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Thread: To all you yong bucks you gotta be a tuff MF'er to get old

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave

    To all you yong bucks you gotta be a tuff MF'er to get old

    I had this posted in the wrong thread and wanted to share my life journey (most of it) 61 6 mths out of a coma and here we go . # 1 your mind does control the abilities and restrictions on your body !

    OK the break down post coma Nov. 2020 from a kink in my lower intestine cut 8in out, they gutted me like a fish from my belly button to mid chest not a pretty site to me and intubated me and vacuumed my abdominal cavity for 5 days and could not get me to come out of the induced coma

    1) My palate has changed I eat almost all veggies and meat almost makes me sick
    2) I drink Twisted Tea instead of beer
    3) Weight is up about 20 lbs from before due to lack of exercise
    4) I am at the 6 mth recovery mark and a little ahead of normal schedule
    5) I can still screw 2 x's a day but she has to get on top - feels like my belly is coming loose
    6) 1st week back in the girly gym - that is what made me think of you guys ,lol
    7) very little leg strength , working on that daily
    8) Little to no cardio
    9) Getting high daily off green
    10) Also getting high of killer Jinitrophen HGH make muscles without even lifting I swear
    11) I can take a dump & pee nonreal
    13) I cannot lift 35lbs from the ground to standing
    14) Good news is they say at 1 year I should be close to normal ...... stil 6 more mths at 1/2 a man will be hard
    15) I still consider eating a 9mm from time to time but that is not new been considering that since I was a young Marine
    16) I have to say I have put one round in a 357 and spun the cylinder and pulled the plug and God did not take me so I am over that and no longer have any desire to end life and want to live .- no mind this is an open forum , but I bet many of you guys have little respect for many females - and once in a while after many bad ones . My sweetie stood by me through my coma and even wiped my butt I owe it to her to be normal again . I even gave her a ring .... She is keeper and I thought all women were .... well never mind once in a blue moon you find a good one .....I have

    Just a parting shot ! FYI Your mind is in control and will make you do more than you are willing to do ! So when lifting mind control is as important as nutrition !

    I am going to try to get this history as close to factual as possible . If I have posted different dates on other places .... blame it on post coma

    1. 99 torn left bicep tendon and had re attached .

    2. 20 Oscope on left shoulder

    3. 02 I was ran over by a truck and crushed . Broke both capulas , crushed right scapula and cracked left in 2 places , broke all my ribs at least once and some in 2 places , bruised my spline and split my liver , had 2 pulmonary embolisms hit my lungs while in the hospital .

    4. 04 left hip replacement

    5. 07 more blood clots

    6. 11 kicked opioid habit scripted of 60mg Oxycodone & 40mg of Oxycotin ..... I know not cool but dumped them all in the toilet and visited hell !

    7. 12 started TRT

    8. 14 started blending compounds and peptides and learned enough to be dangerous (I was doing gear in the 70's when you got vet EQ , Winstrol V from Winthrop labs , Fina Jet and you can name it we could get it real Var , and Winstrol tabs , Metha Test not even a felony)

    9. 15 peaking muscle mass and leanness 57 I think 6 t 245lbs and a 34 waisted jeans and XXL Polo

    10. 15 Torn rotator cuff reattached and held

    11. 16 more rotator cuff issues

    12. 17 right hip replacement

    13. 18 left knee replacement (blood clots included) Also diagnosed Prostrate Cancer watch and wait still

    14. 19 back twisted in knots and now get epidurals every 90 day app

    15. 20 degenerated right ankle and get injection every 90 days app

    16. 21 kink in my bowels and was in a coma for 2 weeks and lost 52 lbs

    17. 21 Oh around mid April we had to come home from our 2 weeks spring break at the beach , Aplach Bay , Tate's Hell , St George Island FL . My father passed March 28th and we had a celebration service the 18th of April and had 3 teeth pulled . Tooth aches kill . I think Lobyst or Samason had a brain hemorrhage from a toothache . Anyway Mon the 19th . So 5 shot later that hurt worse than a bad quad shot . 3 teeth extracted and antibiotics and percs and back to the beach . A week later on Sat I was in tears . No Oral Surgeons on call form Tallahassee FL to Valdosta , to Macon . So back to Canton GA north of ATL. and drainage and stitches and more percs and more antibiotics and back to the beach 6hrs . It all worked out .

    18. 21 went to the Dr with a boil on my butt he lanced and more percs and I know end of May went back the 4th he did not like the way it looked so did a Biopsy and said my be melanoma ....... I will find out tomorrow !

    So young gents Rock on ! But for me some of my survival is a result of my faith and the way Jesus saved me from all the way back in the in the Marines he saved my life and men died all around me . Not a fanatic but I know who is in control !

    Today I hit a cardio mile stone I walked with my head held high and managed a tad over a mile and that is a new record post coma . I have been in the gym Shhhhhh "Planet Fitness" Using girly weights and bands and can feel my strength coming back and I am still inside this shell and will be a whole man again with in the next 6 mths .......

    Baby Steps :
    Proticall :
    50mg Test Cyp every 3rd day
    50mg Deca every 3rd day
    30mg NPP EOD alt
    3iu's HGH daily
    TB -500 1mg daily
    .1HCG EOD
    30iu Lantus 2 x's a day Type II but I take extra for good reasons and to keep glucose down with the HGH

    I take a 1/2 a pill bottle full meds daily non inflammatory anything from Ibuprofen , Lyrica , Tylenol , Metacarbol , Water pill , Cialis , Flomax , Prilosec , Magnesium , Milk Thistle , D3 , Folic Acid , I refuse statins & BP meds

    I get a complete male metabolic panel Tues and I will post results

    I will post current gym routine when there is one remotely worth mentioning .

    I welcome comments and questions . I do have half my brain tied behind my back so please be tempered .

    Warning US Marine Sgt and if you hammer me I hammer back . Do not ask me about my service as it was not a pleasant duty actually ashamed of what I did but not Ashamed of my service ! If this makes no sense to you then I am not smart enough to educate you!
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-14-2021 at 09:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Oh we are going to have one hell of a conversation when we meet Buzz. Holy crap! The fact that you can still walk or drive that bad-ass truck is a miracle to me!

    Hell, post any workout. This a steroid forum, you use steroids, you are a warrior and you refuse to quit. Any workout is worth mentioning.

    Glad you started this up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Buzz, I wouldn't run the Halo for an extended length of time. It will jack up your liver enzymes. Just my 2cc.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Buzz, I wouldn't run the Halo for an extended length of time. It will jack up your liver enzymes. Just my 2cc.
    Been on it about a year . It really had a holistic properties that assisted in my pain levels and I was amazed at this effect after I started taking for 4 weeks . Thanks I have been told that and only have 7 left . Never been much on orals ! But when they assisted me in pain management I got phycological hooked . When gone not taking any orals until I am in the total groove again .

    I am in non stop pain and offered opiates anytime I want them . The pain probably surprisingly that causes me the biggest issue with NO relief except a small amount from 90 day injections is my ankle ............ started causing me issues after knee surgery . Right one bone on bone and Dr that has done all my joint work said I was to hard on my body and he thought this was an old injury from the Marines ...........If I do become even more immobile I will go the opiate route they do stop the pain .

    Not sure of an exercise or group or flexibility movements for my ankle to make it stronger and remove the joint pain . I going to opt fo in home rehab after i get back in to a lot lower weight class I am a PIG right now and can barely do anything to exercise .

    6ft and 268 lbs very little muscle left except what the HGH has visibly added just pure "GROWTH" form HGH .

    I had a fasting full Male Metabolic panel draw today and my test is low on purpose for this draw . I will post in a week or so and I am sure I will need assistance fixing all that is out of balance because I am not going on a bunce of scripted meds for fat old ppl the weight is coming off just slowly .

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-15-2021 at 09:33 PM.

  5. #5
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Dammit to hell I cannot win for loosing . Got my short BW back from the VA and Hemoglobin is in danger zone as in almost needs medical hospital attention but I said let me try at home ......... Iron severely low due to removal of lower intestines and lack of absorbsum . Only have 55% of red blood cells required to carry o2 to my organs . Also said B6 low and I pin Bovine B12 complex 2x's a mth and one VA B 12 EOM . Also said low on D3 and I take 10x's recommended dosage ??? I wonder if cancer could be causing these reading and Dr said hold off on colonostpy , , Prostrate Biopsy until Hemoglobin back normal that this is serious ....... WTF is ? A coma was serious ? Am I destined to be an old man no matter how hard I try to prevent ............

    Asked me if I could possibly be dehydrated Ashamed to say yes possibly only 4 bottles of water a day and severely low on iron .

    Sending me iron tabs and I am slamming water + upping my test injections in hope that may up my red blood count . MF'er SOB he said this is what I can't breath good and have no energy and to stop pushing until hemoglobin back in line ?????

    Any thoughts ? any adjusted dose of HGH or anything else
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-20-2021 at 08:52 AM.

  6. #6
    So what do you suggest for us younger people? I'm 49 about to be 50 in december.

    seems like everyone's hip needs a replacement, i wonder how much of that is a function of sex and too much Elvis Pelvis ? LoL

    I knew someone older who had leaky gut. ... this was in 2014, back when the gut or the intestines started to leak and it was a new concept...

    now the medical community has amassed some knowlegdge & so have Youtube doctors actual MD's, who have a side-gig trying to sell their new info. on how to avoid or repair Leaky Gut (like what foods to avoid... tomatoes oddly enough seem to be bad)

    then you have the other school of thought that says Garlic causes too much gas, but the Benefits of a garlic diet really outweigh the bad things garlic can cause

    If you had to do it differently, would you switch to a Vegetarian diet earlier on your own volition and on your own free will?

    They say that red meat never gets fully digested in 1 of the 2 intestines and solidifies, causing blockage and problems with the colon

    So how do we avoid some of the problems that comes w/ age, not just how to be able to tolerate them? (if u don't mind me asking) .. Thanks

  7. #7
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Thanks for helping , mods . that was a really strange post to me . never seen a link like that on this forum
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-24-2021 at 06:12 PM.

  8. #8
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    So what do you suggest for us younger people? I'm 49 about to be 50 in december.

    seems like everyone's hip needs a replacement, i wonder how much of that is a function of sex and too much Elvis Pelvis ? LoL

    I knew someone older who had leaky gut. ... this was in 2014, back when the gut or the intestines started to leak and it was a new concept...

    now the medical community has amassed some knowlegdge & so have Youtube doctors actual MD's, who have a side-gig trying to sell their new info. on how to avoid or repair Leaky Gut (like what foods to avoid... tomatoes oddly enough seem to be bad)

    then you have the other school of thought that says Garlic causes too much gas, but the Benefits of a garlic diet really outweigh the bad things garlic can cause

    If you had to do it differently, would you switch to a Vegetarian diet earlier on your own volition and on your own free will?

    They say that red meat never gets fully digested in 1 of the 2 intestines and solidifies, causing blockage and problems with the colon

    So how do we avoid some of the problems that comes w/ age, not just how to be able to tolerate them? (if u don't mind me asking) .. Thanks
    I think you are way off bubble and need more research and clueless as to me or my journey ..... thank you for posting all post are welcome but I have no idea where to start with your shot gun questions and 1/2 answered by you ? I am not smart enough to help you . Maybe I misposted or you mis read I am far from a Veggie head ! I ate 12oz Filet for dinner this evening and burgers yesterday ????
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-23-2021 at 08:12 PM.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    So what do you suggest for us younger people? I'm 49 about to be 50 in december.

    seems like everyone's hip needs a replacement, i wonder how much of that is a function of sex and too much Elvis Pelvis ? LoL

    I knew someone older who had leaky gut. ... this was in 2014, back when the gut or the intestines started to leak and it was a new concept...

    now the medical community has amassed some knowlegdge & so have Youtube doctors actual MD's, who have a side-gig trying to sell their new info. on how to avoid or repair Leaky Gut (like what foods to avoid... tomatoes oddly enough seem to be bad)

    then you have the other school of thought that says Garlic causes too much gas, but the Benefits of a garlic diet really outweigh the bad things garlic can cause

    If you had to do it differently, would you switch to a Vegetarian diet earlier on your own volition and on your own free will?

    They say that red meat never gets fully digested in 1 of the 2 intestines and solidifies, causing blockage and problems with the colon

    So how do we avoid some of the problems that comes w/ age, not just how to be able to tolerate them? (if u don't mind me asking) .. Thanks
    You’re getting up there, but even at that age I felt night and day different than I do now.

    You’ll know you’ll need a hip or knee replacement (had both my hips done due to sports wear and tear) when you have to use a cane for multiple months, stairs go from taking them one at a time to almost impossible without pulling on a hand rail, can’t get up from the toilet if you don’t have safety bars, 24 hour a day pain that doesn’t let you sleep through the night & meds don’t work. Your joints might grind like stripped gears and you can hear it.

    If your stomach or intestines “leak” even a little, you will develop an infection that will put you in the hospital and possibly kill you.

    The WHO says read meat causes colon cancer and statistically the age of colon cancer has dropped and it is now recommended you start getting colonoscopies at 45 (down from 50).

    Buzz, keep crushing it buddy! BTW, I had filet last night for dinner and some leftover for lunch

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    So what do you suggest for us younger people? I'm 49 about to be 50 in December.

    seems like everyone's hip needs a replacement, I wonder how much of that is a function of sex and too much Elvis Pelvis ? LoL

    If you had to do it differently, would you switch to a Vegetarian diet earlier on your own volition and on your own free will?

    So how do we avoid some of the problems that comes w/ age, not just how to be able to tolerate them? (if u don't mind me asking) .. Thanks
    Ok my 49 almost 50 friend my attempt to answer the above questions

    #1 If you are almost 50 You have already seen the best day of your life you will see . The way to look at age is you are dying the day you are born . With that said I just happen to have an abused body . Part from the Marines and the other self induced .

    #2 Yup Hips seem to be a given for most ! They are a cake walk after living the life I have Knees and shoulders are the killer for pain and rehab .

    #3 Your question about sex is cute and you seem to be a very youthful thinking man actually jocular and I like that ! You may have found the answer to my joint issues . I probably did and do have way to much sex ...............

    #4 Nope I would eat every cow , chicken ,and pig I could afford to chow down on . I did state I am not a veggie head . I think I said my palette changed after being in the coma and I do eat a shit ton of squash , Zucchini , onions , tomatoes , broccoli , Cauliflower , Spinach , Mushrooms , Brussel sprouts

    #5 Case in point you are only a few years behind me A lot closer than you may realize . Refer to #1 . If you are 50 and no issues I tip my hat to you and say go light on the Test , no Tren and love life if you have had no body trauma
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-24-2021 at 03:37 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    Not to butt in, but I'll add one thing.

    Learn to listen to your body. If you think your body is telling you something is off/ doesn't feel right, llisten to it. It's talking to you for a reason.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Not to butt in, but I'll add one thing.

    Learn to listen to your body. If you think your body is telling you something is off/ doesn't feel right, llisten to it. It's talking to you for a reason.
    Thanks and you rest up and enjoy any meds you may have , lol . Just not to long

  13. #13
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    only part of the bad part of my BW

    RBC 3.91.....M/cmm.....4.63 - 6.08
    WBC 8.1......M/cmm.....4.0 - 11.00
    HMG 8.1......g/dl..........3.7 - 17.5
    HCT 29.4....................40.1 - 51.0
    MCV 75.2.....fL............80.0 - 1000.0
    MCH - 32.2
    MCHC 27.6...g/dl.........32.0 - 37.00
    RDW 21.2 11.6 - 16.5
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-27-2021 at 11:04 AM.

  14. #14
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    You know I had a random thought today . Even with all my issues internal and external . I do not actually know another person alive that has experienced a coma . Not to mention all of my other trauma and .......... still walking , going to the gym a little , do many things I desire and most of the things I want . I am even headed back to normal ......... I do not know another living coma person ..........

    I should be more thankful as opposed to impatient as to my slow recovery . I still am not a colapidated old man .I am not all wrinkled and need help in and out of a vehicle . I guess I am doing better than many men my age that have not been active or in the gym and they are slow moving and not aware of their health and they have lived a plain old life with little body trauma and have more issues than me that are noticeable .

    I am headed out now to install a new Dometic A/C unit in my RV

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    I just came across the thread

    I raise you - one brain hemorrhage & Onyx glue embolization


    Shit man, aside from my bitch tits sprouting randomly I had no medical history at all till last year

    Our human selves sure do fall apart at times - some are luckier than others - some, well - never even get to grow up

    Fucking clouds rolled in a few days back & I feel like I got hit with a 4x4 upside my head - just been nodding out randomly, like a junky or some shit - one day, the wife thought I was stoned out of my mind - nope, haven’t even smoked weed in two days

    All health shit is on the same plane imo. Your current intestinal nightmare doesn’t sound any better than my brain damaged head

    My neighbor just got his metal plates out of his shoulder. His whole left side now looks fuuuucked up - I keep telling him, he needs an alignment - he flips me the bird

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	F273A0F1-745B-445D-B28A-64ACE24570FF.jpeg 
Views:	175 
Size:	78.0 KB 
ID:	181158

    Now my other neighbor is going for a biopsy of a growth in his throat - he’s only 30. . . He lost 30 pounds in the last 1-2 months.

    Our health does not discriminate between anything or anyone

    Good to hear you’re still chugging along - lead poisoning from a 9 my best friend ended his life a few years back. He used a 9mm, bad idea - he was alive for six hours

    Life ain’t shit, if it ain’t hard

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I just came across the thread

    I raise you - one brain hemorrhage & Onyx glue embolization


    Shit man, aside from my bitch tits sprouting randomly I had no medical history at all till last year

    Our human selves sure do fall apart at times - some are luckier than others - some, well - never even get to grow up

    Fucking clouds rolled in a few days back & I feel like I got hit with a 4x4 upside my head - just been nodding out randomly, like a junky or some shit - one day, the wife thought I was stoned out of my mind - nope, haven’t even smoked weed in two days

    All health shit is on the same plane imo. Your current intestinal nightmare doesn’t sound any better than my brain damaged head

    My neighbor just got his metal plates out of his shoulder. His whole left side now looks fuuuucked up - I keep telling him, he needs an alignment - he flips me the bird

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	F273A0F1-745B-445D-B28A-64ACE24570FF.jpeg 
Views:	175 
Size:	78.0 KB 
ID:	181158

    Now my other neighbor is going for a biopsy of a growth in his throat - he’s only 30. . . He lost 30 pounds in the last 1-2 months.

    Our health does not discriminate between anything or anyone

    Good to hear you’re still chugging along - lead poisoning from a 9 my best friend ended his life a few years back. He used a 9mm, bad idea - he was alive for six hours

    Life ain’t shit, if it ain’t hard
    I cannot suggest anything else since my Hemoglobin is at 8.5 and they think I have internal bleeding . The trigger for a blood transfusion is 8 and Hemostatic of 30% or less Sat I had a white out for about 3hrs Sat and my fiancé' found me and I refused to go to ER on a holiday weekend and lay in a bed until Mon. I told her to help me pound water and about 30 minutes later I was back to my semi normal , lol . Soooooo my shit is internal and not seen they run a light down my throat Tues and expect to find a tumor or bleeding ulcer from 28 year of anti inflammatory meds. Not sure if it is the blood issue or my slight attempt to loose lbs but I have lost 22lbs in 3 weeks . Still on Jinatropin and it seems to build some muscle tone with no effort . Found out the low Hemo was the cause of no energy and shortness of breath ............. Prayers brother and drop one for me if you are a believer .

    Sorry to hear about your trials . Seems God thinks I am one tuff MF'er ! And you ! I have had the dropped shoulder ever since my rotator cuff issues and it does not show as much when I am all blood engorged muscles not the muscle a little humor .

    Soooooo my shit is internal and not seen they run a light down my throat Tues and expect to find a tumor or bleeding ulcer from 28 year of anti inflammatory meds. Not sure if it is the blood issue or my slight attempt to loose lbs but I have lost 22lbs in 3 weeks . Still on Jinatropin and it seems to build some muscle tone with no effort . Found out the low Hemo was the cause of no energy and shortness of breath ..

    Oh I am good with a head shot . I have had 3 Marine brothers die of self inflicted lead poisonings . Peace ou keep your chin up and I have been dry on green for 2 mths now SUX a big one !

  17. #17
    I feel ya brother. I almost died from COVID in January. Lost 30 lbs and now I have permanent lung damage and the COVID fog. I still have to take Tylenol 3 just to keep from coughing.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Getting old is easy but surviving the trip can be difficult.

    I think we need an over 50 forum and over 60 forum. Ive only got 1 more year until the 60 mark.

    Careful with all the anti inflammatory, they are hard on your liver also.

    I feel you bro, you know I have been down pretty much the same path - Coma. Get better soon.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-19-2021 at 08:18 AM.

  19. #19
    Damn! I have had my lower intestine kink twice, but that was when I was 8 & 12. I'm now 44.

    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

  20. #20
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Damn If I did not know from 1st hand experience on me and my trials ; I would call BS !

    3 Saturdays ago the end of July I was taken to the ER again .Lots of smart guys on this forum ! Anyone know the odds of full recovery after having a septic body , in a coma and BP dropping to 52 and kidney functions at 49% I have experienced all of these and I personally have only slowed down to the point that my body restricts me . I continue to live as close to normal as I can and the GYM is on hold for now . It will be a double edged sword if I have to go on Dialysis because that comes with restricted water intake . The anemia and low iron I am currently being treated for requires extra water ......... So this is what happens when "You can't drive 55" & "Life in the fast lane" - Seriously consider slowing down and being more healthy - NO HARD RECREATIONAL DRUGS I still do not believe I am close to death only recuperating . Damn a coma sucks a big one still kicking my ass in one way or another .

    I was eating and my significant other noticed my head bobbing up and down and asked me if I was OK and I said , No something is not right . So she assisted me to sit in a bigger chair than the breakfast bar stools . Just as I sat down my eyes rolled back in my head and I was out cold I would come 1/2 way too and I could hear her talking but could not reply in long sentences and could not see her ! She took my glucose reading and it was not great 121 but acceptable for 61 years old 62 Aug 19 in a few days . Then took my blood pressure and it was 82 over 52 ? So she took it again and it had dropped to 75 top number , took it again and it was 71 top number . She called 911 and they came and I had passed out again and peed on myself about the time they walked n and this concerned them the most ( Seems that means complete loss of controlled body functions) . I came too and did not believe I had peed on myself I changed and they took my BP and the top # was 69 they said we need to get him to the ER fast they put me on the gurney and off I went and in the EMT truck I dropped to 62 top # and they were surprised I was still awake and talking . They stuck me with an IV ASAP and started fluids .

    I was in the hospital 2 nights and 3 days and they ran complete BW every 6 hrs I think and my hemoglobin was low and iron was low and kidneys at 49% and creatine rising .............. They checked all over for blood clots and then echoed my heart and said I had the heart of a 20 year old and no blood clots from neck to ankles . Observed me another night and day because I had a Colonoscopy on Friday the day before . They gave me a unit of iron IV and made an appointment with the local Cancer Dr .

    I go for the appointment and the Dr says I had in the past had internal bleeding and the only place they know it could have come from was the large palp removed from my upper GI track . They said I needed iron fast so this Thurs the 12th of Aug I go for another unit of iron IV and next week another unit of iron and the orders were drink all the water I could and I asked would beer do the same not really ! I asked about the low kidney function and rising Creatinine and shortness of breath and no energy . They said the iron and water should take care of my shortness of breath and no energy - lets see how that goes and then we will address Kidney disease . Never knew I had that in all my years .

    But like a true "Good Marine" I have adapted and overcame - we are still selling our home and move into the RV the 22nd of Sept and hit the rd for fun and adventure ........ Just gotta find a way to get smoke on the road . Any one with knowledge of Kidney Disease issues : I welcome their comments .

    PS : How do I find the iPhone app for this Forum to install on my phone ? Is there a trick ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 08-10-2021 at 12:37 PM.

  21. #21
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    Sep 2020
    Buzz, what’s the latest? Can we get an update?

  22. #22
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    I am alive . getting iron infusions weekly .... Comas suck man !

    Tomorrow is my birthday and I can barley breath for some unknown reason . They think if I get my iron and blood count up i will be able to breath . House sells the 23rd of Sept and we move into RV so this handicap should make it a real adventure ......... still high creatine stopped the Ibuprophen which elevated creatine , but all my pain from joints and back and knee and hip and shoulders and ankle ; real discouraged about kidneys and fkn back and fkn ankle . I am about pissed off to tell you the truth ! Nothing I can do seems to improve things ! Just gotta let the Dr try their guessing and I hate to trust Dr's

    The Dr's were not even going to do anything until I went back to them with results from BW and showed them ( I looked up on line) , that really sucks a big one that I had to be that proactive on MY HEALTH to get the DA's to do anything and then my mysterious blood pressure drop

    How do I get a phone app for this forum please anyone
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 08-18-2021 at 11:31 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    I can go through chrome and get no options for the app

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I am alive . getting iron infusions weekly .... Comas suck man !

    Tomorrow is my birthday and I can barley breath for some unknown reason . They think if I get my iron and blood count up i will be able to breath . House sells the 23rd of Sept and we move into RV so this handicap should make it a real adventure ......... still high creatine stopped the Ibuprophen which elevated creatine , but all my pain from joints and back and knee and hip and shoulders and ankle ; real discouraged about kidneys and fkn back and fkn ankle . I am about pissed off to tell you the truth ! Nothing I can do seems to improve things ! Just gotta let the Dr try their guessing and I hate to trust Dr's

    The Dr's were not even going to do anything until I went back to them with results from BW and showed them ( I looked up on line) , that really sucks a big one that I had to be that proactive on MY HEALTH to get the DA's to do anything and then my mysterious blood pressure drop

    How do I get a phone app for this forum please anyone
    Well at least I can wish you a happy birthday Buzz. But damn, you’re not catching any breaks

  25. #25
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    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Well at least I can wish you a happy birthday Buzz. But damn, you’re not catching any breaks
    Thanks for the B-Day wish !

    I got a new twist for you ...... I was grinding out the rear fenders on my Cr-V Thurs and the grinder wheel caught and gashed my left knuckle and hand open got 22 stitches .

  26. #26
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    the lower carolina
    Buzz, try reading up on astragalus. My eGFR indicated a CKD level of 3b, creatinine was way over the top of the range, and BUN was over the top.

    For a while, my piss foamed so bad it was ridiculous. For those that don't know the difference, piss will could be your body chemistry, it could be from when they last cleaned the toilet. When you piss and it foams, that's a sign that you need to get checked out/ followup with your PCP. You can tell the difference between bubbles and foam, because foam pretty much refuses to go away when you flush.

    I was taking 6g before C spine surgery and my eGFR, creatinine, and BUN were all greatly improved. I bumped it up to 8 g/ day after surgery, and the last labs I pulled everything was well in range. My eGFR was >70. Pulling labs again soon.

    Anyway, just Google Astragalus kidney damage .

    Don't just jump on it. Read the studies and decide if it's for you.

    Hang in there, man!
    Last edited by almostgone; 08-20-2021 at 06:51 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Thanks for the B-Day wish !

    I got a new twist for you ...... I was grinding out the rear fenders on my Cr-V Thurs and the grinder wheel caught and gashed my left knuckle and hand open got 22 stitches .
    That’s one hell of a birthday gift to yourself buddy .

  28. #28
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Thanks for the B-Day wish !

    I got a new twist for you ...... I was grinding out the rear fenders on my Cr-V Thurs and the grinder wheel caught and gashed my left knuckle and hand open got 22 stitches .
    Happy Belated Birthday. Arent we supposed to get wiser (smarter) as we get older? Why do so many of us seem to get hurt more? Maybe its because we dont bounce like we use to.

  29. #29
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    May 2021
    Happy belated birthday Buzz. You are one tough SOB to make it through all you have. I hadn’t seen you post for a couple months so it’s great to hear an update from ya! I hope the RV leads you to all the adventures you desire and some more!

  30. #30
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    UPDATE : Could I be a real life walking dead at 62 ?

    I received 2 units of IV Iron over the past couple or so weeks . I feel better and have a noticeable amount of energy increase . I also saw my Hemoglobin is up to 11 and the low end of the normal range is 14 . I go back to the hematologist on the 16th and she will tell me if I need more Iron . What is really weird is I get my iron in the same room with cancer patients and as tough as I have had it I am thankful and makes me want to consider precise radiation zapping of my Prostrate . Anyway ; Astragalus kidney damage - that stuff is expensive ... ALMOSTGONE have you noticed a personal increase in "your" kidney #'s since you have taken this supplement ? I will know the 16th what my #'s are .

    Still get short of breath . I also have a bloated belly ? Not from beer ! From ???? The did split me from my belly button to the top of my rib cage . I am starting my 2nd attempt at a Gym routine the 8th of this mth. I guess a man that is starting from scratch and not an senior throwing all kinds of weights around ... I will have to go slow and be a senior for a bit . Well enjoy life all yall ! I start my RV life the 19th of this mth and even though in GA we are still heading South

  31. #31
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    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    UPDATE : Could I be a real life walking dead at 62 ?

    I received 2 units of IV Iron over the past couple or so weeks . I feel better and have a noticeable amount of energy increase . I also saw my Hemoglobin is up to 11 and the low end of the normal range is 14 . I go back to the hematologist on the 16th and she will tell me if I need more Iron . What is really weird is I get my iron in the same room with cancer patients and as tough as I have had it I am thankful and makes me want to consider precise radiation zapping of my Prostrate . Anyway ; Astragalus kidney damage - that stuff is expensive ... ALMOSTGONE have you noticed a personal increase in "your" kidney #'s since you have taken this supplement ? I will know the 16th what my #'s are .

    Still get short of breath . I also have a bloated belly ? Not from beer ! From ???? The did split me from my belly button to the top of my rib cage . I am starting my 2nd attempt at a Gym routine the 8th of this mth. I guess a man that is starting from scratch and not an senior throwing all kinds of weights around ... I will have to go slow and be a senior for a bit . Well enjoy life all yall ! I start my RV life the 19th of this mth and even though in GA we are still heading South
    You might be interested in this thread Buzz...looks like some guys posted their labs from NAC + Astragalas.

  32. #32
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    well gents ....... how abut this Covid and still not over due type diabetes it since the 27th of Sept and still kicking my ass

  33. #33
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    well gents ....... how abut this Covid and still not over due type diabetes it since the 27th of Sept and still kicking my ass
    Feel better Buzz. Just another of life’s speed bumps, you got this as you are a tough mfer.

  34. #34
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Ok men I am alive and headed back after many set backs . From the recent past to most current . Comma last Nov. And very slow recovery for 6mth. Then low blood count issues and the Covid this past Sept -3rd week in Oct + got Pneumonia . So now in Dec been back in the gym since the 14th of Nov and I am over the soreness of restart and muscles screaming at me . Now about 4 weeks later and I can feel my legs getting stronger and even the old belly not so big . I am not 30 anymore so doing 4 set of 20 ; the weights are so low I am almost ashamed . Still good form and very slow movements . Same routine as before and still mix each rotation of body parts . Yesterday was chest Delts and Traps and legs , tomorrow will be Back Bies and Tries and legs , I do legs almost every day many stair steps for me (a long way from learning to walk again) and rest 2 days . Finally able to breath again and can get through complete routine is and hour + a couple of minutes and on leg days a good hour and a half . So headed back - still slow but able to see progress . Happy to share not like most old guys you see in the gym wasting their time .

    Test Cyp 140mg a week - 70mg 2 x's a week
    NPP EOD 40mg
    Deca 100mg every other week
    HGH 3 tics every day
    TB-500 1ml daily
    BCP-157 1ml daily
    10mg Calais EOD

    Oh a note to self unless really large & cut being vascular as a mature adult is not good. All these Snow Birds and 80 year old geezers driving a 48ft A-Class think I have health issues when the vains in my arms poke out ...........LMAO !

    We sold our house and it was so painful getting rid of all my stuff and all we own is now in a C-Class 32ft RV Cabin on a E-450 van chassis) . In case anyone wondered , after the initial shock of purging everything and now seeing what we need to wear and get by with in day to day life I love it and plan to get rid of even more . Things tend to own you and posses you . The fewer misl. items I have the happier I am and the less worry I feel

    Also I think all the trauma has caused sever brain damage . I am getting married to my best friend and and amazing curvy female and the best parts are she can cook health and taste good , she is very healthy minded , blonde and even wears pig tails sometime , 42DD breast , and most ppl think she is 40 . I gotta get yall a pic of the BAHWARB = Bad Ass Hottie With A Rock'in Body So to me the trade off of getting married is well worth it - she has been with me all through my trauma and we had Covid together in the RV with a 10x12 bed room . She was dn for about 5 days and I was out for 3 long weeks and now I am still not a Democrat and will not get a Vax Later to all you young men and I hope to share my new journey back to my old life .
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-10-2021 at 03:11 PM.

  35. #35
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Dang! A bad run for you and YOU ARE BACK!
    Good on you!

    LESS is MORE… purging “stuff” does feel good! Congratulations on upcoming marriage!!!

    I chuckled at thread title…mom says something similar….not for weak in knees!

  36. #36
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Yes I actually attempted to not misspell (Spell check did not tag this word ?) the title and be damned ; I did any way .

  37. #37
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    May 2021
    Glad to hear you are doing well! Fuck what numbers we lift, we don’t have to prove anything to anyone. If it is giving you a burn and giving progress that is all that matters.

    I think many people have head injuries that have not been diagnosed properly. I recently was told I could potentially have CTE from head injuries. All we can do is keep pushing. You are an inspiration to me that aging doesn’t have to stop us from doing the things we want. Glad to hear you are doing well and are able to lift! Keep on pushing, I look forward to hearing more soon.

  38. #38
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    Congratulations on getting married.
    Keep up the good fight. Its amazing what we can make it through when we look back and do an assessment of our lives. Like you said earlier if I had not gone through this much I would probably call BS on someone reminiscing of what they have survived.

    I know most people probably look at me and think Im 100% healthy, pain free but I know I could have easily given up long time ago and be walking with a walker or in a wheel chair by now but I wasnt going to let that happen.

    I am going to be doing the purge soon myself. Many years of working in different fields, many hobbies and sports as well as having stuff inherited it can add up quickly. I have 1 of my 2 8x16 ft sheds filled 1/2 with just Halloween stuff. lol I have to start getting rid of stuff soon so we can made the move to the Philippines.

    Never give up and never surrender. Keep us updated

  39. #39
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    Welcome back to the living Buzz! Congrats on the new life style & marriage! The older I/we get, the more stuff the wife and I purge. Nobody’s going to want to go through all our crap when we die.

    Keep on fighting youngster.

  40. #40
    Right on bro...45 yrs young...have a training biz in Northern CA. Train youth athletes roughly ages 8-22. Genetically thick but only 5'9...was really cut about 2 yrs ago. Got my 1st try at test and win and tren..then... treated me well since I was told I only do a maintenance type. Time flies so fast you look you've older and some things aren't as easy to keep with...don't do intense 1-2 hrs lifting anymore...though i used to do 315 for 10 at 43yrs old and about 190lbs...afraid to get gyno as things dwindle need advice on how to maintain and what other options are great experiment I love...but ppl who knew the science walked away...

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