Here’s an unfortunate but true story that happened to me 3 weeks ago:
Getting ready for my 1st cycle, really pumped,
Test Prop and test e, along with some var.
I thought it would be a good idea to start taking some tribulus before I started the cycle to help w/ my HPTA function, in hopes that it wouldn’t shut down.
Start taking it twice daily @ 500mg a day, next thing you know, several days later my left nipple is really sensitive to the touch. Didn’t think too much of it at the time. Couple more days, while taking tibulus, pass by and there I am sitting at the dinner table and I feel a small lump under my left nipple, not to mention it was a little more sore. Kinda freaked me out so I went to the doctor the other day and got my blood levels tested and checked out (now by this time the lump had dissipated as it had been about 2.5 weeks since). I immediately stopped taking the tibulus the day I found the lump and it slowly went away. My doctor said there was nothing wrong w/ me, and my levels were fine. The only reason this is makes me worry is because when I was about 14 this happened, same thing (no tibulus though), except with both nips, they got real sore at first, then developed very tiny pea sized balls that eventually went away. I’m not real sure what or where I’m going with this, I guess maybe I would like some other explanation besides, “You may have aggravated some fat tissue under the breast”, that’s all. Anyway thanks for the time, much appreciated.