Gear you should get some DHB and run that i would love to hear what you think of it
Well I'm running Stenbolone . which IS a DHB derived steroid (its DHB with a slight modification to make it more bio available). So its very anabolic and you can probably get more out of stenbolone at lower dosages (so say 500mg Sten is like 800mg DHB).
but either way, yes at some point I will be running DHB itself . I'm expecting the Stenbolone and DHB to be very similar though
fasted blood sugar this morning .. 116 (I'm officially pre diabetic)
4iu of HGH per day , 25mg of MK677 at night . thats what happens when these two are stacked. guess its time to jump back on Metformin
guarantee that if I drop both of these, that within a few days my fasted blood sugar will be back into the mid 80s
resting heart rate up 20 beats per minute, at 91 . I'm officially on Clen and T3 , but blood pressure is good at 122/70 (clen shouldn't raise your BP if anything it can lower it)
Always interesting! Thanx
UPDATE - Ok I'm back. and not only that, today marks the start of week 7 of being off cycle. so you know what that means, that means week 6 is done and my cruise is now over.
so today I shot
200mg of Stenbolone
500mg of Deca
100mg of NPP
50mg of injectable Anadrol
and popped 20mg of Dbol pre workout.
so heres what I'm doing (yeah I been going back and fourth a bit on this, but I'm settling in on a 6 weeks anabolic phase)
Weeks 1-6
Stenbolone 525mg per week
Primobolon 375mg per week
Deca 500mg per week (1500mg per week to start as a front load for 2 weeks)
Kickstart weeks 1-4
Anadrol 50mg per day
NPP 50mg per day
Dbol 20mg per day (yes this is very low for me, but its used for a specific reason, its not my main driver)
After week 6 I'll switch over to an androgen/estrogen phase. but the above phase is almost purely Anabolic (whereas I ended my last cycle on a max androgen phase running 1g of tren and 2g of test with an androgenic rating of 7500). the kickstart for 4 weeks is almost entirely anabolic as well and very low androgenic but is a bit 'wet' to provide me some initial fullness and inter cellular water retention and increase in blood volume (hoping that will add on 8-10 pounds).
pretty simple and straight forward.. sometime after the 4 week kickstart I will probably transition into a bit of a recomp and add in DNP
growth factors - the usual
Insulin 30-50iu
HGH - I'm going to use up a bunch of MK677 and peptides (hexarelin, GHRP, CJC) I got first then run 4iu Hgh
Last edited by GearHeaded; 02-10-2019 at 07:26 PM.
UPDATE - so not a whole lot to report here as its only been 8 days since getting back on cycle.
But front loading definitely works as I'm already beginning to soak up the nutrients, electrolytes and minerals, I'm giving my body (something Nandrolone is really good at doing). I'm up 6 pounds in a week even though my diet has been about the same. I'm sure the Anadrol is playing a role here as well.
In the last 8 days I've injected. 2500mg of Deca and 600mg of NPP to get the Nandrolone front load going.
The Stenbolone I'm doing daily injections. No pip with this at all, very smooth.
The injectable Anadrol. feels like I'm injecting lighter fluid, daily injections of it suck. I've ran this in the past so I knew that going in. once this is all gone I'm going back to Oral.. injectable Dbol on the other hand is very smooth
forget to mention. I'm keeping my Test dosage very low for this phase of my cycle. 200mg or less.
Donate me them calfs man lol
UPDATE on the Stenbolone.
ok so this is the first time running Stenbolone. 75mg per day, 525 per week. I'm running it as a key anabolic in the anabolic phase I'm in (keeping estrogen and androgens very low). However, Stenbolone is more androgenic then I expected it to be (sure on paper its 2x more anabolic then test, which it probably is, but its also androgenic). it actually feels like I'm running a mild dose of Tren (even my sleep is being effected).
this is not exactly what I was looking for at this point. if I wanted to feel like I'm running Tren then I would simply be running Tren (especially at half the cost of Stenbolone). I was looking for a pure anabolic phase. I planned on running Tren during phase 2 which will be a combination estrogen/androgen phase. So again, feels like I'm on tren, yet I don't have quite the fullness or the strength that Tren gives when your in a calorie surplus and high carbs. Tren can give a better look to your physique then this Stenbolone can.
so I will ride it out until the Stenbolone is gone, which will be at about the 6 week mark and see if I've added any tissue or not. so I'm undecided at this point , but I do know I will not be utilizing Sten as a pure anabolic for anabolic only phases. its too androgenic for this
What is Stenbolone?
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
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"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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was in the tri fold drug description along with the script ..
seriously though, it must of been a blast for all these chemists decades ago to try and come up with the 1000+ steroids that exist today. guarantee you they thought of things like I just described when coming up with a new formula
Hey GH,
What are some of the highly anabolic steroids out there other than tren and halo? I thought nandrolone was, but turns out it isn't much better than masteron.
Better question, how do I research this so I don't have to bother other people? My Google search is coming up short
Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk LOL
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Running tren and some of the others you mentioned on the list throughout this thread how do you "optimize" your sleep/rest times or is there no real way of doing this
I actually don't consider Tren or Halo as anabolics . I wouldn't have them in an anabolic only phase of my cycle. they are way way way to androgenic to be a pure anabolic (of course they carry a strong anabolic rating on paper). I add those in only for androgen phases
as for pure anaboiics. these are compounds that have very little androgenic effects and mainly only carry anabolic effects. so things like Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol, Superdrol .. and yes Nandrolone (deca or npp) is also a very strong anabolic and would fit in the category of an anabolic steroid and not be used in androgen phases (also why it works very well for women).
Masteron on the other hand, looks like an anabolic on paper, but when metabolized and how it effects SHBG (lowers it) and causes elevated levels of DHT , it is more of an androgen as well.
of course there are plenty of times I would stack an anabolic and and androgen together . like Deca and Mast work very well together.
well really one of the whole points in me currently running an Anabolic only phase and limiting androgens is to try to grow (I'm not worried about strength or performance in the gym right now or burning fat, or anything else androgens help with). So was hoping this anabolic phase would not effect my sleep or effect my appetite so I can really just focus on nutrition, recovery, rest, and growth.
but it looks like the Stenbolone is more androgenic then I had hoped for and my sleep is definitely not where it needs to be.
as far as Deca effecting sleep . it never has effected my sleep, as Deca is almost nearly a pure anabolic with very little androgenic effects (its the androgens that stimulate the CNS and other things that effect sleep). Tren on the other hand is a very strong androgen (5x more then test) and is going to effect sleep big time.
do you have any personal preference for muscle growth training?
I'm mostly focused on strength training and powerlifting but i do add in tons of accessory work with tons of sets/reps. Specfically upper body i hit pretty hard with isolation and dumbbell work after a heavy chest session
Without adding in any other androges whats your preferred training method? I don't think i noticed much about your training style but since you're a PT are you in the higher rep ranges with a good amount of weight or focus more on the smaller/mid range reps for muscle growth?
so I pulled the Stenbolne out of the cycle about a week or two ago just as a test. my sleep has improved. I no longer feel as anxious as I did before. my thought that the Sten was way more Androgenic then it shows on paper is true.
It's time to go balls deep and fucking start mtren, sdrol or both! Injectable! 10k cals as well .
THG if you could find it would also be splendid.
Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-15-2019 at 01:13 AM.
I have done some pretty disgusting stuff and have gained very amazing amounts of muscle very quickly eating like 10-15k a day for some time. There are definitely interesting anabolic effects when you overfeed to disgusting amounts. Something really interesting is I would get insanely horny like I never have before so that makes me believe it lowers stress hormones and raises free T alot. Strangely I end up feeling very good eating this sickening amount of food. Nice neurological effects. Feel like death when calories are low. Just difficult to do because certain food works better than others.
That being said I am 6,4 and have been anywhere from240-320 the past few years so 10k isnt piss for me tbh.
I'm just the opposite. get me in a very slight calorie deficit and I all around feel much better ,, better sleep, better energy, less aches and pains, lower inflammation, etc.
maybe it has to do with age (I'm 41). but seems getting older any food over and above what I need to get my basis of nutrition and micro nutrients in just becomes a burden of inflammatory waste my body has to deal with, putting unneeded stress on it.
at my age I think sleep is the number one priority for recovery and food is second. perhaps when your younger your body can better utilize food
Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-19-2019 at 07:45 AM.
Yes, sleep!!!!!
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