Good comment
Had my 11th injection yesterday (Sunday) into right thigh..
Am suffering from some MAJOR bloating issues at the moment, have been keeping my kcal intake steady at 4500 kcals, and I'm gaining both fat, muscle and water rapidly.. but this is causing me to hold _a lot_ of water, especially in my feet, actally had to wear sandals today since I couldn't get any of my shoes on (!), tempting to start nolva (the pack is right in front of me

) but saving this for PCT and considering adding some kind of aromatase inhibitor for the rest of the cycle, or simply lower my kcal intake drastically...
350mg is like 5 or 6 times what i normally would produce, so I should really see some results.. as I said, I am gaining weight like crazy but it is to be expected solely from the caloric excess and muscle memory coming into play.
The plan right now is to just try and gain as much lbm as possible the remaining 10 weeks of the cycle, and run some clen/t3 while doing PCT and then keep training and dieting natty for a while
Have to eat aproximately 69kcal extra/day for each pound of mucle gained, isn't that about right reed? correct me if I'm wrong