Yes this has been a healthy and sometimes even stimulating debate.
2Sox, that is a very touching letter and possibly even true. But look at it for what it is. He is getting a premium with chemo already for $62 a month. Haleiluya. However those of that still work and pay are paying a heck of a lot more than that. What do you suppose would happen if we could all go into Obamacare and pay $62 a month? What do you think would happen to "insurance" and or healthcare. The bottom would drop out. Even at single payer there is no way the healthcare industry could support it at $62 a month. It is plain economics. You are an educated man think about it. More money would have to come via taxes or rate increases. If the profit is removed from the equation will the pharmaceuticals keep manufacturing expensive medicines? Would Doctors who spend effectively half their lives in school and rack up hundreds and thousands of dollars in student loans keep that up? Will the cutting edge research that produce the medications and cutting edge surgical techniques keep going, for free? You didn't work for free (although I readily believe good teachers are grossly underpaid) and did get a nice retirement. Yet we expect everything to keep functioning at this level for effectively free. When the incentive for profit is removed where will the motivation for work come from? The goodness of our hearts? This simply is not so. And even in the countries where the Drs are taught on the govt dime, how many then leave and come to the U.S. Or elsewhere to make more money? The strive to live better and higher is a natural human condition. This socialized system is a panacea that doesn't exist. That is why a high level Canadian Official elected to have the procedure done in this country other than his. It costed him about $20000 to have it here vs his homeland. I assure you he wasn't ignorant or mis informed as that article tried to make him out. We spoke on another thread about choices, and if I'm not mistaken you are a believer that depression is basically the sum of many bad choices in ones life as opposed to chemical imbalances. Maybe so but not every choice in ones life is his or hers. In this case, the ACA was made for us without or consent. It was forced upon us. As I pointed out in the other thread many choices in our lives are not necessarily ones we've made. Now as it pertains to trt, most of the meds for all of us aren't covered anyway, so what happens when you have to start rationing or it becomes single payer to those of us on trt? We're screwed and will have to resort to the black market. Why, WE are made up of all kinds of politically sided individuals who can't get past the "our team" mentality when it comes to politics, as if this were a football game or soccer match. Not until our individual toes are stepped on do we open our eyes. I don't want ANY government wether right, left or independent involved in my healthcare decisions. It's going to be ok for us to go in the dark alleys for our black market test but the politicians want to keep women from that same alley for their abortion. We have no lobby or voting block so if we're going to cover chemo for $62 a month SOMETHING has to get cut. The healthcare market cannot absorb everything and everyone for $62 a month.