I had this posted in the wrong thread and wanted to share my life journey (most of it) 61 6 mths out of a coma and here we go . # 1 your mind does control the abilities and restrictions on your body !
OK the break down post coma Nov. 2020 from a kink in my lower intestine cut 8in out, they gutted me like a fish from my belly button to mid chest not a pretty site to me and intubated me and vacuumed my abdominal cavity for 5 days and could not get me to come out of the induced coma
1) My palate has changed I eat almost all veggies and meat almost makes me sick
2) I drink Twisted Tea instead of beer
3) Weight is up about 20 lbs from before due to lack of exercise
4) I am at the 6 mth recovery mark and a little ahead of normal schedule
5) I can still screw 2 x's a day but she has to get on top - feels like my belly is coming loose
6) 1st week back in the girly gym - that is what made me think of you guys ,lol
7) very little leg strength , working on that daily
8) Little to no cardio
9) Getting high daily off green
10) Also getting high of killer Jinitrophen HGH make muscles without even lifting I swear
11) I can take a dump & pee nonreal
13) I cannot lift 35lbs from the ground to standing
14) Good news is they say at 1 year I should be close to normal ...... stil 6 more mths at 1/2 a man will be hard
15) I still consider eating a 9mm from time to time but that is not new been considering that since I was a young Marine
16) I have to say I have put one round in a 357 and spun the cylinder and pulled the plug and God did not take me so I am over that and no longer have any desire to end life and want to live .- no mind this is an open forum , but I bet many of you guys have little respect for many females - and once in a while after many bad ones . My sweetie stood by me through my coma and even wiped my butt I owe it to her to be normal again . I even gave her a ring .... She is keeper and I thought all women were .... well never mind once in a blue moon you find a good one .....I have
Just a parting shot ! FYI Your mind is in control and will make you do more than you are willing to do ! So when lifting mind control is as important as nutrition !
I am going to try to get this history as close to factual as possible . If I have posted different dates on other places .... blame it on post coma
1. 99 torn left bicep tendon and had re attached .
2. 20 Oscope on left shoulder
3. 02 I was ran over by a truck and crushed . Broke both capulas , crushed right scapula and cracked left in 2 places , broke all my ribs at least once and some in 2 places , bruised my spline and split my liver , had 2 pulmonary embolisms hit my lungs while in the hospital .
4. 04 left hip replacement
5. 07 more blood clots
6. 11 kicked opioid habit scripted of 60mg Oxycodone & 40mg of Oxycotin ..... I know not cool but dumped them all in the toilet and visited hell !
7. 12 started TRT
8. 14 started blending compounds and peptides and learned enough to be dangerous (I was doing gear in the 70's when you got vet EQ , Winstrol V from Winthrop labs , Fina Jet and you can name it we could get it real Var , and Winstrol tabs , Metha Test not even a felony)
9. 15 peaking muscle mass and leanness 57 I think 6 t 245lbs and a 34 waisted jeans and XXL Polo
10. 15 Torn rotator cuff reattached and held
11. 16 more rotator cuff issues
12. 17 right hip replacement
13. 18 left knee replacement (blood clots included) Also diagnosed Prostrate Cancer watch and wait still
14. 19 back twisted in knots and now get epidurals every 90 day app
15. 20 degenerated right ankle and get injection every 90 days app
16. 21 kink in my bowels and was in a coma for 2 weeks and lost 52 lbs
17. 21 Oh around mid April we had to come home from our 2 weeks spring break at the beach , Aplach Bay , Tate's Hell , St George Island FL . My father passed March 28th and we had a celebration service the 18th of April and had 3 teeth pulled . Tooth aches kill . I think Lobyst or Samason had a brain hemorrhage from a toothache . Anyway Mon the 19th . So 5 shot later that hurt worse than a bad quad shot . 3 teeth extracted and antibiotics and percs and back to the beach . A week later on Sat I was in tears . No Oral Surgeons on call form Tallahassee FL to Valdosta , to Macon . So back to Canton GA north of ATL. and drainage and stitches and more percs and more antibiotics and back to the beach 6hrs . It all worked out .
18. 21 went to the Dr with a boil on my butt he lanced and more percs and antibiotics...lol I know end of May went back the 4th he did not like the way it looked so did a Biopsy and said my be melanoma ....... I will find out tomorrow !
So young gents Rock on ! But for me some of my survival is a result of my faith and the way Jesus saved me from all the way back in the in the Marines he saved my life and men died all around me . Not a fanatic but I know who is in control !
Today I hit a cardio mile stone I walked with my head held high and managed a tad over a mile and that is a new record post coma . I have been in the gym Shhhhhh "Planet Fitness" Using girly weights and bands and can feel my strength coming back and I am still inside this shell and will be a whole man again with in the next 6 mths .......
Baby Steps :
Proticall :
50mg Test Cyp every 3rd day
50mg Deca every 3rd day
30mg NPP EOD alt
3iu's HGH daily
TB -500 1mg daily
30iu Lantus 2 x's a day Type II but I take extra for good reasons and to keep glucose down with the HGH
I take a 1/2 a pill bottle full meds daily non inflammatory anything from Ibuprofen , Lyrica , Tylenol , Metacarbol , Water pill , Cialis , Flomax , Prilosec , Magnesium , Milk Thistle , D3 , Folic Acid , I refuse statins & BP meds
I get a complete male metabolic panel Tues and I will post results
I will post current gym routine when there is one remotely worth mentioning .
I welcome comments and questions . I do have half my brain tied behind my back so please be tempered .
Warning US Marine Sgt and if you hammer me I hammer back . Do not ask me about my service as it was not a pleasant duty actually ashamed of what I did but not Ashamed of my service ! If this makes no sense to you then I am not smart enough to educate you!