acids
Meal 4 - 15g protein 100g carbs 30g fat
Meal 5 - 60g protein 50g carbs 10g fat
protein 255, carbs 220, fats 60
workout (day off)
= 1 hour of cardio
yes I'm bulking , but I'm not going to put on unnecessary body fat. so low carb low calorie days with some cardio mixed in is still implemented here and there. IF I stop growing, then I'll stop the cardio and up the food. but as long as I'm slowly gaining, I'll try to gain lean.
drugs today (spot injected each lat)
300mg Deca
100mg NPP
200mg Mast e
100mg Mast p
10iu insulin upon waking
10mg Dbol upon waking
25mg MK
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-14-2018 at 11:11 PM.
Update -
decided I want to run something completely new at the end of this current cycle.
all the hype is pointed at DHB right now , but I'm thinking of going with Stenbolone Acetate . which is basically a cross between DHB, Primo, and Anardrol.
thinking 100mg EOD to start. I'll have it put in at the end of the cycle where I run it basically solo so I can get a good feel for it.
I had planned on running Superdrol at the end of this cycle, but the Stenbolone is not liver toxic and is a bit cleaner of a compound. which may be a good idea after I been running Dbol, then tren and winny.
I'm open to any other suggestions as far as running a 'new' (ie, designer/exotic) compound though
yeah and they are having a sale right now, so thats why I was thinking of pulling the trigger on it.
I actually got on there today cause I was thinking of picking up some MENT (Trestalone) . but I was like forget that, why not try something new (I've ran MENT quite a few times) plus Ment is best used for my high estrogen phases (and I'm already done with that phase of this cycle). so Stenbolone seemed to fit the bill right where it needs in regards to timing with this current protocol
This is the pre-workout AAS protocol I'm thinking I will be implementing in a week or so after my deload
50mg Tren suspension
50mg Test suspension
25mg Winstrol
25mg Anadrol
10iu Slin
^ I have these all in injectable form. so it will be a 3cc shot pre workout
I'm not necessarily against it . it just has more chance of causing an infection being there is no preservative in water based winstol (more risk especially in a multi use vile compared to ampules). so its much safer to take it orally.
UNLESS you have an oil based injectable Winstrol . which is what I have![]()
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-17-2018 at 10:00 PM.
yes it will especially on top of my normal weekly AAS protocol. so will probably only be about a 3 week run of this pre-workout protocol.
but I'm fairly comfortable with high volume and multiple spot site injecting .
thats why over time I've hit multiple body parts like , inner bicep, outer bicep, mid pec, upper pec, all three delts, triceps, quads, glutes, and able to hit 3cc in each lat.
gotta find somewhere to put all this damn oil
yeah they were one of the early ones to bring MENT to the market as well (I was running it from another source prior to that, but there were only a couple labs carrying it back then). they've also carried things like Methyl Test and Superdrol for quite awhile and other labs never bothered with those either
well on paper it looks pretty good . I'll probably run it at the end of this current phase/cycle that way I can get a feel for it solo.
the long esters I was running, Mast E and Deca , just ended today. so its all short esters right now. they will clear fast and so I'll be able to give a chance for the Sten to shine or not.
so where I'm at right now and starting tomorrow .
100mg a day Mast Prop
75mg a day NPP
25mg a day Tren A
50mg a day Winstrol
20mg a day Tbol (taking in the AM first thing upon waking with insulin.. don't really consider this part of a 'cycle' though per se)
Test 500mg per week
once I drop off the NPP in about 3-4 weeks, I'll begin blasting the Tren (right now I'm just starting to use Tren low dose to get some more androgenic effect in there). Tren will be very high dose for about 3 or so weeks straight, prob 125mg per day
Then perhaps after that 6-7 weeks I'll pull everything out and just run the Sten solo. not sure yet.
kinda depends on how my body is responding at the time. I had put on some weight the last few weeks, but now that I'm out of my high estrogen phase and going more dry things may slow down.
of course my high dose insulin, gh, and T4 phase , as well as my pre-workout AAS blast phase I just brought up are all going to be overlapping with the above.
perhaps in another post I'll lay out how everything 'overlaps' and why/how the drugs that were chosen are being utilized with each other.
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-17-2018 at 10:36 PM.
its nearly impossible for the average person/lifter to generate enough volume and homeostatic stress in a single workout for a single body part to justify that one body part needing a whole week to recover.
sure theres a time and a place for traditional bro splits. like me being on one now. or again for guys that are super strong.
heres what I say in another post to clarify
you'd likely be better off doing body parts 2x per week rather then 1x per week anyways
'bro splits' where you only hit one body part per week are generally best suited for beasts that are super strong and big to begin with.
they create enough homeostatic stress and volume in one workout to require a whole week of rest for that body part. . your average 200 pound guy benching 275 does not.
think about it. a 250 pound beast trains chest. lets say he does bench press for 405 for 5 sets of 12, then on to incline dumbbell press hitting the 150s for 5 sets of 15.
well volume = sets X reps X weight moved. so go ahead and tally up how much volume this guy has already pushed and he's only two exercises in.
[his total volume is going to be 3 times that of your average gym rat . just because the weight he is pushing for reps alone]
again this guy is creating a ton of homeostatic stress in a single workout. he's going to need a whole week for his chest to recover. . but you and me are not near this strong. we can't push that weight and volume. our chest will be ready to go in just a few days.
thats why higher frequency works better for the majority of people. we are not near strong enough to accumulate enough volume in one workout to require a whole week for that body part to recover. we'll do better hitting it again in a few days
ok so I found a 'blend' (which I'm normally not a big fan of , I like mixing things myself).
but using this as part of the pre workout plan should cut my oil volume down, as there is 25mg tren base, 50mg test base, 25mg Winstrol in just 1ml .
so may implement this blend in rather then having to pin 3cc just as a pre workout
are you talking about the blend the UGL makes ? if so I don't know shit about brewing gear (I don't want to know, don't want to be tempted).
OR are you talking about me normally taking single esters and mixing them together rather then using a blend ?
if so. what I mean is that all I'm doing it taking my Tren base from the vial, my Test base from the vial, my Winstrol, and my Anadrol, and simply drawing it all up into a 3cc syringe and then dropping the plunger on that all into my lat.
I'm not worried about any 'homogenous' anythingjust as long as it all gets in the muscle
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