these firemen are still alive, if your trying to insult me pal
living with worse breathing problems coughing up blood and stuff......
Why cant u guys consider the theory that Hitler burn his own building to impose world war. same way US did the same thing in order to achieve patriot act I and then 2 that says its ok to torture kids in front of their parents..........I am not saying to change ur opinion I am just saying keep ur mind open. Government will do anything for control over man 2 cents.
For those of you who think there was "no plane debris" inside the Pentagon.
The editor of Loose Change should shut up and check his references....
“Loose Change” Debunked
Amateurish video on 9/11 full of errors, faulty reasoning
An artist’s drawing depicts the aircraft approaching the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
Loose Change is perhaps the most popular September 11 conspiracy-theory video, with its various editions reportedly logging more than 10 million web views. The penultimate version, Loose Change Second Edition Recut, had more than 5 million web views as of March 2007. This article deals with this version of Loose Change, not the final version.
Despite the video’s extraordinary popularity, its claims are so absurd that they are considered an embarrassment by other conspiracy theorists, some of whom have written lengthy critiques of the video’s most outlandish claims.
Loose Change makes very sloppy mistakes in support of its false claim that a missile, not a plane, hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The video mistakes two different sections of the large hole caused by the airliner for the entire hole and, ironically, features photographs that actually disprove its “small hole” theory.
The plane that hit the Pentagon created an area of severe damage that was approximately 36.6 meters (120 feet) wide, according to The Pentagon Building Performance Report (PDF, 2.4 MB), published by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Structural Engineering Institute in January 2003 (p. 35).
As shown in a photo gallery on the attack, the plane’s fuselage and wings caused extensive damage mostly to the Pentagon’s ground floor while the plane’s tail fin and vertical stabilizer created a smaller impact hole on the second floor.
Loose Change mistakenly identifies the portion of the hole on the second floor as the entire hole, and then argues from this mistaken premise that because such a large airliner could not have created such a small hole, the damage must have been caused by a missile.
Then, in a different but equally mistaken analysis, Loose Change identifies the portion of the hole on the far left of the ground floor as the entire hole, even though this “hole” is obviously on the ground floor while the initial “hole” it showed was clearly on the second floor. A person watching the video would be unlikely to spot these inconsistencies because the images are displayed only briefly, but they are obvious if one pauses the video and compares the different images.
Loose Change also includes a photograph that shows extensive damage to the ground floor of the Pentagon, but fails to note this fact, which would undermine its theory. See the photo gallery to view the photographs displayed in Loose Change and other images of the Pentagon attack.
The arguments in other sections of Loose Change suffer from similarly sloppy analysis.
For example, Loose Change claims that the “official explanation is that the intense heat from the jet fuel vaporized the entire plane” that struck the Pentagon, and argues that because this is impossible, the official story cannot be trusted. Again, the video is proceeding from a mistaken premise. The plane disintegrated due to its impact with the Pentagon at 853 kilometers per hour (530 miles per hour), but it did not “vaporize.” Emergency response personnel reported seeing hundreds of pieces of the aircraft on the lawn outside the Pentagon. Parts of the plane, including engine parts and landing gear, were photographed inside the building.
As supposed evidence for its missile theory, Loose Change also claims that the aircraft debris in the Pentagon attack would have had to “pass through nine feet [three meters] of steel-reinforced concrete” – an unlikely occurrence. It obtained this figure by counting two outer walls each for the Pentagon’s E Ring, D Ring and C Ring.
But, as acknowledged even by other conspiracy theorists, no outer walls separate the C, D and E rings on the Pentagon’s lower two levels. The plane penetrated only two outside walls — the Pentagon’s exterior wall and the inner wall of the C Ring.
In its section examining the attack on the World Trade Center, Loose Change includes several statements by people who say they heard loud noises that sounded like explosions in the buildings, which the video interprets as evidence that the buildings were destroyed in a controlled demolition. But this ignores the commonsense explanation that secondary explosions could have been caused by vaporized fuel or electrical short-circuits in the severely damaged buildings. Demolition professionals (PDF, 56 K) say controlled demolition of the towers that day would have been impossible.
Loose Change also contains a great deal of footage from the initial live broadcasts of the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, when there was enormous confusion about exactly what had happened. It treats statements made at this time as if they represent reasoned judgments, not impromptu, often poorly thought-through misimpressions and uninformed speculation.
With regard to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Loose Change claims that it is impossible that passengers on the flight made cell phone calls. It repeats a claim that cell phones supposedly have less than a 1 percent chance of succeeding at 9,750 meters (32,000 feet), the normal cruising altitude for commercial airliners.
First, communications experts state that cell phone conversations at such altitudes are quite possible. Rick Kemper, director of technology and security at CTIA-The Wireless Association, said, “Cell sites have a range of several miles, even at 35,000 feet [10,670 meters].” Paul Guckian, vice president of engineering for cell phone maker Qualcomm, stated, “At the altitude for commercial airliners, around 30,000 or 35,000 feet [9,145 to 10,670 meters], [some] phones would still get a signal.” (Debunking 9/11 Myths, Popular Mechanics, pp. 83-84.)
Second, 35 of the 37 calls made on United Airlines Flight 93 (about half of which were successfully completed) were made from specially designed “air phones,” not cell phones. Two cell phone calls were also made when the aircraft was at lower altitudes. One of the calls from the plane, from flight attendant CeeCee Lyles, was recorded on her home answering machine and introduced into evidence at the trial of Zaccarias Moussaoui. Listen to Lyles’ 45-second message.
In sum, Loose Change is researched very shoddily, making numerous mistakes of fact and judgment. Nevertheless, this has not prevented it from becoming extraordinarily popular.
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I dont believe the WTC were demolished using demolition or explosives (f*cking unlikely), I dont believe a missle hit the Pantagon (for one second), but I am open to the US Government knowing, not facilitating the attcks because of financial (or otherwise) gain.
This rips apart the conspiracy's one by one....
You can always count on Swifto to come up with some hard facts
interesting reading
ok. plane hits. you have impact, explosion, and sustained heat. those 3 things weakened the structure at the point of break that we ALL SEE in all the footage. have i ever seen anything like that? sure and so have the 9/11 footage. structure comes down when impact area is weakened destroying floor below it, and that falls on floor below that and so on and on and on.
alex jones sucks!
Then Explain to me why CIA was protecting Osama when he showed up for dialysis in one of the Dubai hospital? why didnt they capture him then? Why Pakistan Secret service guy was having breakfast with Vice president the day it all went down. Why they were running the practice of doing the same thing as a training the day it happened even in London bombing....... you think its co incidence? After 2nd world war we got slapped with the texas and in US there is nothing that tells u to pay texas but you guys pay it anyway. After 9/11 you got patriot act I and 2 to protect the nation. I think we should agree to disagree on this issue. Do i have anything to gain from this...No my heart goes out to the generation coming after us cause they have to live with all this propaganda that was created to manipulate a hard working honest North american...thats it that all...
I think Alex Jones is a bit of a nutter...
He may be right about the NWO etc... Because if the US Government knew about the attacks they can profit, there's no denying scarring the population and scaremongering works.
Same with the UK Government possibly knowing about the 7/7 attacks. Thats a a pretty easy mission if it was the UK Government really, compared to the 9/11 attacks that is.
But he's bullshit explanation about the WTC, Flight 93 and Pentagon are madness IMHO. He has a theory twisted against the Government for EVERYTHING. I bet he sure as f*ck goes to a hospital if he's ill though.
Reminds me of the money grabbing c*nts waging war on out nation, not paying a shilling in tax and sponging off of the system, then using the NHS or calling the Police if the shit hits the fan when Allah isnt around. Now they do f*ck me off, proper style!
u r entitled for your opinion...
as far as alex goes..wait till currency hits the market called amero that will work in Us, canada and mexico......
let me summerize..
i was in iraq twice...OIF 1 and 2...i was a combat engineer...NO WAY those towards fell from fire...sorry....some background...since the Federal reserve was created, the US has been a Mercenary country to do the bidding the Banker Elites...banker rule the world, they control all funds they play both sides and they buy land/gold which have real value while we use fake paper money and are slave laborers...thus u work 4 months free every year to pay off your income taxes (illegal) and if u really want to know how the ****ing world works.its nasty and most people will not be able to accept it...
but watch these 3 vidoes, starting with the zeitgeist moive (2007) on the right...then come tlak about 911...911 aint shit, this shit has been going on for THOUSANDS of years....its just business of the rulling elite... i wil not ever look at this thread again to aruge.. ive been researching this shit since i got out in 2006... another good site is for REAL NEWs...and another website is MADE BY ARCHITECHTS AND ENGINEERS...
as i said before swifto we agree to disagree on u really think a guy lives in cave did all this??? if u investigate where the name "al Qaeda" comes from its a name of database that was used to keep track of all the CIA operatives in if the organization doesnt exsists who is doing all the dirty work.....
Every one is entitled to their opinion..........i got it u got it.....
Last edited by calgarian; 10-08-2010 at 02:28 PM.
I do believe a lot of what he say's in regards to NWO. I think its pretty scary.
I just don't think the US Government facilitated 9/11. But perhaps let it happen because of the NWO.
The CIA meeting Osama is based on a single CBS report by Dan Rather. Didn't you say earlier that you shouldn't believe everything your told by the media (well you did). Your cherry picking.
Breakfast could have easily been a co-incidence.
I have no idea why some of the hijackers have popped up in foreign countries, that's f*cked up.
I also have nothing to gain from this.
i know swifto you dont...but if the guy who supposed to be dead cause he flew a air plain into the building is alive...what does it tell you? the story is not true....but i am done was really nice to have constructive debate over this...but remember to PM me when they introduce currency called Amero which work in us, canada and mexico....
I would like to add to this very accurate IMO statement about government. government, by definition, is a Territorial Monopoly. They have a monopoly of power and control over their territory and use force as a means to keep their monopoly. Try to 'compete' with the us govt, be u another countries govt, a group of us citizens, or an individual citizen and you will be put in the gulag or shot.
It is like the Mafia, except with the mafia their are rival factions so if u live in a mobbed up neighborhood and they start 'taxing' you and the rest of the businesses too much, you and the rest of the businesses would probably like to see another Mafia family come in and take over if they are gonna tax u less.
The gov't doesn't allow competition. It taxes you for stuff u do not want, need, or ask for.... and then do a crappy job providing it so they tax u some more to fix the crap they forced u to buy that u didn't want or need.
It's like walmart sending you packages of products with bills attached. If u don't pay they start calculating penalties and interest. Eventually men with guns show up to take your house. If you resist in any way that could meaningfully be effective in resisting men with guns you get killed. That is government.
There is no such thing as the 'free market' because gov't has control over everything. And since there is no competition to provide services they can do as crappy a job as they want and charge whatever they want, then get some schmucks to go on tv and argue democrat vs republican. Left vs. Right.
It's not Left vs. Right, it's Government vs. YOU.
It's kind of like the 'War' in Iraq. I have news for you. The War in Iraq was over in a couple of weeks. Bombs were dropped on all the military bases, etc for a couple weeks and there was no chance in hell Iraq would ever regroup and 'win' this 'war'. So then they start the search for WMD. How the hell long ago was that, 10 years or something? It's about money and power. Gov't provides lucrative contracts to companies that build military weapons (and the people on the in invest heavily in these companies because they are in the know ahead of time, have the inside info, buy stock and know it's a lock they are gonna make money). Then they provide lucrative contracts to construction companies to rebuild the country they just desimated, again buying up the stock because they are in the know about who is gonna get the contracts and make money rebuilding the country.
They make money coming and going, and the kicker is that YOU are paying for it all. They get rich investing in the companies but your the ones paying the bills for the weapons and the construction. Do u feel like u just took a fat 10 incher up the rear without lube? you should, because you did and you are.
Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 10-08-2010 at 04:42 PM.
Someone tell me something...
If there is a "Amero" and the every European nation joins the "Euro", then there's another f*ck off currency, then one big currency for the NWO and eventually there is one government ruling all of us, what happens then...?
Whats the point of the NWO? What happens when we are ALL controlled by the NWO?
Let me guess.... Were all experimented on and bred with animals and become hybrid animals or something... Right? Or we have to work on a giant spacecraft so they (The NWO) can discover other planets whilst we sit here and throw rocks at each other.
How the f*ck can ONE government (NWO) control EVERYONE?
After checking all the facts I've come to the conclusion that all you conspiracy people are retards.
<----- "9/11 truther"....nuff said
maybe someone can explain why bush senior and clinton seem to be hangin out and friendly...omg conspiracy theory!
why did building 7 inplode?
even better....
I never said you could see it on video. The AA flight that went missing in D.C. AKA the one that hit the Pentagon was a 757. Also the parts found at the scene were from an AA airlines 757 actually some had the exact same serial number that AA flight 77 had. Yes the video shows nothing! Could have been a bomb or an Airliner but the video can't prove either becasue like almost all security cams it only picks up one image every 1.5 seconds so we don't really know what happened then.
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