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Thread: Clen and slin during PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Clen and slin during PCT

    I had to end a cycle prematurely due to circumstances beyond my control.

    I want to end what I've started by cutting heavily. Both clen and slin can be used to help with PCT, but I'm wondering if it would be counterproductive (or dangerous) to run them both at the same time. (2 weeks Clen, 4 weeks slin).

    So, in summation, with diligent planning, can I run both slin and clen to cut during PCT?

  2. #2
    There was a thread not too long ago in the GH forum about exactly this....I can't post the link now, because old threads aren't able to be seen. In short, it's not counterproductive. What little effect clen (beta agonists) have on glut4 is vastly compensated for by insulin.

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