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Thread: Kyle's 15-25# For Stage Progress

  1. #41
    Day 81 - 228.5#

    Day 60 I dropped the insulin secretagouge - not sure it was doing anything especially since I was running slin along side it. can't really say good or bad there.

    Day 72 I started Phase 2. I made several changes this phase...

    Weeks 11-20 more emphasis on water/estrogen retention -

    500mg Cyp
    600mg Tren E
    600mg EQ (dropped to 300mg - added in 200mg Mast E)
    500mg Deca
    50mg Adrol weeks 11-15
    20mg Dbol weeks 14-18 (dropped - using winny instead at 25mg/day)
    40mcg Clen weeks 11-15

    Growth Factors/Ancillary

    3iu HGH post workout (upped to 4 IU - 2iu Am 2IU pm)
    10 iu insulin upon waking
    5 iu insulin pre workout
    15-20iu post workout (still on 10iu rn)
    25-50mg /day mk677 (25mg right now)
    500mg Insulin Secretagogue /day (dropped)
    T4 75mcg /day (dropped to 50mg)
    20mg Nolvadex /day (dropped to 10mg)

    Bloods came back other day. Estrogen is about 8x normal amount - might be high, but the tren should work great with it being over 230 pg/nl (or whatever measurement)

    SHBG is about 3 (very low) not sure how great that is...

    Food is coming along - about 4200 calories still. Just grinding away.

    Worst part about this entire thing is my hand numbness/tingles... It's ruining my sleep. I always sleep like a baby, but now my hands are completely fucking numb I wake up 15x a night getting them to come back alive.

  2. #42
    Day 100 - 223.5#

    I dropped some weight... I stopped all HGH and Mk677 13 days ago due to my hands being completely numb. They are holding so much water, so puffy, I feel like they look like I am 450#. They effect everything I do. It's painful to use a fork, brush my teeth, wipe my ass, breathe, ???. I can't sleep. I cant even lift weights without my hands shooting pains up my arms and sometimes my grip failing.

    I don't know how these people can stand this shit. I was hardly on HGH at all compared to these damn pros. How the fuck anyone can handle this uncomfortableness is beyond me.

    I've been on basically 2 IU for 6 months and I upped it to 3 IU for 1 month and now 4-5IU a day for about 3 weeks. They started to get a little numb which is fine, then with the increase of Mk677 on top of the 4-5IU it was OVER. Hands still hurt like a bitch even after almost 2 weeks.

    This sucks, it haults progress drastically. I am now on 2 gallons of water a day and diuretics to flush this bull shit water out so I can regain feeling in my hands.

    Don't have much else to report, huge set back and this pisses me off.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 100 - 223.5#

    I dropped some weight... I stopped all HGH and Mk677 13 days ago due to my hands being completely numb. They are holding so much water, so puffy, I feel like they look like I am 450#. They effect everything I do. It's painful to use a fork, brush my teeth, wipe my ass, breathe, ???. I can't sleep. I cant even lift weights without my hands shooting pains up my arms and sometimes my grip failing.

    I don't know how these people can stand this shit. I was hardly on HGH at all compared to these damn pros. How the fuck anyone can handle this uncomfortableness is beyond me.

    I've been on basically 2 IU for 6 months and I upped it to 3 IU for 1 month and now 4-5IU a day for about 3 weeks. They started to get a little numb which is fine, then with the increase of Mk677 on top of the 4-5IU it was OVER. Hands still hurt like a bitch even after almost 2 weeks.

    This sucks, it haults progress drastically. I am now on 2 gallons of water a day and diuretics to flush this bull shit water out so I can regain feeling in my hands.

    Don't have much else to report, huge set back and this pisses me off.
    I know shit about muscle soreness most never will.
    I can literally adjust my diet to it.
    You are most likely repairing shit thst has been in oartial recovery for years but you need more sleep.

    Take sleep aids and dont quit.
    I put up with zero deep sleep for weeks and no good sleep for months before I settled in.

    You are in a good place.
    Pain comes with benefits.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Wait wait wait...

    Up the dosage over 4iu.

    You are possibly suppressing natural hgh with a dosage lower than natural.
    That would cause a lack of healing, boss.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I know shit about muscle soreness most never will.
    I can literally adjust my diet to it.
    You are most likely repairing shit thst has been in oartial recovery for years but you need more sleep.

    Take sleep aids and dont quit.
    I put up with zero deep sleep for weeks and no good sleep for months before I settled in.

    You are in a good place.
    Pain comes with benefits.
    Its not so much the sleep. That's last on my list. It's literally everything else. It's hard to understand unless you experience it(everyone is different too) I can deal with alot but this is annoyance. Ask Charger about how long it took him to button a shirt lol.

    Once it passes I'll be back on it with diet. Hgh is non suppressive and it just aids into the help of natty hgh. Similar to insulin.

    Also wish we had more input beside me and you Obs lol. It's like our own little PM

  6. #46
    Day 109 - 229.5#

    Bumped Anadrol to 100mg/day and my tren base arrived. Started 100mg anadrol 4 days ago (bumped from 50mg) and Tren base at 250mcg right now.

    Hgh will resume tomorrow morning 2iu. And tonight Mk677 is back on the plan at 12.5mg.

    Feeling pretty down on myself. Hate the way I look but oh well.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Stay with it brother. I'm old, but I recently came off a cycle where the water retention was the WORST. Super thick ankles and wrists, fat fingers, and my nipples were supper puffy, huffing and puffing walking up stairs... but… I was strong as hell at the gym, and other then feeling tight through my joints from the water, I recovered great, and my pumps were awesome. But I was really uncomfortable when sitting around… its was weird, like you said, hard to describe if you haven't been through it but its almost like feeling claustrophobic. I could breath ok, but I sort of feel like I couldn’t…. and the Trensomnia hit me BIG time. I’m was sleeping maybe 3-4 hours a night but it was broken up into a few blocks of time. My workouts were great, but I was vividly alert at night… I was walking the dog at like 3AM just to calm down. The visual effects of water retention (fat face, jiggle belly, and couldn’t sleep) sucked but my chest and arms looked great in a tshirt

    Don't feel down on yourself, I think Gearheaded posted earlier about letting some of the "I need abs" go.
    I wrote this post like a million years ago, lol:

    Based on what I've seen from you, you already know its part of the process, and you already know what you're doing and why. Try not to be too hard on yourself, its seems to me that you're doing better than most.

    Best of luck,

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 109 - 229.5#

    Bumped Anadrol to 100mg/day and my tren base arrived. Started 100mg anadrol 4 days ago (bumped from 50mg) and Tren base at 250mcg right now.

    Hgh will resume tomorrow morning 2iu. And tonight Mk677 is back on the plan at 12.5mg.

    Feeling pretty down on myself. Hate the way I look but oh well.
    Hey man. I just take having the tingley feeling in my fingertips as a way of life now. It bothered the fuck out of me for the longest time until I accepted it.
    Yea, I have a belly, which I hate, but I can tighten it pretty good and still see the muscle separation. Somewhat.
    You can’t always look like you are going on stage if you want to get bigger. I am on my way back up in weight but I know it’s temporary. You just need to make sure that you do some cardio so your heart keeps up with the weight. It sucks being out of breathe to tie your shoes. LOL
    This is where the depth of the ab muscles play a part.
    Get back on the horse- you are on your way to being huge.

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  9. #49
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 109 - 229.5#

    Bumped Anadrol to 100mg/day and my tren base arrived. Started 100mg anadrol 4 days ago (bumped from 50mg) and Tren base at 250mcg right now.

    Hgh will resume tomorrow morning 2iu. And tonight Mk677 is back on the plan at 12.5mg.

    Feeling pretty down on myself. Hate the way I look but oh well.
    No reason to be down.
    You are progressing!

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    No reason to be down.
    You are progressing!
    Said the tweeker!

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  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Said the tweeker!

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    Suck it charger

  12. #52
    Day 126 #238.0

    About a week ago I ran into some issues with blood sugars. I was so bloated as well, and I kept having some episodes of either hyper or hypo glycm.

    I was about 110-112 blood glucose in the morning upon waking. Typically, I am ok with these numbers, but not if I have been off HGH for 40 days. My glucose should not be that high. I also came off Mk677 for 25 days and did go back on for the previous 2 weeks, however at a low dose of 12.5mg

    Needless to say, I had to do something. I pulled about 100g carbs from my diet, dropping me to roughly 400g. I also ran out of tren, but it was time to come off soon anyway so no worries.

    With coming off Tren I changed my cycle a little, I was able to lower Masteron down and raise my T. Now I am aiming for 750mg test, 500mg deca, and 200mg Mast a week. I stopped Anadrol at 100mg yesterday.

    I have been on Oral Tren at 500mcg for 3 weeks, and it's pretty damn great. I only use this preworkout for now, and will stop as the new year rolls around.

    I should be able to run the T, Deca, and Mast for another 6 weeks. After these 6 weeks I will drop to 200mg Test and 400mg Primo with 10mg var for about 16 weeks. This will let me cruise and recover into my cut which will occur in the spring.

    Once I stop the Oral tren I will be back on the Mk677 at 12.5mg. I will probably ride this Mk677 train right up until I cut. I want to put HGH back in, but my hands are about the limit of numbess that I am ok with right now, even on zero mk677 and hgh. Must just be the 30 pounds of extra water I am holding compared to when I am lean.

    Also, just wanted to say thanks for the supportive words. This journey has and never will be easy. I like cutting, it's so simple (to me) and I feel SO much better than bulking. Obviously look better too, but what can ya do at this point. Next year we try lean bulk. Life is all about trial and error right? So why not.
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 12-21-2019 at 07:01 PM.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 126 #238.0

    About a week ago I ran into some issues with blood sugars. I was so bloated as well, and I kept having some episodes of either hyper or hypo glycm.

    I was about 110-112 blood glucose in the morning upon waking. Typically, I am ok with these numbers, but not if I have been off HGH for 40 days. My glucose should not be that high. I also came off Mk677 for 25 days and did go back on for the previous 2 weeks, however at a low dose of 12.5mg

    Needless to say, I had to do something. I pulled about 100g carbs from my diet, dropping me to roughly 400g. I also ran out of tren, but it was time to come off soon anyway so no worries.

    With coming off Tren I changed my cycle a little, I was able to lower Masteron down and raise my T. Now I am aiming for 750mg test, 500mg deca, and 200mg Mast a week. I stopped Anadrol at 100mg yesterday.

    I have been on Oral Tren at 500mcg for 3 weeks, and it's pretty damn great. I only use this preworkout for now, and will stop as the new year rolls around.

    I should be able to run the T, Deca, and Mast for another 6 weeks. After these 6 weeks I will drop to 200mg Test and 400mg Primo with 10mg var for about 16 weeks. This will let me cruise and recover into my cut which will occur in the spring.

    Once I stop the Oral tren I will be back on the Mk677 at 12.5mg. I will probably ride this Mk677 train right up until I cut. I want to put HGH back in, but my hands are about the limit of numbess that I am ok with right now, even on zero mk677 and hgh. Must just be the 30 pounds of extra water I am holding compared to when I am lean.

    Also, just wanted to say thanks for the supportive words. This journey has and never will be easy. I like cutting, it's so simple (to me) and I feel SO much better than bulking. Obviously look better too, but what can ya do at this point. Next year we try lean bulk. Life is all about trial and error right? So why not.
    Goddam man great job!

  14. #54
    Day 134 #229

    Holidays have been rough. However, not too bad. I was able to drop some weight and pull back carbs to reset my body. Sugars are coming down slowly and I am getting some pumps again. Few more weeks of this - Hoping to maintain about 220-225# during the next few weeks.

    I also have lost all my sex drive recently, the only thing I could think of was just too much estrogen/prolactin. It's very difficult for me to tell if I have gyno, since I have always had gyno at a young age it permanently left me lumps. Not really concerned with Gyno since I live with it anyway in a small form... However I started taking an AI (3mg this week alone) and all my sex drive is back. Probably best I drop the estrogen sub 100 pg anyway, since I am not running tren anymore.

    Pic from this morning -

    Click image for larger version. 

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  15. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 134 #229

    Holidays have been rough. However, not too bad. I was able to drop some weight and pull back carbs to reset my body. Sugars are coming down slowly and I am getting some pumps again. Few more weeks of this - Hoping to maintain about 220-225# during the next few weeks.

    I also have lost all my sex drive recently, the only thing I could think of was just too much estrogen/prolactin. It's very difficult for me to tell if I have gyno, since I have always had gyno at a young age it permanently left me lumps. Not really concerned with Gyno since I live with it anyway in a small form... However I started taking an AI (3mg this week alone) and all my sex drive is back. Probably best I drop the estrogen sub 100 pg anyway, since I am not running tren anymore.

    Pic from this morning -

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20191229_183451.jpg 
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ID:	177830
    Looking great man!

  16. #56
    Day 148 #226

    Coming down still, but that should stop. HGH back at 2IU again - it's been about 2 weeks. Going to up to 3IU again soon - hands are completely numb free (thank god). Although I am ok with some numbness, so time to up the HGH.

    Lost alot of bloat and water. About 3 inches around my stomach have subsided. My pumps have been coming back and I am feeling much more nimble. I don't run out of breathe just tying the old shoes. Thank god for slip ons??

    Anyway - Next week starts 300mg primo, 200mg test, and 150mg deca with 10mg var. Going to run this into my cut. (April, maybe sooner)

    Unfortunately, I had to end my bulk about 1.5 months early. Body just did not appreciate what I was doing to it. That's ok, we tried. There is always more time. I do believe though next time I am just going to maintain 10-11% BF rather than 16-17%. I think mentally, and physically this will be better for my body.

    I shouldn't encounter issues of extreme numbness and bloat, alongside the mental fuckery.

    Time to recomp my body and heal before I throw some more nasty drugs on my cut (looking at you tren, you sob)

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 148 #226

    Coming down still, but that should stop. HGH back at 2IU again - it's been about 2 weeks. Going to up to 3IU again soon - hands are completely numb free (thank god). Although I am ok with some numbness, so time to up the HGH.

    Lost alot of bloat and water. About 3 inches around my stomach have subsided. My pumps have been coming back and I am feeling much more nimble. I don't run out of breathe just tying the old shoes. Thank god for slip ons??

    Anyway - Next week starts 300mg primo, 200mg test, and 150mg deca with 10mg var. Going to run this into my cut. (April, maybe sooner)

    Unfortunately, I had to end my bulk about 1.5 months early. Body just did not appreciate what I was doing to it. That's ok, we tried. There is always more time. I do believe though next time I am just going to maintain 10-11% BF rather than 16-17%. I think mentally, and physically this will be better for my body.

    I shouldn't encounter issues of extreme numbness and bloat, alongside the mental fuckery.

    Time to recomp my body and heal before I throw some more nasty drugs on my cut (looking at you tren, you sob)

    Looking at your pics, you look fantastic all the way through. It’s interesting, I suffer from hand finger tingling and it’s brutal. Only take Ipramorelin CJC now and even that makes me crazy through the night, not sure how you did it with HGH and MK. I do notice when I sleep on my side and cut off the radial nerve it worsens. Have you tried switching sleeping positions?

    Great log and great work Kyle

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Looking at your pics, you look fantastic all the way through. It’s interesting, I suffer from hand finger tingling and it’s brutal. Only take Ipramorelin CJC now and even that makes me crazy through the night, not sure how you did it with HGH and MK. I do notice when I sleep on my side and cut off the radial nerve it worsens. Have you tried switching sleeping positions?

    Great log and great work Kyle
    Thanks brotha. I appreciate it. Been a hell of a journey, not just these last few months but last 7 years, lol.

    Sleeping wasn't too horrible. Yes my hands were so numb, and I switched many position. Typically I sleep like a dead person... On my back and my hands sit on my hips. I did make the adjustment and put my hands on the bed to allow a more flat arm for less tingles and numbness... It did help.

    My biggest concern with it was they were numb just throughout the day, doing nothing... For minutes at a time on and off ALL day.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Thanks brotha. I appreciate it. Been a hell of a journey, not just these last few months but last 7 years, lol.

    Sleeping wasn't too horrible. Yes my hands were so numb, and I switched many position. Typically I sleep like a dead person... On my back and my hands sit on my hips. I did make the adjustment and put my hands on the bed to allow a more flat arm for less tingles and numbness... It did help.

    My biggest concern with it was they were numb just throughout the day, doing nothing... For minutes at a time on and off ALL day.

    That’s annoying as shit. I get it sleeping all the time and periodically through the day. If it was ALL the time I’d go insane. The tingling gets painful after a while!

    Glad to see you’re back grinding, good luck with the upcoming cut...

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Thanks brotha. I appreciate it. Been a hell of a journey, not just these last few months but last 7 years, lol.

    Sleeping wasn't too horrible. Yes my hands were so numb, and I switched many position. Typically I sleep like a dead person... On my back and my hands sit on my hips. I did make the adjustment and put my hands on the bed to allow a more flat arm for less tingles and numbness... It did help.

    My biggest concern with it was they were numb just throughout the day, doing nothing... For minutes at a time on and off ALL day.
    You will get used to it eventually.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  21. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You will get used to it eventually.

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    It's healed now. I can't get use to 100% numbness, not sure anyone can. However I can do it 50/50. Some numbness don't bother me, it's for the greater good. 100% is not for any good lol.

    Feeling much happier and healthier back at 225.

  22. #62
    Day 171 #221.5

    Bloat, body fat, blood sugar, hand numbness, lethargy, no sex drive... GONE ALL GONE!

    Feeling fucking great. Fuck bulking that hard, I'll leave that to the people who have no self awareness.

    I feel so incredible. All my major problems are gone and I feel alive and energetic again. Cycle is down to 300mg primo, 150mg test, 150mg deca, 25mg proviron, and 3iu hgh. Food is down to 3300 calories a day and I am maintaining very well.

    Not much else to report except I feel fucking great. Photo coming tomorrow.

  23. #63
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Glad to hear Kyle. Look forward to the photo.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 171 #221.5

    Bloat, body fat, blood sugar, hand numbness, lethargy, no sex drive... GONE ALL GONE!

    Feeling fucking great. Fuck bulking that hard, I'll leave that to the people who have no self awareness.

    I feel so incredible. All my major problems are gone and I feel alive and energetic again. Cycle is down to 300mg primo, 150mg test, 150mg deca, 25mg proviron, and 3iu hgh. Food is down to 3300 calories a day and I am maintaining very well.

    Not much else to report except I feel fucking great. Photo coming tomorrow.
    You sound like me when I went off ...... about the same cruise also.
    I can’t wait to see the pics.

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  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You sound like me when I went off ...... about the same cruise also.
    I can’t wait to see the pics.

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    Heard that. As much as I love blasting gear, I think I may love cruising more. By the time my cycles is over I’m definitely ready for the break

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Heard that. As much as I love blasting gear, I think I may love cruising more. By the time my cycles is over I’m definitely ready for the break
    I generally feel better at a cruise, awesome log btw.

  27. #67
    About 15 pounds difference. Mainly water and some excess fat. About 40 days in between photos!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  28. #68
    Day 179 221.2# - Consistent as can be.

    Macros are 350c, 100f, 200p. Need to adjust the carbs down a tad and bring the protein back up to 225. Calories are roughly 3200 - holding strong.

    Thinking of adding in a low dose tren e at 50-75mg a week to add a hint of androgens to my cycle for 4 weeks then back off again 4 weeks. Keep the primo/deca there still the entire time.

  29. #69
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    Looks like everything is going well

  30. #70
    Day 211 220.0#... Maintaining well...

    Small update, since it has been a month.

    2-3IU HGH daily (when I remember the final IU at night I get 3 total)
    200mg Tren A
    200mg Test P
    200mg Mast P
    300mg Primo
    150mg Deca

    500mcg oral tren 4x a week pre workout.

    Calories have been all over, but I am maintaining well due to the tren... (8th wonder of the world)

    I'm under alot of personal stress with some things out of my control, but I am handling it well. I knew I had to jump on tren or I'd be 400 pounds. I started this cycle around day 185. Calories are still estimated 3300-3500. Cheat meals are the norm right now... ugh.

    Hanging in there. Hoping to crack down a little and fine tune down to 212ish. I am looking pretty nasty with a pump right now and damn the strength and hardness is looking good. Thanks tren!

  31. #71
    Day 234 211.8#

    Weight keeps dropping since the gym closure.. I am eating most my meals and then some. Not sure what the hell is going on. Probably just losing my glycogen within my muscles at this point...

    Haven't done progress photos in awhile. Might take them tomorrow if I feel like it... Gym's are closed another month, most likely I'll drop below 200 at this point. Yay Ectomorphs

  32. #72
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Day 234 211.8#

    Weight keeps dropping since the gym closure.. I am eating most my meals and then some. Not sure what the hell is going on. Probably just losing my glycogen within my muscles at this point...

    Haven't done progress photos in awhile. Might take them tomorrow if I feel like it... Gym's are closed another month, most likely I'll drop below 200 at this point. Yay Ectomorphs

    It's better than getting fat!
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