IMO its bad circulation try taking an asprin a day
IMO its bad circulation try taking an asprin a day
will thin ur blood a bit maybe help ??
i love being on gear. it makes me practically ecastatic to train hard then lay in bed and not move at all. thats when you know you're really growing
man i wake up every morning with both arms numb while im "on" sometimes i just have to lay there cause i can't move... i even have to flop around sometimes if im in a hurry
Originally Posted by KrooC
i dont know. when i was on dbol my nose would bleed alot which i think had something to do with the fact that dbol is supposed to lower red blood cell count. sounds bad, but that sh_t works wonders
and il hang around as long as you will let me.... i never minded standin in the rain ....
Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
you're on deca and test enanthate right now right? did that happen while you were on dbol?
Originally Posted by KrooC
i hate standing in the rain. it pisses me off to know that im slowly getting more and more wet.
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
deca and cyp.... in only seems to happen when the test kicks in
im itchier than a crack head right now though
Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
yea deca would seem to be less likely to cause that being as its not really that effective at giving dramatic strength gains. plus its suposedly really good for your joints. i dont know though, i never noticed any improvement when on deca.
yea come to think test might be it
i've been gettin tremors up the side my neck here and there too
maybe ur muscles are choking ur veins out
Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
thats strange. maybe its cause your skin is getting stretched out from all the gains you been making
from the rapid growth u know
Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
damn, thats never happened to me before
no thats from the deca dont scratch ul loose ur hair
Originally Posted by KrooC
yea. ive heard that itching is borderline pain. you know how scabs always itch like hell? its very possible that thats the cause. ive never heard of that happeneing before though
cant wait till these court cases are over ima get ona 2 year cycle .... o yea
imma throw some lotion on maybe that will help
Originally Posted by KrooC
sounds like fun. personally i prefer to take cycles for 10-12 weeks. i might be forced to go even shorter than that though cause of school. but its all good cause il have so much gear that i will be able to cycle like that over and over again. haha, dbol/tbol/winni/test... should be interesting
yea try cocobutter what i use
Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
yea i was thinking that bro. it should help, plus itl help prevent stretch marks too.
see all i can get is fina and syno u know im 2 scared to get ripped off
aight, time for another superset
ima slowly get up to 200mg ED ahahahahahhaha
il die or just have so much juice in my veins i can sell pints of blood as gear
KrooC u gettin drunk blowin up roundhouse kicks all night again?
Originally Posted by KrooC
yea, im very very distrustfull too. but its ok to buy off of a private source as long as you check it out with every single vet/mod that you can get ahold of. thats what i did. believe me, the internet is a very beautiful thing for aiding in determining if a source is legit or not
snouz though u was gonna whore it up... were u at bro
Originally Posted by KrooC
of what? tren? or test prop?
drinkin few cold ones nothin major cuz im about to collapse im so tiredKrooC u gettin drunk blowin up roundhouse kicks all night again?
tren... i cant imagine tho i got balls once and did 125of what? tren? or test prop?
im here, im watching this funny ass movie called "Waiting" u guys should def. check it out sometime... full of hot bitches
**** i just noticed i got all these bite marks on my arms and titties wtf thats bad for bizness
200mg of tren ed??? no way. im startin my tren in a few weeks though at 100mg ed
yea iv heard about waiting... watched hostel yesterday that shit was nuts i might buy it
Originally Posted by KrooC
highest i ever ran tren was 80 mgs ed. but i was also on lots of other types of gear at the same time.
i usually run 75 last cycle ino 125 had me sweatin and shit like crazy
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