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Thread: Head pressure and red face

  1. #1

    Head pressure and red face

    Tomorrow is my 4th pin on a 12 week blast. I’m doing 500mg a week test e split into 2 shots. My first shot was much smaller because I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t have a reaction to the oil or solvents. This is my first time using.

    My issue (and it might not be) is I feel pressure in my head and my face has been red. I started to notice it the day after my second shot. I’m not exactly slim at around 20% bf, but my vascularity is increasing a bunch too. I’m guessing it’s water weight. I’m up 10lbs in a week and a half, and I know I’m sure as fuck not synthesizing protein that fast. I took my blood pressure a few minutes ago, and it’s only 116/73 which is actually a little lower than normal for me. I’m staying hydrated. My diet isn’t squeaky clean, but it’s mostly unprocessed whole foods and keeping my protein up.

    I also started .25mg anastrazole eod yesterday and will probably keep it in until I start my cruise.

    Is this anything to be concerned with? I’m 6’1” and currently 228 lbs if it matters.

  2. #2
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    Jun 2018
    Check your blood pressure after the gym, or even during. I have high blood pressure but I never feel pressure in my head at the gym. The only time I feel pressure is if I'm eating a lot of salty foods. My head and neck always a little rosy when lifting.

  3. #3
    Ok I’ll check it during my workout Tuesday. If it’s only high during my workout, is it anything to be concerned with?

    I’ll reduce my salt intake and cut my carbs down while I’m at it. I actually seem more sensitive to carbs than salt as far as water retention goes.

  4. #4
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    couple of things

    - if you don't want water retention then why are you running a 'test only' cycle ? one of the benefits to running test iS the water retention itself (osmotic super compensation is beneficial for muscle growth and strength) . but if you don't want bloat, then there are tons of other cycle choices and compounds to run besides a test only cycle.

    - a little. bit of bloat, puffiness, and even elevated blood pressure is totally normal (especially for test only cycles and for newer users of AAS). its an "acute" issue. this means its not "chronic" , its just temporary and as such its not really a heath concern.

    - if your goal is to build muscle and put on some size and perform well in the gym ,, Carbs and Salt are your best friend. if your doing something thats going to make you have to restrict carbs and salt, then your defeating the purpose and doing something wrong. again, especially if your trying to put on muscle (which I'm assuming is something you want being your taking gear in the first place).

    - in 90% of the population salt does NOT decrease blood pressure or water retention. it only does in the small percentage of people that are salt sensitive . but for normal people, restricting salt too much can lead to more water retention (due to salt restriction leading to the production of the hormone aldosterone) and then electrolyte imbalances leading to muscle weakness, lack of ability to get a pump, and in severe cases, heart arrhythmia.
    if your not someone thats salt sensitive,, having to restrict salt is again defeating the purpose and will likely cause more harm then good.

  5. #5
    I’m running a test only cycle because everything I read said that my first cycle should be test only to get a feel for aas and how I respond to them. I’m actually enjoying the water weight. I look bigger, lifts are easier, and my joints seem to feel better. I was only concerned if it was causing harm. I’m new at all this and don’t have anyone irl to talk to about this stuff, so it’s just you guys and hours upon hours of research. If a few weeks of this won’t cause harm I’ll keep at it. Thanks for the replies!

  6. #6
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    yeah I wouldn't worry . the water retention has positive benefits (as your already experiencing).

  7. #7
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    It could be your Hematocrit which is bad for your heart.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    It could be your Hematocrit which is bad for your heart.
    highly unlikely . he has only been on cycle for 10 or so DAYS . and its test only. its likely not even at full saturation yet, let alone had time to significantly raise DHT levels and thus Hematocrit .
    from my observations it takes a good 6 months straight of running test for Hematocrit to noticeably increase. just test only ,, of course much shorter duration of time if you were running test with Anadrol and deca for example.

    on the other hand , especially for a new user, water retention is generally the very first side effect of being on test (along with more morning wood)..
    hematocrit is a much longer down stream effect that takes time (creating new cells takes time and requires upregualtion of proteins and many other processes in the body)

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    highly unlikely . he has only been on cycle for 10 or so DAYS . and its test only. its likely not even at full saturation yet, let alone had time to significantly raise DHT levels and thus Hematocrit .
    from my observations it takes a good 6 months straight of running test for Hematocrit to noticeably increase. just test only ,, of course much shorter duration of time if you were running test with Anadrol and deca for example.

    on the other hand , especially for a new user, water retention is generally the very first side effect of being on test (along with more morning wood)..
    hematocrit is a much longer down stream effect that takes time (creating new cells takes time and requires upregualtion of proteins and many other processes in the body)

    Yeah your right, HCT would take longer than 10 days, I didn't see that part. I'm kinda sensitive to the issue because of my own recent experience.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cookie Monster View Post
    Ok I’ll check it during my workout Tuesday. If it’s only high during my workout, is it anything to be concerned with?

    I’ll reduce my salt intake and cut my carbs down while I’m at it. I actually seem more sensitive to carbs than salt as far as water retention goes.
    Exercise-induced hypertension is what it's called. There's more info on the Internet than I can divulge, but basically I would say to stay away from those heavy reps where you are straining your eyeballs out of your head. Start slow because weight lifting actually relaxes the arteries and blood vessels, that's why it's common to see a drop in blood pressure after lifting. But if you start your workout out with your heaviest exercise (like I often do) then you're just putting a huge strain on your cardiovascular system without giving it a chance to ease into it. Then you get winded as fuck and the rest of your workout you're trying to catch your breathe. At least that's how I see things.

  11. #11
    OP you are pissing me off now, everyone is trying to help you and you are bullshitting everyone and think it's a joke. No wonder you feel like a little bitch.

    Let's not feed the troll

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    OP you are pissing me off now, everyone is trying to help you and you are bullshitting everyone and think it's a joke. No wonder you feel like a little bitch.

    Let's not feed the troll
    What the fuck are you talking about, I’m looking for advice. Where do you get trolling out of anything I posted? I’m not exactly at the point where I can reply to all this help in essay form, so I hit the like button and say thanks. If my posts piss you off, stay out of my threads. Seems simple to me.
    Last edited by Cookie Monster; 03-09-2020 at 10:21 PM.

  13. #13
    Are you a smoker by chance? You could also have an underlying medical issue that's now just became apparent. The head pressure and the red face reminds me of something called Polycythemia. Purely a guess though. See a doctor of things don't get better.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    Are you a smoker by chance? You could also have an underlying medical issue that's now just became apparent. The head pressure and the red face reminds me of something called Polycythemia. Purely a guess though. See a doctor of things don't get better.
    No sir, not a smoker. It cleared up the day after my original post until today, it’s back. I think I go back to my primary care doc in April, I’ll mention it to her.

  15. #15
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    getting red and flushed as a 'new user' of AAS is very common . imo, mentioning something like suddenly getting blood cancer or a kidney or bone marrow disease like Polycythemia is WAY over the top (of course simple blood work will confirm he does not have this)

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    getting red and flushed as a 'new user' of AAS is very common . imo, mentioning something like suddenly getting blood cancer or a kidney or bone marrow disease like Polycythemia is WAY over the top (of course simple blood work will confirm he does not have this)
    I've had numerous athletes including myself with high RBC/HEMATOCRIT/HEMOGLOBIN from AAS use mistakenly pre diagnosed with Polycythemia. Those levels being high are all markers for Polycythemia. I just had it happen to me a few months ago when I went to the ER with a broken ankle. I told the doctor to look at my white blood cell count which was normal and then he asked if I was on steroids. It wasn't the first time I've had Polycythemia come up after a blood test. The first time I was actually sent to a cancer doctor and he ultimately said I should cut my TRT dose down to get my bloods back in order.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    I've had numerous athletes including myself with high RBC/HEMATOCRIT/HEMOGLOBIN from AAS use mistakenly pre diagnosed with Polycythemia. Those levels being high are all markers for Polycythemia. I just had it happen to me a few months ago when I went to the ER with a broken ankle. I told the doctor to look at my white blood cell count which was normal and then he asked if I was on steroids.
    yes. AAS and even TRT (depending on DHT levels) can elevate RBC/Hemo .. thats a positive benefit of AAS use and why a lot of athletes use AAS.
    but elevated hemo from AAS use is not in any way Polycythemia. its a very false diagnosis. elevated RBC from AAS use is an 'acute' thing, where polycythemia is a 'chronic' underlying disease.

    it would be like diagnosing someone drunk on alcohol with brain cancer cause he is dizzy and not functioning properly .. when the real issue is simply his 'acute' intoxication from the alcohol. its just a temporary acute condition due to the exogenous drug consumed, not a permanent disease (which polycythemia is a permanent chronic disease, not an acute symptom like elevated hemo is).

    also, keep in mind the OP was only on gear for 10 days before getting this 'red face' symptom .. you can't get high RBC from 10 days of mild dose test. takes months for multiple process in the body to accumulate, proteins to be built, etc.. for RBC to increase.

  18. #18
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    again, telling someone they may have blood cancer simply because they have a 'red face' after 10 days of testosterone usage is a bit extreme and over the top , imo

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    again, telling someone they may have blood cancer simply because they have a 'red face' after 10 days of testosterone usage is a bit extreme and over the top , imo
    I never told him he had Polycythemia. I stated that it reminded me of that and was purely a guess, to see a doctor. A bright red face/skin is another symptom of this disease.

  20. #20
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    My second week of TRT at 200mg, I added anastrozole. That coincided with my face getting puffy bloated and red all weekend. I had a wedding and I couldn’t button my dress shirt collar. I looked like a cooked lobster

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    couple of things

    - if you don't want water retention then why are you running a 'test only' cycle ? one of the benefits to running test iS the water retention itself (osmotic super compensation is beneficial for muscle growth and strength) . but if you don't want bloat, then there are tons of other cycle choices and compounds to run besides a test only cycle.

    - a little. bit of bloat, puffiness, and even elevated blood pressure is totally normal (especially for test only cycles and for newer users of AAS). its an "acute" issue. this means its not "chronic" , its just temporary and as such its not really a heath concern.

    - if your goal is to build muscle and put on some size and perform well in the gym ,, Carbs and Salt are your best friend. if your doing something thats going to make you have to restrict carbs and salt, then your defeating the purpose and doing something wrong. again, especially if your trying to put on muscle (which I'm assuming is something you want being your taking gear in the first place).

    - in 90% of the population salt does NOT decrease blood pressure or water retention. it only does in the small percentage of people that are salt sensitive . but for normal people, restricting salt too much can lead to more water retention (due to salt restriction leading to the production of the hormone aldosterone) and then electrolyte imbalances leading to muscle weakness, lack of ability to get a pump, and in severe cases, heart arrhythmia.
    if your not someone thats salt sensitive,, having to restrict salt is again defeating the purpose and will likely cause more harm then good.
    I was actually thinking of reducing my carbs pretty significantly as a means of dropping my blood pressure. Even natty, it's fairly elevated, so my first cycle, it got out of control. I was also going to try to reduce the sodium even further. But it sounds like you think maybe this isn't such a good idea?

    I'm open to any suggestions. I don't plan on touching AAS again unless I can get the BP WAY under control.

  22. #22
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    dont ask for a source thx
    I want to note for the record some people like myself have very red skin naturally...I get stopped almost daily at the gym to be asked if im ok and do I need help because when im lifting it becomes pretty extreme...I don't have to say a word because after everyone stops laughing someone will say "he looks like that all the time"...I get DOT physicals evey other year for work so I know my blood pressure and such are spot on and have no pre-conditions for which to cause it...sometimes its just red skin...

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