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Thread: 3am wake up time

  1. #1
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    3am wake up time

    does anyone else wake up auotomically at 3am on the dot , even though you may not fall asleep until 1am ???

    no matter what ,, 3am is always calling me .

    just curious if any of you get that .

    maybe its the "witching hour" and people spiritual enlighten have senses to see whats going on.. or maybe mr Natty Mike O'hearn would just get up and go to the gym at that time . maybe he was on to something . idk

  2. #2
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    Yes, but regrettably for me, it’s my bladder waking me up.

  3. #3
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    I used to. That's my favorite time of the day.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I used to. That's my favorite time of the day.
    mike o'hearn had it right then .. he is smarter then he looks and acts. he took the witching hours and said 'fuck it I'll just go to the gym'

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yes, but regrettably for me, it’s my bladder waking me up.
    I'll take a bladder call over a witches call

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    or maybe mr Natty Mike O'hearn

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  7. #7
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    Talk to Obs. We had this exact same discussion. He had a lot of inside. Couch also. Every night 3am the demons came. Why did I do this? Why didn’t I do this? Why am I so fucked up? Night after night they came.
    It’s fucking creepy. I would sleep with an open bible on the night stand to keep them at bay.
    2 shots of Zquil at 10 pm and another at 2 am helps me. A shot of vodka at 10 pm doesn’t hurt.
    It’s not optimal but works for me. Fucking sucks laying there having bad thoughts over and over.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    does anyone else wake up auotomically at 3am on the dot , even though you may not fall asleep until 1am ???

    no matter what ,, 3am is always calling me .

    just curious if any of you get that .

    maybe its the "witching hour" and people spiritual enlighten have senses to see whats going on.. or maybe mr Natty Mike O'hearn would just get up and go to the gym at that time . maybe he was on to something . idk
    I get up at 3 am for the day. Ain’t no demons taking me. LOL

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I get up at 3 am for the day. Ain’t no demons taking me. LOL

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    You’re lucky.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Talk to Obs. We had this exact same discussion. He had a lot of inside. Couch also. Every night 3am the demons came. Why did I do this? Why didn’t I do this? Why am I so fucked up? Night after night they came.
    It’s fucking creepy. I would sleep with an open bible on the night stand to keep them at bay.
    2 shots of Zquil at 10 pm and another at 2 am helps me. A shot of vodka at 10 pm doesn’t hurt.
    It’s not optimal but works for me. Fucking sucks laying there having bad thoughts over and over.
    yep , you know brother !!
    we know . we all been here for years (thousands of years) as Shepards of the sheep something calls us to not sleep and to stay awake and protect each other. we can't sleep and automatically wake up at 3am every night .. we wake up and worry because we are worried about the safety of the sheep .

    "why is this night different then all other nights "
    tell me where that quote comes from if you can can .

    cause the wolves were coming to betray and take the sheep and kill them. but the Shepard stayed awake the whole time ..

    yes he sweat out droplets of blood cause his anxiety was so high .. yes he struggled. but he stayed awake

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I get up at 3 am for the day. Ain’t no demons taking me. LOL

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    Not to get sidetracked, but I found myself laughing at the guy flexing in the background of the picture. Not sure he realizes that when O’Hearn stands up, no one is even going to know he was in the room, lol

  12. #12
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    I think we should just change the "witching hour" to the mike o'hearn just get up and got to the gym hour

  13. #13
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    no one gonna catch us and arrest us going to gym at 3am

    at least I hope not.. if they do , the beast govt is bigger and more corrupt then I ever thought

  14. #14
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    Its also known as satans hour.
    I will post more on it about the haunted exit ramp later.

  15. #15
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    3 am is as far from God as time can get.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    3 am is as far from God as time can get.
    no church bells ringing at 3am ..

    but the Shepard don't sleep and always cares for his flock ... and when Goliath comes and wants to fuck with us, the Shepard will punch him in the face and protect his sheep (or a sharp stone from a sling .. ie David ).
    you can't become KING until you protect your sheep . Shepard your people and then slay the enemy/giants

    think thats why we are all awake at 3am

  17. #17
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    Buddhist meditation centres, and also Hare Krishna temples get up at 4am.

    I think the general idea is to get up one hour before the sun.

  18. #18
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    as usual ,, up at 3am can't fall asleep

  19. #19
    NOT where I thought this thread was going....

  20. #20
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    Mine’s 5

    Like rn, 5am on the dot

    No alarm, no bull shit no nothing - that’s why I try to be deep asleep by 9

    Or - I go to sleep at 11, and still wake up at 5 < fuck that

    My routine needs to b down, or I go to shit real quick

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    as usual ,, up at 3am can't fall asleep
    I knew it.... I said all along.::::... GH uses voodoo! LOL
    I fucking woke up at 3:02.

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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    NOT where I thought this thread was going....
    Well where did you think it was headed?

  23. #23
    I dunno honestly..

  24. #24
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    dont ask for a source thx
    I get up at 3am cus of work... but I will say I don't use an alarm clock and I wake around 2 usually then nap till 3 then get up for the "grind"...that's the routine...i do it to not disturb my wife as she gets up later(the no alarm clock thing i mean)...I go to bed at 8pm...

  25. #25
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    Jesus died at 3 p.m. . That is known as the hour of Mercy for Christians. The exact furthest distance you can get from that it's 3 a.m. .

    I used to haul milk. We hauled milk all night for many obvious reasons there was less traffic the farmers weren't out in the barns to talk to you and bullshit and hold you back and you didn't have to deal with the Department of Transportation highway patrol.

    Since we hauled milk all night we would try to time it where we got to the milk plant to get our trucks unloaded first as soon as they opened. These were very long routes 16 hours behind the wheel really takes a toll on you especially if you have any sort of Life whatsoever outside of work.

    There was this exit ramp we used to park and sleep at we were almost never there at the same time we came from different directions at different times. My father, his employer, myself, and a couple of other drivers we knew would all park at this exit ramp when we were coming that direction to take a nap. We were in day cab trucks there was no sleeper you just lean over on the steering wheel. It was a really shity life and it seems like all of us milk haulers lived that life.

    Anyway if you were coming from that direction you had timed it to get to be at the milk plant at about 4 to 4:30 in the morning. If you couldn't drive straight through and you gave up which tended to happen a lot around that exit ramp that put you there closing your eyes at about 3 a.m. .

    All of us guys had sleep paralysis and the most fucked-up Nightmares on that exit ramp that I can describe. I didn't want to sound like a pussy so I just kind of kept it to myself. Then one day I was running a route with my father's employer and he said that him and Dad are always pulling off on that ramp when they can't make it to the plant and they have the most fucked up dreams.

    Other drivers kind of chimed in about a too.
    Everyone knew that Jasper Missouri exit ramp at 3 a.m. was the haunted exit ramp.

    These dreams you would have in the sleep paralysis were terrible. If you've never experienced sleep paralysis I hope you don't. It literally makes it where you are scared to go to sleep.

    In sleep paralysis you know you are asleep you are fully conscious and unable to move and unable to wake yourself from your worst fear coming to get you. You will literally be screaming at yourself in your head to wake up. You think if I can just throw my arm or move my arm or something throw my body out of this sleep move myself then I can wake up and get away from this shit. But you can't...

    It was known as being "held down" in olden days.
    No matter how much you struggled you couldn't budge. A demon was sitting on you holding you down and that's exactly what happened in my dreams. The demon sounded like rough tires on asphalt. Like feathered tires with uneven tread. I would realize that I could not move and I could hear him coming from a long ways out.

    When he got to me you would just press me down.

    My other dreams there were just as bad or worse. A girl like that one in the movie Silent Hill would be behind my seat and her arms would come over the seat and she would put her hands on my shoulders and her fingers would grow like a foot long and hook under my armpits and just hold me there where I couldn't move. A lot of fucking people have died around that area. There were numerous very large Civil War battles in the area. The Indian mounds were very close to that area. I also don't know what it is about that whole area but I can't stand that place.

    Anyway you could sleep there just about any time of day but if you close your eyes at 3 a.m. on the Jasper Missouri southbound exit ramp off 49 Highway you're going to see some fucked up shit.
    Last edited by The road; 05-01-2020 at 12:30 PM.

  26. #26
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    Btw if I ever could have broke free from that sleep paralysis with that demon or little bitch holding me down....

    I would have literally bitten their faces off.

    I hated that demon in particular.
    Fucking cunt had no balls to face me at full strength.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    These dreams you would have in the sleep paralysis were terrible. If you've never experienced sleep paralysis I hope you don't. It literally makes it where you are scared to go to sleep.

    In sleep paralysis you know you are asleep you are fully conscious and unable to move and unable to wake yourself from your worst fear coming to get you. You will literally be screaming at yourself in your head to wake up. You think if I can just throw my arm or move my arm or something throw my body out of this sleep move myself then I can wake up and get away from this shit. But you can't...

    It was known as being "held down" in olden days.
    No matter how much you struggled you couldn't budge. A demon was sitting on you holding you down and that's exactly what happened in my dreams. The demon sounded like rough tires on asphalt. Like feathered tires with uneven tread. I would realize that I could not move and I could hear him coming from a long ways out.

    When he got to me you would just press me down..
    ^ EXACTLY .. you know exactly what I'm talking about

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Btw if I ever could have broke free from that sleep paralysis with that demon or little bitch holding me down....

    I would have literally bitten their faces off.

    I hated that demon in particular.
    Fucking cunt had no balls to face me at full strength.

    this is why I hate sleep .. always try to stay awake and attentive. face me at full strength with an alert mind.. but no , pussy bitch demons rather haunt you when your down

  29. #29
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    I have some weird dreams from time to time that are a little disconcerting, but they never frighten me or terrify me. The one's that make me reluctant to go asleep again are the one's where I talk to someone in my life who has died. It's like I'm watching myself in my own dream trying to shout "He's supposed to be dead, stop stop stop!".

  30. #30
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    Oh by the way I once went about 2 or 3 years without dreaming after being knocked out in a martial arts class. I was aged about 17 - 20.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    I have some weird dreams from time to time that are a little disconcerting, but they never frighten me or terrify me. The one's that make me reluctant to go asleep again are the one's where I talk to someone in my life who has died. It's like I'm watching myself in my own dream trying to shout "He's supposed to be dead, stop stop stop!".
    thats interesting .. my mom who died at 47 when I was younger has visited me in dreams a host of times. its never a pleasant dream at all. she's a dead monster/demon .. never something you want to see in a dream. its terror..
    recently I asked my dad to forgive her for her sins (she was a drug addict) and let her soul go .. I have not seen her in my dreams since.

    when my best friend died and I had to be the one to pull the plug on his life support and watch him slowly die in front of me .. I seen him in dreams for only a couple weeks after that. and have never seen him since. the last dream I had was seeing him moving into his heavenly house and being at peace..

    where as my mom I seen in my dreams for 20 years. cause her soul was not set free. she was haunting cause she was awaiting forgivensss and compassion perhaps

  32. #32
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    My nightmares kept me up through my 20's.
    Today ifI have a nightmare I have killed someone terrible by beating them to death and everyone thinks that individual was a great guy.

    I am always the scorpion in my dreams I remember. It is terrible but much better than sleep paralysis.

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    The conchos that I have bought I could install myself but a really good guy I know does this for a living. He teaches classes on leather. So I will take them to him be installed.

    When I am done it will tell a story. Some people get tattoos. Some people put their life on the line and use leather straps that hold their weight from dying to tell why they gladly face death every day.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    My nightmares kept me up through my 20's.
    Today ifI have a nightmare I have killed someone terrible by beating them to death and everyone thinks that individual was a great guy.

    I am always the scorpion in my dreams I remember. It is terrible but much better than sleep paralysis.

    yep , I've woke up from a dream in the dream , even though still dreaming.. and I panic and I'm like what did I just do. I have blood on my hands from destroying someone.
    I wake up horrified, within the dream, and I'm like "I don't even remember kicking the total shit out of this person" ..

    haven't had dream like that in quite awhile though once I came to peace with the idea that we slay the enemy with the sword that comes out of our mouth and not our right hand (but our right hand and sword is still right there if need be) .

  35. #35
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    I will tell the story now though I am missing a couple conchos.

    Read the parable about the Scorpion and the Frog. Most will tell you it is about not trusting a wicked person because they will always show their true nature. That's not what I got from the story.

    There was a scorpion and there was a frog. The Scorpion just need to get across the river. The Frog was just doing his thing and believe that the Scorpion was telling the truth. Even though the Scorpion did not want to die he still died because he could not deny his nature. The Scorpions nature was To Kill. Even if it cost him his life. The frogs nature was to be a helpful individual and do things for others. The Scorpion was his natural enemy but he still believed that scorpion was telling the truth."If I sting you we both die".

    The lesson to be learned from this is not that you shouldn't trust a wicked person because it's not your place to judge in the first place. We will all abide by our nature and we will all die. If the Frog had abided by his nature than the Scorpion would never have been on his back in the river. It is the ultimate self-identity parable.

    You cannot be yourself if you are trying to please someone else and be who they want you to be.

    That is a lesson from the Scorpion and the Frog.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I will tell the story now though I am missing a couple conchos.

    Read the parable about the Scorpion and the Frog. Most will tell you it is about not trusting a wicked person because they will always show their true nature. That's not what I got from the story.

    There was a scorpion and there was a frog. The Scorpion just need to get across the river. The Frog was just doing his thing and believe that the Scorpion was telling the truth. Even though the Scorpion did not want to die he still died because he could not deny his nature. The Scorpions nature was To Kill. Even if it cost him his life. The frogs nature was to be a helpful individual and do things for others. The Scorpion was his natural enemy but he still believed that scorpion was telling the truth."If I sting you we both die".

    The lesson to be learned from this is not that you shouldn't trust a wicked person because it's not your place to judge in the first place. We will all abide by our nature and we will all die. If the Frog had abided by his nature than the Scorpion would never have been on his back in the river. It is the ultimate self-identity parable.

    You cannot be yourself if you are trying to please someone else and be who they want you to be.

    That is a lesson from the Scorpion and the Frog.
    if you play with a snake , don't be surprised if you get bit.. it is just what it is. it has to bite you.. thats what it was put onto this world to do

  37. #37
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    Some people see humans as just another species of animal and think that we just need to reproduce and spread our genes and take care of our young. Others think that our status as a species or as an animal is very unimportant when put alongside our intellectual and spiritual nature.

    A human being is of a kind and caring nature unless there is something wrong with them. If you find two grown men, one who is frequently angry and one who is frequently kind, the kinder one will be in better health (e.g. lower resting blood pressure, more restful sleep).

    I believe in behavioural genetics for more simple species such as scorpion and dog. I think that a scorpion will probably behave like a scorpion, and I think that a poodle will probably behave like a poodle. When I'm walking dogs at my local pound, I prefer not to walk a terrier as I just don't like their personality.

    Anthropologists say that humans looked just the way we do 300,000 years ago. So if you find a caveman from 200,000 years ago and give him a bath and a shave he will look just like one of us. But they say that behavioural modernity began only about 50,000 years ago. They say that between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago there was a sudden and abrupt change in our DNA which lead to more complex behaviours and ideas like respect, dignity and martyrdom. Some people think that this is when God entered us and created us in his spiritual image.

    For those of you familiar with hard disks and USB sticks you can get a terabyte USB stick now for less than $100. The human genome is a total of 4 gigabytes. In my day job as a computer programmer developing firmware for security cameras, I deal with source code repositories frequently about 3 or 4 gigabytes in size. I think modern operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Mac OS are into tens of gigabytes now, approximately 50 or 60 gigabyte.

    There's no way that you can do 'corpus callosum' and red blood cells and hemoglobin and 'human chorionic gonadotropin' in 4 gigabytes. So if you want to believe in something Supernatural then just look at a DNA

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if you play with a snake , don't be surprised if you get bit.. it is just what it is. it has to bite you.. thats what it was put onto this world to do
    We are all snakes.

    This is a song directly built off the scorpion and the frog parable.

    All my kids love it.
    I am the lion and I cant be something else... Even for their sake.

    We are our nature. Self identity means all to me.
    I lived for someone else for 10 years of my life and it was all taken away. 5 kids in the balance. Three kids that will only ever know me as Dad because their faggot fathers ran off from them. But their mother used them as leverage because I had no legal hold over those kids. So I had to lose 3 kids.

    They're gone now. But I keep moving in same direction. I will be me. Some people will despise who I am and others will praise me. But I did the best I fucking could. Anyone who tries to deny that can suck a dick and die. Hell is not half full
    Last edited by The road; 05-01-2020 at 02:47 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    Some people see humans as just another species of animal and think that we just need to reproduce and spread our genes and take care of our young. Others think that our status as a species or as an animal is very unimportant when put alongside our intellectual and spiritual nature.

    A human being is of a kind and caring nature unless there is something wrong with them. If you find two grown men, one who is frequently angry and one who is frequently kind, the kinder one will be in better health (e.g. lower resting blood pressure, more restful sleep).

    I believe in behavioural genetics for more simple species such as scorpion and dog. I think that a scorpion will probably behave like a scorpion, and I think that a poodle will probably behave like a poodle. When I'm walking dogs at my local pound, I prefer not to walk a terrier as I just don't like their personality.

    Anthropologists say that humans looked just the way we do 300,000 years ago. So if you find a caveman from 200,000 years ago and give him a bath and a shave he will look just like one of us. But they say that behavioural modernity began only about 50,000 years ago. They say that between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago there was a sudden and abrupt change in our DNA which lead to more complex behaviours and ideas like respect, dignity and martyrdom. Some people think that this is when God entered us and created us in his spiritual image.

    For those of you familiar with hard disks and USB sticks you can get a terabyte USB stick now for less than $100. The human genome is a total of 4 gigabytes. In my day job as a computer programmer developing firmware for security cameras, I deal with source code repositories frequently about 3 or 4 gigabytes in size. I think modern operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Mac OS are into tens of gigabytes now, approximately 50 or 60 gigabyte.

    There's no way that you can do 'corpus callosum' and red blood cells and hemoglobin and 'human chorionic gonadotropin' in 4 gigabytes. So if you want to believe in something Supernatural then just look at a DNA
    not sure why guys on this forum give you such a hard time .. you got some pretty interesting things to share

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    not sure why guys on this forum give you such a hard time .. you got some pretty interesting things to share
    I once thought that too. He just seeks negative attention

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