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Thread: Defund the police

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Seriously Gearhead...
    If the US Army classifies a weapon as an assult rifle, you think you can out rank them?
    you really think I trust the US Army and what they say or propagate with their propaganda being controlled by something much bigger then you think . lol more cover ups and bullshit in the military then anywhere else and yet I'm supposed to accept their word..

    normal farmers and citizens won the revolutionary war , not the federal military thats filled with free masons and deception and bullshit.

    so yeah I'm going to trust my own insight way before I trust theirs

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Isn't this the shooting y'all are discussing?
    Yes sir.

  3. #43
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    Feb 2014

    Off topic, but this cat is my favorite anti gun goof-ball possibly of all time.

    The face the cops behind him looking at each other is the best of it.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Great thread.

  5. #45
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    What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?” asked CNN’s Alisyn Camerota.

    “Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege,” said Council President Lisa Bender.

    So having a home and not wanting someone to break into it to steal or kill is a sign of privilege ?

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Attachment 179096
    Attachment 179097
    Attachment 179098
    Attachment 179099
    Attachment 179100

    DD , you really want to "school me" on what a supposed "assault rife" is or isn't when I've owned hundreds, have a gun room in my house for making my own ammo etc. ? and my kids all know how to shoot an AK .
    have studied ballistics and long range sniper tactics and have the tools for it.
    Attachment 179101

    and you've never owned a single gun in your life and you want to school me on what AN "assault rifle" is or isn't based on your political views and google skills .

    "assault" is a crime of the person himself not of a tool ... you know how many people have been killed by hammers, yet we don't have a classification of "assault hammers" you can't buy at Home Depot do we.
    this is just a ploy and tactic of anti gunners to demonize guns
    Isn't A assault rifle (I can't believe this dumbass used "a" instead of "an") this scary black gun, that the television reporter ran a few rounds through, and ended up walking away with PTSD...???

  7. #47
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    This fucker changed his mind pretty quick. Wonder if it was the police that kept his building from burning?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DC240D8E-E4AC-4A3F-899D-768BCD838FC4.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	178.0 KB 
ID:	179103

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Isn't this the shooting y'all are discussing?
    Yup, AG, I posted already that I made an error. The gun store was in fact very close to the shooting. For the life of me, I just never recalled a gun store so close in our neighborhood. They have relocated to another city now.

    Just recall the day, my wife and I were working at the same healthcare facility pretty damn close . Very surreal.
    Last edited by Proximal; 06-08-2020 at 03:28 PM.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    This fucker changed his mind pretty quick. Wonder if it was the police that kept his building from burning?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DC240D8E-E4AC-4A3F-899D-768BCD838FC4.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	178.0 KB 
ID:	179103
    Lmfao !!! Wait a minute...he referred to them as “animals” now thats just plain ole racist if u ask me(insert sarcastic laugh here)

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    This fucker changed his mind pretty quick. Wonder if it was the police that kept his building from burning?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DC240D8E-E4AC-4A3F-899D-768BCD838FC4.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	178.0 KB 
ID:	179103
    talk about a fucking stupid idiot....

    he can say goodbye to that nice job of his

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    talk about a fucking stupid idiot....

    he can say goodbye to that nice job of his
    I hope he does. Fair is fair. Grant Napear was fired by his radio station and resigned as the Sacramento Kings TV play-by-play announcer Tuesday after his tweet that said “All Lives Matter” amid the George Floyd protests was met with backlash.

    Napear, a graduate of Syosset High School on Long Island, tweeted “All Lives Matter…Every Single One!” on Sunday after former Kings star DeMarcus Cousins asked the 60-year-old for his view on the Black Lives Matter movement.

    Apparently he’s more racist than the guy calling them animals.

  12. #52
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    This lady is pissed a store owner is protecting their property and won’t let her loot. Is this where we are as a society?
    They are insured. Why won’t they let me take their stuff?
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 06-08-2020 at 07:36 PM.

  13. #53
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you really think I trust the US Army and what they say or propagate with their propaganda being controlled by something much bigger then you think . lol more cover ups and bullshit in the military then anywhere else and yet I'm supposed to accept their word..

    normal farmers and citizens won the revolutionary war , not the federal military thats filled with free masons and deception and bullshit.

    so yeah I'm going to trust my own insight way before I trust theirs
    Maybe not, but you can trust Mirian Webster. LOL

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  14. #54
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    Very simple solution....:: Hells Angels for police protection!!

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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Very simple solution....:: Hells Angels for police protection!!

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    Worked for The Rolling Stones. Oh wait...

  16. #56
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    Happening Live. Must See

  17. #57
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    We need more a Forest Gumps in our country.

  18. #58
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    I live in SOUTHERN Illinois....about 6 hours south of Chicago. Everyone in the southern part of the state hates Chicago, & would like them to be their own state. We have hardly any crime here, b/c everyone is packing, & everyone knows it. Everyone that comes in my pharmacy knows I'm packing a .40 Glock. Chicago is what makes us have a FOID card....3 day wait on ANY gun....we hate Chicago.....

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexin-rph View Post
    I live in SOUTHERN Illinois....about 6 hours south of Chicago. Everyone in the southern part of the state hates Chicago, & would like them to be their own state. We have hardly any crime here, b/c everyone is packing, & everyone knows it. Everyone that comes in my pharmacy knows I'm packing a .40 Glock. Chicago is what makes us have a FOID card....3 day wait on ANY gun....we hate Chicago.....
    Where bouts? Charlestown, Matoon or further south?

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Where bouts? Charlestown, Matoon or further south?
    About 2 hours south....Indiana/Kentucky border.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yup, AG, I posted already that I made an error. The gun store was in fact very close to the shooting. For the life of me, I just never recalled a gun store so close in our neighborhood. They have relocated to another city now.

    Just recall the day, my wife and I were working at the same healthcare facility pretty damn close . Very surreal.
    No biggie. The thread was moving fast and it was close to work time, so I was trying to keep up with the conversation.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexin-rph View Post
    About 2 hours south....Indiana/Kentucky border.
    Sorry, could look at a map. One of my best friends, lives in a town called Mt. Vernon. Close?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    No biggie. The thread was moving fast and it was close to work time, so I was trying to keep up with the conversation.

    I swear, it was like listening to “old people”. My wife got home and I was telling her about this thread. My God, we both thought it was a different BOA on a totally different street. We could only laugh at ourselves.

    Hope you are well buddy. Goofy times for sure.

  24. #64
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    Here's my take on this. Defunding/disbanding the police will equal chaos. How long do you think it'll take the bad guys out there to go on a crime spree? And that's the point.

    Create the problem, encourage the reaction and offer the solution.

    After all hell breaks loose, people will be more than "willing" to hand over what "rights" they have left over to the government and then we'll truly live in a police state that will make Xi Jinping blush.

    And I doubt a civil war would ever happen over it. They've already called the "patriots" bluff with this Wu-Flu. How many of these "patriots" put themselves on house-arrest for a couple months over this? How many of them claimed for years and years if it ever came to that we'd be in civil war, but here we are and they did absolutely nothing.

    Get ready for the police state.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Here's my take on this. Defunding/disbanding the police will equal chaos. How long do you think it'll take the bad guys out there to go on a crime spree? And that's the point.

    Create the problem, encourage the reaction and offer the solution.

    After all hell breaks loose, people will be more than "willing" to hand over what "rights" they have left over to the government and then we'll truly live in a police state that will make Xi Jinping blush.

    And I doubt a civil war would ever happen over it. They've already called the "patriots" bluff with this Wu-Flu. How many of these "patriots" put themselves on house-arrest for a couple months over this? How many of them claimed for years and years if it ever came to that we'd be in civil war, but here we are and they did absolutely nothing.

    Get ready for the police state.
    Honky is back. Good to see you brother.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Sorry, could look at a map. One of my best friends, lives in a town called Mt. Vernon. Close?
    Yip...real close. An hour straight east of there.

  27. #67
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    Not defund but maybe redirect fund to make sure police do not have to do everything!

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Not defund but maybe redirect fund to make sure police do not have to do everything!
    I have a close family member that is a cop .. I have members of my gym and friends that are cops. most of the time they are bored and don't have a whole lot to actually do. the paper work is often times the heaviest burden .
    so "have to not do everything" when in reality they barely do anything and are bored and looking for something to do.

    but thats simply coming from people I know that are cops and from my area.. I understand it may be different in other areas and cities. but I think in a lot of areas cops have not much to do cause crime isn't really that high and people think it is simply because what they see on the news rather then see with their own eyes.
    When Ronnie Coleman was a cop and a pro bodybuilder, he mainly sat in his police car eating BBQ chicken.

    on a side note -- If your a free mason ran police force, you may have a busy day unloading bricks out of the trunk of your police car and placing them in various areas around your city (thats been caught on video footage).. so those guys are pretty busy

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Honky is back. Good to see you brother.
    It's good to see you too. I'm glad the regulars are still around.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    Watching the video that @Proximal posted clears a lot of it up. I do not remember one of them committing suicide but that is no surprise. Plus, it seems like live at the time the incident was much longer and a far bigger deal than that clip implies.
    The mexican guy shot himself in the head when he ran out of ammo. The Romanian guy shot back at the cops, and eventually they were almost face to face, with only a pickup truck between the swat guys and him. A swat guy got on the ground and started shooting at his ankles, underneath the truck. The guy fell to the ground and bled to death over almost 2 hours calling the cops all types of creative names. They didn't want to bring in the ambulance because they say it wasn't safe.. my dick it wasn't safe, they just wanted to see him bleed to death.

    Weeks prior to this incident, they were pulled over and cops found a ton of guns and ammunition in their vehicle. I think they were all legal so they coudln't do anything, if I remember correctly.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    If I recall correctly (and I may not), TECHNICALLY, from a purely security perspective, it DID work pretty well for the Stones.

    Their fans (at least one in particular), not so much.
    You are right. Stones didn’t get a scratch. The fan got stabbed.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Maybe not, but you can trust Mirian Webster. LOL

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    What is it with you and the masons? What do you have against them?

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  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Not defund but maybe redirect fund to make sure police do not have to do everything!

    Excellent idea. Share the load among other agencies better equipped.

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  34. #74
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    Antifa goons managed to take control of about six blocks of Seattle real estate. They’ve declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, as we wrote about yesterday.

    As part of that process, the police pulled out of the area, leaving the area police station and leaving the neighborhood to the anarchists.

    Of course, there’s been all kinds of hilarious issues within the CHAZ, such as the homeless they invited in having stolen all their food and ate it, leaving nothing for the CHAZ denizens to eat.

    But, without any cops, there’s no police brutality, right?

    You’d think, but you’d be wrong.

    Earlier today Allahpundit wrote about the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) which was set up in Seattle after police retreated from a few square blocks. The denizens of this new experiment in police-free living were probably envisioning a utopia full of peace and community love. Instead they got a new self-appointed police force led by a rapper named Raz Simone.

    Early this morning someone posted a video clip to Reddit which shows Simone and a group of people confronting a graffiti artist. Things escalate and eventually the tagger is assaulted by someone in the group and has his phone taken away. The video is about an hour long but here’s a summary created by someone in the Reddit thread:

    tl;dw: Man was tagging over someone else’s art, Raz and group approach and separate him from crowd, chasing him for two blocks. He begins to film them with his phone, they take it from him. He tries to get it back and they attack him, kicking him in the head and breaking his glasses. At one point, Raz threatens to shoot the man. They then begin to gaslight him that it was all his fault. Audio only for most of the end, because woman in Raz’ crew filming puts the phone in her pocket while the stream continues.
    So, just a couple of days into things and they already have a warlord.

    That’s just…special.

    Simone claims that everything god discussed and that all is well. He even claims the tagger’s father wants Simone to mentor him. God help that kid.

    What happened, though, was predictable. When there’s no government, all it takes is someone strong enough to step in and take control. That person often becomes something of a warlord, like Raz Simone.

    Oh, Simone can claim all was beautiful, but some of the highlights of the altercation included phrases like:

    “We are the police of this community now!”
    “We got to the point where addressing the point physically was the best way to get our point across.”
    In response to the subject saying his glasses were broken during the assault, “Yeah, we should have broken your face!”
    Don’t be making no threats n****, I’ll blow your brains out”
    Of course, the “threat” wasn’t clear anywhere in the video. The transcriber believes it was in response to the tagger saying he wanted to leave within the next 15 minutes.

    Sorry, not a threat, just a statement.

    However, what we’re seeing here will continue within the CHAZ. In fact, it will likely get worse.

    See, governments suck, but they exist because something will exist to govern a given group of people. Where people agree to select a leader, all is well, but when folks get in their head they don’t need one, someone will rise up, usually the strongest will step in and take control. Or, at least, someone who isn’t afraid to use violence to portray strength.

    You know, someone like Raz Simone.

    Either Simone will continue to enforce whatever rules he wants, or someone else will step in to try and stop him. Then, violence will follow. Either way, be glad you don’t live in that part of Seattle.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Antifa goons managed to take control of about six blocks of Seattle real estate. They’ve declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, as we wrote about yesterday.

    As part of that process, the police pulled out of the area, leaving the area police station and leaving the neighborhood to the anarchists.

    Of course, there’s been all kinds of hilarious issues within the CHAZ, such as the homeless they invited in having stolen all their food and ate it, leaving nothing for the CHAZ denizens to eat.

    But, without any cops, there’s no police brutality, right?

    You’d think, but you’d be wrong.

    Earlier today Allahpundit wrote about the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) which was set up in Seattle after police retreated from a few square blocks. The denizens of this new experiment in police-free living were probably envisioning a utopia full of peace and community love. Instead they got a new self-appointed police force led by a rapper named Raz Simone.

    Early this morning someone posted a video clip to Reddit which shows Simone and a group of people confronting a graffiti artist. Things escalate and eventually the tagger is assaulted by someone in the group and has his phone taken away. The video is about an hour long but here’s a summary created by someone in the Reddit thread:

    tl;dw: Man was tagging over someone else’s art, Raz and group approach and separate him from crowd, chasing him for two blocks. He begins to film them with his phone, they take it from him. He tries to get it back and they attack him, kicking him in the head and breaking his glasses. At one point, Raz threatens to shoot the man. They then begin to gaslight him that it was all his fault. Audio only for most of the end, because woman in Raz’ crew filming puts the phone in her pocket while the stream continues.
    So, just a couple of days into things and they already have a warlord.

    That’s just…special.

    Simone claims that everything god discussed and that all is well. He even claims the tagger’s father wants Simone to mentor him. God help that kid.

    What happened, though, was predictable. When there’s no government, all it takes is someone strong enough to step in and take control. That person often becomes something of a warlord, like Raz Simone.

    Oh, Simone can claim all was beautiful, but some of the highlights of the altercation included phrases like:

    “We are the police of this community now!”
    “We got to the point where addressing the point physically was the best way to get our point across.”
    In response to the subject saying his glasses were broken during the assault, “Yeah, we should have broken your face!”
    Don’t be making no threats n****, I’ll blow your brains out”
    Of course, the “threat” wasn’t clear anywhere in the video. The transcriber believes it was in response to the tagger saying he wanted to leave within the next 15 minutes.

    Sorry, not a threat, just a statement.

    However, what we’re seeing here will continue within the CHAZ. In fact, it will likely get worse.

    See, governments suck, but they exist because something will exist to govern a given group of people. Where people agree to select a leader, all is well, but when folks get in their head they don’t need one, someone will rise up, usually the strongest will step in and take control. Or, at least, someone who isn’t afraid to use violence to portray strength.

    You know, someone like Raz Simone.

    Either Simone will continue to enforce whatever rules he wants, or someone else will step in to try and stop him. Then, violence will follow. Either way, be glad you don’t live in that part of Seattle.
    I feel this is only the beginning. I could see Chicago, NYC, LA and many other extreme left wing cities fall.

  36. #76
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Antifa goons managed to take control of about six blocks of Seattle real estate. They’ve declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, as we wrote about yesterday.

    As part of that process, the police pulled out of the area, leaving the area police station and leaving the neighborhood to the anarchists.

    Of course, there’s been all kinds of hilarious issues within the CHAZ, such as the homeless they invited in having stolen all their food and ate it, leaving nothing for the CHAZ denizens to eat.

    But, without any cops, there’s no police brutality, right?

    You’d think, but you’d be wrong.

    Earlier today Allahpundit wrote about the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) which was set up in Seattle after police retreated from a few square blocks. The denizens of this new experiment in police-free living were probably envisioning a utopia full of peace and community love. Instead they got a new self-appointed police force led by a rapper named Raz Simone.

    Early this morning someone posted a video clip to Reddit which shows Simone and a group of people confronting a graffiti artist. Things escalate and eventually the tagger is assaulted by someone in the group and has his phone taken away. The video is about an hour long but here’s a summary created by someone in the Reddit thread:

    tl;dw: Man was tagging over someone else’s art, Raz and group approach and separate him from crowd, chasing him for two blocks. He begins to film them with his phone, they take it from him. He tries to get it back and they attack him, kicking him in the head and breaking his glasses. At one point, Raz threatens to shoot the man. They then begin to gaslight him that it was all his fault. Audio only for most of the end, because woman in Raz’ crew filming puts the phone in her pocket while the stream continues.
    So, just a couple of days into things and they already have a warlord.

    That’s just…special.

    Simone claims that everything god discussed and that all is well. He even claims the tagger’s father wants Simone to mentor him. God help that kid.

    What happened, though, was predictable. When there’s no government, all it takes is someone strong enough to step in and take control. That person often becomes something of a warlord, like Raz Simone.

    Oh, Simone can claim all was beautiful, but some of the highlights of the altercation included phrases like:

    “We are the police of this community now!”
    “We got to the point where addressing the point physically was the best way to get our point across.”
    In response to the subject saying his glasses were broken during the assault, “Yeah, we should have broken your face!”
    Don’t be making no threats n****, I’ll blow your brains out”
    Of course, the “threat” wasn’t clear anywhere in the video. The transcriber believes it was in response to the tagger saying he wanted to leave within the next 15 minutes.

    Sorry, not a threat, just a statement.

    However, what we’re seeing here will continue within the CHAZ. In fact, it will likely get worse.

    See, governments suck, but they exist because something will exist to govern a given group of people. Where people agree to select a leader, all is well, but when folks get in their head they don’t need one, someone will rise up, usually the strongest will step in and take control. Or, at least, someone who isn’t afraid to use violence to portray strength.

    You know, someone like Raz Simone.

    Either Simone will continue to enforce whatever rules he wants, or someone else will step in to try and stop him. Then, violence will follow. Either way, be glad you don’t live in that part of Seattle.
    What the fuck did we expect would happen? Vigilantes make the rules as the go.

    I guess we could do like they did in Tijuana..... take the guns away from the police force and expect them to keep order against the drug dealers.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  37. #77
    Join Date
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    Raz Simone doesn’t sound nearly as cool as The Duke of New York (Issac Hayes in “Escape from New York” if you’ve never see it)

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Raz Simone doesn’t sound nearly as cool as The Duke of New York (Issac Hayes in “Escape from New York” if you’ve never see it)
    Not as cool as Cuervo Jones in Escape from LA

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Antifa goons managed to take control of about six blocks of Seattle real estate. They’ve declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, as we wrote about yesterday.

    As part of that process, the police pulled out of the area, leaving the area police station and leaving the neighborhood to the anarchists.

    Of course, there’s been all kinds of hilarious issues within the CHAZ, such as the homeless they invited in having stolen all their food and ate it, leaving nothing for the CHAZ denizens to eat.

    But, without any cops, there’s no police brutality, right?

    You’d think, but you’d be wrong.

    Earlier today Allahpundit wrote about the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) which was set up in Seattle after police retreated from a few square blocks. The denizens of this new experiment in police-free living were probably envisioning a utopia full of peace and community love. Instead they got a new self-appointed police force led by a rapper named Raz Simone.

    Early this morning someone posted a video clip to Reddit which shows Simone and a group of people confronting a graffiti artist. Things escalate and eventually the tagger is assaulted by someone in the group and has his phone taken away. The video is about an hour long but here’s a summary created by someone in the Reddit thread:

    tl;dw: Man was tagging over someone else’s art, Raz and group approach and separate him from crowd, chasing him for two blocks. He begins to film them with his phone, they take it from him. He tries to get it back and they attack him, kicking him in the head and breaking his glasses. At one point, Raz threatens to shoot the man. They then begin to gaslight him that it was all his fault. Audio only for most of the end, because woman in Raz’ crew filming puts the phone in her pocket while the stream continues.
    So, just a couple of days into things and they already have a warlord.

    That’s just…special.

    Simone claims that everything god discussed and that all is well. He even claims the tagger’s father wants Simone to mentor him. God help that kid.

    What happened, though, was predictable. When there’s no government, all it takes is someone strong enough to step in and take control. That person often becomes something of a warlord, like Raz Simone.

    Oh, Simone can claim all was beautiful, but some of the highlights of the altercation included phrases like:

    “We are the police of this community now!”
    “We got to the point where addressing the point physically was the best way to get our point across.”
    In response to the subject saying his glasses were broken during the assault, “Yeah, we should have broken your face!”
    Don’t be making no threats n****, I’ll blow your brains out”
    Of course, the “threat” wasn’t clear anywhere in the video. The transcriber believes it was in response to the tagger saying he wanted to leave within the next 15 minutes.

    Sorry, not a threat, just a statement.

    However, what we’re seeing here will continue within the CHAZ. In fact, it will likely get worse.

    See, governments suck, but they exist because something will exist to govern a given group of people. Where people agree to select a leader, all is well, but when folks get in their head they don’t need one, someone will rise up, usually the strongest will step in and take control. Or, at least, someone who isn’t afraid to use violence to portray strength.

    You know, someone like Raz Simone.

    Either Simone will continue to enforce whatever rules he wants, or someone else will step in to try and stop him. Then, violence will follow. Either way, be glad you don’t live in that part of Seattle.
    So, basically every issue they complain about regarding police, they are now doing. Assaulting criminals, preventing filming their actions, using violence to gain compliance. Too funny. it took them one afternoon to prove they are as bad as the cops they hate.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  40. #80
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    The whole Seattle thing is a stage. The governor and mayor are eggin it on

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