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Thread: Guess my BF% Can you guys help with a guestimate on what I may be?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA

    Guess my BF% Can you guys help with a guestimate on what I may be?

    Hey guys I just am looking for a couple decent guesses on my BF%... (I want to have a 6 pack by Feb. 20, 2020) I am currently 203 lbs. 6'1" I'm guessing that I am somewhere around 17% percent?? in that case I would have at least 5% to lose in order to get some visible abs.... LBM = 165lbs I'm guessing I need to lose about 13 lbs of 'weight' to be 5% lower? I am on cycle as well currently.. Test/mast/tren all fast esters daily injections of 75mg/75mg/75mg 525mg ew Proviron 50mg ed. endurobol 10mg ed. I have VAR and Winny I could throw in early january if anyone thinks that is ideal? I also need to clean up the diet to help as well (it is MUCH cleaner as you can see from the picture below when I was 220 or so lbs earlier this year.)

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ID:	177530

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ID:	177529

    Thank you all for any help with a guess... I really want to achieve a Six Pack... And want to do the right steps all while keeping as much LBM as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    17% is not a bad guess . but really it does not matter. all that matters is what you see in the mirror. you've got over 12 weeks to get shredded. thats plenty of time you just have to stick to it and be consistent every day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    17% is not a bad guess . but really it does not matter. all that matters is what you see in the mirror. you've got over 12 weeks to get shredded. thats plenty of time you just have to stick to it and be consistent every day
    Thanks brotha for the reply!

    I suppose if I just keep consistent I'll be pretty happy with how I look. I also think maybe implementing a spinach / lean protein salad for my night time meal that may help.... + cardio for the last 6 weeks.. Any added info would be definitely appreciated. ( I figure just change a couple things at a time and I'll probably get there)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Thanks brotha for the reply!

    I suppose if I just keep consistent I'll be pretty happy with how I look. I also think maybe implementing a spinach / lean protein salad for my night time meal that may help.... + cardio for the last 6 weeks.. Any added info would be definitely appreciated. ( I figure just change a couple things at a time and I'll probably get there)
    12+ weeks is a lot of time . you can get shredded no problem.

    as for a no carb and protein and veggie meal the last meal of the day , that can be beneficial or it can be detrimental , its person and situation dependent. I don't know your diet or situation so I can't say .
    heres a couple points
    - if you workout in the evening , then post workout glut 4 levels are generally elevated for several hours. when glut 4 levels are high is the best time to consume carbs because they will all mainly go to glycogen stores in muscle . so having carbs at night is the best time to have your carbs.
    - having carbs before bed with your last meal for a lot of people can help you fall asleep and help you have better sleep. the insulin spike can induce drowsiness

    on the other hand
    - if you train earlier in the day and you've already gotten plenty of carbs in to refuel glycogen stores, then there is really no need to consume more carbs in your last meal . restrict your calories and just get a protein feeding in

    as for cardio , despite what the natty evidence based science guys say , morning fasted cardio works the best. especially us drug users.. a lot of the drugs we take work great fasted with fasted cardio.

    last tip - be progressive . don't play all your cards at once. save some cards for when things stall and you need to play them. thats with drugs , training, and diet.. if you throw every single tool in the tool belt at it from day one, you'll have nothing left.
    eg.. start with fasted cardio 20 mins 3x per week. thats it.. then go to 30 mins. then go to 4 days etc.. same with drugs. start with a replacement dosage of T3 , like 25mcg .. then add some Clen at low dose.. then some yohimbe. then up the clen dose, then up the T3 dose . same with diet

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    12+ weeks is a lot of time . you can get shredded no problem.

    as for a no carb and protein and veggie meal the last meal of the day , that can be beneficial or it can be detrimental , its person and situation dependent. I don't know your diet or situation so I can't say .
    heres a couple points
    - if you workout in the evening , then post workout glut 4 levels are generally elevated for several hours. when glut 4 levels are high is the best time to consume carbs because they will all mainly go to glycogen stores in muscle . so having carbs at night is the best time to have your carbs.
    - having carbs before bed with your last meal for a lot of people can help you fall asleep and help you have better sleep. the insulin spike can induce drowsiness

    on the other hand
    - if you train earlier in the day and you've already gotten plenty of carbs in to refuel glycogen stores, then there is really no need to consume more carbs in your last meal . restrict your calories and just get a protein feeding in

    as for cardio , despite what the natty evidence based science guys say , morning fasted cardio works the best. especially us drug users.. a lot of the drugs we take work great fasted with fasted cardio.

    last tip - be progressive . don't play all your cards at once. save some cards for when things stall and you need to play them. thats with drugs , training, and diet.. if you throw every single tool in the tool belt at it from day one, you'll have nothing left.
    eg.. start with fasted cardio 20 mins 3x per week. thats it.. then go to 30 mins. then go to 4 days etc.. same with drugs. start with a replacement dosage of T3 , like 25mcg .. then add some Clen at low dose.. then some yohimbe. then up the clen dose, then up the T3 dose . same with diet

    Awesome help!! Thanks for all the information... I actually wake up around 4-5 a.m. each morning... my lifting is around 9 or 10 a.m. and I end up falling asleep each night around 8:30-9 p.m. That being said it might be beneficial to not have too heavy of a carb meal right before bed but also I think it's also true what you say about how we are all different and our bodies / diets react different (i've been learning my own body a lot lately with diet.. I guess while being on Tren diet is totally different since I can tell a HUGE feed efficiency by the fast acting bowel movements I have 3-5 a day... That is INCREDIBLE!)

    I really like not playing all my cards at once idea.... (i've done that before in the past and still have those temptations and you're right... nothing else left if you play them all) It actually leaves a lot of unlocked motivation having a multi-level program to keep unlocking new achievements...

    I'm currently taking t3 @ 50mcg ed... (read somewhere to add some in if on tren)_ Not sure if I should taper off and then give it a break and then start it again.. I guess I can experiment and see how it goes!

    I really appreciate the awesome advice, I'll definitely utilize it.. I just smoked a bowl and am super high so I'm going to thank you kind sir!! Really do appreciate the help out!

  6. #6
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20200929_114014.jpg 
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ID:	179983

    I mean no offense bro. But I just asked the same question and when I posted the picture above, my consensus was 25%bf Now if I'm at 25% now, what do you reckon you started at?

    I'm 5-11 and 244lbs in nothing but those shorts.

    What data did you use to estimate? I've never used any gear before and I'm trying to put my first cycle together too

    Good progress though. Congrats.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 09-30-2020 at 12:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20200929_114014.jpg 
Views:	88 
Size:	734.8 KB 
ID:	179983

    I mean no offense bro. But I just asked the same question and when I posted the picture above, my consensus was 25%bf Now if I'm at 25% now, what do you reckon you started at?

    I'm 5-11 and 244lbs in nothing but those shorts.

    What data did you use to estimate? I've never used any gear before and I'm trying to put my first cycle together too

    Good progress though. Congrats.
    Bodyfat % is easier to estimate when its below 20%, Usually 20 to 30% will look about the same, with a little difference in shape if you've been weight training. Below 20 is where the definition starts to take place. depending on your genetics. Some start to notice some separation in the arm muscles at 20% or a little below, abs can begin to show for some as high as 15% a little lower (12-14%) striations start to show (chest, shoulders, hamstrings). So under 20% is going to be your first goal. Once you're there people will be able to look at you and give you a little better estimate

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