So... I've been thinking long and hard over the past week about a plan of action.
I have decided to come off test completely and attempt a restart now that i have time before my operation, I figured i cant do much at the moment and I wont be able to train for a while post operation so if i'm going to give it another go now's the best time. I don't want to be reliant on testosterone for the rest of my life so I've got nothing to loose... I was able to get TRT with my clinic by timing my blood work to make sure my T was low so i could get a script. My last restart failed because i mentally couldn't handle it and didn't give it enough time despite me feeling ok.
Anyway, plan of action below: If it doesn't work then it doesn't work and ill carry on.. Ill be loosing size either way post operation...
Last shot of Test 180mg done 09/11 start below 23/11.
Day 1-15: HCG 1500IU E3D
Day 1-15: Nolva 20mg ED
Day 15-42: Nolva 40mg ED
Day 15-42: Clomid 100mg ED
8 weeks post PCT get blood work
P.S , will also be posting here