Originally Posted by
abc 1
ntpadude is right about not cutting at your weight. you will not be happy when the end result is 150 lbs. or so, skinny, with some abs. but to each his own. if you want them go for it and good luck, but then take the advice and add some more muscle.
as for fat being less on certain body parts and still being 10%, remember where men carry fat - low back and abs - very rarely does the amount of fat in the arms and legs really affect the calipers or overall percentage. when people ask me for a bf reading i always recommend they come to me when they feel they are at their peak because 1.) it varies on the amount of water your holding, and 2.) it's a meaningless stat which varies from time of day. i can tell you in my experience that there have been dozens of tests i've seen where people looked very, very good and were 11% or even 12%. it's nothing. anyone can say they are whatever bf but it doesn't matter. only matters how you look. personally, i'm ripped hard at 11%. got below 9% a few times but it was a pain in the ass. that's why i'll never take my bf level again. what's the point if i'm ripped up at 11%.
good luck, and listen to the advice after the summer, bulk up.