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Thread: Testosterone E + Deca cycle

  1. #1

    Testosterone E + Deca cycle

    Hello guys, i am Alex and i am 28 years old. I am on pct now after an Only testo E cycle (250mg 2 times per week), i am 80kg at this moment. I am thinking for my next cycle to use Testo E and deca ( Testo 500mg every week and Deca 300mg 1 day a week).

    I will use Arimidex 0,5mg every other day
    i will use proviron 25-50mg every day

    what's your opinion about that??

    i am working out 5 times per week and at this moment i am eating about 4000 calories
    i am working out about 12 years (but only 3 years doing proper workouts)

    Is it ok for pct just use Nolva???

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by King_ragnar View Post
    Hello guys, i am Alex and i am 28 years old. I am on pct now after an Only testo E cycle (250mg 2 times per week), i am 80kg at this moment. I am thinking for my next cycle to use Testo E and deca ( Testo 500mg every week and Deca 300mg 1 day a week).

    I will use Arimidex 0,5mg every other day
    i will use proviron 25-50mg every day

    what's your opinion about that??

    i am working out 5 times per week and at this moment i am eating about 4000 calories
    i am working out about 12 years (but only 3 years doing proper workouts)

    Is it ok for pct just use Nolva???
    If you were going to just use one serm for pct, I personally would prefer to see enclomiphene. Better still, enclomiphene and nolvadex.

    Nothing wrong with test and deca, it's a bread and butter stack. I personally would inject twice per week, just to keep peaks and valleys a little more even.

    That seems like a lot of adex... do you really need that much? Even if you did on your first cycle, you may not with the proviron. I would say keep the adex on hand, but only use it if high estrogen sides start. Proviron is the world's best wingman.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    If you were going to just use one serm for pct, I personally would prefer to see enclomiphene. Better still, enclomiphene and nolvadex.

    Nothing wrong with test and deca, it's a bread and butter stack. I personally would inject twice per week, just to keep peaks and valleys a little more even.

    That seems like a lot of adex... do you really need that much? Even if you did on your first cycle, you may not with the proviron. I would say keep the adex on hand, but only use it if high estrogen sides start. Proviron is the world's best wingman.
    Thank you for your answer, i was worried about deca dick that's why i will use proviron, you think it is enough and i just should use adex if i really needed??

    so inject deca twice (150-150) with testo together?
    At my last cycle i did dex 0,5 every other day yeah, so with proviron i dont reallt need so much

    proviron is it ok at 50mg??

    Or you think is more safe to do first a testo boldenone cycle and then try for something stronger??
    Last edited by King_ragnar; 12-29-2022 at 02:34 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by King_ragnar View Post
    Thank you for your answer, i was worried about deca dick that's why i will use proviron, you think it is enough and i just should use adex if i really needed??

    so inject deca twice (150-150) with testo together?
    At my last cycle i did dex 0,5 every other day yeah, so with proviron i dont reallt need so much

    proviron is it ok at 50mg??

    Or you think is more safe to do first a testo boldenone cycle and then try for something stronger??
    Including a DHT is usually all that is needed to combat deca dick. Proviron at 50mg might not be enough, but it might, you really won't know until you try. You will see a lot of people including something like Masteron or Primo with their 19-nors as well.

    Another thing to watch out for with the 19-nors is potential prolactin issues. P5P and Vitamin E can lower prolactin some, you might include those pre-emptively. They won't hurt. Caber is a stronger prescription drug, I would NOT start it pro-actively, but maybe keep it on hand just in case.

    Alternately, if you wanted to keep it simple, you could just use more test, with maybe an oral kick start. If you are cutting, 40 to 50mg of anavar is a good choice, if bulking dianabol at 20 to 30mg per day would be good. Split in two doses per day AM and PM. Run either for 6 weeks max. These are conservative numbers based on being your first time with them.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Including a DHT is usually all that is needed to combat deca dick. Proviron at 50mg might not be enough, but it might, you really won't know until you try. You will see a lot of people including something like Masteron or Primo with their 19-nors as well.

    Another thing to watch out for with the 19-nors is potential prolactin issues. P5P and Vitamin E can lower prolactin some, you might include those pre-emptively. They won't hurt. Caber is a stronger prescription drug, I would NOT start it pro-actively, but maybe keep it on hand just in case.

    Alternately, if you wanted to keep it simple, you could just use more test, with maybe an oral kick start. If you are cutting, 40 to 50mg of anavar is a good choice, if bulking dianabol at 20 to 30mg per day would be good. Split in two doses per day AM and PM. Run either for 6 weeks max. These are conservative numbers based on being your first time with them.
    50mg of proviron worked like a charm for me. You really only want to do enough of a drug to get the desired effect. So I would recommend starting off at 50mg a day (break it up to 2 doses at different times). And if you're having "problems" down there, increase the dosage.

    As far as prolactin goes, People overdo the fear of it in regards to using 19-nors. Unless you have bloodwork confirming that your prolactin is high, you shouldn't mess with caber. The rule of thumb with ancillaries is to take just enough to get the job done IF and only IF you need them (because you're experiencing sides). Those drugs also have their own sides and some of them are not very cool. In addition to their own side effects, they also have potential drug interactions. That's not really an issue for somebody who is ONLY taking steroids, but there are a lot of guys who also take antipsychotics or SSRIs and they do need to check that out.

    I'm willing to wager nearly every time somebody thinks they're having a 19-nor prolactin issue, it's really the fact that they have low DHT levels. So taking a DHT derivative will help with that a lot. But that's a speculation of mine. If somebody gets bloodwork during the cycle, they can see if it's estrogen or prolactin levels and eliminate a lot of the guessing.

    Remember most people are not getting bloodwork before or after a cycle and they certainly are not getting bloodwork during a cycle. I believe the bloodwork should be planned out and money set aside to buy them while you're planning the cycle. If you can't afford the bloodwork, you probably shouldn't be running the cycle. And for most people access to labs is pretty easy these days. You can find site selling various blood tests at popular lab chains. And yeah, they can be expensive, but the endocrinologists you'll be paying to see afterwards (when your dick doesn't work after your cycle) is more expensive.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Including a DHT is usually all that is needed to combat deca dick. Proviron at 50mg might not be enough, but it might, you really won't know until you try. You will see a lot of people including something like Masteron or Primo with their 19-nors as well.

    Another thing to watch out for with the 19-nors is potential prolactin issues. P5P and Vitamin E can lower prolactin some, you might include those pre-emptively. They won't hurt. Caber is a stronger prescription drug, I would NOT start it pro-actively, but maybe keep it on hand just in case.

    Alternately, if you wanted to keep it simple, you could just use more test, with maybe an oral kick start. If you are cutting, 40 to 50mg of anavar is a good choice, if bulking dianabol at 20 to 30mg per day would be good. Split in two doses per day AM and PM. Run either for 6 weeks max. These are conservative numbers based on being your first time with them.
    Thank you brother for everything, yeah i want to keep it simple so you think just test and dianabol will help me to bulk up a little more?? For example 600mg test every week and 20mg dianabol (10-10 morning and night) will be ok??

    6 weeks both of them or should i stop dianabol earlier??

    And if i can find only Nolva or clomid which one you think is better for my pct??

    can i use something like dianabol but without keeping so much water on me??
    Last edited by King_ragnar; 12-30-2022 at 01:46 AM.

  7. #7
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by King_ragnar View Post
    Thank you brother for everything, yeah i want to keep it simple so you think just test and dianabol will help me to bulk up a little more?? For example 600mg test every week and 20mg dianabol (10-10 morning and night) will be ok??

    6 weeks both of them or should i stop dianabol earlier??

    And if i can find only Nolva or clomid which one you think is better for my pct??

    can i use something like dianabol but without keeping so much water on me??
    I would bother with dianabol. You'll bloat up on it and as quickly as you make those gains, you'll lose them just the same when you come off. Plus for me, it would make me sick to my stomach and the older I got, the worse it was. Last time I ran it, I couldn't keep food down. I'd just get bad nausea and then I'd be hugging the toilet.

    I don't know how much cycle experience you have, but I always loved doing a test+deca cycle. You'll probably want to throw in a DHT so that your dick works. So I would use proviron throughout (although primo works great too). You could use masteron too (although I probably wouldn't), but a lot of the hardening effects would likely be for not and it's expensive.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I would bother with dianabol. You'll bloat up on it and as quickly as you make those gains, you'll lose them just the same when you come off. Plus for me, it would make me sick to my stomach and the older I got, the worse it was. Last time I ran it, I couldn't keep food down. I'd just get bad nausea and then I'd be hugging the toilet.

    I don't know how much cycle experience you have, but I always loved doing a test+deca cycle. You'll probably want to throw in a DHT so that your dick works. So I would use proviron throughout (although primo works great too). You could use masteron too (although I probably wouldn't), but a lot of the hardening effects would likely be for not and it's expensive.
    I am kinda afraid of use deca and test, it's my 3rd cycle but i have used only test E and win and var, i was thinking about test E and anavar for lean muscle gainz and some strength safe cycle and i think it will give me mass what is your opinion about that??

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by King_ragnar View Post
    I am kinda afraid of use deca and test, it's my 3rd cycle but i have used only test E and win and var, i was thinking about test E and anavar for lean muscle gainz and some strength safe cycle and i think it will give me mass what is your opinion about that??
    What are you afraid of in regards to deca? You might put a little mass on with var, but you're not going to put a lot on especially if it's your third cycle. I think it's better for cutting because it's good for muscle hardening and maintaining strength and muscle while at a caloric deficit. But that being said there are better options. And I'm not the best source for a var opinion. I really don't care for it.

    Test + deca was one of my favorite cycles. I generally felt pretty good on it. I used to run equal doses or higher doses of test to deca, but in the last couple years, I've changed my opinion and think it's better to run test at a little higher than TRT dose and let the deca do the "heavy lifting." Then to counter any deca-dick effects, a DHT derivative is good. I like using proviron, because it's relatively mild on the body and it reduces the need for an AI, because it does inhibit the conversion of test to estrogen a bit. Mind you, you don't want to crash your estrogen, because you'll make better gains with it a little "hot" and your dick won't work right if you crash it out with AIs.

    But yeah, if you're afraid of running a compound, then don't. That's a pretty good rule to keep.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    What are you afraid of in regards to deca? You might put a little mass on with var, but you're not going to put a lot on especially if it's your third cycle. I think it's better for cutting because it's good for muscle hardening and maintaining strength and muscle while at a caloric deficit. But that being said there are better options. And I'm not the best source for a var opinion. I really don't care for it.

    Test + deca was one of my favorite cycles. I generally felt pretty good on it. I used to run equal doses or higher doses of test to deca, but in the last couple years, I've changed my opinion and think it's better to run test at a little higher than TRT dose and let the deca do the "heavy lifting." Then to counter any deca-dick effects, a DHT derivative is good. I like using proviron, because it's relatively mild on the body and it reduces the need for an AI, because it does inhibit the conversion of test to estrogen a bit. Mind you, you don't want to crash your estrogen, because you'll make better gains with it a little "hot" and your dick won't work right if you crash it out with AIs.

    But yeah, if you're afraid of running a compound, then don't. That's a pretty good rule to keep.
    So you say a test deca cycle will be more beneficial for me??
    proviron is a DHT?? and if i use proviron i dont think arimidex??

    but for pct i can only find nolva or clomid it it enough??
    yeah i also though to use higher dose of test and deca about 300mg

  11. #11
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    Testosterone E + Deca cycle

    I am extremely sensitive to “deca dick” and on my fourth deca try I found what works for me. I was on 500mg test and 500mg deca and using 1mg of cabergoline ED was the only thing I have found to be working for me personally. As always, we all respond differently so this might not at all be what you need or works for you.

    Edit: fixed wrong medication
    Last edited by tarmyg; 12-30-2022 at 07:05 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I would bother with dianabol. You'll bloat up on it and as quickly as you make those gains, you'll lose them just the same when you come off. Plus for me, it would make me sick to my stomach and the older I got, the worse it was. Last time I ran it, I couldn't keep food down. I'd just get bad nausea and then I'd be hugging the toilet.

    I don't know how much cycle experience you have, but I always loved doing a test+deca cycle. You'll probably want to throw in a DHT so that your dick works. So I would use proviron throughout (although primo works great too). You could use masteron too (although I probably wouldn't), but a lot of the hardening effects would likely be for not and it's expensive.
    This is a common criticism of dbol, but it doesn't paint the entire picture.

    Yes dbol brings a lot of water weight from the estrogen. Yes, you shed a ton of that after coming off.

    It also brings strength gains for most of us. Like, where the hell did these extra reps come from? Oh yeah, the dbol.

    This strength, if you plan properly, translates into either extra reps with your current weights or the same reps with higher weights. This translates, again, if you plan your cycle properly, into extra muscle stimulus, the results of which DO stick around after you come off dbol.

    Some people take dbol thinking "all I gots to do is lift and i will get swole" (those people also probably think the same thing about SARMs). They are sorely disappointed. Just like any AAS, it has it's place, and we have to be smart about when (or even if) to use it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    This is a common criticism of dbol, but it doesn't paint the entire picture.

    Yes dbol brings a lot of water weight from the estrogen. Yes, you shed a ton of that after coming off.

    It also brings strength gains for most of us. Like, where the hell did these extra reps come from? Oh yeah, the dbol.

    This strength, if you plan properly, translates into either extra reps with your current weights or the same reps with higher weights. This translates, again, if you plan your cycle properly, into extra muscle stimulus, the results of which DO stick around after you come off dbol.

    Some people take dbol thinking "all I gots to do is lift and i will get swole" (those people also probably think the same thing about SARMs). They are sorely disappointed. Just like any AAS, it has it's place, and we have to be smart about when (or even if) to use it.
    I agree with this. You tear down more muscle fiber when using dbol which rebuilds into more muscle. While the gains look bizarre while on it I really think it translates decently into permanent gains when used correctly. For me that means pushing out those extra reps.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by King_ragnar View Post
    Thank you brother for everything, yeah i want to keep it simple so you think just test and dianabol will help me to bulk up a little more?? For example 600mg test every week and 20mg dianabol (10-10 morning and night) will be ok??

    6 weeks both of them or should i stop dianabol earlier??

    And if i can find only Nolva or clomid which one you think is better for my pct??

    can i use something like dianabol but without keeping so much water on me??
    Run both the test and the oral for the first 6 weeks, then drop the oral and continue with the test for another 10 weeks, plus or minus. The reason for doing this is to give you some oomph on the front end of the cycle while the test kicks in, assuming a longer ester like C or E.

    10am and 10pm is fine.

    Skipping the PCT question for the moment...

    Turinabol is SORT OF like dbol only drier. I personally have pretty significant acid reflux with tbol, though.

    Now, back to the PCT question.

    "What if i can only get nolva OR clomid?" I've been hearing this a lot lately, and I'm like man, just dig a little. There is no reason to not be able to lay hands on BOTH enclo (clomid if you prefer) and nolvadex. No reason at all. There is a write up on enclo here that does a LOT of leg work. Easy peasy. All of these drugs are available readily as either research chemicals or non US pharma.

    Now, CAN you PCT with just one? Sure. Read the planning my first cycle sticky for synergies and why you should use both.

  15. #15
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    The Dbol has its benefits and weaknesses. I like the Tbol recommendation.
    I really am an anadrol fan. It makes me thick. I have even used it right up to a competition which is unheard of.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by King_ragnar View Post
    So you say a test deca cycle will be more beneficial for me??
    proviron is a DHT?? and if i use proviron i dont think arimidex??

    but for pct i can only find nolva or clomid it it enough??
    yeah i also though to use higher dose of test and deca about 300mg
    As far as a PCT goes, I don't run one ever, so I'm the worst person to ask about it. I would probably stick with Austinite's sticky as far as information on PCT goes. After my "cycle" ends, I just return to my HRT doses. And that has its own problem (like trying to get your old lady pregnant).

    proviron is a DHT derivative that has mild anti-estrogen properties. This does not mean that you're going to be estrogen-free nor does it mean you will not need an AI. What it does mean is that you may find at the doses you're taking that it's working good enough that you don't experience estrogen side effects. Or that if you do need arimidex, that you need less of it less often (again AIs should be kept on hand and only used as needed with the lowest dosage and frequency of dosing needed to end the high estrogen symptoms).

    I'm also not saying that a test and deca cycle will be more beneficial to you. I'm saying that I like it a lot. You have to do your own research (research isn't so much reading what strangers say on message forums) and come to your own conclusions. But with all the shit you read, you have to also understand that results very and what works well for one guy can be a very bad experience for another guy. Now I'm not really referring so much to deca and nandrolone in general with that, but it could be a bad experience. You won't know for sure unless you run it yourself. So what I suggest with whatever compound you're running is to monitor your BP regularly and have bloodwork done before, during and a few weeks after you finish your PCT (so you know if your body is recovering). If something goes wrong with your bloodwork or your BP, you can stop your cycle or do something to treat whatever you find wrong.

    But yeah, don't take anything you read on here or anywhere as people telling you what you should be taking. Think of it as them giving you ideas to research yourself.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    As far as a PCT goes, I don't run one ever, so I'm the worst person to ask about it. I would probably stick with Austinite's sticky as far as information on PCT goes. After my "cycle" ends, I just return to my HRT doses. And that has its own problem (like trying to get your old lady pregnant).

    proviron is a DHT derivative that has mild anti-estrogen properties. This does not mean that you're going to be estrogen-free nor does it mean you will not need an AI. What it does mean is that you may find at the doses you're taking that it's working good enough that you don't experience estrogen side effects. Or that if you do need arimidex, that you need less of it less often (again AIs should be kept on hand and only used as needed with the lowest dosage and frequency of dosing needed to end the high estrogen symptoms).

    I'm also not saying that a test and deca cycle will be more beneficial to you. I'm saying that I like it a lot. You have to do your own research (research isn't so much reading what strangers say on message forums) and come to your own conclusions. But with all the shit you read, you have to also understand that results very and what works well for one guy can be a very bad experience for another guy. Now I'm not really referring so much to deca and nandrolone in general with that, but it could be a bad experience. You won't know for sure unless you run it yourself. So what I suggest with whatever compound you're running is to monitor your BP regularly and have bloodwork done before, during and a few weeks after you finish your PCT (so you know if your body is recovering). If something goes wrong with your bloodwork or your BP, you can stop your cycle or do something to treat whatever you find wrong.

    But yeah, don't take anything you read on here or anywhere as people telling you what you should be taking. Think of it as them giving you ideas to research yourself.
    Amen to THAT, brother!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    As far as a PCT goes, I don't run one ever, so I'm the worst person to ask about it. I would probably stick with Austinite's sticky as far as information on PCT goes. After my "cycle" ends, I just return to my HRT doses. And that has its own problem (like trying to get your old lady pregnant).

    proviron is a DHT derivative that has mild anti-estrogen properties. This does not mean that you're going to be estrogen-free nor does it mean you will not need an AI. What it does mean is that you may find at the doses you're taking that it's working good enough that you don't experience estrogen side effects. Or that if you do need arimidex, that you need less of it less often (again AIs should be kept on hand and only used as needed with the lowest dosage and frequency of dosing needed to end the high estrogen symptoms).

    I'm also not saying that a test and deca cycle will be more beneficial to you. I'm saying that I like it a lot. You have to do your own research (research isn't so much reading what strangers say on message forums) and come to your own conclusions. But with all the shit you read, you have to also understand that results very and what works well for one guy can be a very bad experience for another guy. Now I'm not really referring so much to deca and nandrolone in general with that, but it could be a bad experience. You won't know for sure unless you run it yourself. So what I suggest with whatever compound you're running is to monitor your BP regularly and have bloodwork done before, during and a few weeks after you finish your PCT (so you know if your body is recovering). If something goes wrong with your bloodwork or your BP, you can stop your cycle or do something to treat whatever you find wrong.

    But yeah, don't take anything you read on here or anywhere as people telling you what you should be taking. Think of it as them giving you ideas to research yourself.
    Thank you brother for all the informations i really appreciate it and yeah you are right

  19. #19
    You are amazing guys thank you all for your informations i really appreciate it, happy holidays and happy new year for you and your families

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