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I''m a fan of front loading, situation dependent of course .. I'll take a whole different perspective and throw this out there--
guys say you need to run EQ (for example) for 16 weeks cause its such a slow ester .. BS. 16 weeks of EQ at 500mg per week is 8000mg total.
I say you can inject 2000mg per week for only 4 weeks (8000mg total),, and your body will still utilize all 8000mg just like it would in the long 16 week cycle.. and thats the benefit of such long esters. you can front load them in short bursts and just let them do their thing .
now guess what . your 16 week long cycle of EQ just became 4 weeks , now after 4 weeks you get to move on to 4 weeks of Tren, and then 4 weeks of NPP, and 4 weeks of Anadrol .. get my point ? in the same 16 week cycle as that measly 500mg of EQ , you've blasted basically 4 cycles instead of just one.
most guys have it just the opposite . they think that long esters need to be ran for long duration, and short esters for short . WRONG.. look into veterinarian medicine and how a vet would use EQ on a sick horse compared to how it would use Winstrol . the long esters are designed to be injected short term, but last a long time, where the short esters have to be injected often and ran a long duration.
the forum gurus have this ass backwards. you can front load long esters for short amounts of time and get massive benefits. short esters need to be continued daily as long as the drug is needed.
side note: perhaps another subject, but I'm also a huge fan of running and front loading long and short esters together .. I rarely run deca without NPP to start, Tren e without tren ace to start, EQ without Dbol (yes eq and dbol are same drug on paper), test prop with test e when blasting test, etc.