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Thread: My Before Pics...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    My Before Pics...

    Here are pics taken back at the beginning of January before I started my cut diet. My stats were as follows:

    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 165
    Body Fat: 15%

    I am currently going on week 3 of my cut diet, and I can already see a huge change in body composition. I hope to be down to 10-12% body fat when I am done. I will post my after pics in about 6-8 weeks from now.

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    Last edited by LeanMeOut; 08-01-2004 at 04:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Couple pics of my hairy ass legs
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Stick to what you're doing. Cut down on your BF before you bulk. You'll thank me later.

    Good job on the progress bro. Keep it up.

  4. #4
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    Yea my goal right now is just to look good... I have been a fat kid my whole life, so overall size/strength isn't as important to me as looking cut right now.

    I do plan to do a Bulking/ gain lean muscle mass diet once I get my body fat down to where I want it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Good to see what we're working with when you guys ask for advice in the diet forum. Back looks like the strong part. Swing away, bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Yeah lil homie the bull has got great advice, cutting up before you bulk is a very wise decision a mistake i was going to make at this very moment but decided against it even though i wouldve loved to see how big i could have gotten. keep up the good work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Buffalo NY
    Haha I seem to remember telling someone to cut recently before they bulked but he told me he was going to bulk anyway and NOW that person seems think that was a bad idea haha. Jus playing BUT anyway I agree with the advice you have already recieved. Good luck.

  8. #8
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    Well it's been about 8 weeks....

    I would probably be farther along if I didn't cheat so much... but the last 2 weeks I have been pretty good and back on track. here are some updated pictures from tonight... I probably should have waited till morning to take them since I still have a little water weight on me from the 2 gallons a day I am drinking lol... but anyway here's the progress so far. I have actually gained about 5 pounds, I am 170 now. Don't know what the Body fat is... I need to get it tested. But I know it is getting down there as the abs are finally starting to show through.

    Any guesses on body fat? or is it hard to tell from the pics?

    Anyhow... sorry about the red streaks, I went to the tanning bed and somehow ended up with red lines across my back tonight lol.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Well it's been about 8 weeks....

    I would probably be farther along if I didn't cheat so much... but the last 2 weeks I have been pretty good and back on track. here are some updated pictures from tonight... I probably should have waited till morning to take them since I still have a little water weight on me from the 2 gallons a day I am drinking lol... but anyway here's the progress so far. I have actually gained about 5 pounds, I am 170 now. Don't know what the Body fat is... I need to get it tested. But I know it is getting down there as the abs are finally starting to show through.

    Any guesses on body fat? or is it hard to tell from the pics?

    Anyhow... sorry about the red streaks, I went to the tanning bed and somehow ended up with red lines across my back tonight lol.

    Buddy, I doubt you were 15% body fat in the early pictures... I think you were 10% then and I think you are 10% now... you gained some weight and muscle... you DONT look bad, no six pack but there are parts on you that are too small and skinny actually... your legs are too skinny and somewhat behind other areas... the upper back looks good in one picture but I think you need to grow those lats (the whole back) a LOT MORE... the early pictures had one good picture with lots of musculature but I think it was just a super pose, the next pics of your back show the back as being rather small...

    You are definately in the right direction, you definately have the pecs going on in the later pictures, although you are young... you know steroids or not, it really takes a whole year at a time to make sigificant differences with a weight training program. Thats why some dudes post before and after photos and even gain 20 lbs and everyone is being nice but telling themselves Jeez its going to take this guy a couple more cycles... dont get me wrong but sometimes 20 lb gains arent all that noticable difference in photos but when you get 40 lb difference - now you are talking!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    [QUOTE=Ntpadude]Buddy, I doubt you were 15% body fat in the early pictures... I think you were 10% then and I think you are 10% now... QUOTE]

    i've read a couple of your posts where you tell people what bf you think they are at and your way off. 10%bf for a huge majority of the population is ripped and hard, serratus - not rib cage - is visible. i know from taking bf tests for years. anyone who says they are under 9% and 8% is what everyone on this board would call shredded, 6% is pro level. i'd guess dexter jackson/ahmed haidar are @5% on stage (take into account 3% bf is located in bone marrow alone). please take this into consideration before misguiding people on #'s because it's no worse feeling then when someone says, "i'm 8% bf", the calipers come out and they test at 11% to 12%. it's a heart break. you give good honest advice but this is one area where your off.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    [QUOTE=abc 1]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Buddy, I doubt you were 15% body fat in the early pictures... I think you were 10% then and I think you are 10% now... QUOTE]

    i've read a couple of your posts where you tell people what bf you think they are at and your way off. 10%bf for a huge majority of the population is ripped and hard, serratus - not rib cage - is visible. i know from taking bf tests for years. anyone who says they are under 9% and 8% is what everyone on this board would call shredded, 6% is pro level. i'd guess dexter jackson/ahmed haidar are @5% on stage (take into account 3% bf is located in bone marrow alone). please take this into consideration before misguiding people on #'s because it's no worse feeling then when someone says, "i'm 8% bf", the calipers come out and they test at 11% to 12%. it's a heart break. you give good honest advice but this is one area where your off.
    Well maybe you are right but I just still dont think someone of his height and weighing 160 lbs needs to loose weight. There might be some tummy fat but and legs and forearms are tooth picks... sometimes its easier to grow muscle carrying some extra body fat then to try to grow those legs and keep a shredded body at same time... most people try to grow the muscles and weight until they are 200 to 220 lbs then start thinking about cutting and shredding - which also happens to be easier then your body is bulked with lots of muscle... in otherwords is way easier for a 220 lb muscle guy to loose 10 lbs then it would be for a 160 lb guy of similar body fat and same height...

    Wasnt trying to misguide people on bf but was just trying to imply that loosing anymore weight was probably not a good idea and if becoming big and muscular is your goal, it will be much harder if he looses anymore weight now at his size.

    Not only that but I've read that caliper measurements can be goofed based on different people's body type. In otherwords you might have the abs of a 15% bodyfat guy but have less percentage of fat in arms and legs then other guys with 15% BF that is more evenly distributed. I was making adjusted estimates because his legs and arms have the characteristics of lower bf and I think he just carries more of his BF in his abdomen area then others.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 03-11-2004 at 11:00 PM.

  12. #12
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    I tend to agree with you on the body fat in different places. I have like no fat on my arms....but my mid section seems to carry a lot. Same with my legs.... no fat. I do plan on adding muscle... I have gained about 10 pounds already as you can see. I am like 175 right now. I weighed myself this morning. However, I do want to cut before summer.... you gotta understand looking good is more important to me right now that getting huge. I do want to get huge, but I would rather be shredded first and then gain lean mass slowly. I was a fat kid my whole life... at one point I weighed 210 pounds of pure fat. This is a big thing for me to stay lean, and my number one goal overall is to have a 6 pack. Thanks for all your guy's comments and replies... I need all the advice/help I can get.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    I tend to agree with you on the body fat in different places. I have like no fat on my arms....but my mid section seems to carry a lot. Same with my legs.... no fat. I do plan on adding muscle... I have gained about 10 pounds already as you can see. I am like 175 right now. I weighed myself this morning. However, I do want to cut before summer.... you gotta understand looking good is more important to me right now that getting huge. I do want to get huge, but I would rather be shredded first and then gain lean mass slowly. I was a fat kid my whole life... at one point I weighed 210 pounds of pure fat. This is a big thing for me to stay lean, and my number one goal overall is to have a 6 pack. Thanks for all your guy's comments and replies... I need all the advice/help I can get.

    ntpadude is right about not cutting at your weight. you will not be happy when the end result is 150 lbs. or so, skinny, with some abs. but to each his own. if you want them go for it and good luck, but then take the advice and add some more muscle.

    as for fat being less on certain body parts and still being 10%, remember where men carry fat - low back and abs - very rarely does the amount of fat in the arms and legs really affect the calipers or overall percentage. when people ask me for a bf reading i always recommend they come to me when they feel they are at their peak because 1.) it varies on the amount of water your holding, and 2.) it's a meaningless stat which varies from time of day. i can tell you in my experience that there have been dozens of tests i've seen where people looked very, very good and were 11% or even 12%. it's nothing. anyone can say they are whatever bf but it doesn't matter. only matters how you look. personally, i'm ripped hard at 11%. got below 9% a few times but it was a pain in the ass. that's why i'll never take my bf level again. what's the point if i'm ripped up at 11%.

    good luck, and listen to the advice after the summer, bulk up.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by abc 1
    ntpadude is right about not cutting at your weight. you will not be happy when the end result is 150 lbs. or so, skinny, with some abs. but to each his own. if you want them go for it and good luck, but then take the advice and add some more muscle.

    as for fat being less on certain body parts and still being 10%, remember where men carry fat - low back and abs - very rarely does the amount of fat in the arms and legs really affect the calipers or overall percentage. when people ask me for a bf reading i always recommend they come to me when they feel they are at their peak because 1.) it varies on the amount of water your holding, and 2.) it's a meaningless stat which varies from time of day. i can tell you in my experience that there have been dozens of tests i've seen where people looked very, very good and were 11% or even 12%. it's nothing. anyone can say they are whatever bf but it doesn't matter. only matters how you look. personally, i'm ripped hard at 11%. got below 9% a few times but it was a pain in the ass. that's why i'll never take my bf level again. what's the point if i'm ripped up at 11%.

    good luck, and listen to the advice after the summer, bulk up.

    Oh I definitely will

    I think it is actually good that I gained a little weight the last couple weeks because now that I am changing my cutting diet a little to get ripped up I'll end up being around 160-165 when finished. Which is still not over skinny, as long as I lose the 10 pounds mostly in my stomach I should be ok. I am still goin to have a good ammount of carbs PWO and in the morning from oatmeal so I shouldn't lose too much muscle in the process. Once I start to look how I want, I am going to slowly increase my clean food so I can get up to 180 solid. That's what I would like to weigh before the end of the year, 180 at 10% bodyfat or less. Gona be rough but I'll do it


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