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Thread: Antipsychotics help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Antipsychotics help

    For the past 3 years i have been on antipsychotic Abilify that is causing me complete sexual dysfunction. It raises prolactin due to dopamine blocking ane also lowers testostetone.
    I have stopped taking it for 9 months and the problem persisted plus i had another psychosis so i had to take it again.
    I cant have an erection, osgasm is almost non existent when i force it and my penis has lost all feel to it.

    Is there anything that could help me?
    I was thinking HCG, or Primobolan, due to low side effects followed by HCG...
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    All the meds i have to take lower dopamine and mess up sexual hormones, Abilify is supposed to be the best.
    Viagra and Cialis dont help, i have no feel, no orgasm, its extremely hsrd to orgasm, cant arouse in the first place...
    I have been diagnosed with hypogonadosm and hyperprolactinemia but meds are dopamine agonists which i cant take for the rish of psychosis.
    Caber is THE med for my situation but i cant take it.
    I am reluctant to take HCG alone wont help?
    What about Primobolan, is it viablw to take it instead of test, i heard it has low side effects
    Last edited by Mbpd; 10-17-2021 at 05:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Prolactin supplements increase dopamine, just like caber, and that is dangerous for me because im prone to psychosis.
    My basic medication loeers dopamine, hence prolactin rise and all sorts of hormonal problems.
    Thanks for primo clarification

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Got the new bloodwork.
    Prolactin fell at the high end of the acceptable range, testosterone is low 15 but within the 9-35 range.
    Have no clue what to do

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    See a doctor, what are some gym bros gonna tell you on here that you can't already figure out? None of us are on anti-psychotic medication, well maybe not quite none, but nonetheless, this is something you discuss with a doctor who can help you and prescribe you things. All we can do is tell you to run some test and HCG. We don't know what that's gonna do for you, at the end of the day. I would say, if you're depressed, a little test and HCG can help, but I'm not you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Thanks for the reply
    Endocrinologist is against hormones, urologist said he recomend test and that hcg is weak, but he cant prescribe, endo has to approve it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    HCG is to keep your testes producing testosterone endogenously and to keep the leydig cells from going dormant (and possibly never recovering). It's not going to be enough on it's own unless you do pretty high doses, and most insurances don't cover HCG anyhow (and it can be expensive). Find another endo, or if you are responsible enough and know the consequences, start TRT on your own like I did. I'd rather take things into my own hands and solve a problem than wait around until I have the test of a 90-year old.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Please can you clarify me the consenquences if i run 2 months test and then hcg?
    I already have test levels of a 90 year old...though prolactin is now barel within the acceptable range

  9. #9
    Hcg clomid etc is a waste of time imo
    All these meds destroy the endocrine system it seems.
    I myself struggle with depression and even im only on wellbutrin,my test levels have dropped 300 points over the last two years .
    TRT is going to be your best bet .
    And a very good protocol ,not this once a week crap endos prescribe.

    An HRT clinic would be your best bet unless you can find a very good doc in which your insurance covers.
    But doesnt sound like it.
    I myself went with an HRT clinic.
    Good luck bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    I'm sorry not to be able to provide hope but perhaps some insight. Dopamine and testosterone need to be high enough for sexual drive to be optimal. Dopamine is required for sexual function however, having dopamine high enough for sexual function compromises your mental health...and perhaps everyone's, lol. The problem isn't just functional, i.e. ED, it's motivation and drives. Your low dopamine, as necessitated for your life to function properly, causes a lack of sexual drive. Fixing low testosterone is not gonna change the lack of sexual drive caused by low testosterone and low dopamine.
    -Please speak to your endo about the issue. Hopefully, unlike most authorities on medicine we are becoming very familiar with now a days...Hopefully, he, or his replacement, will speak honestly with you regardless of what he is willing to prescribe.
    --An integrous medical professional should, in the least, speak openly about everything involved so that the patient is informed, and about options regardless of willingness to prescribe.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Thanks for the reply

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    Hope things are going well for you, brother.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    I’m no MD(or even close) - but, are you somewhat able to switch from something like Ambilify to Xanax?

    Xanax has saved my ass for well over a year now - prob is that it’s not considered a long term solution(for most)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Xanax has saved my ass for well over a year now - prob is that it’s not considered a long term solution(for most)
    I always found Valium to be better than Xanax, but each to their own.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I always found Valium to be better than Xanax, but each to their own.
    My prob is that I like Valium too much, Xan's not at all - they just knock me out

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mbpd View Post
    Please can you clarify me the consenquences if i run 2 months test and then hcg?
    I already have test levels of a 90 year old...though prolactin is now barel within the acceptable range
    What would be the purpose of running test for only 2 months? You arent looking to run a cycle but you want to get your test levels more normal meaning HRT.

    I would consider finding a different Endocrinologist . Its strange he would be against HRT. Did he go into any specifics why he is against HRT? You might want to ask your urologist who he recommends.

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