Puffy the ham/entire slayer
The question you must ask yourself before battling someone like me is, "What are you willing to sacrifice to win?"
I will give my life.
I doubt a guy too chickenshit to even use a real dose like yourself has the conviction to disturb my day.
There is a universe wide gap between me breathing and me not breathing. That distance is the broadest gap a bitch like you could ever aspire to close.
Sil you are delusional ffs...
Do you understand what bodybulding is?
Its definition and proportion, shape and symmetry.
You talked smack to an IFBB pro you arent worthy of washing his trunks and actually thought you looked comparable somehow.
Your musle groups disappear into other groups.
Your delts are actually rather large but they are so fat laden like everything else you have no shape whatsoever. You look like the blob ffs.
You want a reality check?
I would mop the stage with you in an npc event. Charger would mop the stage with me.
You really have no clue.
Attachment 176053
You compared yourself to this....
His delts like mine are bigger than your head and you can see every fiber of muscle.
Are you literally that stupid?
I thought it was a joke but you were actually serious!
Where do your biceps end and tris begin? Where do your delts meet your outer arm or the back?
Where does your belly end and chest begin?
Where is a line? Definition? Seperation?
Gimme some thing!
Back lines?
I agree with Obs’s point.
You are big, but just being big doesn’t cut it onstage. That is why so few people actually compete. It’s fucking hard!
Muscle definition, form and proportion are what make people on stage. As you get defined your real genetics begin to show- the shape and form of the muscle.
My genetics suck but I try to make up for it in being ripped. Last year I was the smallest person on stage by about 30 lbs. I still took 3rd. One point away from second, but that was probably my posing.
I think if you were to compete, you would find out that your not as good as you think.
I am not being negative to you, I am just telling you how I see it as a person who competes. With that being said, you could transform you have a great build- not in a gay way. LOL
Can you see your spinal erectors? Can you see striating in your muscles?
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Sil I am bigger than charger mass wise but it doesnt mean shit when one delt is bigger than the other and the opposite bicep is disproportional.
One side of my upper ches is off from the other.
I have good abs but a little overhang at the waist of muscle from eating 6k cal meals.
I am in no way prepped for a show and it would take me two years to get where cgarger is.
It would take you many years as well.
I have seen your disproportions in your biceps and body. You dont get there with sarms, rice, and cranberries.
I am as big as you in terms of lbm.
Proportions are different and tbh both of us are proportionally piles of shit.
Not being rude on this one.
Its 100% truth.
Well, I'm always trying to separate the truth from the smack talk that goes on here, so this will sound naive.
I need to see relaxed views from the back, front & your favorite side from each of you to judge.
From what I've seen of you Sil that stands out to me is a narrow waist & hips that when you add any shoulder width, more calve size & defined mid-section is going to make you look damn amazing. How tall are you again?
In reality sil is nothing like his pictures.
He stretches photos and I wont post shit against him.
For an idea though I do 2x what he does in this video and I am no power guy.
In photos he looks like a monster.
In reality I would wager every body part besides height is bigger on me.
Sil is a fake ass troll.
Attachment 176057
The "silabolin" effect
I hold no illusions.
I know I am a scrawny fuck with a bag of shit for a physique. Mirror makes me sick.
At least I dont walk around like sil with a big and bad attitude and stir shit with IFBB's that actually earned their stripes.
Sil cant and wont be shit because he has the arrogant attitude. He actually thinks he is somehow comparable to mass monsters on an ifbb stage and its kinda cute. Like a 4 year old with a cap gun.
Neither if us will see a placement in an npc event anytime soon. We both suck ass. I just want him to admit it to himself. He knows it deep down. Thats why he acts like an ass hat here.
Again Obs, I'm naive to what goes on between you two. IF Sil's question was legit, that was my feeling. I wasn't trying to judge either of you. What you've done since I was here 2 1/2 years ago is insane. How the fuck you can call yourself z bag of shit is beyond me. That arm pic you posted motivates me every day.
I honestly think Sil's frame has nice potential. However, with that said, I still prefer a taper into narrower hips.
BTW, did you see Generation Iron 2? They spend time at Oxygen gym, follow their dude that won Arnold's & they spend a LOT of time with Kai.
His waist is most likely about 36-38 inches.
He does have good genetics but too much ego to cultivate it. He hasnt changed since 19.
If he would humble himself and get a coach lik GH, run some real doses, and train legs he could have been better than I can dream of.
That guy he was picking on is my best case scenario if I try the rest of my life.
Sil could have been bigger but he pissed too much time away being arrogant to best him.
I am scared of my 5 year mark.
I said when I started that if I cant be 3/4 of the way to feroces level by year 5 I am pissing in the wind.
Dont know if I will make that deadline tbh.
I know my weight and mass will be much higher but that aint shit in terms of proportion symmetry and definition.
It will take 100% of what I have to give any a butt ton of AAS.
U always show clips when i have been off training.
Why dont u put up clips where im on and going the distance ??
Ok.. Then ill do it myself then
Stretch photos... Lol.. No.. Never done that. Jusk ask a friend with more pcknowledge than u.
So u hate mirrors??... Dont Come as a surprise
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-25-2019 at 11:59 AM.
More power to you bud.
You have way too high of an opinion of yourself.
Tell you what, I retract what I said. You would do much better on stage than me.
From a bodybuilding aspect though we are both laughable to an amateur npc competitor and lightyears away from IFBB level.
Here we have an aging testotardyl of the triassic period.
Note: unevolving wings and lack of feathers.
This is why many refer to it as the "shit bird".
The great shit bird would fade into oblivion only to be discovered millions of years later when paleontologists unearthed a suprising find in northern europe.
what music is playing in that vid??
eat my shit, Leggy
Now admit i could give any non top 10 IFBB dude a hard time if doing only 5 g. The amount ur cruising...Admit it dammit. Come on Leggy, i dont want more shit from u.
Stil just sarms on these pics...and maybe 250-500 g test..dont remember..summer 2017. Come on dude…
Damn i migth be doing a high dose cycle this summer. Just to shut u up. Once and for all.!!!!!!!
Now stop posting pics of me when i have been injured or sick for months and just go to the gym to see my spotters. Damn u asshole.
No man can talk me down. Never. Thats why i also put up pics when im in a real bad shape. Just to see the improvements. I fear nothing homie, specially not ut. Even as a child i could fuck u all day!
Stretching pics??. Thats an insault. Ill sue u motherfucker
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-25-2019 at 08:23 PM.
This is MY house Obs. Either u respect me as the King or u dont do nothing.
I mean it homie
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What in th holy fucking jesus are you talkung about?
Zero tris.
Delts fade into arm.
You are round.
No proportion.
You just threatened to sue me...
Is this kimbo?
I swear to God you must be 12 years old.
Eat shit son.
Eat shit and die fatass.
Last edited by Obs; 03-25-2019 at 09:40 PM.
Piiiiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaaapiiiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaachuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!
Look like you are gonna shit yourself trying to static spark Mewtew.
Only about four rejects look at this thread dumbass.
Kel aint one
Ok... Last video of sil I am posting.
He got in a fight with couch's gay cousin in Ohio....
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