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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #921
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Squat day to kick off week 6!

    2 work sets, 8, 12, followed by reducing the weight and hitting 2x6 front squats.

    Did some landmine rows, 2x10 then added a plate and did 2x8.

    Setup the calf raises thing and did raises off the block, 3x25.

    2 mile jog at a 10:40 pace. Thought I might die but did NOT, so I call it a win.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1.25 to cool down

    Hopped in the pool and now chilling!

  2. #922
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Squat day to kick off week 6!

    2 work sets, 8, 12, followed by reducing the weight and hitting 2x6 front squats.

    Did some landmine rows, 2x10 then added a plate and did 2x8.

    Setup the calf raises thing and did raises off the block, 3x25.

    2 mile jog at a 10:40 pace. Thought I might die but did NOT, so I call it a win.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1.25 to cool down

    Hopped in the pool and now chilling!

  3. #923
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    This is week six, workout two of three.

    Bench day.

    I'm really feeling the added volume. I ALMOST talked myself into skipping it tonight, but got a little something done at least.

    Barbell bench, 2x 6 work sets, then dropped weight and got 2x8 wide grip sets in. Feeling that!

    Excurl bar curls, 3x8.

    Tricep pushdowns, 3x12.

    That was it.

    I'm nursing a tricep tendinitis thing,nothing really seemed to bother it tonight though. I think the extra weight on the skull crushers the past few workouts contributed.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 to cool down, then all is good in CylonVille.

  4. #924
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    Sep 2020
    Skull crushers were always tough on my elbow region in general and stopped doing them decades ago. Unfortunate; because it is a really effective triceps exercise.

  5. #925
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadift and over head press day combo to wrap week 6.

    Six weeks with no deload was too much, at least on just trt. But I got like some minimal stuff done.

    4 sets of deadlifts.
    4 sets of over head press.
    3 sets barbell shrugs
    3 sets calf work

    That was it. Wait, there was one set of 5 barbell rows, light weight. My tricep acting up wouldn't have it.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1.25 to cool down.

    Deload starts in
    Boom! Deload is on!

  6. #926
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    You doing ok slacker?

  7. #927
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    You doing ok slacker?

    Deload week and I'm in the Pacific North West tracking Bigfoot!

    Not really on the Bigfoot part, but visiting family so maybe not too far off...

  8. #928
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post

    Deload week and I'm in the Pacific North West tracking Bigfoot!

    Not really on the Bigfoot part, but visiting family so maybe not too far off...
    Enjoy & safe travels!

  9. #929
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    OK, so I've been in Oregon for the past week. It is definitely a different world than Florida! But I will be back soon...

    I have a mini blast planned to start next week, really more of a fat trt. It will look something like this:
    Weeks 1 to 4
    2 iu hgh AM
    10 to 20mg anavar
    Maybe move test to 180mg from 140

    Weeks 5 to 8
    Drop the var, leave test at 180 and keep the hgh

    Week 9 to 16
    Add 50 to 100 mast p

    I do have some ipamorelin and modgrf on hand that I may run in the PM, and I will run the hgh until my supply runs out. Also have some BPC-157 and TB-500 that I will run about the first 4 weeks, I have some tendinitis that is acting up.

    I'm cleaning up my diet and fixing some other things, and am hoping to cut some fat, maybe recomp a bit. But definitely need to get the bodyfat down.

  10. #930
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Congrats on turning Red . Well deserved bout time

  11. #931
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    OK, so I've been in Oregon for the past week. It is definitely a different world than Florida! But I will be back soon...

    I have a mini blast planned to start next week, really more of a fat trt. It will look something like this:
    Weeks 1 to 4
    2 iu hgh AM
    10 to 20mg anavar
    Maybe move test to 180mg from 140

    Weeks 5 to 8
    Drop the var, leave test at 180 and keep the hgh

    Week 9 to 16
    Add 50 to 100 mast p

    I do have some ipamorelin and modgrf on hand that I may run in the PM, and I will run the hgh until my supply runs out. Also have some BPC-157 and TB-500 that I will run about the first 4 weeks, I have some tendinitis that is acting up.

    I'm cleaning up my diet and fixing some other things, and am hoping to cut some fat, maybe recomp a bit. But definitely need to get the bodyfat down.
    Sounds good! I will live vicariously though you as I loved my var & particularly HGH.

    What’s your realistic BF range that you’re shooting for?

  12. #932
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Congrats on turning Red . Well deserved bout time
    Thank you, sir! I am humbled and honored by the recognition.

  13. #933
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Sounds good! I will live vicariously though you as I loved my var & particularly HGH.

    What’s your realistic BF range that you’re shooting for?
    Damn, that's a good question. I am (back) sitting in that 25% range, so I expect a lot of progress early. Honestly, I will be tickled pink if I can get into the 18% range, and TBH, that is totally doable because of where I am now.

    No excuses, but there has been a lot of shit going on, professionally and personally.

    I'm fixing that shit, period.

    Anyhow, that has driven my diet to garbage. Cleaning that up alone will help, but I'm formulating a solid exercise and nutrition plan too, so yeah, 18% will make me happy.

  14. #934
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Damn, that's a good question. I am (back) sitting in that 25% range, so I expect a lot of progress early. Honestly, I will be tickled pink if I can get into the 18% range, and TBH, that is totally doable because of where I am now.

    No excuses, but there has been a lot of shit going on, professionally and personally.

    I'm fixing that shit, period.

    Anyhow, that has driven my diet to garbage. Cleaning that up alone will help, but I'm formulating a solid exercise and nutrition plan too, so yeah, 18% will make me happy.
    Oh man, I completely understand. Ain’t no way in hell I could have done what I did last year while still working & dealing with everyday crap, it’s exhausting.

    18% is a great number & totally doable/realistic.

    Sorry to hear about all of the personal & professional stuff; best of luck conquering it though!

    I’ll tell you this, you’re thread here helped me immensely last year & I’ll never forget it. Actually it still does. I really admire how you will squeeze in a workout into a busy day.

    Crush this buddy!

    And to echo what Cuz said, congrats on the color change, it is very well deserved. Your advice is always spot on.

  15. #935
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I'm not back in the saddle just yet, but will start back Monday.

    I did get in a 2 mile jog Thursday morning, and worked outside (and inside, tbh) Friday and Saturday. We are having a very chill 4th of July weekend before I go back to work Wednesday

  16. #936
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back in Black, hoe-dogs! (I wore black shorts to kick off week 1 after the deload - yeah, I'm a dork)

    Squat day.

    Kept everything light because I had almost two weeks off and I don't want to walk completely like Fred Sanford.

    Two work sets of squats, 8 reps each.

    3x6 pull ups.

    3x25 calf raises

    3x12 leg extension / leg curl super sets.

    That was it today for weights.

    I did 5 minute rounds on the rowing machine, 30 seconds transition / rest time, then 5 minutes on the climber, 4 rounds (20 work minutes), alternating between the machines. Just enough to get some LISS / MISS going, heart rate never made it out of the "cardio zone", which is good in this case.

    About a mile and half walk to cool down (though it was still 90 degrees plus) and for legit LISS. Hopped in the pool to cool down, then a bit of yoga stretches, some proteins and now done for the night.

    Happy Fourth of July, everybody!

  17. #937
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    BTW, here is what the mini-blast is going to look like:

    Weeks 1-4
    10-20mg Tbol
    150mg test c
    1.2iu hgh
    750iu hcg

    Weeks 5 - 8
    Dropping the tbol, moving test up to 200mg per week
    MAYBE some proviron
    keep the hcg and hgh the same

    Weeks 9-16
    50-100mg Masteron P
    200mg test c
    1.2iu hgh
    750iu hcg

    I was going to kick start with anavar, but man, I get insomnia from 5 effing mg per day, even taken first thing in the AM. It's like not only can I not go to sleep, but I can't stay asleep and sleep real lightly. No bueno. I occasionally get acid reflux from tbol, that's why I am starting low and not planning on going over 20mg per day (unless I tolerate it well this time around). Goal is to shed some body fat, I will be adding some met con / HIIT as the workouts ramp up. Cleaning up the diet should move me forward pretty well on its own...

  18. #938
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Got up and did some fasted cardio today. My plan had been to walk for a half mile, then jog for 2 miles. But the weather was already 90+ degrees and sunny when I got out there. So, I did that half mile walk, then the rest of the time I did 1 minute jog, 1 minute walk.

    Damn man it was fudging hot.

    Did all that right after doing the hgh, hcg and 1mg TB-500 / 500mcg BPC-157. I will be running that latter combo for another week or so to try to help with the nagging tendonitis in my left tricep. Seems to be healing, but I also start working out again this week, so lets see where we land with that.

  19. #939
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Got up and did some fasted cardio today. My plan had been to walk for a half mile, then jog for 2 miles. But the weather was already 90+ degrees and sunny when I got out there. So, I did that half mile walk, then the rest of the time I did 1 minute jog, 1 minute walk.

    Damn man it was fudging hot.

    Did all that right after doing the hgh, hcg and 1mg TB-500 / 500mcg BPC-157. I will be running that latter combo for another week or so to try to help with the nagging tendonitis in my left tricep. Seems to be healing, but I also start working out again this week, so lets see where we land with that.
    Those fasted cardio walks in the high heat works miracles, but damn do they kick your butt something awful.

  20. #940
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench press day, easy to start back.

    Just barbell bench, bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions and laterals, all with lighter weight.

    My tendinitis seemed to behave mostly well, so I call that a win and justifies easing back into it.

    Life is good!

  21. #941
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadlift day, but still easy.

    4 sets of deads.

    4 sets of barbell rows, with these new fangled handles I picked up. Made it interesting and will be fun when I REALLY get at it next week.

    Calf work 3x30

    Then I did something completely different.

    Well for me anyhow.

    I setup the landmine thing and did box squats (sort of). I did like 3 light sets, mostly trying to get the form right. I need a better stand to do them off of, maybe I will put something together on Sunday. I have some lumber ends laying around, just beggin' me to do something with them. This will also help with landmine rows, which I did after the box squats. Kept it light, but I might have a good back routine now, maybe throw in some pulldowns / pull ups and call it GTG.

    2 mile jog, 10:30 mile pace, in the drizzle. It brought the heat down, but the humidity up, so I'm like WTF, man.

    But it's all good!

    1 mile walk to warm up, another after the jog to cool down, then into the pool, shower, food, chilling.

  22. #942
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Over head press day to wrap week one.

    Overhead press, 4x8 to start.

    Dips, no weight, 3x8. These did not bother my tendinitis so yay!

    Barbell shrugs, 3x8

    Triceps push downs super setted with dumbbell curls, 2x10-15 each.

    Walks to warm up and cool down.

    All good here!

  23. #943
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Monday Night Raw!!

    Raw squat workout that is.

    3x8 work sets.

    Set up the landmine attachments and did 3x8 hack squat with varying width stances, then did 3x25 Calf raises with the same setup.

    Leg curls, 4x10-12, semi super setted with leg extensions, 3x10-15.

    3x6 chin ups, varied grip.

    2 minute run, 1 minute rest rounds outside, for a total of 5 rounds.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down, then done.

  24. #944
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench day, week 2 of 4 before the deload.

    Barbell bench, 3 work sets, 8, 4, 6.

    The heckens?? That is supposed to be 2x8. What gives, Cy??

    Well, I got distracted on my 2nd work set. Started thinking about this lady I know, that led into some day dreaming / fantasizing, like some "Dear Penthouse Forum" type of shizzle. Basically, I should NOT have started that 2nd work set before I got that out of my head. TMI? Oh yeah, Jack and Jill, you gonna get some TMI up this hill.


    Dips, 3x8, no weight.

    Dumbbell curls, 3x12, super setted with pushdowns, 3x12. Pushdowns do not seem to aggravate the tendinitis, maybe because it is on the outside head and not the inside.

    That might have been it for the day, 45 minutes or so.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down.

    I'm holding off on the hammer based met con until this tricep behaves properly, though I do want to hit that by the end of next week. We will see. I have been using elbow sleeves with copper in it, based on one of the other members comments in another thread. Don't remember who, but props to whoever that was!

    BTW, I'm doing 20mg of Tbol per day, 10mg AM, 10mg PM usually pre-workout. Might not be entirely necessary to do two a day dosing, but eh, it makes it easy. I also added proviron back at 50mg per day.... two orals might be a bad idea, but I'm only running the tbol for 2 and a half more weeks, then a 4 week break from anything other than test and proviron.

    So right now,
    20mg tbol
    50mg proviron
    180mg test (soon to be 200)
    1.2 iu HGH AM
    BPC / TB combo
    250iu hcg 3x per week

    In two weeks, I will drop the tbol and take 4 to 5 weeks of 200mg test c and 50mg proviron. After that, I will add about 60-100mg masteron p for 8 weeks. I may drop the proviron at that time, as the combo of mast and proviron at previous low doses conspired to tank my e. I was NOT running 200mg test at that time, but I will err on the side of caution all the same.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 07-12-2023 at 06:48 PM.

  25. #945
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Bench day, week 2 of 4 before the deload.

    Barbell bench, 3 work sets, 8, 4, 6.

    The heckens?? That is supposed to be 2x8. What gives, Cy??

    Well, I got distracted on my 2nd work set. Started thinking about this lady I know, that led into some day dreaming / fantasizing, like some "Dear Penthouse Forum" type of shizzle. Basically, I should NOT have started that 2nd work set before I got that out of my head. TMI? Oh yeah, Jack and Jill, you gonna get some TMI up this hill.


    Dips, 3x8, no weight.

    Dumbbell curls, 3x12, super setted with pushdowns, 3x12. Pushdowns do not seem to aggravate the tendinitis, maybe because it is on the outside head and not the inside.

    That might have been it for the day, 45 minutes or so.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down.

    I'm holding off on the hammer based met con until this tricep behaves properly, though I do want to hit that by the end of next week. We will see. I have been using elbow sleeves with copper in it, based on one of the other members comments in another thread. Don't remember who, but props to whoever that was!

    BTW, I'm doing 20mg of Tbol per day, 10mg AM, 10mg PM usually pre-workout. Might not be entirely necessary to do two a day dosing, but eh, it makes it easy. I also added proviron back at 50mg per day.... two orals might be a bad idea, but I'm only running the tbol for 2 and a half more weeks, then a 4 week break from anything other than test and proviron.

    So right now,
    20mg tbol
    50mg proviron
    180mg test (soon to be 200)
    1.2 iu HGH AM
    BPC / TB combo
    250iu hcg 3x per week

    In two weeks, I will drop the tbol and take 4 to 5 weeks of 200mg test c and 50mg proviron. After that, I will add about 60-100mg masteron p for 8 weeks. I may drop the proviron at that time, as the combo of mast and proviron at previous low doses conspired to tank my e. I was NOT running 200mg test at that time, but I will err on the side of caution all the same.
    Darn you, I miss that HGH.

  26. #946
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Friday nights back workout was side tracked by an SI joint that was giving me grief.

    So pulldowns, lots of pull downs. 12 sets, various sets and reps and grips.

    3 sets of calf raises, 25 reps each.

    That was it. SI was killing me, though today it is almost not noticeable. No clue what that was about...

  27. #947
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Overhead press workout today was much better than Friday's workout. SI joint almost gave me zero grief today.

    Barbell overhead press, 3x8 work sets.

    Push-ups, off the handles, 3x12.

    Barbell shrugs, 3x12.

    I actually did one set of barbell rows just to test the back / SI joint. A little ticky, and I wouldn't go heavy right now, but it seemed fine.

    Dumbbell curls, supered with pushdowns, 3x12-15.

    Cable flyes, 3x12, supered with light dumbbell laterals, 3x10.

    Half mile walk, followed by 1.25 mile jog, wrapped with about a mile walk. With the 1 mile walk I did to warm up, I got my steps in!

    I got on the roof after that to blow out the gutters (gotta get some screens installed), then a hop in the pool to cool down.

    Life ain't bad!

  28. #948
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Friday nights back workout was side tracked by an SI joint that was giving me grief.

    So pulldowns, lots of pull downs. 12 sets, various sets and reps and grips.

    3 sets of calf raises, 25 reps each.

    That was it. SI was killing me, though today it is almost not noticeable. No clue what that was about...
    Those things are fickle, I hear ya.

  29. #949
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I didn't lift today, but that doesn't mean I wasn't busy. I made a thing.

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  30. #950
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Squat day, squat day, squat day is my favorite DAAAAYYY!

    Well, not really, but it is close.

    Barbell squats, 2x10 work sets, same weight as my previous 3x8. Instead of doing another set of squats at that weight, I dropped weight and did 2x6 front squats.

    Calf raises, 3x25.

    Landmine rows with that contraption I built Sunday. As some of you might have guessed, it is a little wobbly. I just need larger feet on it. No bigs, it works as is and I will repair it this weekend.

    Leg curls 3x10-12, super setted with 2x10-15 leg extensions.

    2 mile walk for LISS after the fact, 1 mile to warm up before exercise.

    Hopped in the pool, yoga stretches and shower, and all is good!

    BTW, running 200mg test C right now, up from 180 which I ran for a week or so. Starting to feel a bit of a kick, I think. Also upped the proviron to 37.5mg per day, 25mg AM and 12.5mg PM. Dropped all other orals as they (even tbol) were mucking with my sleep.

    Also BTW, I squatted for the first time in a LONG time without knee sleeves. The knees did well. I don't know if the HGH or yet more TB-500 and BPC-157 are helping, but I will take it!

  31. #951
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Today was fasted cardio first thing in the morning. Took my meds, did my shots, then got outside.

    I started with a half mile walk to warm up, then did a slow jog for two miles 11:22 mile pace. Even at 8am it was hot as hell. Did about another half mile walk to cool down, then hopped in the pool.

  32. #952
    Join Date
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    Love those fasted AM workouts! Getting woozy & seeing some of those little sparkly things tells me I did a nice job of depletion of carbs & calories.

    Squats without wraps & a 2 mile jog? NICE!!! Keep it going brother!

  33. #953
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench / chest day today.

    I missed yesterday because I was not feeling it, so got in there tonight. That will throw off the week a little but eh, I will adapt.

    Barbell bench 1x8, 2x5 for work sets. The 5 repper was a bit more weight than I have been using.

    Close grip bench for the tris, 2x10, then supered with dumbbell curls, 2x12. I'm still not QUITE ready to go back to skull crushers, but am getting tired of push downs.

    3x10 dumbbell flyes, then 2x10 light weight laterals.

    1 mile walk to warm up, roughly 2 at the end for LISS, then the drill of pool, shower, food.

  34. #954
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Saturday was just a jog.

    Sunday.... that was deadlift day!

    Deadlifts, 3x6 work sets, but did not go heavy. I really just wanted to get the body warmed up.

    Barbell rows, 4x8. I did one with regular grip, but that irritated my tendinitis. I did the remaining three with handles, 2 vertical, one 45 degree, and that allowed full pull back without pain.

    4 sets of 10 pulldowns, REALLLY focusing on feeling it in the lats.

    3x6 light front squats, followed by 3x25 to 30 calf raises.

    1 mile jog in the heat and humidity, 1 mile walk to cool down, plus the 1 mile walk to warm up, and DONE.

  35. #955
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Over head press day, yee haw!

    Barbell overhead press, 4 work sets, 8,8, 3, 10

    Dips, no weight 4x8

    Dumbbell curls, 3x12, super setted with overhead tricep press, 2x8

    3 miles total walk. 1 mile to warm up, 2 for LISS at the end.

    All good here!

  36. #956
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Alright, you bunch of fart knockers, I've been remiss in updating, but still been busy.

    (note how I have fallen down on my updates, but call you "fart knockers". Misdirection! Misdirection!)

    Wednesday got my week 4 squat workout in.

    BTW, 4x4 is a bit much for me... 4 intense weight workouts per week for four weeks straight just pushes me a bit far, even with all the drugs. Sammy said "I can't drive 55", but I'm like .... eh, you know what? I can't rhyme that, but I'm 55 and things are slowing down just a hair.

    Going forward, I may do 3x per week with the weights, or do 4x3, kind of like 531 recommends.


    Barbell squats, 2x12 work sets, followed by 2x8 narrow stance sets.

    Pullups with the parallel handles, 4x6.

    Barbell calf raises, 3x20 or so. I couldn't find my balance this day.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 2 mile walk for LISS.

    Thursday was 2 miles of jog / walk.

    Today will be bench day, details later.

  37. #957
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Saturday turned into a combo back / shoulder thing. Just too much for me trying to do that 4x4 thing.

    But I got some sh!t done, Jack!

    Lots of pull ups, maybe 6x6 total. Various grips and widths.

    Barbell rows, 4x10, with the handles again.

    Shrugs, 4x12

    Calf raises, 4x30.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down.

    Deload started early, evidently!

  38. #958
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Today was funnish.

    5 total rounds of 4 minutes each, 30 seconds between rounds

    Treadmill, climber alternated, 3 rounds treadmill, 2 rounds climber. Intervals in both.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 for LISS after.

    I did some work on the rowing platform to make it wayyyy more stable, basically just added some long feet. Pics to follow...

  39. #959
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Today was weight workout one of deload week. Legs and back.

    4 sets of 10 squats, light weight, just to get the blood flowing.

    3 sets of 25 barbell calf raises.

    3 sets of 10 landmine rows.

    2 sets each leg curls and extensions, 10 to 15 each.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 2 for liss at the end.

    That's it!

  40. #960
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Friday night was an easy bench workout to wrap the weights for deload / reset week.

    Today will be some form of cardio, unsure what exactly yet.

    Tendinitis seems to be under control with a strap and / or elbow sleeve. Not yet doing skull crushers again, but getting close.

    I'm probably going to tweak the ratios on test and mast to closer to 2 to 1, probably 180 test to 90 mast. And switch the mast to E from P. One less injection per week, still going subq, IM is the gateway to "well, I'm doing 500test, 300tren and 200mast"...

    All is good, y'all!

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