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Thread: Corona was planned

  1. #1
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    Corona was planned


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  2. #2
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    Just an FYI as to not confuse this with any possible conspiracies that might follow.
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  3. #3
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    However, an appropriate & logical question should be asked. Why did none of the partners in that exercise IMMEDIATELY & AGGRESSIVELY step up at the very onset of this outbreak & educate/warn the world of the severe potential of this virus? Weeks of preparation would have been invaluable.

  4. #4
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    just seen on the News a few minutes ago (literally 5 mins ago on fox) that tigers and lions at the bronx zoo are testing positive for Corona.
    weird shit.
    where I live , the military is mobilizing for war. fighter jets are flying over my house. the main military base just some miles from me is in total mobilization.

  5. #5
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    Seriously, think about the prominence and influence that Johns Hopkins and Bill Gates each have individually, but particularly in unison. WTF, speak up immediately.

    An exercise like this is not purely based upon guesswork. The spread of a virus is not entirely speculative. They didn’t pull a word like exponential out of their ass, nor did they randomly pick any particular numbers for the sheer hell of it.
    Last edited by Proximal; 04-05-2020 at 04:20 PM.

  6. #6
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    Out of all the shit

    Come on now, can't we all just get along

    I don't wanna go through anything like I did when I was a kid(not even fucking close). . . . And, it's partially here now. No chicken at Walmart, fry's or Sam's Club - So

    Damn it, the fake end of the world was bad enough

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    However, an appropriate & logical question should be asked. Why did none of the partners in that exercise IMMEDIATELY & AGGRESSIVELY step up at the very onset of this outbreak & educate/warn the world of the severe potential of this virus? Weeks of preparation would have been invaluable.
    That is the exact question that comes up about the trump transition team when it was discovered that they were presented with an identical tabletop exercise in 2017, with suggested government resources for a quick response. His people threw the books in the trash and even slept through the exercises.

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  8. #8
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    From our position/s, we'll never know the truth, if that truth is something which they (govt) want to hide.

  9. #9
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    The sheeple only get fed what the media feeds < it's interesting when you really start thinking about it. . . It's "free media" right?


    It doesn't even matter at this point, for me at least - I just try my best to ride the waves as they come our way

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    From our position/s, we'll never know the truth, if that truth is something which they (govt) want to hide.
    Of course we’ll never know the complete truth. It’s going to be a huge PR game of CYA (cover your ass). It’s really the same old song and dance.

    Even Johns Hopkins and Bill Gates essentially saying that well, their scenario was really for a Coronavirus like SARS, not this particular Coronavirus. It is a valid point, there are differences to be sure, but just damn too many similarities to have not made a big fuss at the onset of this.

    It really is frustrating to me knowing scenarios like this were anticipated by very qualified and influential people and groups, yet we still were so flat footed and with our preparation & response to this. There is a lot of blame to spread around and will make for an amazing documentary in the years that follow. But even that will be a lot of lies, cover-ups and b.s.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    However, an appropriate & logical question should be asked. Why did none of the partners in that exercise IMMEDIATELY & AGGRESSIVELY step up at the very onset of this outbreak & educate/warn the world of the severe potential of this virus? Weeks of preparation would have been invaluable.
    Why did Trump and Fox News try to cover this up as a hoax and a political attack? The problem is when stupid people are lead by liars.

  12. #12
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    First off, I’m not really “against” Trump or anyone, but considering the magnitude of this thing am getting a little pissed by what should have been the ultimate preparation by the greatest country in the world & think we were let down as a nation.

    I’ve got an article interviewing the Director of John Hopkins Center for Health Security, the very same hospital that just ran that simulation and came to those severe conclusions. It was written on January 22nd and had just started in China. The director was is complete knowledge of the amount of the volume of travel due to something called the Lunar New Year. In the final paragraphs he mentions twice that he “hopes” this doesn’t compare to their simulation. He f’n “hopes”?!? Now at the same time the Bill Gates foundation is trying to distance themselves from any connection between the simulation he helped participate in and this virus as being coincidental.

    Can I blame Trump exclusively if he is using some of their wisdom in this matter to guide his policy?

    Maybe, they all anticipated the overreaction of the masses and the back-lash if they took too extreme of measures and the threat did not pan out? Maybe they actually had to wait till the cold reality of it finally being in this country and there were American deaths. Regrettably, that was too late already, because the impression seems to be that this is more contagious as previously thought & oops, spreading very quickly (just like their simulation said it would).

    Can you imagine now, if someone actually stated that it’s going to take to the end of the year (or longer) to slow this?

    I kind of appreciate a couple of particular Governors right now, but should anyone really be surprised by Trump’s demeanor and his reactions. To me the guy has been as advertised pre-election & has been true to himself; it’s exactly who we elected.

    I’m sitting at home nice and comfy “now’. I’m trying to relax and am doing a pretty good job of it. However, I’m pushing this reality to my subconscious. The work and savings that my wife and I have sacrificed for, for going on 40 years now, in preparation for what we feel are timely and well deserved retirements this year - are utterly vanishing before our eyes. We busted our asses and did “the right things”. We sacrificed and saved, and frankly are a little worn out by decades of work. I’m getting a little edgy.

  13. #13
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    We haven’t been the greatest country in the world since we elected a narcissistic child as president who never takes blame for anything and has made us look like fools on the word stage. A person with no humility or decency. Not sure what the world saw in this conman who was given over 300 million by his daddy and still managed 6 or 7 bankruptcies, to the point that no American bank will work with him and he has to take loans from foreign enemies/mafia through shady banks like Deutschbank. We didn’t have to be geniuses to tell that something was up when Putin was jumping up and down when Trump won. Trump is owned by his debtors, and they happen to be Russian.

    Then crooked congress refused testimony from people on the phone and in the room when Trump denied Ukraine aid unless they started a bogus investigation on the Bidens. Knowing damn well there is nothing to this story but it would damage him during the election nonetheless.

    I can go on forever. I just get sick of people blaming “the media” but always referring to CNN/MSNBC, when Fox and republicans in Congress have been lying and distorting facts like it’s their job since day one. Fox pretty much denigrated Obama for 8 years but cant find a fault with Trump, interesting.

    I would give Trump a pass if this was a one time thing, but sadly this has been the rule with him. Everything is about how it makes him look, not if it’s right or wrong. Since he shut down the White House pandemic unit, all he could do was deny the real potential impact of this virus until we were so caught up in it that he could divert to something else. Even now he goes against Fauci and other experts. He only likes yes men.

    Proximal, I understand your concerns and its potential impact on finances and savings. It’s the same concern repeated by many I know. I was furloughed, as well as mostly everyone at my company. Haven’t heard anything back from the unemployment office. This was going to happen regardless of who was in office, but the effects and duration could have been mitigated if prompt action was taken. I wish I could be as diplomatic as you about the situation, but I just get sick of the bullshit.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    We haven’t been the greatest country in the world since we elected a narcissistic child as president who never takes blame for anything and has made us look like fools on the word stage. A person with no humility or decency. Not sure what the world saw in this conman who was given over 300 million by his daddy and still managed 6 or 7 bankruptcies, to the point that no American bank will work with him and he has to take loans from foreign enemies/mafia through shady banks like Deutschbank. We didn’t have to be geniuses to tell that something was up when Putin was jumping up and down when Trump won. Trump is owned by his debtors, and they happen to be Russian.

    Then crooked congress refused testimony from people on the phone and in the room when Trump denied Ukraine aid unless they started a bogus investigation on the Bidens. Knowing damn well there is nothing to this story but it would damage him during the election nonetheless.

    I can go on forever. I just get sick of people blaming “the media” but always referring to CNN/MSNBC, when Fox and republicans in Congress have been lying and distorting facts like it’s their job since day one. Fox pretty much denigrated Obama for 8 years but cant find a fault with Trump, interesting.

    I would give Trump a pass if this was a one time thing, but sadly this has been the rule with him. Everything is about how it makes him look, not if it’s right or wrong. Since he shut down the White House pandemic unit, all he could do was deny the real potential impact of this virus until we were so caught up in it that he could divert to something else. Even now he goes against Fauci and other experts. He only likes yes men.

    Proximal, I understand your concerns and its potential impact on finances and savings. It’s the same concern repeated by many I know. I was furloughed, as well as mostly everyone at my company. Haven’t heard anything back from the unemployment office. This was going to happen regardless of who was in office, but the effects and duration could have been mitigated if prompt action was taken. I wish I could be as diplomatic as you about the situation, but I just get sick of the bullshit.
    you really think Hilary or sleepy Joe Biden would be doing any better if they were in office instead ? I can't imagine one of those idiots running the country in a time like this

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    First off, I’m not really “against” Trump or anyone, but considering the magnitude of this thing am getting a little pissed by what should have been the ultimate preparation by the greatest country in the world & think we were let down as a nation.

    I’ve got an article interviewing the Director of John Hopkins Center for Health Security, the very same hospital that just ran that simulation and came to those severe conclusions. It was written on January 22nd and had just started in China. The director was is complete knowledge of the amount of the volume of travel due to something called the Lunar New Year. In the final paragraphs he mentions twice that he “hopes” this doesn’t compare to their simulation. He f’n “hopes”?!? Now at the same time the Bill Gates foundation is trying to distance themselves from any connection between the simulation he helped participate in and this virus as being coincidental.

    Can I blame Trump exclusively if he is using some of their wisdom in this matter to guide his policy?

    Maybe, they all anticipated the overreaction of the masses and the back-lash if they took too extreme of measures and the threat did not pan out? Maybe they actually had to wait till the cold reality of it finally being in this country and there were American deaths. Regrettably, that was too late already, because the impression seems to be that this is more contagious as previously thought & oops, spreading very quickly (just like their simulation said it would).

    Can you imagine now, if someone actually stated that it’s going to take to the end of the year (or longer) to slow this?

    I kind of appreciate a couple of particular Governors right now, but should anyone really be surprised by Trump’s demeanor and his reactions. To me the guy has been as advertised pre-election & has been true to himself; it’s exactly who we elected.

    I’m sitting at home nice and comfy “now’. I’m trying to relax and am doing a pretty good job of it. However, I’m pushing this reality to my subconscious. The work and savings that my wife and I have sacrificed for, for going on 40 years now, in preparation for what we feel are timely and well deserved retirements this year - are utterly vanishing before our eyes. We busted our asses and did “the right things”. We sacrificed and saved, and frankly are a little worn out by decades of work. I’m getting a little edgy.
    I feel for you prox.. this is effecting everyone everywhere. I spent my entire life savings, cashed out my 401k, sold my home, etc. to build my gym. now that is closed down by the govt. . and reality of that really hit home when first of this month I usually get a big automatic deposit into the bank account from member dues and that bank account is now zero.
    so in a matter of weeks the govt. shut down my business and drained my bank account.

    then on top of it , being I've not been able to pay rent for my own home this month, I get an eviction notice taped to my front door . wtf !
    are you kidding me. people are out there taping eviction notices on front doors, is that really an 'essential worker' !
    so in a matter of weeks my business, my bank account, and my home, are being taken

  16. #16
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    No, I really feel deep down in my heart that the economy will come charging back because everyone will be so f’n sick of this whole mess, so I rationalize it that way.

    It’s you guys out there with families to support, that have businesses to run or jobs that are disappearing that sincerely bothers me. Plus, even though I’m aware of exercises/scenarios that are done to plan for catastrophic shit like this; this one particular exercise, how it wasn’t given immediate attention is really pissing me off. To me, it’s medical malpractice and the medical professionals, the leaders of the profession, that let this slide should have their asses on a hook.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you really think Hilary or sleepy Joe Biden would be doing any better if they were in office instead ? I can't imagine one of those idiots running the country in a time like this

    No not at all. Nor could I see anyone of the democratic goofs that were calling themselves candidates at any time. It’s also one the reasons I personally call bs to the conspiracy that the democrats are behind this. I am not a Trump supporter, but I never thought he would lose this election going against this group of unimpressive “leaders”. He easily could solidify himself though in the eyes of Americans with this mess & have the election wrapped up, but he just isn’t doing that as well as he could, imo. Of course the dems will jump on that, the republicans would do the exact same thing if there were a democrat in office.

    I’m more and more putting this on the leaders of the medical community. Medicine is not exclusively a government agency, so therefore, since it is not, the blame on lack of preparation should not be purely governmental or political. Now, if the government were exclusively in charge of health services in this country, it should be on them, but that is not the case.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you really think Hilary or sleepy Joe Biden would be doing any better if they were in office instead ? I can't imagine one of those idiots running the country in a time like this
    She wasn’t my first choice but she wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic office and wouldn’t have lied 6,000 times and played more golf than any other president. She wouldn’t have been buddy buddies with the dictators of the world. She wouldn’t have stepped all over the constitution to set the bar lower for every president that’s to come.

    I would rather have a rational adult in office that doesn’t surround himself with yes-men that pander to his fragile ego. I’d rather have someone who listens to experts and thinks before he speaks. This guy set us back 100 years.

    Biden is old and starting to go senile, so I think we’re pretty much screwed either way. I didn’t see any strong candidates on the democratic side but I don’t care either way. I’ll vote for anyone but Trump.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    She wasn’t my first choice but she wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic office and wouldn’t have lied 6,000 times and played more golf than any other president. She wouldn’t have been buddy buddies with the dictators of the world. She wouldn’t have stepped all over the constitution to set the bar lower for every president that’s to come.

    I would rather have a rational adult in office that doesn’t surround himself with yes-men that pander to his fragile ego. I’d rather have someone who listens to experts and thinks before he speaks. This guy set us back 100 years.

    Biden is old and starting to go senile, so I think we’re pretty much screwed either way. I didn’t see any strong candidates on the democratic side but I don’t care either way. I’ll vote for anyone but Trump.
    votes may no longer matter .. 'we the people' , thats all that matters , need to just take care of our ourselves and our family and never trust on govt. (beast, false prophets) for anything.

  20. #20
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    I don't care if you vote left wing or right wing .. its all the same bird

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    then on top of it , being I've not been able to pay rent for my own home this month, I get an eviction notice taped to my front door . wtf !
    are you kidding me. people are out there taping eviction notices on front doors, is that really an 'essential worker' !
    so in a matter of weeks my business, my bank account, and my home, are being taken

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I feel for you prox.. this is effecting everyone everywhere. I spent my entire life savings, cashed out my 401k, sold my home, etc. to build my gym. now that is closed down by the govt. . and reality of that really hit home when first of this month I usually get a big automatic deposit into the bank account from member dues and that bank account is now zero.
    so in a matter of weeks the govt. shut down my business and drained my bank account.

    then on top of it , being I've not been able to pay rent for my own home this month, I get an eviction notice taped to my front door . wtf !
    are you kidding me. people are out there taping eviction notices on front doors, is that really an 'essential worker' !
    so in a matter of weeks my business, my bank account, and my home, are being taken
    Where do you live ? In the United States you can’t be evicted for the next 3 months/don’t have to pay rent due to the circumstances. I’m sure a lot of landlords are pissed about this

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Where do you live ? In the United States you canÂ’t be evicted for the next 3 months/donÂ’t have to pay rent due to the circumstances. IÂ’m sure a lot of landlords are pissed about this
    Where I am (NY) technically you don't have to pay rent, and landlords legally cannot evict you for the next 3 months but after that they can evict you for not paying the rent for those months. Depends if you're landlord is willing to work with you after 3 months other than that their just delaying the eviction.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    Where I am (NY) technically you don't have to pay rent, and landlords legally cannot evict you for the next 3 months but after that they can evict you for not paying the rent for those months. Depends if you're landlord is willing to work with you after 3 months other than that their just delaying the eviction.
    exactly . its not like your getting off rent free , you still owe that money. its just a delayed eviction process. thats why notices are still being posted on peoples front doors.
    some people think this crisis is a good thing cause they aren't having to make car payments and mortgage/rent payments. lol , your still paying that money people its not like the debts are going away and legal action still can be taken against you at some point for not paying (cars and homes will be taken away from people after all this)

  25. #25
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    Regardless of who is office or will be the world as we knew it is gone. In my opinion everything will change economy,markets, supply and demand system, government involvement. Anyone that thinks this "pandemic" will be over in a couple of months is living with their head in the sand.
    I also believe this virus has been with us a lot longer than they say, it just finally has a name. How many people do you know that have gone to the doctor tested negative for everything and were told you have "Viral infection that will have to run it course".

    The truly sad part is so many people will be financially ruined because of government involvement.
    Yes I am against all of the businesses being forced to shut down "stay at home" BS being put into play by state and local governments.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Where do you live ? In the United States you can’t be evicted for the next 3 months/don’t have to pay rent due to the circumstances. I’m sure a lot of landlords are pissed about this
    I thought that the eviction is being handled by the state gov and not the feds. If so, it depends on where you are
    Astro I thought I got Adam clear and so I’ll find out when he gets OK the same thing with the kebab with the you know I look at this is tag when I can’t recall with more information might’ve fallen off of here or something nurses 312 I’m usually on getting with the QE‘s and for for example of the case with Bruce

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  27. #27
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    I’m sure as the upcoming weeks go by, some decent statistics can be gathered that will guide us with how long we keep up with the isolation and shut down policies.

    * percentage of infected per age group.
    * percentage of severe symptoms per age group.
    * percentage of hospitalization required per age group & percentage of recovery per age group.
    * percentage of death per age group.

    I think once that’s established, a lot of mystery & fear will be eliminated and the United States can move closer to business as usual. I’m sure that there is a lot of doubt regarding the reliability of China’s stats, we need our own & regrettably you need a larger sample size to make those determinations.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I’m sure as the upcoming weeks go by, some decent statistics can be gathered that will guide us with how long we keep up with the isolation and shut down policies.

    * percentage of infected per age group.
    * percentage of severe symptoms per age group.
    * percentage of hospitalization required per age group & percentage of recovery per age group.
    * percentage of death per age group.

    I think once that’s established, a lot of mystery & fear will be eliminated and the United States can move closer to business as usual. I’m sure that there is a lot of doubt regarding the reliability of China’s stats, we need our own & regrettably you need a larger sample size to make those determinations.
    Yes there is a lot of misleading statistics, for example 2 of the first deaths in my state included one person with stage 4 lung cancer and one person with a bad heart that was on a transplant list. The virus might of been the last nail in there coffin but it had already been nailed half way shut.

  29. #29
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    I’m hoping it’s strongly trending to predominantly the elderly that are the sickest, most hospitalized & are the far majority of deaths.

    As unfortunate as that sounds (I’m 61 and all of my friends are the same if not older), that group of folks can stay isolated & the rest of the world can very cautiously get on with life, now knowing the risks.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Regardless of who is office or will be the world as we knew it is gone. In my opinion everything will change economy,markets, supply and demand system, government involvement. Anyone that thinks this "pandemic" will be over in a couple of months is living with their head in the sand.
    I also believe this virus has been with us a lot longer than they say, it just finally has a name. How many people do you know that have gone to the doctor tested negative for everything and were told you have "Viral infection that will have to run it course".

    The truly sad part is so many people will be financially ruined because of government involvement.
    Yes I am against all of the businesses being forced to shut down "stay at home" BS being put into play by state and local governments.
    yes this is a govt take over of sorts .. the world will never be the same . and for people that don't know yes this is a real pandemic. not a conspiracy theory.
    just had a 13 year old girl die in our local community from covid.. my best friends dad just died and he can't travel to bury him , his dad was a acquaintance of mine that I truly respected and there is no funeral .
    this shits all hitting home really fast .
    where I live , our military is prepping for war . the national command center is fully locked down, fighter jets are flying over head my house .. this was a biological war fare attack .
    whoever did this is going to get punched in the face big time

  31. #31
    Where I'm at their going around giving out fines for playing sports, having a gathering at your house, being closer than 6', or being in a group of more than 3 on public. How is this even legal??? As far as going back to normal it's gonna be a new normal people will probably still wear mask, emphasize social distancing, want stores and restaurants to bring stuff to their car (because their lazy), ect, and whatever ways the government can find to regulate our lives.

  32. #32
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    I read they are developing a way to test if you have antibodies for this virus, meaning you got it and survived. That way the people who have antibodies can cautiously go back to normal while they continue developing vaccines or other treatments for the rest of society. Also, just read that they are having success doing transfusions with blood that contains coronavirus antibodies from those who had been infected but lived. This is essentially a crude way of immunization, so we’ll see how that works. This is an interesting time we live in. We were too busy arguing over politics, me too, and trans acceptance, and now we have a real serious problem. I feel like we still haven’t peaked yet, and I’m concerned for how severe that peak will be. It must suck living in a real crowded city or an apartment building with a thousand people. One or two elevators, one entry way, can get tricky.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes this is a govt take over of sorts .. the world will never be the same . and for people that don't know yes this is a real pandemic. not a conspiracy theory.
    just had a 13 year old girl die in our local community from covid.. my best friends dad just died and he can't travel to bury him , his dad was a acquaintance of mine that I truly respected and there is no funeral .
    this shits all hitting home really fast .
    where I live , our military is prepping for war . the national command center is fully locked down, fighter jets are flying over head my house .. this was a biological war fare attack .
    whoever did this is going to get punched in the face big time
    I agree completely that this was a planned attack. I have a good friend that does machine work for the government. He basically makes shell casings I would assume they are tank rounds. Long story short 3 days after the first case in usa appeared the government put in an order 20 times larger than any order they have gotten in the 4 years of doing business for them. The air force base a few hours from me has more activity than anyone has ever seen. I said it for a month now there is more to this whole thing than what the government is telling us.

  34. #34
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    No way, this virus is too lame. Not deadly “enough”. Just don’t buy it.

  35. #35
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    The war prep is likely to keep the uprising down after collapse.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    No way, this virus is too lame. Not deadly “enough”. Just don’t buy it.
    I think this is actually a "test run" to see how the world would respond and react to a virus of this kind. I agree this is not deadly enough to be a war starting attack. It definitely will show the weaknesses and the coverage it is capable of.The real virus attack will happen in the future which will be far more deadly.

    Just my theory for what it is worth, that's what I would do anyways.

  37. #37
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    Shit, if this was any form of the “real” thing, we’d be fucked - I say life would last about 2 weeks until all hell broke loose - shit, we showed it

    That’s y I gotta stay looking like this guyClick image for larger version. 

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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    From our position/s, we'll never know the truth, if that truth is something which they (govt) want to hide.
    Thats what's so egregious about this presidents behavior. Nixon tried to hide the truth also, and he too thought that if the president does it, its automatically legal. Luckily for us, back then we had a senate that took their oath to the constitution seriously. The senate today thinks they took an oath to the executive branch. They rolled over and let him bulldoze them. Then they make absurd claims, which go against all obvious evidence. ANd they expect you to believe them.

    "dont believe your lying eyes"

    Its so like the book 1984.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by C27H40O3; 04-10-2020 at 10:52 AM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I am never going to understand how people can be so fucking retarded as to think that a politician or person in power gives a shit about them. Everything is about money all of it. No one gives a shit about you no one with any power gives a damn about your freedom your money your well-being or anything else about you.

    Why do you think Bernie dropped out of the race?
    It's because his party told him to. You people will vote for the shiniest of two pieces of shit bitch about whoever's in office in blame them for everything wrong in your life. They manipulate you. That's how they got in the office that they're in.

    They are master manipulators and I understand them very well. Maybe it's just because I'm a business owner and I have to do the same fucking thing with morons everyday. It was nice when I worked for someone and could just knock a son-of-a-bitch out or tell them what I thought. Now though I have to wine and dine make Democrats think I'm a Democrat and make Republicans think I'm a Republican to get the majority vote which is nothing more than money in my fucking wallet.

    Yet we still get this fuck Trump fuck Hillary bulshit from people which are the majority. You are all sheep following and looking for someone to save you. This is America and in America you're on your fucking own.

    If you believe a rich person promising you anything you are very goddamn stupid. You are the very thing that makes them rich. And rather than make yourselves rich you will just be bitching about those that are and take a promise from another rich person that says they will give you something.

    Politics are a fucking game. This is not Trump's fault. Situation reversed if it was Hillary in office people would be blaming her. We don't have a politician problem. We have a people problem. Rather than stand up and go to fucking work people are hiding like chickenshit pussies and destroying everything. Rather than actually do anything people just bitch and sit in the fear.

    Eventually all this shit will come Crashing Down and it won't be the fault of politicians. It will be the fault of the simpleton masses of sheep that believe them. I don't like Donald Trump or any politician because I know how they tick because I am one. I have a lot more malice towards pussies online bitching about someone not staying in quarantine then I do Donald Trump or any fucking politician. If you are hiding I don't like you. People like me we'll take a giant fucking shit on you if things do really truly collapse.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    We haven’t been the greatest country in the world since we elected a narcissistic child as president who never takes blame for anything and has made us look like fools on the word stage. A person with no humility or decency. Not sure what the world saw in this conman who was given over 300 million by his daddy and still managed 6 or 7 bankruptcies, to the point that no American bank will work with him and he has to take loans from foreign enemies/mafia through shady banks like Deutschbank. We didn’t have to be geniuses to tell that something was up when Putin was jumping up and down when Trump won. Trump is owned by his debtors, and they happen to be Russian.

    Then crooked congress refused testimony from people on the phone and in the room when Trump denied Ukraine aid unless they started a bogus investigation on the Bidens. Knowing damn well there is nothing to this story but it would damage him during the election nonetheless.

    I can go on forever. I just get sick of people blaming “the media” but always referring to CNN/MSNBC, when Fox and republicans in Congress have been lying and distorting facts like it’s their job since day one. Fox pretty much denigrated Obama for 8 years but cant find a fault with Trump, interesting.

    I would give Trump a pass if this was a one time thing, but sadly this has been the rule with him. Everything is about how it makes him look, not if it’s right or wrong. Since he shut down the White House pandemic unit, all he could do was deny the real potential impact of this virus until we were so caught up in it that he could divert to something else. Even now he goes against Fauci and other experts. He only likes yes men.

    Proximal, I understand your concerns and its potential impact on finances and savings. It’s the same concern repeated by many I know. I was furloughed, as well as mostly everyone at my company. Haven’t heard anything back from the unemployment office. This was going to happen regardless of who was in office, but the effects and duration could have been mitigated if prompt action was taken. I wish I could be as diplomatic as you about the situation, but I just get sick of the bullshit.
    This is right on point.

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