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Thread: List of covid19 Deaths

  1. #121
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    a good friend of mine works for veterans affairs .. its a shame that the greatest country in the world can't even take care of their own veterans. guys have severe illnesses and get put on a waiting list to receive treatment, wait for months , and end up dying before ever receiving treatment.
    shit like that should never happen in this country.. its no surprise that medicare is all jacked up too. where does our tax $ go , to bullshit programs, the Kennedy center, and a bunch of bullshit .. when we should be building more hospitals etc. to be able to treat our own veterans.
    most vets have to rely on charities for help
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 05-12-2020 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #122
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    I know a few people who had a parent or grandparent die of COVID. No particular underlying health issues.

  3. #123
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    List of covid19 Deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a good friend of mine works for veterans affairs .. its a shame that the greatest country in the world can't even take care of their own veterans. guys have severe illnesses and get put on a waiting list to receive treatment, wait for months , and end up dying before ever receiving treatment.
    shit like that should never happen in this country.. its no surprise that medicare is all jacked up too. where does our tax $ go , to bullshit programs, the Kennedy center, and a bunch of bullshit .. when we should be building more hospitals etc. to be able to treat our own veterans.
    most vets have to rely on charities for help
    Glad you asked.

    Gone are the days of Reagan’s concerns. The modern “welfare queen” has blue hair and drives a Mercury at obnoxiously slow speeds.
    Last edited by Gallowmere; 05-12-2020 at 10:24 AM.

  4. #124
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    a land far from here.
    Wrong. The welfare queens are big corporations getting corporate welfare.

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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    LMAO! Hey I was already accused of that on another thread. My generosity and goodness has an evil twin, lol.
    If you didn’t know, I was joking sarcastically.

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  6. #126
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I’ve been doing the low dose aspirin for three weeks now, it’s said Covid thickens the blood of men between 35-50 or so. This scared the crap out of me.
    Me too

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  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    The modern “welfare queen” has blue hair and drives a Mercury at obnoxiously slow speeds.
    The low rider does drive a little slower . . .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	D8EB4402-AA51-4ED2-8089-4AFD0FBB399C.jpeg 
Views:	57 
Size:	21.4 KB 
ID:	178782  

  8. #128
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    List of covid19 Deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Wrong. The welfare queens are big corporations getting corporate welfare.

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    Try reading the actual federal budget, instead of absolute nonsense from random memes made by people with an agenda.
    I assure you, those guys don’t have some super secret special knowledge of the budget that the rest of us can’t access. Just gotta bother doing so.
    Anything pertaining to tax payments and write-offs is pure speculation, until such information is made public by the individual corporation.
    It is available for most, but I assure you, assuming that anyone outside of the army of federal accountants could break such things down is absolute nonsense. It takes thousands of them to deal with this crap, yet a few guys (maybe triple digit at best) somehow have it all penned down, eh?
    Last edited by Gallowmere; 05-12-2020 at 03:54 PM.

  9. #129
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    heres the reason why so many fake Covid cases are out there and so many people dying are listed as dying from Covid even though it wasn't Covid at all..

    the CARES act passed by congress to help states fund the fight against covid..
    everytime a person gets put on a ventilator , that state gets 39,000$ in federal money.. every death from Covid, that State gets $17,000 in federal funding..
    its a money grab. states are rushing to fluff up as many Covid numbers as they can cause they want that money.

    just follow the money people. you'll always find the answers and the corruption

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Charger, I was limiting my comments to Medicare only. I understand what you are saying and don’t doubt it.

    Regarding immigration, please don’t get me started, I might offend those with my ultra-nationalistic stance. I’m not racist, but regarding immigration, I’m uber conservative.

    How’s your health issue?
    Sorry- one runs into the other. My mother in law is a foreign national so I am bot racist. LOL
    People do commit fraud though. People that can’t work on Medicare yet have a life of sports greater than mine. LOL
    Health issue- fucking waiting for this bullshit to end so I can get the fucking tumor removed.
    Sorry- this is effecting me just the opposite. I may die because they don’t let me take care of things.

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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Health issue- fucking waiting for this bullshit to end so I can get the fucking tumor removed.
    Sorry- this is effecting me just the opposite. I may die because they don’t let me take care of things.
    That sucks

    Shit, is fucked from quite a few dif angles.

    Really sucks, I’m seeing quite a few people around me falling apart at the seems

    All of this really does show us, how dependent on society we are

    Our 1st world probs are getting a tad 3rd world at certain levels

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Sorry- one runs into the other. My mother in law is a foreign national so I am bot racist. LOL
    People do commit fraud though. People that can’t work on Medicare yet have a life of sports greater than mine. LOL
    Health issue- fucking waiting for this bullshit to end so I can get the fucking tumor removed.
    Sorry- this is effecting me just the opposite. I may die because they don’t let me take care of things.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Very sorry for that news Charger.

    I agree with you about fraud, but I am backing the medical profession on this. But, if they are stealing $ for a profit, which I’d be shocked if this was on a large scale, they should be publicly burned at the stake.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heres the reason why so many fake Covid cases are out there and so many people dying are listed as dying from Covid even though it wasn't Covid at all..

    the CARES act passed by congress to help states fund the fight against covid..
    everytime a person gets put on a ventilator , that state gets 39,000$ in federal money.. every death from Covid, that State gets $17,000 in federal funding..
    its a money grab. states are rushing to fluff up as many Covid numbers as they can cause they want that money.

    just follow the money people. you'll always find the answers and the corruption
    If you are correct, where are the extra deaths coming from? Are those fictitious, I mean, are people not actually dying. Just curious? Keep in mind, my wife just got back from working ICU as did her friends. I mean sure, possibly her clinic could be the only honest one out there. However they are the biggest HMO in the USA and in multiple states. As Trump might put it - really, really big; huge. Did she or her friends lie today to fraud the country out of $, ey?

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    If you are correct, where are the extra deaths coming from? Are those fictitious,
    they are the normal deaths that always happen on a daily basis and always have.. millions of people die every year of natural causes and health causes. they are just simply taking something like cardiac deaths and writing "covid" on the death certificates . there are plenty of deaths that happen every day, they don't need to make deaths up.
    even people who are in hospice that were on there death bed to begin with, when they die they are getting marked down as "covid"..

    I seen an article of a family whose son was just in a motorcycle accident . was taken to ICU and he lasted a few days in there but didn't make it. they marked "covid" as the cause of death cause he tested positive for it . but he was in there cause he was in a frickin motorcycle accident .
    but heck, why not write Covid and get your kick back $ from the federal govt.

    I'm not denying people are dying from Covid . I'm just saying the numbers are being totally exaggerated and non covid deaths are being marked as Covid so the states and hospitals can get kick back $ from tax payers

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    they are the normal deaths that always happen on a daily basis and always have.. millions of people die every year of natural causes and health causes. they are just simply taking something like cardiac deaths and writing "covid" on the death certificates . there are plenty of deaths that happen every day, they don't need to make deaths up.
    even people who are in hospice that were on there death bed to begin with, when they die they are getting marked down as "covid"..

    I seen an article of a family whose son was just in a motorcycle accident . was taken to ICU and he lasted a few days in there but didn't make it. they marked "covid" as the cause of death cause he tested positive for it . but he was in there cause he was in a frickin motorcycle accident .
    but heck, why not write Covid and get your kick back $ from the federal govt.

    I'm not denying people are dying from Covid . I'm just saying the numbers are being totally exaggerated and non covid deaths are being marked as Covid so the states and hospitals can get kick back $ from tax payers
    Let’s see, lots to consider here.

    More “normal” deaths? Well, you are making quite a claim, and we won’t know the exact answer to about 2021-2022, when the CDC can more properly categorize all the causes. Now one issue that you are hearing is that many physicians stating is that they are not seeing as many cardiovascular patients period (number one cause of death). Let’s see the death rates later. Some other non-vivid related causes will increase because of less services, we will leave that alone. Again, let’s see.

    If you are a house painter, do you charge the same for a 1000 square foot home as compared to a 5,000 foot one? That’s what treating a Covid patient is like. I posted about not using normal hospital rooms to you, you didn’t respond. I posted the tidbit about the negative pressure rooms needed to properly isolate the patient, no response.

    Why would you even test a young motorcycle accident victim in the first place? For the safety of other patients and the health care workers. Now, once positive, you as a hospital would be grossly negligent to everyone in that facility, including visitors, if you did not exercise proper isolation - and that costs money. Get it? It’s not a money grab, they are doing the charting necessary for the proper compensation.

    About the numbers, you will be as wrong as if you said the 1918 flu was a hoax. I saw and heard the same ignorant bull-shit in the mid 80’s with the onset of HIV. They knew little about HIV at the time, the method of transfer, how exactly it would kill you etc. This virus has been scrutinized here for 3 f’n months. It’s still confusing experts. Antibody development seems inconsistent, blood clotting is occurring.

    This shit is real, some assholes will profit. But to blame the very industry on the front line that are keeping asses alive? Perhaps they should just say fuck y’all cause this shit is too expensive to treat and it’s killing our workers. Hell, you’re all likely infected anyways, go screw yourselves if you think we are going to risk our lives, while you accuse us of profiteering. No, they won’t, because these folks on the front line are different than those that have really committed fraud. I’ve worked among both, I know.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Let’s see, lots to consider here.

    More “normal” deaths? Well, you are making quite a claim, and we won’t know the exact answer to about 2021-2022, when the CDC can more properly categorize all the causes. Now one issue that you are hearing is that many physicians stating is that they are not seeing as many cardiovascular patients period (number one cause of death). Let’s see the death rates later. Some other non-vivid related causes will increase because of less services, we will leave that alone. Again, let’s see.

    If you are a house painter, do you charge the same for a 1000 square foot home as compared to a 5,000 foot one? That’s what treating a Covid patient is like. I posted about not using normal hospital rooms to you, you didn’t respond. I posted the tidbit about the negative pressure rooms needed to properly isolate the patient, no response.

    Why would you even test a young motorcycle accident victim in the first place? For the safety of other patients and the health care workers. Now, once positive, you as a hospital would be grossly negligent to everyone in that facility, including visitors, if you did not exercise proper isolation - and that costs money. Get it? It’s not a money grab, they are doing the charting necessary for the proper compensation.

    About the numbers, you will be as wrong as if you said the 1918 flu was a hoax. I saw and heard the same ignorant bull-shit in the mid 80’s with the onset of HIV. They knew little about HIV at the time, the method of transfer, how exactly it would kill you etc. This virus has been scrutinized here for 3 f’n months. It’s still confusing experts. Antibody development seems inconsistent, blood clotting is occurring.

    This shit is real, some assholes will profit. But to blame the very industry on the front line that are keeping asses alive? Perhaps they should just say fuck y’all cause this shit is too expensive to treat and it’s killing our workers. Hell, you’re all likely infected anyways, go screw yourselves if you think we are going to risk our lives, while you accuse us of profiteering. No, they won’t, because these folks on the front line are different than those that have really committed fraud. I’ve worked among both, I know.
    I’m perfectly okay with that last part, though I admire the fact that most of them wouldn’t.

    The wild speculation aside, unless the people who believe that most of us have already been exposed are right, there’s NEVER going to be a good time to end the lockdown. This shit started with a double digit population in the middle of nowhere in China. Are we really so stupid as to believe that it’s not going to roll through our entire population like a wildfire when we completely let up restrictions?
    We’d better hope that in spite of our leaders’ extremely misguided efforts, that most of us have already been exposed and developed (at least) temporary herd immunity.
    If not, and if it’s as dangerous as they keep playing at, we’re going to go down in flames eventually. Delaying the inevitable is all that’s happened. “Nature finds a way”.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    They don't tax income sourced outside their country by a non resident. That means you get a free parking spot for income as an american
    Went into the bank immediately today! This is not longer the case! I had to even file a W-9 there today!

  18. #138
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    they show pics like this on the news here from Italy , all these caskets lined up like they have all these Covid victims they need to bury ..
    hoax (pic is from 2013)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FullSizeR-2.jpg 
Views:	92 
Size:	386.3 KB 
ID:	178797

    and here is another , out of thousands and thousands of incidents .. where someone dies of something, and they mark it as a Covid death anyways

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Went into the bank immediately today! This is not longer the case! I had to even file a W-9 there today!
    Socialism at its finest

    Assuming there w-9 is different.
    In the US its for non employment pay expense.
    I.e. just info given so someone can send a contractor a 1099 to show the money they paid them.
    Last edited by The road; 05-15-2020 at 10:48 PM.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I’ve been doing the low dose aspirin for three weeks now, it’s said Covid thickens the blood of men between 35-50 or so. This scared the crap out of me.
    That is the idea. Scare you.

    Shit it has been linked to everything.
    Ultimate super killer virus that is sucking hind tit at killing people even with fake covid deaths counting toward the total.

  21. #141
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    I just simply dont see how people can be so blind to history and freedom in general.

    I wont ever get it but I guess I have just been under the guise that its up to me to provide a life for myself and my family while people tried to leech off me.

    Silly me.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I just simply dont see how people can be so blind to history and freedom in general.

    I wont ever get it but I guess I have just been under the guise that its up to me to provide a life for myself and my family while people tried to leech off me.

    Silly me.
    The politicians are forgetting too, just on the other side.
    Remember Sarajevo? People eventually had enough of the bullshit and were risking sniper fire, explosions, etc. on a daily basis, just to basically be like “fuck you, I’m going to work; I’m going about my life”.
    The stimulus packages and unemployment hikes are just piss poor attempts to keep that to a minimum, but $12-2400 won’t keep people at home for but so long. Remember, it’s only been about two months. You haven’t seen a discontent majority yet.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Socialism at its finest

    Assuming there w-9 is different.
    In the US its for non employment pay expense.
    I.e. just info given so someone can send a contractor a 1099 to show the money they paid them.
    It's an actual W-9 from the IRS, some agreement between the countries they said.

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